891 research outputs found

    Interacting Business Cycle Fluctuations: A Two-Country Model

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    In this paper, we develop a model of business cycle fluctuations between two interacting open economies within the disequilibrium or non-market clearing paradigm. We analyze the main feedback mechanisms (Keynes, Mundell, Rose and Dornbusch) driving the dynamics and the conflict between their stabilizing and destabilizing tendencies and how these depend on certain key speeds of adjustment in the real and foreign exchange sectors. We explore numerically a variety of situations of interacting price cycles in the two countries, where the steady state is locally repelling, but where the overall dynamics are bounded in an economically meaningful domain by assuming downward money wage rigidity

    24Na and 99mTc Tracers Applied to the Characterization of Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed and Hydraulic Transport Reactors

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    For the characterization of fluidized bed- and hydraulic transport reactors, two radiotracer techniques have been developed permitting the study of mixing phenomena in flowing liquids as well as in beds of fluidized particulate solids. For labelling the aqueous phase, a 99mTc containing solution obtained by means of a 99Mo isotopic generator has been used. The silica gel employed for fluidization has been activated by thermal neutrons to yield a 24Na tracer derived from its natural sodium content

    Fully automated preoperative liver volumetry incorporating the anatomical location of the central hepatic vein

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    The precise preoperative calculation of functional liver volumes is essential prior major liver resections, as well as for the evaluation of a suitable donor for living donor liver transplantation. The aim of this study was to develop a fully automated, reproducible, and quantitative 3D volumetry of the liver from standard CT examinations of the abdomen as part of routine clinical imaging. Therefore, an in-house dataset of 100 venous phase CT examinations for training and 30 venous phase ex-house CT examinations with a slice thickness of 5 mm for testing and validating were fully annotated with right and left liver lobe. Multi-Resolution U-Net 3D neural networks were employed for segmenting these liver regions. The Sorensen-Dice coefficient was greater than 0.9726 +/- 0.0058, 0.9639 +/- 0.0088, and 0.9223 +/- 0.0187 and a mean volume difference of 32.12 +/- 19.40 ml, 22.68 +/- 21.67 ml, and 9.44 +/- 27.08 ml compared to the standard of reference (SoR) liver, right lobe, and left lobe annotation was achieved. Our results show that fully automated 3D volumetry of the liver on routine CT imaging can provide reproducible, quantitative, fast and accurate results without needing any examiner in the preoperative work-up for hepatobiliary surgery and especially for living donor liver transplantation.Projekt DEA

    Path Integrals on a Compact Manifold with Non-negative Curvature

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    A typical path integral on a manifold, MM is an informal expression of the form \frac{1}{Z}\int_{\sigma \in H(M)} f(\sigma) e^{-E(\sigma)}\mathcal{D}\sigma, \nonumber where H(M)H(M) is a Hilbert manifold of paths with energy E(σ)<E(\sigma) < \infty, ff is a real valued function on H(M)H(M), Dσ\mathcal{D}\sigma is a \textquotedblleft Lebesgue measure \textquotedblright and ZZ is a normalization constant. For a compact Riemannian manifold MM, we wish to interpret Dσ\mathcal{D}\sigma as a Riemannian \textquotedblleft volume form \textquotedblright over H(M)H(M), equipped with its natural G1G^{1} metric. Given an equally spaced partition, P{\mathcal{P}} of [0,1],[0,1], let H_{{\mathcal{P}}%}(M) be the finite dimensional Riemannian submanifold of H(M)H(M) consisting of piecewise geodesic paths adapted to P.\mathcal{P.} Under certain curvature restrictions on M,M, it is shown that 1ZPe1/2E(σ)dVolHP(σ)ρ(σ)dν(σ)asmesh(P)0, \frac{1}{Z_{{\mathcal{P}}}}e^{-{1/2}E(\sigma)}dVol_{H_{{\mathcal{P}}}% }(\sigma)\to\rho(\sigma)d\nu(\sigma)\text{as}\mathrm{mesh}% ({\mathcal{P}})\to0, where ZPZ_{{\mathcal{P}}} is a \textquotedblleft normalization\textquotedblright constant, E:H(M)[0,)E:H(M) \to\lbrack0,\infty) is the energy functional, Vol_{H_{{\mathcal{P}}%}} is the Riemannian volume measure on HP(M),H_{\mathcal{P}}(M) , ν\nu is Wiener measure on continuous paths in M,M, and ρ\rho is a certain density determined by the curvature tensor of $M.

    Labor Market Segmentation and Efficient Bargaining in a Macroeconomic Model

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    Claas O. Labor Market Segmentation and Efficient Bargaining in a Macroeconomic Model. Center for Mathematical Economics Working Papers. Vol 600. Bielefeld: Center for Mathematical Economics; 2018.This paper studies the implications of a segmented labor market with efficient wage– employment bargaining on the internal labor market and a competitive external labor market on the temporary equilibrium of a closed monetary macroeconomy of the AS– AD type with government activity, fiat money, and expectations. Workers have identical preferences, those on the internal labor market are represented by a labor union. There is no mobility between the labor markets. Union power measured by the share of the production surplus allotted to the union and union density measured by the fraction of workers who are union members impact the functional income distribution, but neither affect the individual employment levels nor the aggregate employment level and the aggregate supply function. The wage on the internal labor market is above the wage on the external labor market if and only if the profit share of total revenue is smaller than under a fully competitive labor market. Unique temporary equilibria exist for all combinations of union power and union density. The paper provides a complete comparative-statics analysis showing in particular a negative price effect of union power and a positive price effect of union density. In general, the effects of union power and union density on any equilibrium value are usually of opposite signs. Single-labor-market models with a fully competitive or a fully unionized labor market are special or limiting cases of the segmented-labor-market model