800 research outputs found

    Counselling immigrant adults at an educational institution

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    The principle of promoting free mobility of citizens has been written into European educational policies. Additionally, the philosophy of educational equality has been clearly included into the educational regulation of most European countries. Furthermore, at the beginning of the twenty-first century the ideas of lifelong learning have been defined to be the goals of improving practice within the educational systems. This means that teachers all over Europe are increasingly facing students with various ethnic backgrounds of all ages and having varied educational backgrounds, life situations and work-experiences and accordingly, being in the need of diverse educational support within educational settings. The growth in demands for equal educational rights for all inevitably strengthens the demands for the development of each teacher’s and counsellor's the skills of the teaching and counselling staff for meeting the individual needs of learners emerging from diverse reasons and counselling them accordingly. However, with this new concentration on the needs of diverse students emerging on issues like immigration, age, race, gender, special educational needs or the like, there seems to be some uncertainty with regards to what the development of these skills might mean for the practices of educational settings, their teachers and other staff and, accordingly, for teacher education training professionals for educational settings. In this article we will provide the reader with a couple of examples of how these challenges have been met within educational settings. Besides offering some examples of good practice of working with immigrant adults we also focus on the challenge of training professionals and in particular to of training teachers working with immigrant adults in educational provisions institutions. With In putting the focus on teachers we would like to underline the importance of every teacher to have having the counselling attitude and skills in his/her everyday practice with immigrant adult learners besides the work done by actual counselling professionals. However, we start our article with by addressing briefly the subject of to adult learners and some grounds of working with immigrant adult learners in educational settings. This starting point provides the conceptual framework for the practical examples to be presented. The first two of these examples are dealing deal with counselling immigrant adult students. They are followed with by examples of some learning tools used in training teachers to work with multicultural adult students

    Ajankohtaista maatalousekonomiaa

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    vokMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL

    The growth pattern and microvasculature of pancreatic tumours induced with cultured carcinoma cells

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    Pancreatic cancer is one of the most frustrating problems in gastroenterological surgery, since there is little we can do to improve the survival of patients with current treatment strategies. If one is to elucidate factors related to carcinogenesis, tumour biology, diagnostics and new treatment modalities of this malignant disease, then it is essential to develop a suitable animal model. In the present study we investigated rat pancreatic tumour growth after intrapancreatic injection of cultured pancreatic carcinoma cells (DSL-6A/C1), originally derived from an azaserine-induced tumour, as well as the features of tumour microcirculation using the microangiography technique. After intrapancreatic inoculation, tumours were detected in 64% of animals. A 1 cm3tumour volume was reached within 20 weeks after inoculation. The tumours were ductal adenocarcinomas. Larger tumours showed invasive growth and spreading into the surrounding tissues, mainly into spleen and peritoneum. Microangiography revealed that the pancreatic tumours had an irregular and scanty vessel network and there were avascular areas in the center of the tumour. The area between normal pancreas and the induced tumour had dense vascularization. Intrapancreatic tumour induction with cultured pancreatic carcinoma cells produced a solid and uniformly growing tumour in Lewis rats and it thus provides a possible model for pancreatic cancer studies. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Roles for RAB24 in autophagy and disease

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    Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved degradation pathway for cells to maintain homeostasis, produce energy, degrade misfolded proteins and damaged organelles, and fight against intracellular pathogens. The process of autophagy entails the isolation of cytoplasmic cargo into double membrane bound autophagosomes that undergo maturation by fusion with endosomes and lysosomes to obtain degradation capacity. RAB proteins regulate intracellular vesicle trafficking events including autophagy. RAB24 is an atypical RAB protein that is required for the clearance of late autophagic vacuoles under basal conditions. RAB24 has also been connected to several diseases including ataxia, cancer and tuberculosis. This review gives a short summary on autophagy and RAB proteins, and an overview on the current knowledge on the roles of RAB24 in autophagy and disease.</p

    Yritysavustusten myöntöperusteet ja vaikuttavuuden arviointi

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään myöntävätkö ELY-keskukset lain valtionavustuksesta yritystoiminnan kehittämiseksi (1336/2006) mukaisten yritystukiohjelmien yritysavustuksia talousteoreettisin perustein. Tämä tapahtuu analysoimalla yritystukilaissa ELY-keskuksille asetettuja yritysavustusten myöntämistä koskevia tavoitteita. Kyselyllä saadun aineiston perusteella analysoidaan myös perusteita, joilla yrittäjät itse ovat hakeneet yritysavustusta. Ohjelmakauden 2007–2013 alkupuolella ELY-keskusten myöntämien lain (1336/2006) mukaisten yritysavustusten, yrityksen kehittämisavustuksen sekä yritysten toimintaympäristön kehittämisavustuksen, allokoitumisesta alueellisesti pyritään antamaan kuva erilaisten kuvioiden ja taulukoiden avulla. Pohjois Pohjanmaan ELY-keskuksen tukemista hankkeista havainnoidaan myös niiden synnyttämiä yritystason vaikutuksia. Tutkielman mukaan talousteorian mukaiset perusteet yritysavustusten myöntämiselle eivät tule eksplisiittisesti selvästi esille ELY-keskusten tavoitteissa, vaikkakin on vaikea perustella väitettä, etteivät ELY-keskusten yritysavustusten myöntämistä koskevat tavoitteet ohjaisi yritysavustuksia myönnettäväksi ensisijaisesti talousteoreettisin perustein. ELY-keskusten yritysavustusten myöntämistä ohjaavista tavoitteista on kuitenkin selvästi nähtävissä myös alueellisen tasa-arvoisuuden tavoite. Kyselyaineiston perusteella on pääteltävissä, etteivät yritykset ole hakeneet avustuksia puhtaasti talousteoreettisin perustein. Ohjelmakauden 2007–2013 alkupuolen havaintoaineistossa Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskuksen tukemien hankkeiden kohdalla hankkeiden synnyttämät todelliset vaikuttavuudet poikkeavat suuresti avustuspäätösvaiheen vaikuttavuusarvioista niin, että todelliset vaikuttavuudet ovat keskimäärin huomattavasti avustuspäätösvaiheessa arvioituja vaikuttavuuksia pienempiä. Vaikuttavuutta on yliarvioitu suuressa osassa hankkeita. Regressioanalyysin avulla tutkitaan löytyykö yritysten ja avustusten ominaisuuksista vaikuttavuuksien virhearvioinnille systemaattisia selityksiä. Regressioanalyysin tuloksista saadaan suuntaa antavia huomioita ELY-keskusten virkamiehille, jotka myöntävät yritysavustuksia. Tulosten robustisuus tulisi varmentaa eri ajanjakson ja mahdollisesti eri ELY-keskuksen havaintoaineistolla
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