15,896 research outputs found

    Thermal conductive connection and method of making same Patent

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    Thermal conductive, electrically insulated cleavable adhesive connection between electronic module and heat sin

    Berlioz, Love, and <i>Béatrice et Bénédict</i>

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    Berlioz's final opera, Béatrice et Bénédict (1860–62) has generally been considered a light-hearted work, revelling in the simple joys of love. Yet his final development of the theme of love, which had preoccupied him at least since the Symphonie fantastique (1830), makes this opéra comique more serious than it might appear to be. Drawing on theories of the human subject by Badiou, Žižek, and Lacan, as well as on the resources of Schenkerian theory, this article invites a new attention on the ideological violence done both by conventional models of love (in this case, on the main characters in the opera) and by the language of tonality. Evaluation of the musical means by which Berlioz psychoanalyzes the characters of a masochist, Héro, and a hysteric, Béatrice, ultimately reveals a surprisingly provocative work of vivid psychological drama.</jats:p

    Inductive Reasoning Games as Influenza Vaccination Models: Mean Field Analysis

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    We define and analyze an inductive reasoning game of voluntary yearly vaccination in order to establish whether or not a population of individuals acting in their own self-interest would be able to prevent influenza epidemics. We find that epidemics are rarely prevented. We also find that severe epidemics may occur without the introduction of pandemic strains. We further address the situation where market incentives are introduced to help ameliorating epidemics. Surprisingly, we find that vaccinating families exacerbates epidemics. However, a public health program requesting prepayment of vaccinations may significantly ameliorate influenza epidemics.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Local dissipation effects in two-dimensional quantum Josephson junction arrays with magnetic field

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    We study the quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional arrays of Josephson-couples junctions with short range Josephson couplings (given by the Josephson energy) and the charging energy. We map the problem onto the solvable quantum generalization of the spherical model that improves over the mean-field theory method. The arrays are placed on the top of a two-dimensional electron gas separated by an insulator. We include effects of the local dissipation in the presence of an external magnetic flux f in square lattice for several rational fluxes f=0,1/2,1/3,1/4 and 1/6. We also have examined the T=0 superconducting-insulator phase boundary as function of a dissipation alpha for two different geometry of the lattice: square and triangular. We have found critical value of the dissipation parameter independent on geometry of the lattice and presence magnetic field.Comment: accepted to PR

    Magnetic Field Effect on the Pseudogap Temperature within Precursor Superconductivity

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    We determine the magnetic field dependence of the pseudogap closing temperature T* within a precursor superconductivity scenario. Detailed calculations with an anisotropic attractive Hubbard model account for a recently determined experimental relation in BSCCO between the pseudogap closing field and the pseudogap temperature at zero field, as well as for the weak initial dependence of T* at low fields. Our results indicate that the available experimental data are fully compatible with a superconducting origin of the pseudogap in cuprate superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Ocean acidification may alter predator-prey relationships and weaken nonlethal interactions between gastropods and crabs

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    Predator–prey interactions often drive ecological patterns and are governed by factors including predator feeding rates, prey behavioral avoidance, and prey structural defenses. Invasive species can also play a large ecological role by disrupting food webs, driving local extinctions, and influencing evolutionary changes in prey defense mechanisms. This study documents a substantial reduction in the behavioral and morphological responses of multiple gastropod species (Nucella lapillus, N. ostrina, Urosalpinx cinerea) to an invasive predatory crab (green crab Carcinus maenas) under ocean acidification conditions. These results suggest that climate-related changes in ocean chemistry may diminish non-lethal effects of predators on prey responses including behavioral avoidance. While snails with varying shell mineralogies were similarly successful at deterring predation, those with primarily aragonitic shells were more susceptible to dissolution and erosion under high CO2 conditions. The varying susceptibility to predation among species with similar ecological roles could indicate that the impacts of invasive species like green crabs could be modulated by the ability of native and invasive prey to withstand ocean acidification conditions

    Case Selection: A Case for a New Approach

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    While conducting empirical research regarding the relationship between case characteristics and student performance, the authors were surprised to find a lack of conceptual and empirical research regarding instructor case selection. This conceptual paper explores the case selection process and introduces case selection as an under-investigated component of the case teaching method in management education. Case selection is important because it is a critical component of the case teaching method. There has been no empirical testing of the effectiveness of case selection technique. The authors identify and propose case selection criteria for instructors of management education

    Decrement Operators in Belief Change

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    While research on iterated revision is predominant in the field of iterated belief change, the class of iterated contraction operators received more attention in recent years. In this article, we examine a non-prioritized generalisation of iterated contraction. In particular, the class of weak decrement operators is introduced, which are operators that by multiple steps achieve the same as a contraction. Inspired by Darwiche and Pearl's work on iterated revision the subclass of decrement operators is defined. For both, decrement and weak decrement operators, postulates are presented and for each of them a representation theorem in the framework of total preorders is given. Furthermore, we present two sub-types of decrement operators

    Semiclassical theory for small displacements

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    Characteristic functions contain complete information about all the moments of a classical distribution and the same holds for the Fourier transform of the Wigner function: a quantum characteristic function, or the chord function. However, knowledge of a finite number of moments does not allow for accurate determination of the chord function. For pure states this provides the overlap of the state with all its possible rigid translations (or displacements). We here present a semiclassical approximation of the chord function for large Bohr-quantized states, which is accurate right up to a caustic, beyond which the chord function becomes evanescent. It is verified to pick out blind spots, which are displacements for zero overlaps. These occur even for translations within a Planck area of the origin. We derive a simple approximation for the closest blind spots, depending on the Schroedinger covariance matrix, which is verified for Bohr-quantized states.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures
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