113 research outputs found

    Biocidal spectrum of a rice field cyanobacterium Nostoc sp.

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    The antimicrobial efficacy of hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate extracts of a rice-field cyanobacterium, Nostoc sp., were evaluated against cyanobacteria and phytopathogenic fungi. The maximum production of biocidal compounds was observed in cultures grown for 20 days under optimized conditions (phosphate =1.4 mg/l; light intensity ≈ 3000-4000 lux). Fractionation of the extracts showed six spots on silica-gel-coated plates. Hexane extract was the most potent biocide, showing marked (35-42%) reduction in the growth of fungi, but no negative influences on seed germination or seedling growth of wheat, rice and mung bean, emphasizing its suitability for use in agriculture.Keywords: Antifungal; extract; inhibition zone; metabolite; Pythium debaryanum; Rhizoctonia solan

    Gabapentin for post-operative nausea and vomiting: a pilot study

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    Background: Gabapentin has been used in perioperative setting for the management of post-operative pain for surgery performed under general anaesthesia. Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) even with the use of newer agents remains a major problem. The primary aim of this study was to see if gabapentin use decreased PONV.Methods: A total of 40 patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia with standardized premedication and anesthetics were randomized to receive gabapentin or a matching placebo. The patients in Group I received gabapentin 600 mg orally 2 hrs before surgery and 12 hrs after the first dose. The patients in Group II received a matching placebo orally 2 hrs before surgery and 12hrs after the first dose. Patients in both groups received diclofenac sodium 75 mg i.m b.i.d for pain and ondensetron 4 mg i.v for PONV. Additional doses were given on demand and recorded. The treatment was double blinded.Results: The present study did not find significant reduction in PONV score and antiemetic consumption in gabapentin group when compared to a placebo for a period of 24 hrs.Conclusions: Gabapentin in the doses used was found to ineffective in post-operative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing planned laparoscopic cholecystectomy with standardized pre-anaesthetic and anaesthetic medication

    Gabapentin pre-treatment for pressor response to direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Background: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation are associated with an increase in blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). The present study was conducted to evaluate the role of gabapentin in attenuation of these hemodynamic changes.Methods: Forty patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia with standardized premedication and anesthetics were randomized to receive gabapentin or a matching placebo. The patients of Group I received gabapentin 600 mg orally 2 hrs before surgery and patients in Group II received a matching placebo. Patient’s HR, systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), mean BP (MBP), were monitored before and after 1, 2, 5, and 10 mins of endotracheal intubation.Results: Comparison of SBP, DBP, and MBP at 1, 2, 5 and 10 mins after endotracheal intubation showed statistically significant attenuation in the gabapentin group when compared to placebo. Changes in the HR were not significant.Conclusion: Gabapentin 600 mg, given 2 hrs before induction is effective in attenuating the pressor response to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation

    Formulation Development and Evaluation of Alginate Microspheres of Ibuprofen

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    The present study was designed to investigate the effects of different variables on the release profile of ibuprofen microspheres formulated using modified emulsification method. Eight batches of microspheres (F1-F8) were prepared by applying 23 factorial design. The amount of sodium alginate, amount of calcium chloride, and amount of magnesium stearate were selected as formulation variables. All the batches were evaluated in terms of percentage yield, percentage encapsulation efficiency and in vitro release characteristics. The batch F7 was found to be optimum batch and was further characterized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and particle size analysis. Multiple linear regression was applied to confirm significant effect of each variable on release characteristics. The model developed in the present study can be effectively utilized to achieve the formulation with desired release characteristics

    Characterization of GPX1 and DIO1 Genes in Bubalus Bubalis

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    Selenoprotein genes contain selenium in the form of selenocysteine which is involved in protecting the cells from oxidative stress. Soils in India differ greatly in selenium concentrations affecting feed stuffs for selenium availability. Selenoproteins have recently been identified in variety of living organisms including humans which have 25 selenoprotein genes. Among these families of selenoprotein genes, we sequenced Gpx1 gene (Glutathione peroxidases1) and Dio1 gene (Iodothyronine deiodinases) in Bubalus bubalis. Gpx1 is most abundant and ubiquitously expressed selenoprotein which helps to protect against the damaging effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxygen rich free radicals whereas Dio1 is expressed mainly in liver, thyroid gland and adipose tissue, its main function is to convert tetraiodothyronine (T4) to its active form thyroxine (T3) in the presence of deiodinases enzyme. The main aim of the study was to characterize these two genes and to find out the buffalo specific SNPs. This was accomplished by designing primers using cattle database and sequencing a panel of 24 samples consisting of 6 diverse breeds of buffalo. Gpx1 consisted of 2 exons (Accession ID: JQ031269) while Dio1 comprised 4 exons (Accession ID: JQ791197). In Gpx1 gene, 9 SNPs were recorded and 4 were non synonymous, changing amino acid were distributed equally in both exon. In exon 1, A141G (aa Q5R) and G161A (aa A12T); and in exon 2 C785T (aa R132W) and A808T (aa S139R). In Dio1 gene, 3 non synonymous SNPs were identified at A188G (aa H22R), C215G (aa T31R) and G941A (aa V146I). These SNPs are novel and reported for the first time in Indian buffalo and has a potential for their use in diversity analysis and association with various selenium related traits

    Validacija topokemijskih modela za predviđanje permeabilnosti kroz krvno-moždanu barijeru

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    Recently published topochemical models for permeability through the blood-brain barrier were validated and cross-validated in the present study. Five models based on three topochemical indices, Wiener’s topochemical index - a distance-based topochemical descriptor, molecular connectivity topochemical index - an adjacency-based topochemical descriptor and eccentric connectivity topochemical index - an adjacency-cum-distance based topochemical descriptor, for permeability of structurally and chemically diverse molecules through blood-brain barrier were used in the present investigation. A data set comprising 62 structurally and chemically diverse compounds was selected. This data set was divided into two sets of 31 compounds each - one to serve as the validation set and other as the cross-validation set. The values of all the three-topochemical indices in the original as well as in the normalized form for each of the 31 compounds of the validation set were computed using an in house computer program. Resultant data was analyzed and each compound was assigned a permeability characteristic using topochemical models, which was then compared with the reported permeability through the blood-brain barrier. Accuracy of prediction of these models was calculated. The same procedure was similarly followed for the cross-validation set. Studies revealed accuracy of prediction of the order of 7080% during validation. Surprisingly, very high predictability of the order of 7791% was observed during cross-validation. High predictability observed during validation as well as cross-validation authenticates topochemical models for prediction of permeability through the blood-brain barrier.U ovom radu su validirani i unakrsno validirani nedavno objavljeni topokemijski modeli za permeabilnost kroz krvno-moždanu barijeru. Predviđanje prolaska kroz krvno-moždanu barijeru strukturno i kemijski različitih molekula provedeno je na pet modela koji se temelje na tri topološka indeksa, Wienerovom topološkom indeksu, topološkom indeksu molekularne povezanosti i topološkom indeksu ekscentrične povezanosti. Ukupno 62 spoja podijeljena su u dva seta koji su sadržavali 31 spoj. Jedan set upotrebljen je za validaciju, a drugi za unakrsnu validaciju. Vrijednosti svih triju topoloških indeksa u početnom setu i u normaliziranom setu su računate pomoću kompjutorskog programa. Rezultati su analizirani i svakom spoju je pridružena teorijska vrijednost permeabilnosti, koja je zatim uspoređivana s objavljenim eksperimentalnim podacima za permeabilnost kroz krvno-moždanu barijeru. Točnost predviđanja bila je između 70 i 80%. Isti postupak je proveden za unakrsno validacijski set, a točnost je bila iznenađujeće velika (7791%), što ukazuje da se upotrebljeni topokemijski modeli mogu upotrijebiti za predviđanje permeabilnsot kroz krvno-moždanu barijeru

    Dietary Crocin is Protective in Pancreatic Cancer while Reducing Radiation-Induced Hepatic Oxidative Damage.

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    Pancreatic cancer is one of the fatal causes of global cancer-related deaths. Although surgery and chemotherapy are standard treatment options, post-treatment outcomes often end in a poor prognosis. In the present study, we investigated anti-pancreatic cancer and amelioration of radiation-induced oxidative damage by crocin. Crocin is a carotenoid isolated from the dietary herb saffron, a prospect for novel leads as an anti-cancer agent. Crocin significantly reduced cell viability of BXPC3 and Capan-2 by triggering caspase signaling via the downregulation of Bcl-2. It modulated the expression of cell cycle signaling proteins P53, P21, P27, CDK2, c-MYC, Cyt-c and P38. Concomitantly, crocin treatment-induced apoptosis by inducing the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol. Microarray analysis of the expression signature of genes induced by crocin showed a substantial number of genes involved in cell signaling pathways and checkpoints (723) are significantly affected by crocin. In mice bearing pancreatic tumors, crocin significantly reduced tumor burden without a change in body weight. Additionally, it showed significant protection against radiation-induced hepatic oxidative damage, reduced the levels of hepatic toxicity and preserved liver morphology. These findings indicate that crocin has a potential role in the treatment, prevention and management of pancreatic cancer

    Numerical modeling of the thermal contact in metal forming processes

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    Heat flow across the interface of solid bodies in contact is an important aspect in several engineering applications. This work presents a finite element model for the analysis of thermal contact, which takes into account the effect of contact pressure and gap dimension in the heat flow across the interface between two bodies. Additionally, the frictional heat generation is also addressed, which is dictated by the contact forces predicted by the mechanical problem. The frictional contact problem and thermal problem are formulated in the frame of the finite element method. A new law is proposed to define the interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) as a function of the contact pressure and gap distance, enabling a smooth transition between two contact status (gap and contact). The staggered scheme used as coupling strategy to solve the thermomechanical problem is briefly presented. Four numerical examples are presented to validate the finite element model and highlight the importance of the proposed law on the predicted temperature.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the project PTDC/EMS-TEC/1805/2012 and by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade, under the project CENTRO-07-0224- FEDER-002001 (MT4MOBI). The second author is also grateful to the FCT for the postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/101334/2014. The authors would like to thank Prof. A. Andrade-Campos for helpful contributions on the development of the finite element code presented in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio