1,413 research outputs found

    Mixing and Matching Learning Design and Learning Analytics

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    In the last five years, learning analytics has proved its potential in predicting academic performance based on trace data of learning activities. However, the role of pedagogical context in learning analytics has not been fully understood. To date, it has been difficult to quantify learning in a way that can be measured and compared. By coding the design of e-learning courses, this study demonstrates how learning design is being implemented on a large scale at the Open University UK, and how learning analytics could support as well as benefit from learning design. Building on our previous work, our analysis was conducted longitudinally on 23 undergraduate distance learning modules and their 40,083 students. The innovative aspect of this study is the availability of fine-grained learning design data at individual task level, which allows us to consider the connections between learning activities, and the media used to produce the activities. Using a combination of visualizations and social network analysis, our findings revealed a diversity in how learning activities were designed within and between disciplines as well as individual learning activities. By reflecting on the learning design in an explicit manner, educators are empowered to compare and contrast their design using their own institutional data

    Variations in access, uptake and equity: radiology services

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    The status of traditional Scottish animal breeds and plant varieties and the implications for biodiversity

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    The aim of this scoping study was to evaluate the effects on Scottish biodiversity of changes in the use of traditional breeds and varieties. The overall objectives were: a) The evaluation of the importance of genetic loss from the reduction in use of these breeds and varieties, for example, the loss of unusual characteristics that might have been of particular local use. b) An assessment of the impacts of reduction in the ability to conduct further breeding or research on rare and traditional varieties and breeds. c) Identification of the loss of certain farming techniques associated with particular varieties and breeds. d) An assessment of possible losses of biodiversity associated with reduction in the use of these breeds and varieties and the farming systems associated with them

    Persistence of low pathogenic influenza A virus in water: a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis

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    Avian influenza viruses are able to persist in the environment, in-between the transmission of the virus among its natural hosts. Quantifying the environmental factors that affect the persistence of avian influenza virus is important for influencing our ability to predict future outbreaks and target surveillance and control methods. We conducted a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis of the environmental factors that affect the decay of low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) in water. Abiotic factors affecting the persistence of LPAIV have been investigated for nearly 40 years, yet published data was produced by only 26 quantitative studies. These studies have been conducted by a small number of principal authors (n = 17) and have investigated a narrow range of environmental conditions, all of which were based in laboratories with limited reflection of natural conditions. The use of quantitative meta-analytic techniques provided the opportunity to assess persistence across a greater range of conditions than each individual study can achieve, through the estimation of mean effect-sizes and relationships among multiple variables. Temperature was the most influential variable, for both the strength and magnitude of the effect-size. Moderator variables explained a large proportion of the heterogeneity among effect-sizes. Salinity and pH were important factors, although future work is required to broaden the range of abiotic factors examined, as well as including further diurnal variation and greater environmental realism generally. We were unable to extract a quantitative effect-size estimate for approximately half (50.4%) of the reported experimental outcomes and we strongly recommend a minimum set of quantitative reporting to be included in all studies, which will allow robust assimilation and analysis of future findings. In addition we suggest possible means of increasing the applicability of future studies to the natural environment, and evaluating the biological content of natural waterbodies.Antonia E. Dalziel, Steven Delean, Sarah Heinrich, Phillip Casse

    Career management skills: learning about abilities and opportunities

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    In March 2007, FRST announced that it is funding a five-year research programme on education employment linkages for youth in New Zealand. This presentation will: (1) introduce the EEL programme (more details at www.eel.org.nz); and (2) explain one of the recent themes in the international literature about “career management skills” of young people

    Japanese kiwifruit consumer consumption behaviours and product preferences: A Latent Class Analysis of New Zealand kiwifruit

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    This study is part of a research programme entitled Unlocking Export Prosperity from the Agri-food Values of Aotearoa New Zealand. It is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Endeavour Fund for science research programmes. Information on this research programme including reports of other surveys is available from the AERU website https://www.aeru.co.nz/projects/uep. The research aims to provide new knowledge on how local enterprises can achieve higher returns by ensuring global consumers understand the distinctive qualities of the physical, credence and cultural attributes of agri-food products that are “Made in New Zealand”. Agricultural exports are an important contributor to the New Zealand (NZ) economy. While NZ historically relied on key markets such as the United Kingdom for export trade, NZ has more recently significantly expanded its export markets and Japan has become established as an important kiwifruit destination. It is critically important for NZ exporters to understand export markets and the different cultures and preferences of those consumers to safeguard market access, and for realising potential premiums. This report describes the application of a survey of Japanese kiwifruit consumers that is designed to examine consumption behaviour and consumer Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) for credence attributes. While search attributes such as price or colour can be observed directly, and experience attributes such as flavour or texture can be assessed when consumed, credence attributes such as environmental sustainability cannot be immediately seen or experienced at the point of sale. For products promoting credence attributes, the role of verification including labelling is of significant importance. Our approach is to apply a Discrete Choice Experiment economic valuation method, analysed using a statistical approach called Latent Class Modelling that describes profiles for different consumer segments identified in the data and provides estimates of attribute WTP across these segments

    Beijing beef consumer consumption behaviours and product preferences: A Latent Class Analysis of New Zealand beef tenderloin

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    This study is part of a research programme entitled Unlocking Export Prosperity from the Agri-food Values of Aotearoa New Zealand. It is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Endeavour Fund for science research programmes. The research aims to provide new knowledge on how local enterprises can achieve higher returns by ensuring global consumers understand the distinctive qualities of the physical, credence and cultural attributes of agri-food products that are “Made in New Zealand”. Agricultural exports are an important contributor to the New Zealand (NZ) economy. While NZ historically relied on key markets such as the United Kingdom for export trade, NZ has more recently significantly expanded its export markets and China has become established as an important beef product destination. It is critically important for NZ exporters to understand export markets and the different cultures and preferences of those consumers to safeguard market access, and for realising potential premiums. This report describes the application of a survey of Beijing beef tenderloin consumers that is designed to examine consumption behaviour and consumer willingness-to-Pay (WTP) for credence attributes. While search attributes such as price or colour can be observed directly, and experience attributes such as flavour can be assessed when consumed, credence attributes such as environmental sustainability cannot be immediately seen or experienced at the point of sale. For products promoting credence attributes, the role of verification, including labelling, is of significant importance. Our approach is to apply a Discrete Choice Experiment economic valuation method, analysed using a statistical approach called Latent Class Modelling that describes profiles for different consumer segments identified in the data and provides estimates of attribute WTP across these segments

    Anatomically Constrained Video-CT Registration via the V-IMLOP Algorithm

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    Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a surgical procedure used to treat acute cases of sinusitis and other sinus diseases. FESS is fast becoming the preferred choice of treatment due to its minimally invasive nature. However, due to the limited field of view of the endoscope, surgeons rely on navigation systems to guide them within the nasal cavity. State of the art navigation systems report registration accuracy of over 1mm, which is large compared to the size of the nasal airways. We present an anatomically constrained video-CT registration algorithm that incorporates multiple video features. Our algorithm is robust in the presence of outliers. We also test our algorithm on simulated and in-vivo data, and test its accuracy against degrading initializations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, MICCA

    Rasgos, características y ámbitos de afectación de la personalidad dependiente en una consultante en proceso de psicoterapia

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    El trastorno de personalidad dependiente es el que más comúnmente se presenta en la práctica psicoterapéutica, especialmente en mujeres. Los individuos con trastorno dependiente de la personalidad se caracterizan por una excesiva necesidad de ser cuidados, desconfían de sus propias competencias y perciben el mundo como un lugar hostil, por lo cual buscan vincularse con figuras que representen fuerza para que les brinden su protección y apoyo. Son pasivos y sometidos tratando de evitar el rechazo y conseguir el apoyo y la aprobación de los demás. No toman decisiones por sí solos y tienen dificultad para emprender acciones por cuenta propia. Transgreden sus propios límites al punto de sujetarse a situaciones indeseables, que rayan en el maltrato, por temor al abandono. Centran su conducta en los demás, desconectándose de sus propias necesidades. Para evitar cortar los lazos de dependencia, pueden ser manipuladores y hasta violentos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir los rasgos y las características, así como los ámbitos de afectación de la personalidad dependiente en una consultante en proceso de psicoterapia. Esta investigación es de corte cualitativo, empleando el estudio de caso. Se transcribieron textualmente 10 sesiones de psicoterapia. El método que se utilizó fue organizar por categorías los rasgos y características de la dependencia sana y la sobredependencia, de acuerdo a la teoría de la dependencia de Bornstein (2003). Las categorías fueron obtenidas de manera deductiva. De cada categoría fue hecha una definición. Posteriormente se seleccionaron trozos del discurso que reflejaban rasgos y características de dependencia, ya sea sana o sobredependencia y se colocaron etiquetas en cada trozo. Por último, a cada etiqueta se le otorgó una categoría que reflejara lo consignado en la teoría y se dedujeron los ámbitos de afectación. Los resultados mostraron que la consultante presenta los siguientes rasgos y características de la personalidad sobre dependiente: autoconcepto carente de ayuda, percepción de incompetencia de sí misma, uso de juegos y trampas relacionales, deseo de protección y necesidad de apoyo, temor al abandono, sometimiento, transgresión de los propios límites, conducta centrada en los otros, sobredependencia en las relaciones amorosas, desconexión de sí misma. Los ámbitos de afectación que denotan estas características son el personal y el relacional.ITESO, A. C