580 research outputs found

    Particle size reduction of Si3N4 with Si3N4 milling hardware

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    The grinding of Si3N4 powder using reaction bonded Si3N4 attrition, vibratory, and ball mills with Si3N4 media was examined. The rate of particle size reduction and the change in the chemical composition of the powder were determined in order to compare the grinding efficiency and the increase in impurity content resulting from mill and media wear for each technique. Attrition and vibratory milling exhibited rates of specific surface area increase that were approximately eight times that observed in ball milling. Vibratory milling introduced the greatest impurity pickup

    Parametric evaluation of ball milling of SiC in water

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    A statistically designed experiment was conducted to determine optimum conditions for ball milling alpha-SiC in water. The influence of pH adjustment, volume percent solids loading, and mill rotational speed on grinding effectiveness was examined. An equation defining the effect of those milling variables on specific surface area was obtained. The volume percent solids loading of the slurry had the greatest influence on the grinding effectiveness in terms of increase in specific surface area. As grinding effectiveness improved, mill and media wear also increased. Contamination was minimized by use of sintered alpha-SiC milling hardware

    What's the most effective treatment for giardiasis?

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    A single 2-g dose of tinidazole is the best treatment (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on meta-analysis). Other drugs, such as nitazoxanide, metronidazole, mebendazole, and albendazole, can also be used (SOR: A, based on randomized controlled trial [RCT] of patient-oriented outcomes), but tinidazole has a higher clinical cure rate than these drugs. It also has a comparable side-effect profile and requires only 1 dose

    The Rupture Process of the 2018 M-w 6.9 Hawai'i Earthquake as Imaged by a Genetic Algorithm-Based Back-Projection Technique

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    An episode of unrest began at Klauea in April 2018 that produced both significant volcanic output and high rates of seismicity, including a M-w 6.9 earthquake on 4 May 2018. In this study, we image the rupture process of this earthquake using a genetic algorithm-based back-projection technique. The dominant feature of the earthquake is a slowly propagating western rupture, which shares similar characteristics with the region's largest recorded event in 1975 (M-w 7.7). The location of this western segment suggests that small asperities on this section of the decollement that frequently fail as slow slip events may achieve seismic slip rates when rupture is initiated on adjacent sections of the fault. Given the interaction between volcanic and seismic activity in this region, imaging the rupture properties of these events can improve our understanding of future geologic hazards in this region. Plain Language Summary Voluminous lava flows and explosive eruptions at Klauea Volcano in Hawai?i have captured the attention of the media and general public during the past year. In the early stages of this volcanic activity, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake occurred beneath the south flank of Klauea, which was the second largest earthquake recorded by modern instrumentation in this region. The research presented in the manuscript uses a novel source imaging technique to study the fine-scale spatiotemporal evolution of the rupture that produced this event. The details of this rupture provide new insight into the relationship between fault properties, background seismicity, slow slip events, and major earthquakes in volcanic settings.6 month embargo; published online: 6 February 2019This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Retinoid isomerase inhibitors impair but do not block mammalian cone photoreceptor function

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    Visual function in vertebrates critically depends on the continuous regeneration of visual pigments in rod and cone photoreceptors. RPE65 is a well-established retinoid isomerase in the pigment epithelium that regenerates rhodopsin during the rod visual cycle; however, its contribution to the regeneration of cone pigments remains obscure. In this study, we use potent and selective RPE65 inhibitors in rod- and cone-dominant animal models to discern the role of this enzyme in cone-mediated vision. We confirm that retinylamine and emixustat-family compounds selectively inhibit RPE65 over DES1, the putative retinoid isomerase of the intraretinal visual cycle. In vivo and ex vivo electroretinography experiments in Gnat1-/- mice demonstrate that acute administration of RPE65 inhibitors after a bleach suppresses the late, slow phase of cone dark adaptation without affecting the initial rapid portion, which reflects intraretinal visual cycle function. Acute administration of these compounds does not affect the light sensitivity of cone photoreceptors in mice during extended exposure to background light, but does slow all phases of subsequent dark recovery. We also show that cone function is only partially suppressed in cone-dominant ground squirrels and wild-type mice by multiday administration of an RPE65 inhibitor despite profound blockade of RPE65 activity. Complementary experiments in these animal models using the DES1 inhibitor fenretinide show more modest effects on cone recovery. Collectively, these studies demonstrate a role for continuous RPE65 activity in mammalian cone pigment regeneration and provide further evidence for RPE65-independent regeneration mechanisms

    Quantitative Mapping of Pore Fraction Variations in Silicon Nitride Using an Ultrasonic Contact Scan Technique

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    An ultrasonic scan procedure using the pulse-echo contact configuration was employed to obtain maps of pore fraction variations in sintered silicon nitride samples in terms of ultrasonic material properties. Ultrasonic velocity, attenuation coefficient, and reflection coefficient images were obtained simultaneously over a broad band of frequencies (e.g., 30 to 110 MHz) by using spectroscopic analysis. Liquid and membrane (dry) coupling techniques and longitudinal and shear-wave energies were used. The major results include the following: Ultrasonic velocity (longitudinal and shear wave) images revealed and correlated with the extent of average through-thickness pore fraction variations in the silicon nitride disks. Attenuation coefficient images revealed pore fraction nonuniformity due to the scattering that occurred at boundaries between regions of high and low pore fraction. Velocity and attenuation coefficient images were each nearly identical for machined and polished disks, making the method readily applicable to machined materials. Velocity images were similar for wet and membrane coupling. Maps of apparent Poisson's ratio constructed from longitudinal and shear-wave velocities quantified Poisson's ratio variations across a silicon nitride disk. Thermal wave images of a disk indicated transient thermal behavior variations that correlated with observed variations in pore fraction and velocity and attenuation coefficients

    Challenges and Outcomes of Posterior Wall Isolation for Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation

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    BACKGROUND: The left atrial posterior wall (PW) often contains sites required for maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF). Electrical isolation of the PW is an important feature of all open surgeries for AF. This study assessed the ability of current ablation techniques to achieve PW isolation (PWI) and its effect on recurrent AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-seven consecutive patients with persistent or high-burden paroxysmal AF underwent catheter ablation, which was performed using an endocardial-only (30) or a hybrid endocardial-epicardial procedure (27). The catheter ablation lesion set included pulmonary vein antral isolation and a box lesion on the PW (roof and posterior lines). Success in creating the box lesion was assessed as electrical silence of the PW (voltage <0.1 mV) and exit block in the PW with electrical capture. Cox proportional hazards models were used for analysis of AF recurrence. PWI was achieved in 21 patients (36.8%), more often in patients undergoing hybrid ablation than endocardial ablation alone (51.9% versus 23.3%, P=0.05). Twelve patients underwent redo ablation. Five of 12 had a successful procedural PWI, but all had PW reconnection at the redo procedure. Over a median follow-up of 302 days, 56.1% of the patients were free of atrial arrhythmias. No parameter including procedural PWI was a statistically significant predictor of recurrent atrial arrhythmias. CONCLUSIONS: PWI during catheter ablation for AF is difficult to achieve, especially with endocardial ablation alone. Procedural achievement of PWI in this group of patients was not associated with a reduction in recurrent atrial arrhythmias, but reconnection of the PW was common

    Diffusion Bonding of Silicon Carbide Ceramics using Titanium Interlayers

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    Robust joining approaches for silicon carbide ceramics are critically needed to fabricate leak free joints with high temperature mechanical capability. In this study, titanium foils and physical vapor deposited (PVD) titanium coatings were used to form diffusion bonds between SiC ceramics using hot pressing. Silicon carbide substrate materials used for bonding include sintered SiC and two types of CVD SiC. Microscopy results show the formation of well adhered diffusion bonds. The bond strengths as determined from pull tests are on the order of several ksi, which is much higher than required for a proposed application. Microprobe results show the distribution of silicon, carbon, titanium, and other minor elements across the diffusion bond. Compositions of several phases formed in the joint region were identified. Potential issues of material compatibility and optimal bond formation will also be discussed
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