597 research outputs found

    African Regional Aquaculture Centre Library: information resources and services

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    Effective research development is no doubt information driven and ARAC library remains the place to easily access accurate and reliable information. There is an urgent need to acquire and maintain its information resources in order to provide globally acceptable information. The production of validated research literatures by ARAC staff goes to show that the library has made itself relevant to scientist in achieving their mandate to ARAC. This Paper examines the resources and services rendered by the African Regional Aquaculture Centre library in meeting the needs of research Scientist, students and stakeholders in Aquaculture practice in the Niger Delta Nigeria. It describes the establishment of TEEAL and OARE service within the library and examines the research interest of scientist and library users with emphasis on their research areas

    Developing Technology, Approaches and Business Models for Decommissioning of Low-Carbon Infrastructure

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    Realistic atomistic structure of amorphous silicon from machine-learning-driven molecular dynamics

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    Amorphous silicon (a-Si) is a widely studied noncrystalline material, and yet the subtle details of its atomistic structure are still unclear. Here, we show that accurate structural models of a-Si can be obtained using a machine-learning-based interatomic potential. Our best a-Si network is obtained by simulated cooling from the melt at a rate of 1011 K/s (that is, on the 10 ns time scale), contains less than 2% defects, and agrees with experiments regarding excess energies, diffraction data, and 29Si NMR chemical shifts. We show that this level of quality is impossible to achieve with faster quench simulations. We then generate a 4096-atom system that correctly reproduces the magnitude of the first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the structure factor, achieving the closest agreement with experiments to date. Our study demonstrates the broader impact of machine-learning potentials for elucidating structures and properties of technologically important amorphous materials

    Education for collaboration: the influence of the third space on professional boundaries

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    The delivery of integrated care requires the establishment of effective professional relationships that foster collaborative working across health systems. Evidence for how to prepare practitioners to work in those settings is limited. By exploring an innovative postgraduate Programme for Integrated Child Health (PICH) this article highlights the conditions by which effective collaboration can be encouraged. Our qualitative evaluation of PICH involved one-to-one semi-structured interviews with 23 postgraduate general practice and paediatric trainees and their mentors. We analysed the data using the concept of the ‘third space’, where multiple discourses between individuals with diverse professional backgrounds occur, enabling creative exploration of tensions inherent in new ways of working in order to identify enablers and barriers to collaboration. Our analysis identified three themes that enabled collaboration: effective communication, boundary work and educational spaces; and four themes that were barriers: traditional hierarchical professional identities, curriculum design, financial systems and workplace spaces. PICH demonstrated the value of educational spaces and their role in enabling collaborative practice, as participants explored their professional identities and those of other disciplines. Structural factors in the workplace which inhibit collaborative practice were also evident. We conclude by proposing a model for collaborative learning in third spaces based upon the recognition that, while educational programmes alone will not lead to change, they have the potential to inform the development of productive workplace spaces that will be required if collaborative practice in healthcare is to become a reality

    Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation for the travel time functional in porous media flows

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    In this article we consider the a posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement for the numerical approximation of the travel time functional arising in porous media flows. The key application of this work is in the safety assessment of radioactive waste facilities; in this setting, the travel time functional measures the time taken for a non-sorbing radioactive solute, transported by groundwater, to travel from a potential site deep underground to the biosphere. To ensure the computability of the travel time functional, we employ a mixed formulation of Darcy's law and conservation of mass, together with Raviart-Thomas H(div) conforming finite elements. The proposed a posteriori error bound is derived based on a variant of the standard Dual-Weighted-Residual approximation, which takes into account the lack of smoothness of the underlying functional of interest. The proposed adaptive refinement strategy is tested on both a simple academic test case and a problem based on the geological units found at the Sellafield site in the UK

    Quantitative 3D analysis of complex single border cell behaviors in coordinated collective cell migration

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    Understanding the mechanisms of collective cell migration is crucial for cancer metastasis, wound healing and many developmental processes. Imaging a migrating cluster in vivo is feasible, but the quantification of individual cell behaviours remains challenging. We have developed an image analysis toolkit, CCMToolKit, to quantify the Drosophila border cell system. In addition to chaotic motion, previous studies reported that the migrating cells are able to migrate in a highly coordinated pattern. We quantify the rotating and running migration modes in 3D while also observing a range of intermediate behaviours. Running mode is driven by cluster external protrusions. Rotating mode is associated with cluster internal cell extensions that could not be easily characterized. Although the cluster moves slower while rotating, individual cells retain their mobility and are in fact slightly more active than in running mode. We also show that individual cells may exchange positions during migration

    Short-range ordering in a battery electrode, the 'cation-disordered' rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2.

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    Cation order, with a local structure related to γ-LiFeO2, is observed in the nominally cation-disordered Li-excess rocksalt Li1.25Nb0.25Mn0.5O2via X-ray diffraction, neutron pair distribution function analysis, magnetic susceptibility and NMR spectroscopy. The correlation length of ordering depends on synthesis conditions and has implications for the electrochemistry of these phases.EPSRC: EP/L015978/1 Basic Energy Science, US Department of Energy: DE-SC001258

    Direct imaging of correlated defect nanodomains in a metal-organic framework

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    Defect engineering can enhance key properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Tailoring the distribution of defects, for example in correlated nanodomains, requires characterization across length scales. However, a critical nanoscale characterization gap has emerged between the bulk diffraction techniques used to detect defect nanodomains and the sub-nanometer imaging used to observe individual defects. Here, we demonstrate that the emerging technique of scanning electron diffraction (SED) can bridge this gap uniquely enabling both nanoscale crystallographic analysis and the lowdose formation of multiple diffraction contrast images for defect analysis in MOFs. We directly image defect nanodomains in the MOF UiO-66(Hf) over an area of ca. 1 000 nm and with a spatial resolution ca. 5 nm to reveal domain morphology and distribution. Based on these observations, we suggest possible crystal growth processes underpinning synthetic control of defect nanodomains. We also identify likely dislocations and small angle grain boundaries, illustrating that SED could be a key technique in developing the potential for engineering the distribution of defects, or “microstructure”, in functional MOF design

    Strengthening the Magnetic Interactions in Pseudobinary First-Row Transition Metal Thiocyanates, M(NCS)2.

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    Understanding the effect of chemical composition on the strength of magnetic interactions is key to the design of magnets with high operating temperatures. The magnetic divalent first-row transition metal (TM) thiocyanates are a class of chemically simple layered molecular frameworks. Here, we report two new members of the family, manganese(II) thiocyanate, Mn(NCS)2, and iron(II) thiocyanate, Fe(NCS)2. Using magnetic susceptibility measurements on these materials and on cobalt(II) thiocyanate and nickel(II) thiocyanate, Co(NCS)2 and Ni(NCS)2, respectively, we identify significantly stronger net antiferromagnetic interactions between the earlier TM ions-a decrease in the Weiss constant, θ, from 29 K for Ni(NCS)2 to -115 K for Mn(NCS)2-a consequence of more diffuse 3d orbitals, increased orbital overlap, and increasing numbers of unpaired t2g electrons. We elucidate the magnetic structures of these materials: Mn(NCS)2, Fe(NCS)2, and Co(NCS)2 order into the same antiferromagnetic commensurate ground state, while Ni(NCS)2 adopts a ground state structure consisting of ferromagnetically ordered layers stacked antiferromagnetically. We show that significantly stronger exchange interactions can be realized in these thiocyanate frameworks by using earlier TMs.EPSRC NPIF 2018 fund Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory NSERC of Canada PGSD fund Trinity College, Cambridge School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham Hobday Fellowship EPSRC Strategic Equipment Grant EP/M000524/