11,099 research outputs found

    Generalized Second-Order Thomas-Fermi Method for Superfluid Fermi Systems

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    Using the \hbar-expansion of the Green's function of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equation, we extend the second-order Thomas-Fermi approximation to generalized superfluid Fermi systems by including the density-dependent effective mass and the spin-orbit potential. We first implement and examine the full correction terms over different energy intervals of the quasiparticle spectra in calculations of finite nuclei. Final applications of this generalized Thomas-Fermi method are intended for various inhomogeneous superfluid Fermi systems.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, PR

    Density distributions of superheavy nuclei

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    We employed the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model to investigate the density distributions and their dependence on nuclear shapes and isospins in the superheavy mass region. Different Skyrme forces were used for the calculations with a special comparison to the experimental data in 208^{208}Pb. The ground-state deformations, nuclear radii, neutron skin thicknesses and α\alpha-decay energies were also calculated. Density distributions were discussed with the calculations of single-particle wavefunctions and shell fillings. Calculations show that deformations have considerable effects on the density distributions, with a detailed discussion on the 292^{292}120 nucleus. Earlier predictions of remarkably low central density are not supported when deformation is allowed for.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Outflow and dense gas emission from massive Infrared Dark Clouds

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    Infrared Dark Clouds are expected to harbor sources in different, very young evolutionary stages. To better characterize these differences, we observed a sample of 43 massive Infrared Dark Clouds, originally selected as candidate high-mass starless cores, with the IRAM 30m telescope covering spectral line tracers of low-density gas, high-density gas, molecular outflows/jets and temperature effects. The SiO(2-1) observations reveal detections toward 18 sources. Assuming that SiO is exclusively produced by sputtering from dust grains, this implies that at least in 40% of this sample star formation is on-going. A broad range of SiO line-widths is observed (between 2.2 and 65km/s), and we discuss potential origins for this velocity spread. While the low-density tracers 12CO(2-1) and 13CO(1-0) are detected in several velocity components, the high-density tracer H13CO+(1--0) generally shows only a single velocity component and is hence well suited for kinematic distance estimates of IRDCs. Furthermore, the H13CO+ line-width is on average 1.5 times larger than that of previously observed NH3(1,1). This is indicative of more motion at the denser core centers, either due to turbulence or beginning star formation activity. In addition, we detect CH3CN toward only six sources whereas CH3OH is observed toward approximately 40% of the sample. Estimates of the CH3CN and CH3OH abundances are low with average values of 1.2x10^{-10} and 4.3x10^{-10}, respectively. These results are consistent with chemical models at the earliest evolutionary stages of high-mass star formation. Furthermore, the CH3OH abundances compare well to recently reported values for low-mass starless cores.Comment: 22 pages (ApJ referee style), 7 figures, accepted for Ap

    Phase Transitions in the Symmetric Kondo Lattice Model in Two and Three Dimensions

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    We present an application of high-order series expansion in the coupling constants for the ground state properties of correlated lattice fermion systems. Expansions have been generated up to order (t/J)14(t/J)^{14} for d=1d=1 and (t/J)8(t/J)^8 for d=2, 3d=2,\ 3 for certain properties of the symmetric Kondo lattice model. Analyzing the susceptibility series, we find evidence for a continuous phase transition from the ``spin liquid'' phase characteristic of a ``Kondo Insulator'' to an antiferromagnetically ordered phase in dimensions d2d\ge2 as the antiferromagnetic Kondo coupling is decreased. The critical point is estimated to be at (t/J)c0.7(t/J)_c\approx0.7 for square lattice and (t/J)c0.5(t/J)_c\approx0.5 for simple-cubic lattice.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, replace previous corrupted fil

    The KX method for producing K-band flux-limited samples of quasars

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    The longstanding question of the extent to which the quasar population is affected by dust extinction, within host galaxies or galaxies along the line of sight, remains open. More generally, the spectral energy distributions of quasars vary significantly and flux-limited samples defined at different wavelengths include different quasars. Surveys employing flux measurements at widely separated wavelengths are necessary to characterise fully the spectral properties of the quasar population. The availability of panoramic near-infrared detectors on large telescopes provides the opportunity to undertake surveys capable of establishing the importance of extinction by dust on the observed population of quasars. We introduce an efficient method for selecting K-band, flux-limited samples of quasars, termed ``KX'' by analogy with the UVX method. This method exploits the difference between the power-law nature of quasar spectra and the convex spectra of stars: quasars are relatively brighter than stars at both short wavelengths (the UVX method) and long wavelengths (the KX method). We consider the feasibility of undertaking a large-area KX survey for damped Ly-alpha galaxies and gravitational lenses using the planned UKIRT wide-field near-infrared camera.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in MNRA

    4-manifolds and topological modular forms

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    We build a connection between topology of smooth 4-manifolds and the theory of topological modular forms by considering topologically twisted compactification of 6d (1,0) theories on 4-manifolds with flavor symmetry backgrounds. The effective 2d theory has (0,1) supersymmetry and, possibly, a residual flavor symmetry. The equivariant topological Witten genus of this 2d theory then produces a new invariant of the 4-manifold equipped with a principle bundle, valued in the ring of equivariant weakly holomorphic (topological) modular forms. We describe basic properties of this map and present a few simple examples. As a byproduct, we obtain some new results on 't Hooft anomalies of 6d (1,0) theories and a better understanding of the relation between 2d (0,1) theories and TMF spectra

    Discrete-Layer Piezoelectric Plate and Shell Models for Active Tip-Clearance Control

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    The objectives of this work were to develop computational tools for the analysis of active-sensory composite structures with added or embedded piezoelectric layers. The targeted application for this class of smart composite laminates and the analytical development is the accomplishment of active tip-clearance control in turbomachinery components. Two distinct theories and analytical models were developed and explored under this contract: (1) a discrete-layer plate theory and corresponding computational models, and (2) a three dimensional general discrete-layer element generated in curvilinear coordinates for modeling laminated composite piezoelectric shells. Both models were developed from the complete electromechanical constitutive relations of piezoelectric materials, and incorporate both displacements and potentials as state variables. This report describes the development and results of these models. The discrete-layer theories imply that the displacement field and electrostatic potential through-the-thickness of the laminate are described over an individual layer rather than as a smeared function over the thickness of the entire plate or shell thickness. This is especially crucial for composites with embedded piezoelectric layers, as the actuating and sensing elements within these layers are poorly represented by effective or smeared properties. Linear Lagrange interpolation polynomials were used to describe the through-thickness laminate behavior. Both analytic and finite element approximations were used in the plane or surface of the structure. In this context, theoretical developments are presented for the discrete-layer plate theory, the discrete-layer shell theory, and the formulation of an exact solution for simply-supported piezoelectric plates. Finally, evaluations and results from a number of separate examples are presented for the static and dynamic analysis of the plate geometry. Comparisons between the different approaches are provided when possible, and initial conclusions regarding the accuracy and limitations of these models are given