1,607 research outputs found

    Beyond romance and rhetoric: sustainable agriculture and farming systems research

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    Sustainable agriculture, Farming systems, Agriculture, Research


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    Obra col·lectiva biennal, creada per l'Institut de la Comunicació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (InCom-UAB), l'any 2000. La desena edició, corresponent al bienni 2017-2018, va comptar amb el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya; el patrocini de Naturgy; la col·laboració de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona; la subscripció institucional de la Societat Catalana de Comunicació (filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans); i la col·laboració científica de Comscore, Estudio General de Medios (EGM)/Asociación para la Investigación de Medios de Comunicación (AIMC), l'Observatori de la Comunicació a Catalunya, i el Portal de la Comunicació (InCom-UAB).En el marc del Grup Internacional d'Estudis sobre Comunicació i Cultura (InCom-UAB), reconegut com a Grup Consolidat de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya per al període 2017-2020 (Referència de concessió 2017 SGR 00760).Aquest text que esteu llegint és la presentació de la desena edició de l'Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya. Arribar a aquest nombre de publicacions -i, a més a més, respectant i mantenint els compromisos adquirits des d'un bon principi- no ha estat gens fàcil. És més, aquesta fita hauria estat impossible sense el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de Naturgy (abans Gas Natural Fenosa) i de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, on té la seva seu l'Institut de la Comunicació (InCom-UAB). Cal tenir en compte que estem parlant d'un projecte acadèmic que ha estat capaç d'analitzar, edició rere edició, tots els canvis viscuts a la indústria del sector comunicatiu català i la preocupació del qual, per tant, per establir i consolidar vincles entre la universitat i l'empresa no és un fet recent, sinó que forma part de la seva essència

    Structural phase transitions in the kagome lattice based materials Cs2-xRbxSnCu3F12 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5)

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    The solid solution Cs2-xRbxSnCu3F12 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) has been investigated crystallographically between 100 and 300 K using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and, in the case of x = 0, neutron powder diffraction.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Faint Submillimeter Counts from Deep 850 Micron Observations of the Lensing Clusters A370, A851, and A2390

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    We present deep 850 micron maps of three massive lensing clusters, A370, A851, and A2390, with well-constrained mass models. Our cluster exposure times are more than 2 to 5 times longer than any other published cluster field observations. We catalog the sources and determine the submillimeter number counts. The counts are best determined in the 0.3 to 2 mJy range where the areas are large enough to provide a significant sample. At 0.3 mJy the cumulative counts are 3.3 (1.3,6.3) 10^4 per square degree, where the upper and lower bounds in the brackets are the 90% confidence range. The surface density at these faint count limits enters the realm of significant overlap with other galaxy populations.The corresponding percentage of the extragalactic background light (EBL) residing in this flux range is about 45-65%, depending on the EBL measurement used. Given that 20-30% of the EBL is resolved at flux densities between 2 and 10 mJy, most of the submillimeter EBL is arising in sources above 0.3 mJy. We also performed a noise analysis to obtain an independent estimate of the counts. The upper bounds on the counts determined from the noise analysis closely match the upper limits obtained from the direct counts. The differential counts from this and other surveys can reasonably be described by the parameterization n(S)=3 10^4/(0.7 + S^3) per square degree per mJy with S in mJy, which also integrates to match the EBL

    The fidelity of synaptonemal complex assembly is regulated by a signaling mechanism that controls early meiotic progression

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    © 2014 Elsevier Inc.Proper chromosome segregation during meiosis requires the assembly of the synaptonemal complex (SC) between homologous chromosomes. However, the SC structure itself is indifferent to homology, andpoorly understood mechanisms that depend on conserved HORMA-domain proteins prevent ectopic SC assembly. Although HORMA-domain proteins are thought to regulate SC assembly as intrinsic components of meiotic chromosomes, here we uncover a key role for nuclear soluble HORMA-domain protein HTP-1 in the quality control of SC assembly. We show that a mutant form of HTP-1 impaired in chromosome loading provides functionality of an HTP-1-dependent checkpoint that delays exit from homology search-competent stages until all homolog pairs are linked by the SC. Bypassing of this regulatory mechanism results in premature meiotic progression and licensing of homology-independent SC assembly. These findings identify nuclear soluble HTP-1 as a regulator of early meiotic progression, suggesting parallels with the mode of action of Mad2 in the spindle assembly checkpoint

    CAOPLE: A Programming Language for Microservices SaaS

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    The microservices architecture is widely regarded as a promising approach to service-oriented systems. However, developing applications in the microservices architecture presents three main challenges: (a) how to program systems that consists of a large number of services running in paral- lel and distributed over a cluster of computers; (b) how to reduce the communication overhead caused by executing a large number of small services; (c) how to support the flexi- ble deployment of services to a network to achieve system load balance. This paper presents a programming language called CAOPLE and reports the implementation of the lan- guage on a virtual machine called CAVM-2. The paper demonstrates how this approach meets these challenges

    N-terminal acetylation promotes synaptonemal complex assembly in C. elegans

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    N-terminal acetylation of the first two amino acids on proteins is a prevalent cotranslational modification. Despite its abundance, the biological processes associated with this modification are not well understood. Here, we mapped the pattern of protein N-terminal acetylation in Caenorhabditis elegans, uncovering a conserved set of rules for this protein modification and identifying substrates for the N-terminal acetyltransferase B (NatB) complex. We observed an enrichment for global protein N-terminal acetylation and also specifically for NatB substrates in the nucleus, supporting the importance of this modification for regulating biological functions within this cellular compartment. Peptide profiling analysis provides evidence of cross-talk between N-terminal acetylation and internal modifications in a NAT substrate-specific manner. In vivo studies indicate that N-terminal acetylation is critical for meiosis, as it regulates the assembly of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a proteinaceous structure ubiquitously present during meiosis from yeast to humans. Specifically, N-terminal acetylation of NatB substrate SYP-1, an SC structural component, is critical for SC assembly. These findings provide novel insights into the biological functions of N-terminal acetylation and its essential role during meiosis