1,395 research outputs found

    Graded Orbital Occupation near Interfaces in a La2NiO4 - La2CuO4 Superlattice

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    X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant soft x-ray reflectivity show a non-uniform distribution of oxygen holes in a La2NiO4 - La2CuO4 (LNO-LCO) superlattice, with excess holes concentrated in the LNO layers. Weak ferromagnetism with Tc = 160 K suggests a coordinated tilting of NiO6 octahedra, similar to that of bulk LNO. Ni d3z2-r2 orbitals within the LNO layers have a spatially variable occupation. This variation of the Ni valence near LNO-LCO interfaces is observed with resonant soft x-ray reflectivity at the Ni L edge, at a reflection suppressed by the symmetry of the structure, and is possible through graded doping with holes, due to oxygen interstitials taken up preferentially by inner LNO layers. Since the density of oxygen atoms in the structure can be smoothly varied with standard procedures, this orbital occupation, robust up to at least 280 K, is tunable.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Spin excitations in a single La2_2CuO4_4 layer

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    The dynamics of S=1/2 quantum spins on a 2D square lattice lie at the heart of the mystery of the cuprates \cite{Hayden2004,Vignolle2007,Li2010,LeTacon2011,Coldea2001,Headings2010,Braicovich2010}. In bulk cuprates such as \LCO{}, the presence of a weak interlayer coupling stabilizes 3D N\'{e}el order up to high temperatures. In a truly 2D system however, thermal spin fluctuations melt long range order at any finite temperature \cite{Mermin1966}. Further, quantum spin fluctuations transfer magnetic spectral weight out of a well-defined magnon excitation into a magnetic continuum, the nature of which remains controversial \cite{Sandvik2001,Ho2001,Christensen2007,Headings2010}. Here, we measure the spin response of \emph{isolated one-unit-cell thick layers} of \LCO{}. We show that coherent magnons persist even in a single layer of \LCO{} despite the loss of magnetic order, with no evidence for resonating valence bond (RVB)-like spin correlations \cite{Anderson1987,Hsu1990,Christensen2007}. Thus these excitations are well described by linear spin wave theory (LSWT). We also observe a high-energy magnetic continuum in the isotropic magnetic response. This high-energy continuum is not well described by 2 magnon LSWT, or indeed any existing theories.Comment: Revised version to appear in Nature Materials; 6 pages,4 figure

    Effective Lagrangian of unitary Fermi gas from ε\varepsilon expansion

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    Using ε\varepsilon expansion technique proposed in \cite{Nishida:2006br} we derive an effective Lagrangian (Ginzburg-Landau-like functional) of the degenerate unitary Fermi gas to the next-to-leading (NLO) order in ε.\varepsilon. It is demonstrated that for many realistic situations it is sufficient to retain leading order (LO) terms in the derivative expansion. The functional is used to study vortex structure in the symmetric gas, and interface between normal and superfluid phases in the polarized gas. The resulting surface free energy is about four times larger than the value previously quoted in the literature.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Distinct oxygen hole doping in different layers of Sr2CuO4δLa2CuO4\rm Sr_{2}CuO_{4-\delta}-La_{2}CuO_4 superlattices

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    X-ray absorption in Sr2CuO4δLa2CuO4\rm Sr_{2}CuO_{4-\delta}-La_{2}CuO_4 (SCO-LCO) superlattices shows a variable occupation with doping of a hole state different from holes doped for xxoptimalx \lesssim x_{optimal} in bulk La2xSrxCuO4\rm La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_4 and suggests that this hole state is on apical oxygen atoms and polarized in the aba-b plane. Considering the surface reflectivity gives a good qualitative description of the line shapes of resonant soft X-ray scattering. The interference between superlattice and surface reflections was used to distinguish between scatterers in the SCO and the LCO layers, with the two hole states maximized in different layers of the superlattice

    Probing Pseudogap by Josephson Tunneling

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    We propose here an experiment aimed to determine whether there are superconducting pairing fluctuations in the pseudogap regime of the high-TcT_c materials. In the experimental setup, two samples above TcT_c are brought into contact at a single point and the differential AC conductivity in the presence of a constant applied bias voltage between the samples, VV, should be measured. We argue the the pairing fluctuations will produce randomly fluctuating Josephson current with zero mean, however the current-current correlator will have a characteristic frequency given by Josephson frequency ωJ=2eV/\omega_J = 2 e V /\hbar. We predict that the differential AC conductivity should have a peak at the Josephson frequency with the width determined by the phase fluctuations time.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    The Meissner effect in a strongly underdoped cuprate above its critical temperature

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    The Meissner effect and the associated perfect "bulk" diamagnetism together with zero resistance and gap opening are characteristic features of the superconducting state. In the pseudogap state of cuprates unusual diamagnetic signals as well as anomalous proximity effects have been detected but a Meissner effect has never been observed. Here we have probed the local diamagnetic response in the normal state of an underdoped La1.94Sr0.06CuO4 layer (up to 46 nm thick, critical temperature Tc' < 5 K) which was brought into close contact with two nearly optimally doped La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 layers (Tc \approx 32 K). We show that the entire 'barrier' layer of thickness much larger than the typical c axis coherence lengths of cuprates exhibits a Meissner effect at temperatures well above Tc' but below Tc. The temperature dependence of the effective penetration depth and superfluid density in different layers indicates that superfluidity with long-range phase coherence is induced in the underdoped layer by the proximity to optimally doped layers; however, this induced order is very sensitive to thermal excitation.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures + Erratu

    Transport through a double barrier for interacting quasi one-dimensional electrons in a Quantum Wire in the presence of a transverse magnetic field

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    We discuss the Luttinger Liquid behaviour of a semiconducting Quantum Wire. We show that the measured value of the bulk critical exponent, αbulk\alpha_{bulk}, for the tunneling density of states can be easily calculated. Then, the problem of the transport through a Quantum Dot formed by two Quantum Point Contacts along the Quantum Wire, weakly coupled to spinless Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids is studied, including the action of a strong transverse magnetic field BB. The known magnetic dependent peaks of the conductance, G(B)G(B), in the ballistic regime at a very low temperature, TT, have to be reflected also in the transport at higher TT and in different regimes. The temperature dependence of the maximum GmaxG_{max} of the conductance peak, according to the Correlated Sequential Tunneling theory, yields the power law GmaxT2αend1G_{max}\propto T^{2\alpha_{end}-1}, with the critical exponent, αend\alpha_{end}, strongly reduced by BB. This behaviour suggests the use of a similar device as a magnetic field modulated transistor.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Scale-invariant magnetoresistance in a cuprate superconductor

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    The anomalous metallic state in high-temperature superconducting cuprates is masked by the onset of superconductivity near a quantum critical point. Use of high magnetic fields to suppress superconductivity has enabled a detailed study of the ground state in these systems. Yet, the direct effect of strong magnetic fields on the metallic behavior at low temperatures is poorly understood, especially near critical doping, x=0.19x=0.19. Here we report a high-field magnetoresistance study of thin films of \LSCO cuprates in close vicinity to critical doping, 0.161x0.1900.161\leq x\leq0.190. We find that the metallic state exposed by suppressing superconductivity is characterized by a magnetoresistance that is linear in magnetic field up to the highest measured fields of 8080T. The slope of the linear-in-field resistivity is temperature-independent at very high fields. It mirrors the magnitude and doping evolution of the linear-in-temperature resistivity that has been ascribed to Planckian dissipation near a quantum critical point. This establishes true scale-invariant conductivity as the signature of the strange metal state in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Vanishing of phase coherence in underdoped Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8+d

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    Coherent time-domain spectroscopy is used to measure the screening and dissipation of high-frequency electromagnetic fields in a set of underdoped Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8+d thin films. The measurements provide direct evidence for a phase-fluctuation driven transition from the superconductor to normal state, with dynamics described well by the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless theory of vortex-pair unbinding.Comment: Nature, Vol. 398, 18 March 1999, pg. 221 4 pages with 4 included figure