167 research outputs found

    Observations on the reproductive cycle, age and growth of the salema, <em>Sarpa salpa</em> (Osteichthyes: Sparidae) along the western central coast of Italy

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    La maduración sexual y crecimiento de Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, 1758) en las costas del Mediterráneo italiano (Italia central) fueron estudiadas a partir de la recolecta de ejemplares muertos accidentalmente (n = 105) como consecuencia de las explosiones submarinas acaecidas durante la construcción del puerto de Civitavecchia en 1999, así como de ejemplares recolectados mediante redes de arrastre (n = 339). Esta especie se caracteriza por un hermafroditismo protándrico, ocurriendo el proceso de cambio sexual entre los 24 y 31 cm TL, los cuales corresponden a un amplio rango de edades (3-7 años). La talla de maduración (L50) fue de 19,5 cm, siendo la casi la totalidad de los individuos eran de sexo masculino. Se observaron dos períodos diferentes de reproducción: uno en primavera, de marzo a mayo y otro en otoño, de finales de septiembre a noviembre. Se observó, durante el primer año, un crecimiento compensatorio ocurrido entre los individuos nacidos en los dos períodos. Se identificó en los otolitos un modelo anual y regular de deposición de anillos. Se observó el depósito de un anillo translúcido durante los meses invernales, mientras que otro opaco se formó durante los meses de verano. Las composición por edades y tallas retrocalculadas se utilizaron para estimar los parámetros de la ecuación de crecimiento de Von Bertalanffy, es decir: L∞ = 37,27 cm, K = 0,27 año-1 y t0 = -0,53 año. S. salpa demostró un crecimiento isométrico (b = 3,04; P = 0,84; t = 0,19)

    Analysis of demersal assemblages off the Tuscany and Latium coasts (north-western Mediterranean)

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    A four-year time series (1994-1997) of groundfish trawl surveys performed within the European Union Project "MEDITS" (Mediterranean International Trawl Surveys), was analysed to identify and describe the fish assemblages along the continental shelf and slope of Tuscany and Latium (Italy), in the north-western Mediterranean. Cluster analysis was used to group samples with similar species composition in terms of abundance, biomass and frequency of occurrence. Results allowed the identification of four to five broad assemblages along the depth gradient: a strictly coastal group (< 50 m depth), two groups in the upper and lower part of the continental shelf (essentially 50-200 m), an epibathyal group (200450 m) and a group derived from hauls made at depths greater than 450 in. Each assemblage corresponded to a faunistic association with relatively homogeneous and persistent species composition, biomass and density indices

    Analytical Processing of Binary Mixture Information by Olfactory Bulb Glomeruli

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    Odors are rarely composed of a single compound, but rather contain a large and complex variety of chemical components. Often, these mixtures are perceived as having unique qualities that can be quite different than the combination of their components. In many cases, a majority of the components of a mixture cannot be individually identified. This synthetic processing of odor information suggests that individual component representations of the mixture must interact somewhere along the olfactory pathway. The anatomical nature of sensory neuron input into segregated glomeruli with the bulb suggests that initial input of odor information into the bulb is analytic. However, a large network of interneurons within the olfactory bulb could allow for mixture interactions via mechanisms such as lateral inhibition. Currently in mammals, it is unclear if postsynaptic mitral/tufted cell glomerular mixture responses reflect the analytical mixture input, or provide the initial basis for synthetic processing with the olfactory system. To address this, olfactory bulb glomerular binary mixture representations were compared to representations of each component using transgenic mice expressing the calcium indicator G-CaMP2 in olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells. Overall, dorsal surface mixture representations showed little mixture interaction and often appeared as a simple combination of the component representations. Based on this, it is concluded that dorsal surface glomerular mixture representations remain largely analytical with nearly all component information preserved

    A Recent Class of Chemosensory Neurons Developed in Mouse and Rat

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    In most animal species, the vomeronasal organ ensures the individual recognition of conspecifics, a prerequisite for a successful reproduction. The vomeronasal organ expresses several receptors for pheromone detection. Mouse vomeronasal type-2 receptors (V2Rs) are restricted to the basal neurons of this organ and organized in four families. Family-A, B and D (family ABD) V2Rs are expressed monogenically (one receptor per neuron) and coexpress with either Vmn2r1 or Vmn2r2, two members of family-C V2Rs. Thus, basal neurons are characterized by specific combinations of two V2Rs. To investigate this issue, we raised antibodies against all family-C V2Rs and analyzed their expression pattern. We found that six out of seven family-C V2Rs (Vmn2r2-7) largely coexpressed and that none of the anti-Vmn2r2-7 antibodies significantly stained Vmn2r1 positive neurons. Thus, basal neurons are divided into two complementary subsets. The first subset (Vmn2r1-positive) preferentially coexpresses a distinct group of family-ABD V2Rs, whereas the second subset (Vmn2r2-7-positive) coexpresses the remaining group of V2Rs. Phylogenetic reconstruction and the analysis of genetic loci in various species reveal that receptors expressed by this second neuronal subset are recent branches of the V2R tree exclusively present in mouse and rat. Conversely, V2Rs expressed in Vmn2r1 positive neurons, are phylogenetically ancient and found in most vertebrates including rodents. Noticeably, the more recent neuronal subset expresses a type of Major Histocompatibility Complex genes only found in murine species. These results indicate that the expansion of the V2R repertoire in a murine ancestor occurred with the establishment of a new population of vomeronasal neurons in which coexists the polygenic expression of a recent group of family-C V2Rs (Vmn2r2-7) and the monogenic expression of a recent group of family-ABD V2Rs. This evolutionary innovation could provide a molecular rationale for the exquisite ability in individual recognition and mate choice of murine species

    Defining an olfactory receptor function in airway smooth muscle cells

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    Pathways that control, or can be exploited to alter, the increase in airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass and cellular remodeling that occur in asthma are not well defined. Here we report the expression of odorant receptors (ORs) belonging to the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), as well as the canonical olfaction machinery (G olf and AC3) in the smooth muscle of human bronchi. In primary cultures of isolated human ASM, we identified mRNA expression for multiple ORs. Strikingly, OR51E2 was the most highly enriched OR transcript mapped to the human olfactome in lung-resident cells. In a heterologous expression system, OR51E2 trafficked readily to the cell surface and showed ligand selectivity and sensitivity to the short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) acetate and propionate. These endogenous metabolic byproducts of the gut microbiota slowed the rate of cytoskeletal remodeling, as well as the proliferation of human ASM cells. These cellular responses in vitro were found in ASM from non-asthmatics and asthmatics, and were absent in OR51E2-deleted primary human ASM. These results demonstrate a novel chemo-mechanical signaling network in the ASM and serve as a proof-of-concept that a specific receptor of the gut-lung axis can be targeted to treat airflow obstruction in asthma.open0

    Seagrass beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts. Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats (MEDISEH) Final Report, DG MARE Specific Contract SI2.600741.

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    Based on the following Terms of Reference (TOR) of the content of the European Commission DG MARE request Ares (2011)665688: “Compile information supporting the identification and location of nursery areas (juveniles in their first and, if appropriate, second year of life) and spawning aggregations. This information, which is to be collated and archived in formats adequate for GIS rendering, shall refer to all the demersal and small pelagic species in the Mediterranean included in Appendix VII of Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 as well as for the species subject to minimum size (Council Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006-Annex III). In addition, ecological characterisation of these areas, both in terms of biological community (assemblage) and habitats therein, must be provided.” The technical tender form of the Specific Contract 2 (MEDISEH) defined the following objectives: Review of historical and current data on the locations and the status of seagrass beds, coralligenous and mäerl beds in different GSAs (Geographical Sub-Areas amending amending the Resolution GFCM/31/2007/2) all over the Mediterranean basin. Transform the information into a digitilized format within the framework of a geodatabase Review and map of all existing specific Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean area as well as areas that are under any form of national or international regulation. Identify and map suitable areas for Posidonia, coralligenous and mäerl communities by developing habitat distribution models at different spatial scales. Review and map all existing information on historical and current data of nurseries and spawning grounds of certain small pelagic (i.e., Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber spp., Trachurus spp.) and demersal species (i.e., Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Aristeus antennatus, Merluccius merluccius, Mullus barbatus, Mullus surmuletus, Nephrops norvegicus, Parapenaeus longirostris, Pagellus erythrinus, Galeus melastomus, Raja clavata, Illex coindetti, Eledone cirrosa) that are included in the Data Collection Framework for the Mediterranean and subjected to minimum landing size based on Council Regulation No 1967/2006-Annex II. Analyze existing survey data and apply spatial analysis techniques in order to identify locations that are more likely to be density hot spot areas or are being more suitable for fish nurseries and spawning grounds for Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Scomber spp., Trachurus trachurus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Aristeus antennatus, Merluccius merluccius, Mullus barbatus, Mullus surmuletus, Nephrops norvegicus, Parapenaeus longirostris, Pagellus erythrinus, Galeus melastomus, Raja clavata, Illex coindetti, Eledone cirrosa These areas will also be characterized from an environmental and ecological perspective upon data availability. Integrate and present the aforementioned information through a Web-based GIS viewer with an associated geo-referenced database that will operate as a consulting tool for spatial management and conservation planning. Following the revision of the knowledge base, to identify gaps and suggest future research priorities. In order to meet these objectives, an expert team was composed within the MAREA Consortium from scientists with established expertise in the different topics required, and working in different areas of the Mediterranean basin. The team formed to execute the project includes the main Institutes of EU countries in the Mediterranean, all having solid reputations in the fields covered. The participating Institutes/Entities operate in the Western, Central and Eastern parts of the Mediterranean basin, and this ensures familiarity with the geographical areas that are related to the specific tendering. Moreover, a large number of scientists outside of the MAREA Consortium collaborated on a volunteer basis with data and other input. Details on the list of experts and external collaborators can be found in each Work Package in the present report. For CV details, check the MAREA expert web-site http://www.mareaproject.net

    The Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger NCKX4 governs termination and adaptation of the mammalian olfactory response

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    Sensory perception requires accurate encoding of stimulus information by sensory receptor cells. We identified NCKX4, a potassium-dependent Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, as being necessary for rapid response termination and proper adaptation of vertebrate olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). Nckx4(-/-) (also known as Slc24a4) mouse OSNs displayed substantially prolonged responses and stronger adaptation. Single-cell electrophysiological analyses revealed that the majority of Na(+)-dependent Ca(2+) exchange in OSNs relevant to sensory transduction is a result of NCKX4 and that Nckx4(-/-) mouse OSNs are deficient in encoding action potentials on repeated stimulation. Olfactory-specific Nckx4(-/-) mice had lower body weights and a reduced ability to locate an odorous source. These results establish the role of NCKX4 in shaping olfactory responses and suggest that rapid response termination and proper adaptation of peripheral sensory receptor cells tune the sensory system for optimal perception

    Descriptors of Posidonia oceanica meadows: Use and application

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    The conservation of the coastal marine environment requires the possession of information that enables the global quality of the environment to be evaluated reliably and relatively quickly. The use of biological indicators is often an appropriate method. Seagrasses in general, and Posidonia oceanica meadows in particular, are considered to be appropriate for biomonitoring because of their wide distribution, reasonable size, sedentary habit, easy collection and abundance and sensitivity to modifications of littoral zone. Reasoned management, on the scale of the whole Mediterranean basin, requires standardized methods of study, to be applied by both researchers and administrators, enabling comparable results to be obtained. This paper synthesises the existing methods applied to monitor P. oceanica meadows, identifies the most suitable techniques and suggests future research directions. From the results of a questionnaire, distributed to all the identified laboratories working on this topic, a list of the most commonly used descriptors was drawn up, together with the related research techniques (e.g. standardization, interest and limits, valuation of the results). It seems that the techniques used to study meadows are rather similar, but rarely identical, even though the various teams often refer to previously published works. This paper shows the interest of a practical guide that describes, in a standardized way, the most useful techniques enabling P. oceanica meadows to be used as an environmental descriptor. Indeed, it constitutes the first stage in the process. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Co-regulation of a large and rapidly evolving repertoire of odorant receptor genes

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    The olfactory system meets niche- and species-specific demands by an accelerated evolution of its odorant receptor repertoires. In this review, we describe evolutionary processes that have shaped olfactory and vomeronasal receptor gene families in vertebrate genomes. We emphasize three important periods in the evolution of the olfactory system evident by comparative genomics: the adaptation to land in amphibian ancestors, the decline of olfaction in primates, and the delineation of putative pheromone receptors concurrent with rodent speciation. The rapid evolution of odorant receptor genes, the sheer size of the repertoire, as well as their wide distribution in the genome, presents a developmental challenge: how are these ever-changing odorant receptor repertoires coordinated within the olfactory system? A central organizing principle in olfaction is the specialization of sensory neurons resulting from each sensory neuron expressing only ~one odorant receptor allele. In this review, we also discuss this mutually exclusive expression of odorant receptor genes. We have considered several models to account for co-regulation of odorant receptor repertoires, as well as discussed a new hypothesis that invokes important epigenetic properties of the system