5,014 research outputs found

    Probing X-ray burst -- accretion disk interaction in low mass X-ray binaries through kilohertz quasiperiodic oscillations

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    The intense radiation flux of Type I X-ray bursts is expected to interact with the accretion flow around neutron stars. High frequency quasiperiodic oscillations (kHz QPOs), observed at frequencies matching orbital frequencies at tens of gravitational radii, offer a unique probe of the innermost disk regions. In this paper, we follow the lower kHz QPOs, in response to Type I X-ray bursts, in two prototypical QPO sources, namely 4U 1636-536 and 4U 1608-522, as observed by the Proportional Counter Array of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We have selected a sample of 15 bursts for which the kHz QPO frequency can be tracked on timescales commensurable with the burst durations (tens of seconds). We find evidence that the QPOs are affected for over ~200 s during one exceptionally long burst and ~100 s during two others (although at a less significant level), while the burst emission has already decayed to a level that would enable the pre-burst QPO to be detected. On the other hand, for most of our burst-kHz QPO sample, we show that the QPO is detected as soon as the statistics allow and in the best cases, we are able to set an upper limit of ~20 s on the recovery time of the QPO. This diversity of behavior cannot be related to differences in burst peak luminosity. We discuss these results in the framework of recent findings that accretion onto the neutron star may be enhanced during Type I X-ray bursts. The subsequent disk depletion could explain the disappearance of the QPO for ~100 s, as possibly observed in two events. However, alternative scenarios would have to be invoked for explaining the short recovery timescales inferred from most bursts. Clearly the combination of fast timing and spectral information of Type I X-ray bursts holds great potential in the study of the dynamics of the inner accretion flow around neutron stars.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, appears in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A80, published 07/201

    Monte-Carlo simulations of the background of the coded-mask camera for X- and Gamma-rays on-board the Chinese-French GRB mission SVOM

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    For several decades now, wide-field coded mask cameras have been used with success to localise Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In these instruments, the event count rate is dominated by the photon background due to their large field of view and large effective area. It is therefore essential to estimate the instrument background expected in orbit during the early phases of the instrument design in order to optimise the scientific performances of the mission. We present here a detailed study of the instrument background and sensitivity of the coded-mask camera for X- and Gamma-rays (CXG) to be used in the detection and localisation of high-redshift GRBs on-board the international GRB mission SVOM. To compute the background spectrum, a Monte-Carlo approach was used to simulate the primary and secondary interactions between particles from the main components of the space environment that SVOM will encounter along its Low Earth Orbit (LEO) (with an altitude of 600 km and an inclination of ~ 30 deg) and the body of the CXG. We consider the detailed mass model of the CXG in its latest design. According to our results, i) the design of the passive shield of the camera ensures that in the 4-50 keV imaging band the cosmic X-Gamma-ray background is dominant whilst the internal background should start to become dominant above 70-90 keV; ii) the current camera design ensures that the CXG camera will be more sensitive to high-redshift GRBs than the Swift Burst Alert Telescope thanks to a low-energy threshold of 4 keV.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures (1 colour), accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section

    RXTE Studies of X-ray Spectral Variations with Accretion Rate in 4U 1915-05

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    We present the results of detailed spectral studies of the ultra-compact low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1915-05 carried out with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) during 1996. 4U 1915-05 is an X-ray burster (XRB) known to exhibit a ~199-day modulation in its 2--12 keV flux. Observations were performed with the PCA and HEXTE instruments on RXTE at roughly one-month intervals to sample this long-term period and study accretion rate-related spectral changes. We obtain good fits with a model consisting of a blackbody and an exponentially cut-off power law. The spectral parameters are strongly correlated with both the broad-band (2--50 keV) luminosity and the position in the color-color diagram, with the source moving from a low hard state to a high soft state as the accretion rate increases. The blackbody component appears to drive the spectral evolution. Our results are consistent with a geometry in which the soft component arises from an optically thick boundary layer and the hard component from an extended Comptonizing corona. Comparing our results with those of a similar study of the brighter source 4U 1820-30 (Bloser et al. 2000), we find that the two ultra-compact LMXBs occupy similar spectral states even though the transitions occur at very different total luminosities.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, 8 figures, accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray sources and their optical counterparts in the globular cluster M 22

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    Using XMM-Newton EPIC imaging data, we have detected 50 low-luminosity X-ray sources in the field of view of M 22, where 5 +/- 3 of these sources are likely to be related to the cluster. Using differential optical photometry, we have identified probable counterparts to those sources belonging to the cluster. Using X-ray spectroscopic and timing studies, supported by the optical colours, we propose that the most central X-ray sources in the cluster are cataclysmic variables, millisecond pulsars, active binaries and a blue straggler. We also identify a cluster of galaxies behind this globular cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Constraining the equation of state of supra-nuclear dense matter from XMM-Newton observations of neutron stars in globular clusters

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    We report on the detailed modelling of the X-ray spectra of three likely neutron stars. The neutron stars, observed with XMM-Newton are found in three quiescent X-ray binaries in the globular clusters: omega Cen, M 13 and NGC 2808. Whether they are accreting at very low rates or radiating energy from an accretion heated core, their X-ray spectra are expected to be those of a hydrogen atmosphere. We use and compare publicly available hydrogen atmosphere models, with constant and varying surface gravities to constrain the masses and radii of the neutron stars. Thanks to the high XMM-Newton throughput, and the accurate distances available for these clusters, using the latest science analysis software release and calibration of the XMM-Newton EPIC cameras, we derive the most stringent constraints on the masses and radii of the neutron stars obtained to date from these systems. A comparison of the models indicate that previously used hydrogen atmosphere models (assuming constant surface gravity) tend to underestimate the mass and overestimate the radius of neutron stars. Our data constrain the allowed equations of state to those which concern normal nucleonic matter and one possible strange quark matter model, thus constraining radii to be from 8 km and masses up to 2.4 M⊙_\odot.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    An ADM 3+1 formulation for Smooth Lattice General Relativity

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    A new hybrid scheme for numerical relativity will be presented. The scheme will employ a 3-dimensional spacelike lattice to record the 3-metric while using the standard 3+1 ADM equations to evolve the lattice. Each time step will involve three basic steps. First, the coordinate quantities such as the Riemann and extrinsic curvatures are extracted from the lattice. Second, the 3+1 ADM equations are used to evolve the coordinate data, and finally, the coordinate data is used to update the scalar data on the lattice (such as the leg lengths). The scheme will be presented only for the case of vacuum spacetime though there is no reason why it could not be extended to non-vacuum spacetimes. The scheme allows any choice for the lapse function and shift vectors. An example for the Kasner T3T^3 cosmology will be presented and it will be shown that the method has, for this simple example, zero discretisation error.Comment: 18 pages, plain TeX, 5 epsf figues, gzipped ps file also available at http://newton.maths.monash.edu.au:8000/preprints/3+1-slgr.ps.g

    INTEGRAL observations of the Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375 during outburst

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    We present a type-I outburst of the high-mass X-ray binary EXO 2030+375, detected during INTEGRAL's Performance and Verification Phase in December 2002 (on-source time about 10e+06 seconds). In addition, six more outbursts have been observed during INTEGRAL's Galactic Plane Scans. X-ray pulsations have been detected with a pulse period of 41.691798+-0.000016 s. The X-ray luminosity in the 5-300 keV energy range was 9.7*10e+36 erg/s, for a distance of 7.1 kpc. Two unusual features were found in the light curve, with an initial peak before the main outburst and another possible spike after the maximum. RXTE observations confirm only the existence of the initial spike. Although the initial peak appears to be a recurrent feature, the physical mechanisms producing it and the possible second spike are unknown. Moreover, a four-day delay between periastron passage and the peak of the outburst is observed. We present for the first time a 5-300 keV broad-band spectrum of this source. It can be modelled by the sum of a disk black body (kT_bb~8 keV) with either a power law model with Gamma=2.04+-0.11 keV or a Comptonized component (spherical geometry, kT_e=30 keV, tau=2.64, kT_W=1.5 keV).Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, to be published in A&
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