592 research outputs found

    Laser Stabilization at 1536 nm Using Regenerative Spectral Hole Burning

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    Laser frequency stabilization giving a 500-Hz Allan deviation for a 2-ms integration time with drift reduced to 7 kHz/min over several minutes was achieved at 1536 nm in the optical communication band. A continuously regenerated spectral hole in the inhomogeneously broadened 4I15/2(1)!4I13/2(1) optical absorption of an Er31:Y2SiO5 crystal was used as the short-term frequency reference, while a variation on the locking technique allowed simultaneous use of the inhomogeneously broadened absorption line as a long-term reference. The reported frequency stability was achieved without vibration isolation. Spectral hole burning frequency stabilization provides ideal laser sources for high-resolution spectroscopy, real-time optical signal processing, and a range of applications requiring ultra-narrow-band light sources or coherent detection; the time scale for stability and the compatibility with spectral hole burning devices make this technique complementary to other frequency references for laser stabilization

    High-Resolution Electron Time-of-Flight Apparatus for the Soft-X-Ray Region

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    A gas-phase time-of-flight (TOF) apparatus, capable of supporting as many as six electron-TOF analyzers viewing the same interaction region, has been developed to measure energy- and angle-resolved electrons with kinetic energies up to 5 keV. Each analyzer includes a newly designed lens system that can retard electrons to about 2% of their initial kinetic energy without significant loss of transmission; the analyzers can thus achieve a resolving power (E/ΔE) greater than 104 over a wide kinetic-energy range. Such high resolving power is comparable to the photon energy resolution of state-of-the-art synchrotron–radiation beamlines in the soft x-ray range, opening the TOF technique to numerous high-resolution applications. In addition, the angular placement of the analyzers, by design, permits detailed studies of nondipolar angular distribution effects in gas-phase photoemission

    Flow impacts on estuarine finfish fisheries of the Gulf of Carpentaria

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    The estuaries of Australia s tropical rivers support commercial fisheries for finfish and shellfish valued at over $220 million per annum. There are also significant tourism-related and local recreational and indigenous fisheries for icon species such as barramundi. Development of water resources in Australia's Tropical Rivers region is being considered for the Flinders, Mitchell, McArthur, Roper, Daly and Victoria catchments. Greater knowledge of the freshwater requirements of tropical aquatic ecosystems, including estuaries is crucial, so that the communities of catchments where water resource development occurs can be assured that the downstream effects of such development are considered and managed based on the best available knowledge

    Lasing without inversion in three-level systems : self-pulsing in the cascade schemes

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    Lasing without inversion (LWI) in specific models of closed three-level systems is analyzed in terms of nonlinear dynamics. From a linear stability analysis of the trivial nonlasing solution of the homogeneously broadened systems with on-resonance driving and laser fields, we find that, near lasing threshold, resonant closed Λ and V schemes yield continuous-wave LWI while resonant cascade schemes can give rise to self-pulsing LWI. The origin of this different behavior is discussed. For parameters of a real cascade system in atomic 138Ba we check numerically that the self-pulsing solution is stable in a broad range of nonzero detunings. It is shown that the self-pulsing emission can still be observed when the typical residual Doppler broadening of an atomic beam is taken into account

    Gain without population inversion in V-type systems driven by a frequency-modulated field

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    We obtain gain of the probe field at multiple frequencies in a closed three-level V-type system using frequency modulated pump field. There is no associated population inversion among the atomic states of the probe transition. We describe both the steady-state and transient dynamics of this system. Under suitable conditions, the system exhibits large gain simultaneously at series of frequencies far removed from resonance. Moreover, the system can be tailored to exhibit multiple frequency regimes where the probe experiences anomalous dispersion accompanied by negligible gain-absorption over a large bandwidth, a desirable feature for obtaining superluminal propagation of pulses with negligible distortion.Comment: 10 pages + 8 figures; To appear in Physical Review

    First generation immigrant judgements of offence seriousness: evidence from the crime survey for England and Wales

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    This exploratory paper delves into differences and similarities in the rated seriousness of offences suffered by victims of different national origin. The issue is important because a mismatch between police and victim assessments of seriousness is likely to fuel discord. It was found that first generation immigrants did not differ in their rating of the seriousness of offences against the person from either the indigenous population or according to region of birth. However those of Asian origin rated vehicle and property crime they had suffered as more serious than did other groups about crimes they suffered. The anticipated higher seriousness rating of offences reported to the police r was observed for all groups. People of Asian origin reported to the police a smaller proportion of offences they rated trivial than did people in other groups. Analysis of seriousness judgements in victimization surveys represents a much-underused resource for understanding the nexus between public perceptions and criminal justice responses

    Electric-octupole and pure-electric-quadrupole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission

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    Second-order [O(k^2), k=omega/c] nondipole effects in soft-x-ray photoemission are demonstrated via an experimental and theoretical study of angular distributions of neon valence photoelectrons in the 100--1200 eV photon-energy range. A newly derived theoretical expression for nondipolar angular distributions characterizes the second-order effects using four new parameters with primary contributions from pure-quadrupole and octupole-dipole interference terms. Independent-particle calculations of these parameters account for a significant portion of the existing discrepancy between experiment and theory for Ne 2p first-order nondipole parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Breakdown of the Independent Particle Approximation in High-Energy Photoionization

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    The independent particle approximation is shown to break down for the photoionization of both inner and outer nâ„“ (â„“\u3e0) electrons of all atoms, at high enough energy, owing to interchannel interactions with the nearby ns photoionization channels. The effect is illustrated for Ne 2p in the 1 keV photon energy range through a comparison of theory and experiment. The implications for x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of molecules and condensed matter are discussed

    Reexamining evidence-based practice in community corrections: beyond 'a confined view' of what works

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    This article aims to reexamine the development and scope of evidence-based practice (EBP) in community corrections by exploring three sets of issues. Firstly, we examine the relationships between the contested purposes of community supervision and their relationships to questions of evidence. Secondly, we explore the range of forms of evidence that might inform the pursuit of one purpose of supervision—the rehabilitation of offenders—making the case for a fuller engagement with “desistance” research in supporting this process. Thirdly, we examine who can and should be involved in conversations about EBP, arguing that both ex/offenders’ and practitioners’ voices need to be respected and heard in this debate
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