10,002 research outputs found

    Deep Learning of Geometric Constellation Shaping including Fiber Nonlinearities

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    A new geometric shaping method is proposed, leveraging unsupervised machine learning to optimize the constellation design. The learned constellation mitigates nonlinear effects with gains up to 0.13 bit/4D when trained with a simplified fiber channel model.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ECOC 201

    Color-charge separation in trapped SU(3) fermionic atoms

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    Cold fermionic atoms with three different hyperfine states with SU(3) symmetry confined in one-dimensional optical lattices show color-charge separation, generalizing the conventional spin charge separation for interacting SU(2) fermions in one dimension. Through time-dependent DMRG simulations, we explore the features of this phenomenon for a generalized SU(3) Hubbard Hamiltonian. In our numerical simulations of finite size systems, we observe different velocities of the charge and color degrees of freedom when a Gaussian wave packet or a charge (color) density response to a local perturbation is evolved. The differences between attractive and repulsive interactions are explored and we note that neither a small anisotropy of the interaction, breaking the SU(3) symmetry, nor the filling impedes the basic observation of these effects

    On the two-loop electroweak amplitude of the muon decay

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    We present an analysis of the two-loop amplitude of the muon decay in the Standard Model (SM) using algebraic renormalization techniques. In addition, we discuss a manifestly BRST invariant IR regulator for the photon within the SM

    Optimal target search on a fast folding polymer chain with volume exchange

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    We study the search process of a target on a rapidly folding polymer (`DNA') by an ensemble of particles (`proteins'), whose search combines 1D diffusion along the chain, Levy type diffusion mediated by chain looping, and volume exchange. A rich behavior of the search process is obtained with respect to the physical parameters, in particular, for the optimal search.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, REVTe

    Aging dynamics in interacting many-body systems

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    Low-dimensional, complex systems are often characterized by logarithmically slow dynamics. We study the generic motion of a labeled particle in an ensemble of identical diffusing particles with hardcore interactions in a strongly disordered, one-dimensional environment. Each particle in this single file is trapped for a random waiting time τ\tau with power law distribution ψ(τ)τ1α\psi(\tau)\simeq\tau^{-1- \alpha}, such that the τ\tau values are independent, local quantities for all particles. From scaling arguments and simulations, we find that for the scale-free waiting time case 0<α<10<\alpha<1, the tracer particle dynamics is ultra-slow with a logarithmic mean square displacement (MSD) x2(t)(logt)1/2\langle x^2(t)\rangle\simeq(\log t)^{1/2}. This extreme slowing down compared to regular single file motion x2(t)t1/2\langle x^2(t)\rangle\simeq t^{1/2} is due to the high likelihood that the labeled particle keeps encountering strongly immobilized neighbors. For the case 1<α<21<\alpha<2 we observe the MSD scaling x2(t)tγ\langle x^2(t)\rangle\simeq t^{\gamma}, where γ2\gamma2 we recover Harris law t1/2\simeq t^{1/2}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On Predicting the Solar Cycle using Mean-Field Models

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    We discuss the difficulties of predicting the solar cycle using mean-field models. Here we argue that these difficulties arise owing to the significant modulation of the solar activity cycle, and that this modulation arises owing to either stochastic or deterministic processes. We analyse the implications for predictability in both of these situations by considering two separate solar dynamo models. The first model represents a stochastically-perturbed flux transport dynamo. Here even very weak stochastic perturbations can give rise to significant modulation in the activity cycle. This modulation leads to a loss of predictability. In the second model, we neglect stochastic effects and assume that generation of magnetic field in the Sun can be described by a fully deterministic nonlinear mean-field model -- this is a best case scenario for prediction. We designate the output from this deterministic model (with parameters chosen to produce chaotically modulated cycles) as a target timeseries that subsequent deterministic mean-field models are required to predict. Long-term prediction is impossible even if a model that is correct in all details is utilised in the prediction. Furthermore, we show that even short-term prediction is impossible if there is a small discrepancy in the input parameters from the fiducial model. This is the case even if the predicting model has been tuned to reproduce the output of previous cycles. Given the inherent uncertainties in determining the transport coefficients and nonlinear responses for mean-field models, we argue that this makes predicting the solar cycle using the output from such models impossible.Comment: 22 Pages, 5 Figures, Preprint accepted for publication in Ap

    Entanglement of a microcanonical ensemble

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    We replace time-averaged entanglement by ensemble-averaged entanglement and derive a simple expression for the latter. We show how to calculate the ensemble average for a two-spin system and for the Jaynes-Cummings model. In both cases the time-dependent entanglement is known as well so that one can verify that the time average coincides with the ensemble average.Comment: 10 page

    Critical dynamics of ballistic and Brownian particles in a heterogeneous environment

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    The dynamic properties of a classical tracer particle in a random, disordered medium are investigated close to the localization transition. For Lorentz models obeying Newtonian and diffusive motion at the microscale, we have performed large-scale computer simulations, demonstrating that universality holds at long times in the immediate vicinity of the transition. The scaling function describing the crossover from anomalous transport to diffusive motion is found to vary extremely slowly and spans at least 5 decades in time. To extract the scaling function, one has to allow for the leading universal corrections to scaling. Our findings suggest that apparent power laws with varying exponents generically occur and dominate experimentally accessible time windows as soon as the heterogeneities cover a decade in length scale. We extract the divergent length scales, quantify the spatial heterogeneities in terms of the non-Gaussian parameter, and corroborate our results by a thorough finite-size analysis.Comment: 14 page