3,157 research outputs found

    Forecast, observation and modelling of a deep stratospheric intrusion event over Europe

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    A wide range of measurements was carried out in central and southeastern Europe within the framework of the EU-project STACCATO (Influence of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in a Changing Climate on Atmospheric Transport and Oxidation Capacity) with the principle goal to create a comprehensive data set on stratospheric air intrusions into the troposphere along a rather frequently observed pathway over central Europe from the North Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. The measurements were based on predictions by suitable quasi-operational trajectory calculations using ECMWF forecast data. A predicted deep Stratosphere to Troposphere Transport (STT) event, encountered during the STACCATO period on 20-21 June 2001, could be followed by the measurements network almost from its inception. Observations provide evidence that the intrusion affected large parts of central and southeastern Europe. Especially, the ozone lidar observations on 20-21 June 2001 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany captured the evolution of two marked tongues of high ozone with the first one reaching almost a height of 2 km, thus providing an excellent data set for model intercomparisons and validation. In addition, for the first time to our knowledge concurrent measurements of the cosmogenic radionuclides <sup>10</sup>Be and <sup>7</sup>Be and their ratio <sup>10</sup>Be/<sup>7</sup>Be are presented together as stratospheric tracers in a case study of a stratospheric intrusion. The ozone tracer columns calculated with the FLEXPART model were found to be in good agreement with water vapour satellite images, capturing the evolution of the observed dry streamers of stratospheric origin. Furthermore, the time-height cross section of ozone tracer simulated with FLEXPART over Garmisch-Partenkirchen captures with many details the evolution of the two observed high-ozone filaments measured with the IFU lidar, thus demonstrating the considerable progress in model simulations. Finally, the modelled ozone (operationally available since October 1999) from the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) atmospheric model is shown to be in very good agreement with the observations during this case study, which provides the first successful validation of a chemical tracer that is used operationally in a weather forecast model. This suggests that coupling chemistry and weather forecast models may significantly improve both weather and chemical forecasts in the future

    Recovery of continuous wave squeezing at low frequencies

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    We propose and demonstrate a system that produces squeezed vacuum using a pair of optical parametric amplifiers. This scheme allows the production of phase sidebands on the squeezed vacuum which facilitate phase locking in downstream applications. We observe strong, stably locked, continuous wave vacuum squeezing at frequencies as low as 220 kHz. We propose an alternative resonator configuration to overcome low frequency squeezing degradation caused by the optical parametric amplifiers.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Cryogenic Q-factor measurement of optical substrates for optimization of gravitational wave detectors

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    Future generations of gravitational wave interferometers are likely to be operated at cryogenic temperatures because one of the sensitivity limiting factors of the present generation is the thermal noise of end mirrors and beam splitters that occurs in the optical substrates as well as in the dielectric coatings. A possible method for minimizing thermal noise is cooling to cryogenic temperatures, maximizing the mechanical quality factor Q, and maximizing the eigenfrequencies of the substrate. We present experimental details of a new cryogenic apparatus that is suitable for the measurement of the temperature-dependent Q-factor of reflective, transmissive as well as nano-structured grating optics down to 5 K. In particular, the SQUID-based and the optical interferometric approaches to the measurement of the amplitude of vibrating test bodies are compared and the method of ring-down recording is described

    Towards Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quantum channel multiplexing

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    A single broadband squeezed field constitutes a quantum communication resource that is sufficient for the realization of a large number N of quantum channels based on distributed Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangled states. Each channel can serve as a resource for, e.g. independent quantum key distribution or teleportation protocols. N-fold channel multiplexing can be realized by accessing 2N squeezed modes at different Fourier frequencies. We report on the experimental implementation of the N=1 case through the interference of two squeezed states, extracted from a single broadband squeezed field, and demonstrate all techniques required for multiplexing (N>1). Quantum channel frequency multiplexing can be used to optimize the exploitation of a broadband squeezed field in a quantum information task. For instance, it is useful if the bandwidth of the squeezed field is larger than the bandwidth of the homodyne detectors. This is currently a typical situation in many experiments with squeezed and two-mode squeezed entangled light.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. In the new version we cite recent experimental work bei Mehmet et al., arxiv0909.5386, in order to clarify the motivation of our work and its possible applicatio

    Polarization Squeezing of Continuous Variable Stokes Parameters

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    We report the first direct experimental characterization of continuous variable quantum Stokes parameters. We generate a continuous wave light beam with more than 3 dB of simultaneous squeezing in three of the four Stokes parameters. The polarization squeezed beam is produced by mixing two quadrature squeezed beams on a polarizing beam splitter. Depending on the squeezed quadrature of these two beams the quantum uncertainty volume on the Poincar\'{e} sphere became a `cigar' or `pancake'-like ellipsoid.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On the distillation and purification of phase-diffused squeezed states

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    Recently it was discovered that non-Gaussian decoherence processes, such as phase-diffusion, can be counteracted by purification and distillation protocols that are solely built on Gaussian operations. Here, we make use of this experimentally highly accessible regime, and provide a detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of several strategies for purification/distillation protocols on phase-diffused squeezed states. Our results provide valuable information for the optimization of such protocols with respect to the choice of the trigger quadrature, the trigger threshold value and the probability of generating a distilled state

    Continuous variable polarization entanglement, experiment and analysis

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    We generate and characterise continuous variable polarization entanglement between two optical beams. We first produce quadrature entanglement, and by performing local operations we transform it into a polarization basis. We extend two entanglement criteria, the inseparability criteria proposed by Duan {\it et al.}\cite{Duan00} and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox criteria proposed by Reid and Drummond\cite{Reid88}, to Stokes operators; and use them to charactise the entanglement. Our results for the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox criteria are visualised in terms of uncertainty balls on the Poincar\'{e} sphere. We demonstrate theoretically that using two quadrature entangled pairs it is possible to entangle three orthogonal Stokes operators between a pair of beams, although with a bound 3\sqrt{3} times more stringent than for the quadrature entanglement.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure