5,129 research outputs found

    2d Gauge Theories and Generalized Geometry

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    We show that in the context of two-dimensional sigma models minimal coupling of an ordinary rigid symmetry Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g} leads naturally to the appearance of the "generalized tangent bundle" TMTMTM\mathbb{T}M \equiv TM \oplus T^*M by means of composite fields. Gauge transformations of the composite fields follow the Courant bracket, closing upon the choice of a Dirac structure DTMD \subset \mathbb{T}M (or, more generally, the choide of a "small Dirac-Rinehart sheaf" D\cal{D}), in which the fields as well as the symmetry parameters are to take values. In these new variables, the gauge theory takes the form of a (non-topological) Dirac sigma model, which is applicable in a more general context and proves to be universal in two space-time dimensions: A gauging of g\mathfrak{g} of a standard sigma model with Wess-Zumino term exists, \emph{iff} there is a prolongation of the rigid symmetry to a Lie algebroid morphism from the action Lie algebroid M×gMM \times \mathfrak{g}\to M into DMD\to M (or the algebraic analogue of the morphism in the case of D\cal{D}). The gauged sigma model results from a pullback by this morphism from the Dirac sigma model, which proves to be universal in two-spacetime dimensions in this sense.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; To appear in Journal of High Energy Physic

    Spin-dependent pbar-d cross sections at low and intermediate energies

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    Antiproton-deuteron (pˉd{\bar p}d) scattering is calculated at beam energies below 300 MeV within the Glauber approach, utilizing the amplitudes of the J\"ulich NˉN\bar N N models. A good agreement is obtained with available experimental data on upolarized differential and integrated pˉd\bar p d cross sections. Predictions for polarized total pˉd{\bar p}d cross sections are presented, obtained within the single scattering approximation including Coulomb-nuclear interference effects. It is found that the total longitudinal and transversal pˉd{\bar p}d cross sections are comparable in absolute value to those for pˉp{\bar p}p scattering. The kinetics of polarization buildup is considered.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in proceedings of the 19th international Spin Physics Symposium, September 27 - October 2, 2010, Juelich, German

    Review of experimental results from SND detector

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    The review of experimental results obtained with SND detector at VEPP-2M e+ee^+e^- collider in the energy region s=0.36\sqrt[]{s}=0.36 -- 1.38 GeV is given. The presented results include the following items: studies of the light vector mesons radiative decays, OZI-rule and G-parity suppressed ϕ\phi-meson rare decays, ϕ\phi-meson parameters measurements, studies of e+eπ+ππ0e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 process dynamics, η\eta and KSK_S mesons rare decays, η\eta and ϕ\phi mesons conversion decays, and study of the e+ee^+e^- annihilation into hadrons.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figures. Talk given at the IX International Conference on Hadron Spectroskopy, Protvino, Russia, August 25 - September 1, 200

    Evidence of phi --> pi0 pi0 gamma and phi --> pi0 eta gamma decays in SND experiment at VEPP-2M

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    Preliminary results on the study of e+e- --> phi(1020) --> pi0 pi0 gamma, eta pi0 gamma processes from SND experiment at VEPP-2M collider in Novosibirsk are presented. Branching ratios of rare radiative phi --> pi0 pi0 gamma and phi --> pi0 eta gamma decays are measured: B(phi --> pi0 pi0 gamma ) = (1.1 +- 0.2) * 10^-4 (invariant mass (pi0 pi0) < 800 MeV), B(phi --> eta pi0 gamma ) = (1.3 +- 0.5) * 10^-4.Comment: Talk at the HADRON97 conference, BNL, Aug 24-30 1997; LaTeX, 4 pages, 4 eps figure