39 research outputs found

    Tactics of Non-Specific Prophylaxis of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2012ā€“2017

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    Objective of the study was to collate the lessons learned from application of differential approach to the areas with varying risk of infection while performing prophylactic measures in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Materials and methods. Archival epizootiological and epidemiological data of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Republican Center of Disinfection, Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Bashkortostan over the period of 2012ā€“2017, as well as official statistics of the Rospotrebnadzor, including from Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology and the data contained in the Form 1 of state statistics ā€œInformation on infection and parasitic diseasesā€ were used for the analysis. Statistical processing of the data and results acquisition were carried out using standard software package of Microsoft Office and Statistica 8.0. Results and conclusions. It is established that in 2012ā€“2017 due to selective concentration of preventive (anti-epidemic) activities in zones of high risk of HFRS contraction in Ufa city, significant decrement in HFRS morbidity rates was achieved. In order to deploy the stated tactics across the whole territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, factors and areas of risk of infection have been identified. It is determined that the total land area with high risk of infection amounts to 14096 square kilometers; i.e. 9.8 % of the whole area of the Republic of Bashkortostan. At that, in 2012ā€“2017 4946 cases of HFRS infection were registered here, which is 50.5 % of the total morbidity rate in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is substantiated that to stabilize the level of HFRS incidence it is necessary to provide three-fold (spring, summer, and autumn) running of disinfection activities (barrier, community deratization (disinfection)) in the territories of high risk of infection. Prophylactic measures must be aimed at protection of specific contingents falling under the high risk of HFRS contraction and be preventive in nature; i.e. be carried out prior to the periods of contact intensity and population density increase in the areas characterized by high risk of infection

    Detection of Territores of High Risk HFRS Exposure in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Applying GIS-Technologies

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    Objective of the investigation was to differentiate the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan according to the levels of risk of exposure to HFRS. Materials and methods. Utilized were the records on HFRS morbidity among the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan over the period of 1980-2014, collected in the Rospotrebnadzor Administration and the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as personalized data on HFRS incidence in the Republic over the period of 2009-2011. Key research method was GIS-technology based analysis. Results and discussion. It is established that 56.7 % of HFRS epidemic manifestations are in the forest-steppe zone, 24.3 % - in flood-plain biotopes, and 16.1 % - in forest area. Recorded is a high level of infection among the people aged 20-50. What is more, morbidity rates for men come up to 79 %, for women - 21 %. Children under 14 and individuals over 60 suffer much more rarely. Determined is the fact that HFRS-affected residential areas are situated 2.5 times closer to forest zones and 1.6 times - to flood plains, than those in which HFRS cases are not registered. Substantiated is the prospective of GIS application, first and foremost geo-coding, for epidemiological zoning of enzootic as regards HFRS territories, detection of areas where high risk of exposure exists, and performance of targeted preventive measures

    Epidemiological Activity of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Foci in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2013ā€“2017 and Forecast for 2018

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    Assessed has been epidemiological situation on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2013ā€“2017. Forecast for 2018 has been substantiated. 39238 HFRS cases in 59 administrative territories of 8 Federal Districts were registered over the analyzed period. The highest morbidity rates were reported in the Privolzhsky Federal District, where 82.9 % of the total case number occurred. Given has been the forecast for the retention of adverse situation on HFRS in 2018 in the territory of Privolzhsky and Central Federal Districts. In order to reduce the HFRS incidence among the population it is necessary to increase the scale and scope of monitoring investigations and strengthen their epidemiological aspect, as well as substantiate, plan and carry out broad range of measures of non-specific prophylaxis

    ModBase, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models, and associated resources

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    ModBase (http://salilab.org/modbase) is a database of annotated comparative protein structure models. The models are calculated by ModPipe, an automated modeling pipeline that relies primarily on Modeller for fold assignment, sequenceā€“structure alignment, model building and model assessment (http://salilab.org/modeller/). ModBase currently contains 10ā€‰355ā€‰444 reliable models for domains in 2ā€‰421ā€‰920 unique protein sequences. ModBase allows users to update comparative models on demand, and request modeling of additional sequences through an interface to the ModWeb modeling server (http://salilab.org/modweb). ModBase models are available through the ModBase interface as well as the Protein Model Portal (http://www.proteinmodelportal.org/). Recently developed associated resources include the SALIGN server for multiple sequence and structure alignment (http://salilab.org/salign), the ModEval server for predicting the accuracy of protein structure models (http://salilab.org/modeval), the PCSS server for predicting which peptides bind to a given protein (http://salilab.org/pcss) and the FoXS server for calculating and fitting Small Angle X-ray Scattering profiles (http://salilab.org/foxs)


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    Aim. Of the study was to specify the factors responsible for outbreaks of domestic cluster HFRS morbidity during winter period in the Republic of Bashkortostan as the basis for preventive measures substantiation. Materials and methods. Analyzed have been the data from the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) on the HFRS incidence in 54 administrative districts of RB during winter season 2016-2017. Summarized have been the results of epidemic foci eradication with domestic HFRS morbidity during winter months of 2010-2017 in the territory of RB. Results. Winter sporadic HFRS incidence is registered annually among the rural and urban population residing in steppe, forest-steppe and forest zones of RB. It is outlined that epidemic foci with domestic cluster HFRS morbidity emerge more frequently in the territory of forest-steppe zone. It is established that HFRS infections of domestic type take place in residential areas adjacent to some forestry to one extent or another, as well as on visiting country, out-of-town objects situated in the territory of active natural HFRS foci. Thereat, the risks of domestic HFRS infection are entirely defined by the sanitary-hygienic state of accommodation and manufacturing facilities. Conclusion. The main tactical option for the prevention of epidemic foci emergence with domestic cluster HFRS morbidity among rural and urban population of RB is simultaneous barrier and semi-rural deratization and disinfection in areas of high risk of infection


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    Aim. Typization of natural foci of HFRS of the Republic of Bashkortostan and differentiation of their territories by the degree of potential epidemic hazard. Materials and methods. Materials of epizootologic and epidemiologic monitoring of natural foci of HFRS of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 1980 - 2014 were used. Evaluation of area of territory with high, medium and low potential epidemic hazard by HFRS was carried out taking into account multi-year parameters of morbidity by administrative districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. 3 gradations of morbidity level by HFRS - more than 201, 101 - 200, less than 100 per 100 thousand of the population - were used for epidemiologic differentiation of the territory. Results. 3 main landscape-epidemiologic types of HFRS foci were isolated - forest, forest-barrens, barrens, as well as their landscape variants. The area with a high degree of potential epidemic hazard by HFRS was established to be around 3.8%; medium - 15.9%, low - 80.3% of the whole territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Conclusion. A necessity of a differentiated approach to territories with various degree of potential epidemic hazard by HFRS is justified during execution of prophylaxis activities

    Spatial Features of HFRS Morbidity in Territory of Republic Bashkortostan in 2010 - 2015

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    Introduction. The main aim of the study is to identify the territories in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the categories of residents at high risk of HFRS infection for determining the directions of preventive measures. Materials and methods. Analyzed and synthesized have been the long-term data from the Service of Surveillance on Consumer1 Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Administration in the Republic of Bashkortostan on the HFRS incidence in 54 administrative districts. Results and discussion. Identified have been administrative districts with high, medium, and low risk of exposure to HFRS during. It is established that 85.2% of infections, registered at that time in Bashkortostan, occurred in the natural HFRS focus in the forest-steppe landscape-geographical zone. The urban/rural differential ratio in the natural foci in the forest-steppe area was 61.2% and 38.8%, respectively; in the forest zone -19.2% and 80.8%; while in the steppe - 2.2% and 97.8%. Conclusions. In order to decrease the level of HFRS morbidity in the territory of Bashkortostan, it is necessary to considerably expand the scope and augment the intensity of preventive activities in the areas of high risk of exposure, first and foremost, in Ufa city and Ufa Region, Tuimazinsky region (Oktyarsky and Tuimazy cities), Kumertau, Birsk, and Sterlitamak cities

    Nonspecific Prophylaxis of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    Scientifically based typing of HFRS foci, ecological-epizootiological monitoring and a number of sanitary-and-hygiene, sanitary-and-technical, agrotechnical, forestry as well as deratization and disinfection measures were carried out. In addition, information-explanatory work among the population was done. That enabled to eliminate group diseases in Ufa, lower to single cases the risk of HFRS infection of the population in woodland territory and reduce average annual morbidity in the city from high to middle level