4,118 research outputs found

    Parkinson's Law Quantified: Three Investigations on Bureaucratic Inefficiency

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    We formulate three famous, descriptive essays of C.N. Parkinson on bureaucratic inefficiency in a quantifiable and dynamical socio-physical framework. In the first model we show how the use of recent opinion formation models for small groups can be used to understand Parkinson's observation that decision making bodies such as cabinets or boards become highly inefficient once their size exceeds a critical 'Coefficient of Inefficiency', typically around 20. A second observation of Parkinson - which is sometimes referred to as Parkinson's Law - is that the growth of bureaucratic or administrative bodies usually goes hand in hand with a drastic decrease of its overall efficiency. In our second model we view a bureaucratic body as a system of a flow of workers, which enter, become promoted to various internal levels within the system over time, and leave the system after having served for a certain time. Promotion usually is associated with an increase of subordinates. Within the proposed model it becomes possible to work out the phase diagram under which conditions bureaucratic growth can be confined. In our last model we assign individual efficiency curves to workers throughout their life in administration, and compute the optimum time to send them to old age pension, in order to ensure a maximum of efficiency within the body - in Parkinson's words we compute the 'Pension Point'.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    ν-invariants on manifolds with cylindrical end

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    AbstractWe study the ν-function of an operator A of Dirac type on a non-compact Riemannian manifold X∞, which is obtained from a compact manifold X with boundary Y by attaching the infinite cylinder X∞ = (-∞, 0] x Y ∪Y X. We assume that the metric structure is a product on the cylinder and that the operator B, the tangential part of the operator A on the cylinder, is non-singular. We show that the ν-function νA(s) shares all the properties of the ν-function of an operator of Dirac type defined on a closed manifold. In particular, νA(s) is a holomorphic function for Re(s) > -2

    Fractional variational calculus of variable order

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    We study the fundamental problem of the calculus of variations with variable order fractional operators. Fractional integrals are considered in the sense of Riemann-Liouville while derivatives are of Caputo type.Comment: Submitted 26-Sept-2011; accepted 18-Oct-2011; withdrawn by the authors 21-Dec-2011; resubmitted 27-Dec-2011; revised 20-March-2012; accepted 13-April-2012; to 'Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory', The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume (Eds: A. Almeida, L. Castro, F.-O. Speck), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Birkh\"auser Verlag (http://www.springer.com/series/4850

    Fractional Hamilton formalism within Caputo's derivative

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    In this paper we develop a fractional Hamiltonian formulation for dynamic systems defined in terms of fractional Caputo derivatives. Expressions for fractional canonical momenta and fractional canonical Hamiltonian are given, and a set of fractional Hamiltonian equations are obtained. Using an example, it is shown that the canonical fractional Hamiltonian and the fractional Euler-Lagrange formulations lead to the same set of equations.Comment: 8 page

    To bail-out or to bail-in? Answers from an agent-based model

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    Since the beginning of the 2008 financial crisis almost half a trillion euros have been spent to financially assist EU member states in taxpayer-funded bail-outs. These crisis resolutions are often accompanied by austerity programs causing political and social friction on both domestic and international levels. The question of how to resolve failing financial institutions, and how this depends on economic preconditions, is therefore a pressing and controversial issue of vast political importance. In this work we employ an agent-based model to study the economic and financial ramifications of three highly relevant crisis resolution mechanisms. To establish the validity of the model we show that it reproduces a series of key stylized facts of the financial and real economy. The distressed institution can either be closed via a purchase & assumption transaction, it can be bailed-out using taxpayer money, or it may be bailed-in in a debt-to-equity conversion. We find that for an economy characterized by low unemployment and high productivity the optimal crisis resolution with respect to financial stability and economic productivity is to close the distressed institution. For economies in recession with high unemployment the bail-in tool provides the most efficient crisis resolution mechanism. Under no circumstances do taxpayer-funded bail-out schemes outperform bail-ins with private sector involvement

    Comments on discrete time in quantum mechanics

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    The possibility that time can be regarded as a discrete parameter is re-examined. We study the dynamics of the free particle and find in some cases superluminal propagation

    Statistical detection of systematic election irregularities

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    Democratic societies are built around the principle of free and fair elections, that each citizen's vote should count equal. National elections can be regarded as large-scale social experiments, where people are grouped into usually large numbers of electoral districts and vote according to their preferences. The large number of samples implies certain statistical consequences for the polling results which can be used to identify election irregularities. Using a suitable data collapse, we find that vote distributions of elections with alleged fraud show a kurtosis of hundred times more than normal elections on certain levels of data aggregation. As an example we show that reported irregularities in recent Russian elections are indeed well explained by systematic ballot stuffing and develop a parametric model quantifying to which extent fraudulent mechanisms are present. We show that if specific statistical properties are present in an election, the results do not represent the will of the people. We formulate a parametric test detecting these statistical properties in election results. Remarkably, this technique produces similar outcomes irrespective of the data resolution and thus allows for cross-country comparisons.Comment: For data see also http://www.complex-systems.meduniwien.ac.at/elections/election.htm

    Stationarity-conservation laws for certain linear fractional differential equations

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    The Leibniz rule for fractional Riemann-Liouville derivative is studied in algebra of functions defined by Laplace convolution. This algebra and the derived Leibniz rule are used in construction of explicit form of stationary-conserved currents for linear fractional differential equations. The examples of the fractional diffusion in 1+1 and the fractional diffusion in d+1 dimensions are discussed in detail. The results are generalized to the mixed fractional-differential and mixed sequential fractional-differential systems for which the stationarity-conservation laws are obtained. The derived currents are used in construction of stationary nonlocal charges.Comment: 28 page

    Logical independence and quantum randomness

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    We propose a link between logical independence and quantum physics. We demonstrate that quantum systems in the eigenstates of Pauli group operators are capable of encoding mathematical axioms and show that Pauli group quantum measurements are capable of revealing whether or not a given proposition is logically dependent on the axiomatic system. Whenever a mathematical proposition is logically independent of the axioms encoded in the measured state, the measurement associated with the proposition gives random outcomes. This allows for an experimental test of logical independence. Conversely, it also allows for an explanation of the probabilities of random outcomes observed in Pauli group measurements from logical independence without invoking quantum theory. The axiomatic systems we study can be completed and are therefore not subject to Goedel's incompleteness theorem.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published version plus additional experimental appendi