1,774 research outputs found

    Small carbon chains in circumstellar envelopes

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    Observations were made for a number of carbon-rich circumstellar envelopes using the Phoenix spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope to determine the abundance of small carbon chain molecules. Vibration-rotation lines of the ν3\nu_{3} antisymmetric stretch of C3_{3} near 2040 cm1^{-1} (4.902 μ\mum) have been used to determine the column density for four carbon-rich circumstellar envelopes: CRL 865, CRL 1922, CRL 2023 and IRC +10216. We additionally calculate the column density of C5_{5} for IRC +10216, and provide an upper limit for 5 more objects. An upper limit estimate for the C7_{7} column density is also provided for IRC+10216. A comparison of these column densities suggest a revision to current circumstellar chemical models may be needed

    Letters from a WAAC

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    Dear Homemaker Staff: You asked me about my training in the WAAC

    Evidence for mass ejection associated with long secondary periods in red giants

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    Approximately 30% of luminous red giants exhibit a Long Secondary Period (LSP) of variation in their light curves, in addition to a shorter primary period of oscillation. The cause of the LSP has so far defied explanation: leading possibilities are binarity and a nonradial mode of oscillation. Here, large samples of red giants in the Large Magellanic Cloud both with and without LSPs are examined for evidence of an 8 or 24 μ\mum mid-IR excess caused by circumstellar dust. It is found that stars with LSPs show a significant mid-IR excess compared to stars without LSPs. Furthermore, the near-IR JJ-KK color seems unaffected by the presence of the 24 μ\mum excess. These findings indicate that LSPs cause mass ejection from red giants and that the lost mass and circumstellar dust is most likely in either a clumpy or a disk-like configuration. The underlying cause of the LSP and the mass ejection remains unknown.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Continuous hydroponic wheat production using a recirculating system

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    Continuous crop production, where plants of various ages are growing simultaneously in a single recirculating nutrient solution, is a possible alternative to batch production in a Controlled Ecological Life Support System. A study was conducted at John F. Kennedy Space Center where 8 trays (0.24 sq m per tray) of Triticum aestivum L. Yecora Rojo were grown simultaneously in a growth chamber at 23 C, 65 percent relative humidity, 1000 ppm CO2, continuous light, with a continuous flow, thin film nutrient delivery system. The same modified Hoagland nutrient solution was recirculated through the plant trays from an 80 L reservoir throughout the study. It was maintained by periodic addition of water and nutrients based on chemical analyses of the solution. The study was conducted for 216 days, during which 24 trays of wheat were consecutively planted (one every 9 days), 16 of which were grown to maturity and harvested. The remaining 8 trays were harvested on day 216. Grain yields averaged 520 g m(exp -2), and had an average edible biomass of 32 percent. Consecutive yields were unaffected by nutrient solution age. It was concluded that continual wheat production will work in this system over an extended period of time. Certain micronutrient deficiencies and toxicities posed problems and must be addressed in future continuous production systems

    Studies on the electron transfer pathway, topography of iron-sulfur centers, and site of coupling in NADH-Q oxidoreductase.

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    Electron transfer activities and steady state reduction levels of Fe-S centers of NADH-Q oxidoreductase were measured in mitochondria, submitochondrial particles (ETPH), and complex I after treatment with various reagents. p-Chloromercuribenzenesulfonate destroyed the signal from center N-4 (gx = 1.88) in ETPH but not in mitochondria, showing that N-4 is accessible only from the matrix side of the inner membrane. N-Bromosuccinimide also destroyed the signal from N-4 but without inhibiting rotenone-sensitive electron transfer to quinone, suggesting a branched pathway for electron transfer. Diethylpyrocarbonate caused oxidation of N-3 and N-4 in the steady state without changing N-1, suggesting N-1 is before N-3 and N-4. Difluorodinitrobenzene and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibited oxidation of all Fe-S centers and tetranitromethane inhibited reduction of all Fe-S centers. Titrations of the rate of superoxide (O2-) generation in rotenone-treated submitochondrial particles were similar with the ratio [NADH]/[NAD] and that of 3-acetyl pyridine adenine nucleotide in spite of different midpoint potentials of the two couples. On reaction with inhibitors the inhibition of O2- formation was similar to that of ferricyanide reductase rather than quinone reductase. The rate of O2- formation during ATP-driven reverse electron transfer was 16% of the rate observed with NADH. The presence of NAD increased the rate to 83%. The results suggest that bound, reduced nucleotide, probably E-NAD., is the main source of O2- in NADH dehydrogenase. The effect of ATP on the reduction levels of Fe-S centers in well-coupled ETPH was measured by equilibrating with either NADH/NAD or succinate/fumarate redox couples. With NADH/NAD none of the Fe-S centers showed ATP induced changes, but with succinate/fumarate all centers showed ATP-driven reduction with or without NAD present. The effect on N-2 was smaller than that on N-1, N-3, and N-4. These observations indicate that the major coupling interaction is between N-2 and the low potential centers, N-1, N-3, and N-4. Possible schemes of coupling in this segment are discussed

    Analiza budowy zdań u pacjentów z udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu

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    Introduction. The definition of brain health and the best method of promoting optimal brain health is an American Heart Association/American Stroke Association initiative. Intact cognitive function is important following an ischemic stroke for successful rehabilitation. Therefore having a simple metric of cognitive function would be optimal for all health professionals.Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate if using Developmental Sentence Scoring (DSS) on sentences written by patients on a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) could provide a simple metric of cognitive function.Material and Methods. This secondary analysis reports on sentences written by patients after an ischemic stroke using quantitative and conventional content analysis methods.Results. A mean score of 24.38 (SD±13, range 9–30) was found in the 76 patients who had written something in the course of the Folstein MMSE. The number of words ranged from 1 to 16 with the greatest number (21) averaging 5 words. The DSS ranged from 0–11 with a mean of 4. The mean Folstein MMSE (N=30), was 27.53 (SD±2.74, range 18–30) in patients who consented to a home visit 3 years after their stroke. Twenty seven of the 30 patients had written something and the number of words ranged from 1 to 12 with the greatest number (10) averaging 5 words. The DSS ranged from 0–12 with a mean of 4. Conventional content analysis revealed an overarching pattern articulated in two ways: (1) Awareness of recent space and time and remote memories of people and place (2) Expression of the self as person.Conclusions. This secondary analysis provides normative data and a rich description of cognitive function in a group of individuals describing the DSS at baseline and again at 3 years after stroke but the sample was too small to be able to provide a simple metric of cognitive function. (JNNN 2018;7(4):140–144)Wstęp. Definicja zdrowia mózgu i najlepsza metoda jego optymalnego promowania jest inicjatywą American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Niezaburzona funkcja poznawcza po udarze niedokrwiennym jest istotna dla pomyślnej rehabilitacji. Dlatego dysponowanie prostą metryką funkcji poznawczych byłoby optymalnym rozwiązaniem dla wszystkich pracowników służby zdrowia.Cel. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie, czy wykorzystanie Rozwojowej Oceny Zdania (ang. Developmental Sentence Scoring — DSS), w napisanych frazach przez pacjentów w badaniu Mini-Mental (MMSE), mogłoby dać prosty wskaźnik funkcji poznawczych.Materiał i metody. Niniejsza analiza wtórna przedstawia zdania napisane przez pacjentów po udarze niedokrwiennym za pomocą ilościowych i konwencjonalnych metod analizy treści.Wyniki. Średni wynik 24,38 (SD±13, zakres 9–30) stwierdzono u 76 pacjentów, którzy napisali coś w trakcie badania Folstein MMSE. Liczba słów mieściła się w przedziale od 1 do 16, przy czym największa ich liczba (21) zawierała średnio 5 wyrazów. DSS mieścił się w przedziale od 0–11 ze średnią wynoszącą 4. Średni poziom MMSE Folstein (N=30) wyniósł 27,53 (SD±2,74, zakres 18–30) u pacjentów, którzy zgodzili się na wizytę domową 3 lata po przebytym udarze. Dwudziestu siedmiu z trzydziestu pacjentów napisało coś, a ilość wyrazów mieściła się w przedziale od 1 do 12, przy czym największa ich liczba (10) zawierała średnio 5 wyrazów. DSS wahał się w przedziale od 0 do 12 ze średnią 4. Konwencjonalna analiza treści ujawniła nadrzędny wzorzec wyartykułowany na dwa sposoby: świadomość nieodległej przestrzeni i czasu oraz odległe wspomnienia ludzi i miejsc, jak również wyrażanie siebie jako osoby.Wnioski. Niniejsza analiza wtórna jest źródłem danych normatywnych oraz bogatego opisu funkcji poznawczych w grupie osób opisujących DSS na początku i ponownie w 3 lata po przebytym udarze, jednakże próbka była zbyt mała, aby móc określić prostą metrykę funkcji poznawczych. (PNN 2018;7(4):140–144

    Effects of space shuttle launches STS-1 through STS-9 on terrestrial vegetation of John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida

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    Space Shuttle launches produce a cloud containing hydrochloric acid (HCl), aluminum oxide (Al203), and other substances. Acidities of less than 0.5 pH have been measured routinely in association with the launch cloud. In an area of about 22 ha regularly exposed to the exhaust cloud during most Shuttle launches, acute vegetation damage has resulted from the first nine Shuttle launches. Changes include loss of sensitive species, loss of plant community structure, reduction in total cover, and replacement of some species by weedy invaders. Community level changes define a retrogressive sequence. One-time impacts to strand and dune vegetation occurred after launches of STS-8 and STS-9. Acute vegetation damage occurred especially to sensitive species. Within six months, however, recovery was nearly complete. Sensitivity of species to the launch cloud was partially predicted by previous laboratory studies. Far-field acidic and dry fallout from the cloud as it rises to stabilization and moves with the prevailing winds causes vegetation spotting. Damage from this deposition is minor; typically at most 1% to 5% of leaf surface area is affected. No plant mortality or community changes have occurred from far-field deposition

    Task 4 supporting technology. Part 1: Detailed test plan for leading edge tile development. Leading edge material development and testing

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    This task develops two alternative candidate tile materials for leading edge applications: coated alumina enhanced thermal barrier (AETB) tile and silicone impregnated reusable ceramic ablator (SIRCA) tile. Upon reentry of the X-33/RLV space vehicle, the leading edges experience the highest heating rates and temperatures. The wing leading edge and nose cap experience peak temperatures in the range 2000 to 2700 F. Replacing reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) with tile-based thermal protection system (TPS) materials is the primary objective. Weight, complexity, coating impact damage, and repairability are among the problems that this tile technology development addresses. The following subtasks will be performed in this development effort: tile coating development; SIRCA tile development; robustness testing of tiles; tile repair development; tile operations/processing; tile leading edge configuration; and life cycle testing