101 research outputs found

    Multimodality and Memory in the Mise en page of Guillaume de Machaut's Mass

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    Guillaume de Machaut’s mass survives in only five manuscripts, which all form part of the surprisingly homogeneous ‘complete works’ set of Machaut manuscripts. In this contribution, I argue that the details of mise en page in these manuscripts are reflective both of scribal memorial processes and multimodality in action: in this work where one of the major modes (image) is absent, the musical notation itself takes on an additional aesthetic role, that of visual beauty. In these manuscripts, the mass takes its place within the music section, surrounded there by lays, motets, virelais, and rondeaux, these surrounded (or preceded) by courtly ‘dits’ and lyrics not set to music. Four of these five manuscripts are illuminated, and all provide musical notation: all, therefore, are overtly multimodal. Despite the lavish illumination in the manuscripts, the mass is never adorned with a miniature, nor is it mentioned in Machaut’s ‘Prologue’ to his works. The aesthetic beauty of the mise en page of the mass, therefore, is derived from the musical notation, while the text-music setting shows a distinct divide between the two contrasting compositional techniques of the mass

    An interactome-centered protein discovery approach reveals novel components involved in mitosome function and homeostasis in giardia lamblia

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    Protozoan parasites of the genus Giardia are highly prevalent globally, and infect a wide range of vertebrate hosts including humans, with proliferation and pathology restricted to the small intestine. This narrow ecological specialization entailed extensive structural and functional adaptations during host-parasite co-evolution. An example is the streamlined mitosomal proteome with iron-sulphur protein maturation as the only biochemical pathway clearly associated with this organelle. Here, we applied techniques in microscopy and protein biochemistry to investigate the mitosomal membrane proteome in association to mitosome homeostasis. Live cell imaging revealed a highly immobilized array of 30–40 physically distinct mitosome organelles in trophozoites. We provide direct evidence for the single giardial dynamin-related protein as a contributor to mitosomal morphogenesis and homeostasis. To overcome inherent limitations that have hitherto severely hampered the characterization of these unique organelles we applied a novel interaction-based proteome discovery strategy using forward and reverse protein co-immunoprecipitation. This allowed generation of organelle proteome data strictly in a protein-protein interaction context. We built an initial Tom40-centered outer membrane interactome by co-immunoprecipitation experiments, identifying small GTPases, factors with dual mitosome and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) distribution, as well as novel matrix proteins. Through iterative expansion of this protein-protein interaction network, we were able to i) significantly extend this interaction-based mitosomal proteome to include other membrane-associated proteins with possible roles in mitosome morphogenesis and connection to other subcellular compartments, and ii) identify novel matrix proteins which may shed light on mitosome-associated metabolic functions other than Fe-S cluster biogenesis. Functional analysis also revealed conceptual conservation of protein translocation despite the massive divergence and reduction of protein import machinery in Giardia mitosomes

    « Half dicht, half prose gheordineert » : vers et prose de moyen français en moyen néerlandais

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    In both French-speaking and Dutch-speaking literary cultures of the late Middle Ages, competition between poets produced a collective poetic expertise. To what extent, then, can such competition be identified across the two cultures, in translations of verse or prosimetrum compositions from Middle French into Middle Dutch? An examination of the Dutch translations reveals that verse is both a means to knowledge and an object of knowledge, in the target culture as well as the source culture. The diversity of translations shows that verse is not only a system that translators attempt to master, but also a formal supplement in ways that are unavailable to prose

    Architecture, Space and Information in Constructions Built by Humans and Social Insects: a Conceptual Review

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    The similarities between the structures built by social insects and by humans have led to a convergence of interests between biologists and architects. This new, de facto interdisciplinary community of scholars needs a common terminology and theoretical framework in which to ground its work. In this conceptually oriented review paper, we review the terms “information”, “space” and “architecture” to provide definitions that span biology and architecture. A framework is proposed on which interdisciplinary exchange may be better served, with the view that this will aid better cross fertilisation between disciplines, working in the areas of collective behaviour and analysis of the structures and edifices constructed by non-humans; and to facilitate how this area of study may better contribute to the field of architecture. We then use these definitions to discuss the informational content of constructions built by organisms and the influence these have on behaviour, and vice versa. We review how spatial constraints inform and influence interaction between an organism and its environment, and examine the reciprocity of space and information on construction and the behaviour of humans and social insects


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