14 research outputs found

    Verbal and visuospatial short-term and working memory data across a 43-year period (1973–2016) worldwide: Flynn and anti-Flynn effects

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Secular gain and drop in cognitive test performances over time have been observed and called respectively the Flynn and anti-Flynn effects. The current datasets include raw data from an investigation of the Flynn and/or anti-Flynn effects on verbal and visuospatial short-term and working memory reported in ‘The Flynn effect for verbal and visuospatial short-term and working memory: A cross-temporal meta-analysis’ (Wongupparaj, Wongupparaj, Kumari, Morris, 2017) [1]. Specifically, the datasets totally contain 1754 individual samples (n = 139,677) across a 43-year period from forward/backward digit span (F/BDS) and forward/backward Corsi-block span (CBS) tests. Mean memory test scores, standard deviation scores, types of memory tests, years of publication, mean ages, male percentages, types of publication, types of countries, platforms of memory tests, and sample sizes were collected and included in the datasets. DS and CBS data are unique in that they can provide a rich source of trends concerning changing short-term and working memory test scores across memory types, test platforms, age groups, gender, and countries. Further, these data can be of use for investigation of psychometric properties for the memory tests.Cognitive Science and Innovation Research Unit (CSIRU), Burapha University, Thailand (Grant Number 011/2562)

    Exploring the relationship between video game expertise and fluid intelligence

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    Hundreds of millions of people play intellectually-demanding video games every day. What does individual performance on these games tell us about cognition? Here, we describe two studies that examine the potential link between intelligence and performance in one of the most popular video games genres in the world (Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas: MOBAs). In the first study, we show that performance in the popular MOBA League of Legends' correlates with fluid intelligence as measured under controlled laboratory conditions. In the second study, we also show that the age profile of performance in the two most widely-played MOBAs (League of Legends and DOTA II) matches that of raw fluid intelligence. We discuss and extend previous videogame literature on intelligence and videogames and suggest that commercial video games can be useful as 'proxy' tests of cognitive performance at a global population level

    A human consciousness questionnaire dataset

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    This dataset contains key information concerning important aspects of human consciousness from 800 adolescents. The consciousness composes of four subscales with 46 indicators, namely (1) the senses (i.e. hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling) with 14 indicators, (2) the reasoning abilities of the mind (i.e. reasoning ability in learning and in problem-solving) with 13 indicators, (3) Imagination and emotion with 11 indicators, and (4) memory with 8 indicators. Furthermore, the current dataset also provides sample characteristics, that is, gender, age, and faculty

    Datasets for Coloured, Standard, and Advanced Progressive Matrices (CPM, SPM, and APM) over 64 years (1950-2014)

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    This datasets contain several key variables and data concerning the studies that investigated IQ indexed by Coloured, Standard, and Advanced Progressive Matrices. The datasets offer 199, 369, and 176 individual samples worldwide, respectively representing a period of 64 years (1950-2014)

    Datasets for Coloured, Standard, and Advanced Progressive Matrices (CPM, SPM, and APM) over 65 years (1950-2014)

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    This datasets contain several key variables and data concerning the studies that investigated IQ indexed by Coloured, Standard, and Advanced Progressive Matrices. The datasets offer 199, 369, and 176 individual samples worldwide, respectively representing a period of 64 years (1950-2014)

    Datasets for forward/backward digit span and Corsi-block tests covering 43 years (1973-2016)

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    This datasets present several important parameters regarding the Anti-Flynn and Flynn effects on working memory and short-term memory scores indexed by forward/backward Digit span and Corsi-block tests. The datasets also offer 742, 594, 307, and 111 individual samples worldwide for forward digit span, backward digit span, forward Corsi-block, and backward Corsi-block tests, respectively, covering a period of 43 years (1973-2016) and 139677 people

    IQ score gains over 65 years worldwide: Cross-temporal meta-analysis datasets

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    The observed gain in IQ scores over time has been examined and supported. Nonetheless, this phenomenon (also called Flynn effect) may depend on age groups and country types. This article provides raw data from three standardized intelligence tests, namely, Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), and Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM). The datasets contain mean IQ scores from APM, CPM, and SPM, and standard deviations, sample sizes, years of publication, participants' groups, types of countries, country-based samples, and gender of participants. This data was obtained from 199, 369, and 176 individual study samples for CPM, SPM, and APM, respectively, and covered a period of 65 years (1950–2014). There were 202,468 participants in total. An analysis and interpretation of results based on a cross-temporal meta-analysis for mean IQ scores from CPM, SPM, and APM over time can be found in the article “A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Raven's Progressive Matrices: Age groups and developing versus developed countries” (Wongupparaj, Kumari, Morris, 2015) [1]. These datasets can provide an extensive overview of the literature on Flynn effect across age groups, countries, and gender. In addition, they can serve as a useful starting point for further meta-analyses of IQ scores derived from CPM, SPM, and APM

    Datasets for Coloured, Standard, and Advanced Progressive Matrices (CPM, SPM, and APM) over 65 years (1950-2014)

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    This datasets contain several key variables and data concerning the studies that investigated IQ indexed by Coloured, Standard, and Advanced Progressive Matrices. The datasets offer 199, 369, and 176 individual samples worldwide, respectively representing a period of 65 years (1950-2014)