940 research outputs found

    Living healthier for longer: comparative effects of three heart-healthy behaviors on life expectancy with and without cardiovascular disease

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    Background: Non-smoking, having a normal weight and increased levels of physical activity are perhaps the three key factors for preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the relative effects of these factors on healthy longevity have not been well described. We aimed to calculate and compare the effects of non-smoking, normal weight and physical activity in middle-aged populations on life expectancy with and without cardiovascular disease. Methods: Using multi-state life tables and data from the Framingham Heart Study (n = 4634) we calculated the effects of three heart healthy behaviours among populations aged 50 years and over on life expectancy with and without cardiovascular disease. For the life table calculations, we used hazard ratios for 3 transitions (No CVD to CVD, no CVD to death, and CVD to death) by health behaviour category, and adjusted for age, sex, and potential confounders. Results: High levels of physical activity, never smoking (men), and normal weight were each associated with 20-40% lower risks of developing CVD as compared to low physical activity, current smoking and obesity, respectively. Never smoking and high levels of physical activity reduced the risks of dying in those with and without a history of CVD, but normal weight did not. Never-smoking was associated with the largest gains in total life expectancy (4.3 years, men, 4.1 years, women) and CVD-free life expectancy (3.8 and 3.4 years, respectively). High levels of physical activity and normal weight were associated with lesser gains in total life expectancy (3.5 years, men and 3.4 years, women, and 1.3 years, men and 1.0 year women, respectively), and slightly lesser gains in CVD-free life expectancy (3.0 years, men and 3.1 years, women, and 3.1 years men and 2.9 years women, respectively). Normal weight was the only behaviour associated with a reduction in the number of years lived with CVD (1.8 years, men and 1.9 years, women). Conclusions: Achieving high levels of physical activity, normal weight, and never smoking, are effective ways to prevent cardiovascular disease and to extend total life expectancy and the number of years lived free of CVD. Increasing the prevalence of normal weight could further reduce the time spent with CVD in the population

    Trends in inequalities in disability in Europe between 2002 and 2017

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    Monitoring socioeconomic inequalities in population health is important in order to reduce them. We aim to determine if educational inequalities in Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI) disability have changed between 2002 and 2017 in Europe (26 countries). We used logistic regression to quantify the annual change in disability prevalence by education, as well as the annual change in prevalence difference and ratio, both for the pooled sample and each country, as reported in the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and the European Social Survey (ESS) for individuals aged 30–79 years. In EU-SILC, disability prevalence tended to decrease among the high educated. As a result, both the prevalence difference and the prevalence ratio between the low and high educated increased over time. There were no discernible trends in the ESS. However, there was substantial heterogeneity between countries in the magnitude and direction of these changes, but without clear geographical patterns and without consistency between surveys. Socioeconomic inequalities in disability appear to have increased over time in Europe between 2002 and 2017 as per EU-SILC, and have persisted as measured by the ESS. Efforts to further harmonise disability instruments in international surveys are important, and so are studies to better understand international differences in disability trends and inequalities.</p

    Comparative properties of silica- and carbon black-reinforced natural rubber in the presence of epoxidized low molecular weight polymer

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    This work investigates the effect of epoxidized low molecular weight natural rubber (ELMWNR) in silica- and carbon black-filled natural rubber (NR) compounds on processing and mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties. The ELMWNRs with different mol% epoxide content were prepared from depolymerization of epoxidized NR using periodic acid in latex state to have a molecular weight in a range of 50 000–60 000 g/mol. Their chemical structures and actual mol% of epoxide were analyzed by 1H NMR. The ELMWNRs were added to the filled NR compounds as compatibilizers at varying loadings from 0 to 15 phr. The addition of ELMWNR decreases compound viscosity and the Payne effect, that is, filler–filler interaction, of the silica-filled compound. In the silica–silane compound and the compound with 28 mol% epoxide (ELMWNR-28), the compound viscosities are comparable. The optimal mechanical properties of silica-filled vulcanizates are obtained at the ELMWNR-28 loading of 10 phr. In contrast, the addition of ELMWNR to a carbon black-filled compound shows only a plasticizing effect. The incorporation of ELMWNR into NR compounds introduces a second glass transition temperature and affects their dynamic mechanical properties. Higher epoxide contents lead to higher loss tangent values of the rubber vulcanizates in the range of the normal service temperature of a tir


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    Foi levada a efeito um estudo sobre a sensibilidade do peixe antártico Notothenia neglecta ao agente anticolinesterásico não poluente Malathion [O-O-dimetil S-(1,2-dicarbetoxietil) fosforoditioato]. Especimens de N. neglecta foram injetados com Malathion em doses de 15 ou 30 mg/kg de peso corpóreo e observados durante dez dias. O experimento foi monitorado pela determinação da atividade anticolinesterásica sérica bem como pela observação da depressão respiratória, pelo comportamento catatônico dos animais, pela mudança da coloração corpórea e pelas respostas colinérgicas muscarínicas. Os resultados desse experimento mostraram que a N. neglecta é significantemente mais sensível ao Malathion do que o peixe de água doce Oreochomis niloticus. Ao final do experimento todo o material utilizado foi cuidadosamente embalado e transportado para nossos laboratórios no Brasil. Abstract A research has been carried out on the sensitivity of the Antarctic fish Notothenia neglecta towards the non-pollutant anticholinesterase agent Malathion [O,O-dimethyl S-(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl) phosphorodithioate]. Specimens of N. neglecta were injected with Malathion in doses of 15 or 30 mg/kgbw and observed regarding their behavior, somatic and physiological responses during ten days. They were monitored by the assay of serum cholinesterase activity as well as by the observation of respiratory depression and by the catatonic behavior, changes of body color and cholinergic muscarinic responses. Results of this experiment showed that N. neglecta is significantly more sensitive to Malathion as compared to the fresh water fish Oreochomis niloticus. At the end of the experiment all waste material was packed up and carried to our laboratories back home

    The Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaves Plus Royal Jelly Supplement on Cortisol Hormone and Stress Levels on Anemia of Pregnant Women in Takalar Regency

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Moringa Oleifera plus Royal Jelly leaf extract supplements on stress levels and cortisol levels in anemic pregnant women. This study was a true experimental study with a controlled randomized double blind pretest-post test design. The subjects of this study were 44 pregnant women with anemia, taken based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and divided into two groups, namely the group given moringa capsules (n = 22) and moringa capsules plus royal jelly (n = 22). Data were analyzed using Chi-square test, Paired T-Test, Wilcoxon and Independent T-Test using SPSS. The result of the study shows a significant decrease in the stress level in the royal jelly moringa group from 29.23 ± 10.451 to 17.00 ± 6.325 with a value of P = 0.000 and in the moringa group from 23.59 ± 8.110 to 18.05 ± 4.498 with a value of P = 0.022. Likewise, the cortisol levels decreased significantly in the moringa royal jelly group from 41.17 ± 18.466 to 28.75 ± 15.024 with a P value = 0.002 and the moringa group from 34.54 ± 21.437 to 24.70 ± 18.218 with a P value = 0.009. However, the difference in the magnitude of change did not differ significantly for stress levels and cortisol levels (P&gt; 0.05). It is concluded that the reduction in stress and changes in royal jelly moringa tends to be greater than that of moringa


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    Os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio são largamente utilizados em distúrbios cardiovasculares, usualmente em tratamentos prolongados, ocasionalmente em mulheres grávidas. Foram estudados os efeitos do verapamil sobre a implantação uterina, a reabsorção fetal e os níveis de cálcio, fosfato e proteínas totais plasmáticos de mães e filhotes. Foram utilizadas 75 ratas fêmeas Wistar, com qualidade controlada. Os animais tratados foram divididos em dois grupos: o primeiro recebeu verapamil na dose 2,4 mg/rato/dia de e o segundo, 24 mg/rato/dia. A droga foi administrado na água de beber durante 10 semanas: 7 semanas antes do acasalamento e 3 semanas durante a gestação, sendo a operação cesariana realizada ao 21º dia. Por ocasião da cesariana, foram tomadas amostras de sangue das mães e filhotes. O verapamil, na dose mais elevada, causou diminuição dos níveis plasmáticos de cálcio e fosfato nas mães a par de diminuir o peso corpóreo dos filhotes. Os níveis séricos de cálcio, fosfato e proteínas foram comparáveis nos filhotes dos grupos controle e tratado. Contudo, foram significativamente mais baixos em todos os filhotes, em comparação com as respectivas mães. Os resultados mostraram que o verapamil estimulou a ovulação, aumentando o número de implantações uterinas, enquanto induziu morte fetal precoce e reabsorção fetal. Abstract Calcium channel blockers are widely used in cardiovascular diseases, usually in long-term treatments, occasionally in pregnant women. The effects of verapamil were studied on uterine implantation, fetal reabsorption and mothers and offsprings plasmatic levels of calcium, phosphate and total protein. Seventy-five quality-controlled female Wistar rats were used. The drug-treated animals were divided in two groups: the first received verapamil in doses of 2.4 mg/rat/day and the second, doses of 24 mg/rat/day. The drug was administered by means of the drinking water for 10 weeks: 7 weeks before mating and 3 weeks during pregnancy; cesarean surgery was performed on the 21st. day. On the occasion of the cesarean, mothers and newborns blood samples were taken. Verapamil, in the higher dose, caused a lowering of plasmatic calcium and phosphate in mothers and reduced body weight in offspring. In the young, plasmatic calcium, phosphate and total proteins were comparable in verapamil treated and control. However, these values were significantly lower in newborn of treated and control groups, as compared to their respective mothers. Results show that verapamil stimulated ovulation, increasing the uterine implantation but induced early fetal death and reabsorption


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    Foi estudada a influência da droga antimitótica 5-fluoruracil (5-FU), administrada a ratas prenhes sobre a formação do germe dental de ratos recém nascidos. Foram utilizadas 125 fêmeas com 90-100 dias de idade e 15 machos adultos (Rattus rattus norvaegicus, albinus, Wistar). A droga foi injetada por via intraperitoneal a ratas grávidas, em doses únicas, aos 9º, 10º, 11º , 12º ou 13 º dias de gestação. Os animais foram divididos em quatro subgrupos de acordo com a dose administrada: 10, 20, 30 e 40 mg/kg. Os resultados mostraram que nessas doses, o 5-FU não teve efeito tóxico nas ratas prenhes, alem de perda de peso com doses mais elevadas (30-40 mg/kg), enquanto causou anomalias dentais nos embriões, bem como malformações externas. A proporção de tais anomalias foi, alem de dose dependente, influenciada pelo dia de gestação no qual antimitótico foi administrado às mães: foi observada maior sensibilidade ao 9º dia e menor ao 10º dia. Doses mais elevadas (30-40 mg/kg) causaram freqüentemente morte do embrião e reabsorção fetal. Agenesia do germe dentário foi freqüentemente observada. Abstract It was studied the influence of the antimitotic drug 5 - fluorouracil (5-FU), administered to pregnant rats, on dental germ formation of newborn rats. A total of 125 female aged 90-100 days and 15 male adult rats (Rattus rattus norvaegicus, albinus, Wistar) were used. The drug was injected intraperitoneally in single doses to females at the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th days of pregnancy. The animals were divided in four groups according to the doses administered: 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg. Results show that the drug induced no toxicity to mothers, other than loss of body weight with higher doses (30-40 mg/kg), but caused in the fetuses dental germ anomalies and body external malformations. The proportion of such anomalies were, besides dose dependent, influenced by the day of pregnancy when the drug was administered to the mothers: there was a greater sensitivity at the 9th day and a lesser one at the 10th day. Higher doses (30-40 mg/kg) caused frequently embryonic death or fetal uterine reabsorption. Agenesia of the dental germ was frequently found

    The influence of health care spending on life expectancy

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    Health care expenditures and life expectancy have both been rising in many countries, including in the Netherlands. However, it is unclear to what extent increased health care spending caused the increase in life expectancy. Establishing a causal link between health care expenditures and mortality is difficult for several reasons. In medicine, randomized clinical trials are the gold standard to demonstrate causality and thereby the effectiveness of clinical interventions. However, data from randomized trials are not available to estimate the influence of health care spending on life expectanc

    Rising Educational Levels Contribute to Compression of Morbidity. A Multi-State Life Table Analysis of the Netherlands 1995-2015

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    Objective: This paper assesses whether the future rise in educational levels of theelderly may not only increase life expectancy (LE) but also at the same timecontribute to a reduction in life expectancy with disability (LED).Methods: For each educational level, LE and LED were estimated from multi-statelife tables with a disabled and non-disabled state. Basic transition rates wereestimated from regression analysis of data of a Dutch longitudinal study. The resultsper educational level were aggregated to the total population for the years 1995,2005 and 2015.Results: In 1995, men in the highest educational level had a 0.9 years longerLE and a 5.4 years shorter LED than men in the lowest level. Differences amongwomen were larger (2.0 and 8.3 years). Due to rising educational levels between1995 and 2015, LE for the total male population would increase by 0.2 years whileLED would decrease by 0.5 years. A larger effect was observed for women(0.2 and 1.5 years).Conclusion: Rising educational levels of the elderly are likely to contribute to acompression of morbidity over the next decades, especially among women
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