435 research outputs found

    Cd-vacancy and Cd-interstitial complexes in Si and Ge

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    The electrical field gradient (EFG), measured e.g. in perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiments, gives particularly useful information about the interaction of probe atoms like 111In / 111Cd with other defects. The interpretation of the EFG is, however, a difficult task. This paper aims at understanding the interaction of Cd impurities with vacancies and interstitials in Si and Ge, which represents a controversial issue. We apply two complementary ab initio methods in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), (i) the all electron Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Greenfunction method and (ii) the Pseudopotential-Plane-Wave (PPW) method, to search for the correct local geometry. Surprisingly we find that both in Si and Ge the substitutional Cd-vacancy complex is unstable and relaxes to a split-vacancy complex with the Cd on the bond-center site. This complex has a very small EFG, allowing a unique assignment of the small measured EFGs of 54MHz in Ge and 28MHz in Si. Also, for the Cd-selfinterstitial complex we obtain a highly symmetrical split configuration with large EFGs, being in reasonable agreement with experiments

    Der Einfluss von Katecholaminen auf die Interleukinproduktion von Monozyten in vitro

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    P2X1 and P2X5 subunits form the functional P2X receptor in mouse cortical astrocytes

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    ATP plays an important role in signal transduction between neuronal and glial circuits and within glial networks. Here we describe currents activated by ATP in astrocytes acutely isolated from cortical brain slices by non-enzymatic mechanical dissociation. Brain slices were prepared from transgenic mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of the human glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter. Astrocytes were studied by whole-cell voltage clamp. Exogenous ATP evoked inward currents in 75 of 81 astrocytes. In the majority (~65%) of cells, ATP-induced responses comprising a fast and delayed component; in the remaining subpopulation of astrocytes, ATP triggered a smoother response with rapid peak and slowly decaying plateau phase. The fast component of the response was sensitive to low concentrations of ATP (with EC50 of ~40 nM). All ATP-induced currents were blocked by pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonate (PPADS); they were insensitive to ivermectin. Quantitative real-time PCR demonstrated strong expression of P2X1 and P2X5 receptor subunits and some expression of P2X2 subunit mRNAs. The main properties of the ATP-induced response in cortical astrocytes (high sensitivity to ATP, biphasic kinetics, and sensitivity to PPADS) were very similar to those reported for P2X1/5 heteromeric receptors studied previously in heterologous expression systems

    Melanocortin-4 receptor and proopiomelanocortin: Candidate genes for obesity in domestic shorthair cats

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    Obesity is an escalating global health problem affecting both humans and companion animals. In cats it is associated with increased mortality and multiple diseases, including diabetes mellitus. Two genes coding for proteins known to play a critical role in energy homeostasis across species are the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene and the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) gene. A missense variant in the coding sequence of the feline MC4R (MC4R:c.92C>T) has been reported to be associated with diabetes and overweight in domestic shorthair cats, and while variants in the POMC gene are known to cause obesity in humans and dogs, variants in POMC and their association with feline obesity and diabetes mellitus have not been investigated to date. The current study aimed to assess the association between the previously described MC4R variant and body condition score (BCS), as well as body fat content (%BF) in 89 non-diabetic domestic shorthair cats. Furthermore, we investigated the feline POMC gene as a potential candidate gene for obesity. Our results indicate that the MC4R:c.92C>T polymorphism is not associated with BCS or %BF in non-diabetic domestic shorthair cats. The mutation analysis of all POMC exons identified two missense variants, with a variant in exon 1 (c.28G>C; p.G10R) predicted to be damaging. The variant was subsequently assessed in all 89 cats, and cats heterozygous for the variant had a significantly increased body condition score (p = 0.03) compared with cats homozygous for the wild-type allele. Results from our study provide additional evidence that the previously described variant in MC4R is not associated with obesity in domestic shorthair cats. More importantly, we have identified a novel variant in the POMC gene, which might play a role in increased body condition score and body fat content in domestic shorthair cats

    Effects of Developmental Exposure to 2,2′,4,4′,5-Pentabromodiphenyl Ether (PBDE-99) on Sex Steroids, Sexual Development, and Sexually Dimorphic Behavior in Rats

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    Increasing concentrations of polybrominated flame retardants, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), in breast milk cause concern about possible developmental effects in nursed babies. Because previous studies in rats have indicated effects on sex steroids and sexually dimorphic behavior after maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), our goal in the present study was to determine if developmental exposure to 2,2′,4,4′,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-99) induces similar endocrine-mediated effects. Pregnant rats were exposed to vehicle or PBDE-99 (1 or 10 mg/kg body weight, daily during gestational days 10–18). For comparison, we also included a group exposed to the technical PCB mixture Aroclor 1254 (30 mg/kg body weight, daily). PBDE exposure resulted in pronounced decreases in circulating sex steroids in male offspring at weaning and in adulthood. Female offspring were less affected. Anogenital distance was reduced in male offspring. Puberty onset was delayed in female offspring at the higher dose level, whereas a slight acceleration was detected in low-dose males. The number of primordial/primary ovarian follicles was reduced in females at the lower dose, whereas decline of secondary follicles was more pronounced at the higher dose. Sweet preference was dose-dependently increased in PBDE-exposed adult males, indicating a feminization of this sexually dimorphic behavior. Aroclor 1254 did not alter sweet preference and numbers of primordial/primary and secondary follicles but it did affect steroid concentrations in males and sexual development in both sexes. PBDE concentrations in tissues of dams and offspring were highest on gestational day 19. These results support the hypothesis that PBDEs are endocrine-active compounds and interfere with sexual development and sexually dimorphic behavior

    Multiplexed profiling of GPCR activities by combining split TEV assays and EXT-based barcoded readouts

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    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of cell surface receptors and are implicated in the physiological regulation of many biological processes. The high diversity of GPCRs and their physiological functions make them primary targets for therapeutic drugs. For the generation of novel compounds, however, selectivity towards a given target is a critical issue in drug development as structural similarities between members of GPCR subfamilies exist. Therefore, the activities of multiple GPCRs that are both closely and distantly related to assess compound selectivity need to be tested simultaneously. Here, we present a cell-based multiplexed GPCR activity assay, termed GPCRprofiler, which uses a beta-arrestin recruitment strategy and combines split TEV protein-protein interaction and EXT-based barcode technologies. This approach enables simultaneous measurements of receptor activities of multiple GPCR-ligand combinations by applying massively parallelized reporter assays. In proof-of-principle experiments covering 19 different GPCRs, both the specificity of endogenous agonists and the polypharmacological effects of two known antipsychotics on GPCR activities were demonstrated. Technically, normalization of barcode reporters across individual assays allows quantitative pharmacological assays in a parallelized manner. In summary, the GPCRprofiler technique constitutes a flexible and scalable approach, which enables simultaneous profiling of compound actions on multiple receptor activities in living cells

    Pharmacodynamic effect of gabapentin on central nervous system in patients with chronic low back pain: a [99mTc]Tc-ECD SPECT study

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    Background: Gabapentin is an effective therapeutic alternative for chronic low back pain, indicated in several guidelines for treating neuropathic pain as first-line medication. This study aimed to describe the pharmacodynamics of gabapentin in the central nervous system of patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) by using single-photon emission CT (SPECT) with [99mTc]Tc-ECD. Methods: We selected 13 patients with CLBP due to lumbar disc herniation. They underwent SPECT before and after using gabapentin, compared with a SPECT database of healthy volunteers. A second analysis compared regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) changes between responders and non-responders to gabapentin and the healthy controls. Results: The mean age of patients was 41 years, and the mean pain intensity was 5.92 points, measured by the Numeric Rating Scale. After using gabapentin, SPECT showed an increase of rCBF in the bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus and a decrease of rCBF in periaqueductal gray matter. Non-responder patients with gabapentin showed a post-treatment decrease of rCBF in the paracentral lobule of the brain. Conclusions: A lack of improvement in some patients with gabapentin may be associated with an activated affective circuit of pain, evidenced by the increase of rCBF of the anterior cingulate cortex. A maladaptive brain state in chronic pain can explain the decrease of rCBF in the default mode network structures. Gabapentin acts directly or indirectly on neurons of periaqueductal gray substance by increasing the pain threshold and decreasing the rCBF of this structure

    Profiling of ERBB receptors and downstream pathways reveals selectivity and hidden properties of ERBB4 antagonists

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    ERBB receptor tyrosine kinases are involved in development and diseases like cancer, cardiovascular, neu rodevelopmental, and mental disorders. Although existing drugs target ERBB receptors, the next gener ation of drugs requires enhanced selectivity and understanding of physiological pathway responses to improve efficiency and reduce side effects. To address this, we developed a multilevel barcoded reporter profiling assay, termed ‘ERBBprofiler’, in living cells to monitor the activity of all ERBB targets and key physiological pathways simultaneously. This assay helps differentiate on-target therapeutic effects from off-target and off-pathway side effects of ERBB antagonists. To challenge the assay, eight estab lished ERBB antagonists were profiled. Known effects were confirmed, and previously uncharacterized properties were discovered, such as pyrotinib’s preference for ERBB4 over EGFR. Additionally, two lead compounds selectively targeting ERBB4 were profiled, showing promise for clinical trials. Taken together, this multiparametric profiling approach can guide early-stage drug development and lead to improved future therapeutic interventions

    Mice Lacking the Circadian Modulators SHARP1 and SHARP2 Display Altered Sleep and Mixed State Endophenotypes of Psychiatric Disorders

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    Increasing evidence suggests that clock genes may be implicated in a spectrum of psychiatric diseases, including sleep and mood related disorders as well as schizophrenia. The bHLH transcription factors SHARP1/DEC2/BHLHE41 and SHARP2/DEC1/ BHLHE40 are modulators of the circadian system and SHARP1/DEC2/BHLHE40 has been shown to regulate homeostatic sleep drive in humans. In this study, we characterized Sharp1 and Sharp2 double mutant mice (S1/2(-/-)) using online EEG recordings in living animals, behavioral assays and global gene expression profiling. EEG recordings revealed attenuated sleep/wake amplitudes and alterations of theta oscillations. Increased sleep in the dark phase is paralleled by reduced voluntary activity and cortical gene expression signatures reveal associations with psychiatric diseases. S1/2(-/-) mice display alterations in novelty induced activity, anxiety and curiosity. Moreover, mutant mice exhibit impaired working memory and deficits in prepulse inhibition resembling symptoms of psychiatric diseases. Network modeling indicates a connection between neural plasticity and clock genes, particularly for SHARP1 and PER1. Our findings support the hypothesis that abnormal sleep and certain (endo) phenotypes of psychiatric diseases may be caused by common mechanisms involving components of the molecular clock including SHARP1 and SHARP2

    Listen to genes : dealing with microarray data in the frequency domain

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    Background: We present a novel and systematic approach to analyze temporal microarray data. The approach includes normalization, clustering and network analysis of genes. Methodology: Genes are normalized using an error model based uniform normalization method aimed at identifying and estimating the sources of variations. The model minimizes the correlation among error terms across replicates. The normalized gene expressions are then clustered in terms of their power spectrum density. The method of complex Granger causality is introduced to reveal interactions between sets of genes. Complex Granger causality along with partial Granger causality is applied in both time and frequency domains to selected as well as all the genes to reveal the interesting networks of interactions. The approach is successfully applied to Arabidopsis leaf microarray data generated from 31,000 genes observed over 22 time points over 22 days. Three circuits: a circadian gene circuit, an ethylene circuit and a new global circuit showing a hierarchical structure to determine the initiators of leaf senescence are analyzed in detail. Conclusions: We use a totally data-driven approach to form biological hypothesis. Clustering using the power-spectrum analysis helps us identify genes of potential interest. Their dynamics can be captured accurately in the time and frequency domain using the methods of complex and partial Granger causality. With the rise in availability of temporal microarray data, such methods can be useful tools in uncovering the hidden biological interactions. We show our method in a step by step manner with help of toy models as well as a real biological dataset. We also analyse three distinct gene circuits of potential interest to Arabidopsis researchers