132 research outputs found

    Identificación de competencias y características deseables en el profesorado de ciencias de EGB

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    This article offers the vision held by some groups of teachers on various qualities taken as important for a Science Teacher of Primary Education, as well as the opinion on to what extend those qualities are found in this type of teachers

    NLRP3 inflammasome: a possible link between obesity-associated low-grade chronic inflammation and colorectal cancer development

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    Emerging evidence reveals that adipose tissue-associated inflammation is a main mechanism whereby obesity promotes colorectal cancer risk and progression. Increased inflammasome activity in adipose tissue has been proposed as an important mediator of obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance development. Chronic inflammation in tumor microenvironments has a great impact on tumor development and immunity, representing a key factor in the response to therapy. In this context, the inflammasomes, main components of the innate immune system, play an important role in cancer development showing tumor promoting or tumor suppressive actions depending on the type of tumor, the specific inflammasome involved, and the downstream effector molecules. The inflammasomes are large multiprotein complexes with the capacity to regulate the activation of caspase-1. In turn, caspase-1 enhances the proteolytic cleavage and the secretion of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1 beta and IL-18, leading to infiltration of more immune cells and resulting in the generation and maintenance of an inflammatory microenvironment surrounding cancer cells. The inflammasomes also regulate pyroptosis, a rapid and inflammation-associated form of cell death. Recent studies indicate that the inflammasomes can be activated by fatty acids and high glucose levels linking metabolic danger signals to the activation of inflammation and cancer development. These data suggest that activation of the inflammasomes may represent a crucial step in the obesity-associated cancer development. This review will also focus on the potential of inflammasome-activated pathways to develop new therapeutic strategies for the prevention and treatment of obesity-associated colorectal cancer development

    I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis

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    On June 22, 2012 the First Symposium of Ichthyosis Experts in Spain was held at the Hospital Niño de Jesús in Madrid. It was a one-day symposium for dermatologists, pediatricians, and physicians-in-training interested in this disease, as well as for other health care professionals involved in the care of patients with ichthyosis. The aim of the meeting was to try to structure the care of ichthyosis patients in Spain. As happens in other rare diseases, because of the low prevalence of ichthyosis and the absence of designated referral centers, the number of patients treated in each center is very low and few dermatologists have any real clinical experience with this condition or know how to order diagnostic genetic tests. This article summarizes the presentations given at the symposium and is intended as a reference for anyone interested in the subject.El día 22 de junio de 2012 se celebró en el Hospital Niño Jesús la I Jornada de expertos en ictiosis, una jornada monográfica dirigida a dermatólogos, pediatras y médicos en formación interesados en esta enfermedad, así como al resto de profesionales sanitarios que participan en su atención. El objetivo de la l Jornada de expertos en ictiosis fue intentar estructurar la atención de los pacientes con ictiosis en España. Como ocurre con el resto de las enfermedades raras, su escasa prevalencia y la ausencia de centros de referencia formales diluyen el número de pacientes atendidos en cada centro, y pocos dermatólogos tienen verdadera experiencia clínica o conocen la manera de solicitar diagnóstico genético. En este artículo se resumen las ponencias expuestas en la Jornada para consulta de aquellas personas interesadas en el tema.Pathophysiology of Keratinization Disorders / Ángela Hernández . -- Extracutaneous Manifestations of Ichthyosis / Antonio Torrelo . -- New Clinical Classification of the Ichthyoses / Raúl de Lucas . -- Use of Histologic Diagnosis in Ichthyosis / Fernando Casco . -- Genetic Diagnosis of Ichthyosis / Rogelio González Sarmiento . -- The Multidisciplinary Approach in Ichthyosis: Psychological Care / José Luis Pedreira Massa . -- Collodion Baby and Congenital Erythroderma: Clinical Management and Course / Heiko Traupe . -- Treatment of Ichthyosis / Heiko Traupe . -- Lessons Learned from Experience / Pablo de Unamuno . -- Looking Towards the Future: Humanized Models of Ichthyosis and other Hyperkeratotic Disorders / Fernando Larcher, Marcela del Río . -- What Patients Need / The Leader ship Team of the Spanish Ichthyosis Association . -- Conclusions / Ángela HernándezPublicad

    Un système d'acquisition de données pour l'analyse en ligne des photographies de grandes chambres à bulles

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    Ce travail présente le système d'analyse des clichés de grandes chambres à bulles telles que Gargamelle et BEBC, réalisé au Groupe de Chambre à Bulles à Liquide Lourd à l'aide d'appareils de projection mis en ligne sur ordinateur CDC 1700. Ce travail présente les caractéristiques générales de ces appareils ainsi que celles de l'ordinateur et développe la conception et les fonctions des programmes d'analyse des photographies : prémesures, mesures et gestion des données. L'ensemble du système d'acquisition de données fonctionne dans un contexte de multiprogrammation en temps réel

    Increase of the Adiponectin/Leptin Ratio in Patients with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

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    Bariatric surgery remains the most effective option for achieving important and sustained weight loss. We explored the effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) on the circulating levels of adiponectin, leptin, and the adiponectin/leptin (Adpn/Lep) ratio in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Twenty-five T2D volunteers undergoing RYGB were included in the study, and further subclassified as patients that responded or not to RYBG, regarding remission of T2D. Anthropometric and biochemical variables were evaluated before and after RYGB. Obese patients with T2D exhibited an increase (p < 0.0001) in the Adpn/Lep ratio after RYGB. Changes in the Adpn/Lep ratio correlated better with changes in anthropometric data (p < 0.001) than with the variations of adiponectin or leptin alone. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the change in the Adpn/Lep ratio in patients with T2D was an independent predictor of the changes in body mass index (p < 0.001) and body fat percentage (p = 0.022). However, the Adpn/Lep ratio did not differ between individuals with or without T2D remission after RYGB. In summary, the current study demonstrated that after weight and body fat loss following RYGB, the Adpn/Lep ratio increased in patients with obesity and T2D

    Análisis de sistemas binarios con período variable

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    Estarnos llevando a cabo un monitoreo fotomètrico de una muestra de sistemas binarios eclipsantes con período variable, considerados preliminarmente como semiseparados o en contacto, a fin de determinar sus parámetros astrofísicos fundamentales y caracterizar la interacción entre sus componentes. En este trabajo presentamos las curvas de luz de cuatro sistemas y el modelado de dos de ellas. Verificamos que la fotometría obtenida es adecuada para los objetivos del proyecto. Conjuntamente presentamos la primera clasificación espectral de siete de estos sistemas.We are conducting a photometric monitoring of a sample of eclipsing binary systems with variable periods, preliminarly considered as semidetached or in contact. We aim at determining the fundamental astrophysical parameters of these objects and at characterizing the interactions between their components. In this work we present the light curves of four systems and the modeling of two of them. The photometry has revealed to be adequate for the project purposes. We also report the first spectral classification of seven systems from the sample.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Análisis de sistemas binarios con período variable

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    Estarnos llevando a cabo un monitoreo fotomètrico de una muestra de sistemas binarios eclipsantes con período variable, considerados preliminarmente como semiseparados o en contacto, a fin de determinar sus parámetros astrofísicos fundamentales y caracterizar la interacción entre sus componentes. En este trabajo presentamos las curvas de luz de cuatro sistemas y el modelado de dos de ellas. Verificamos que la fotometría obtenida es adecuada para los objetivos del proyecto. Conjuntamente presentamos la primera clasificación espectral de siete de estos sistemas.We are conducting a photometric monitoring of a sample of eclipsing binary systems with variable periods, preliminarly considered as semidetached or in contact. We aim at determining the fundamental astrophysical parameters of these objects and at characterizing the interactions between their components. In this work we present the light curves of four systems and the modeling of two of them. The photometry has revealed to be adequate for the project purposes. We also report the first spectral classification of seven systems from the sample.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    Análisis de sistemas binarios con período variable

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    Estarnos llevando a cabo un monitoreo fotomètrico de una muestra de sistemas binarios eclipsantes con período variable, considerados preliminarmente como semiseparados o en contacto, a fin de determinar sus parámetros astrofísicos fundamentales y caracterizar la interacción entre sus componentes. En este trabajo presentamos las curvas de luz de cuatro sistemas y el modelado de dos de ellas. Verificamos que la fotometría obtenida es adecuada para los objetivos del proyecto. Conjuntamente presentamos la primera clasificación espectral de siete de estos sistemas.We are conducting a photometric monitoring of a sample of eclipsing binary systems with variable periods, preliminarly considered as semidetached or in contact. We aim at determining the fundamental astrophysical parameters of these objects and at characterizing the interactions between their components. In this work we present the light curves of four systems and the modeling of two of them. The photometry has revealed to be adequate for the project purposes. We also report the first spectral classification of seven systems from the sample.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat