1,606 research outputs found

    An efficient flamelet progress-variable method for modeling non-premixed flames in weak electric fields

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    Combustion stabilization and enhancement of the flammability limits are mandatory objectives to improve nowadays combustion chambers. At this purpose, the use of an electric field in the flame region provides a solution which is, at the same time, easy to implement and effective to modify the flame structure. The present work describes an efficient flamelet progress-variable approach developed to model the fluid dynamics of flames immersed in an electric field. The main feature of this model is that it can use complex ionization mechanisms without increasing the computational cost of the simulation. The model is based on the assumption that the combustion process is not directly influenced by the electric field and has been tested using two chemi-ionization mechanisms of different complexity in order to examine its behavior with and without the presence of heavy anions in the mixture. Using a one- and two-dimensional numerical test cases, the present approach has been able to reproduce all the major aspects encountered when a flame is subject to an imposed electric field and the main effects of the different chemical mechanisms. Moreover, the proposed model is shown to produce a large reduction in the computational cost, being able to shorten the time needed to perform a simulation up to 40 times.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, paper accepted for publication on Computers and Fluid

    Gaussian processes in complex media: new vistas on anomalous diffusion

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    Normal or Brownian diffusion is historically identified by the linear growth in time of the variance and by a Gaussian shape of the displacement distribution. Processes departing from the at least one of the above conditions defines anomalous diffusion, thus a nonlinear growth in time of the variance and/or a non-Gaussian displacement distribution. Motivated by the idea that anomalous diffusion emerges from standard diffusion when it occurs in a complex medium, we discuss a number of anomalous diffusion models for strongly heterogeneous systems. These models are based on Gaussian processes and characterized by a population of scales, population that takes into account the medium heterogeneity. In particular, we discuss diffusion processes whose probability density function solves space- and time-fractional diffusion equations through a proper population of time-scales or a proper population of length-scales. The considered modeling approaches are: the continuous time random walk, the generalized gray Brownian motion, and the time-subordinated process. The results show that the same fractional diffusion follows from different populations when different Gaussian processes are considered. The different populations have the common feature of a large spreading in the scale values, related to power-law decay in the distribution of population itself. This suggests the key role of medium properties, embodied in the population of scales, in the determination of the proper stochastic process underlying the given heterogeneous medium.This research was supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2014–2017 and BERC 2018–2021 programs, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO through BCAM Severo Ochoa excellence accreditations SEV- 2013-0323 and SEV-2017-0718 and through project MTM2016- 76016-R MI

    Progettazione di una cassa d’espansione e determinazione della riduzione del rischio idraulico con modellazione 2D

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    Nell’articolo si studia l’effetto di una cassa d’espansione posta a monte di un’area fluviale soggetta a rischio idraulico. Lo strumento utilizzato è un software bidimensionale sviluppato per simulare la propagazione delle piene fluviali. Il dominio di calcolo è rappresentato da una mesh triangolare non strutturata con una maggiore densità di elementi all’interno dell’alveo e nelle zone immediatamente limitrofe. Per facilitare gli accumuli temporanei di parte dei volumi di piena, si ipotizza la costruzione di un restringimento dell’alveo per mezzo di due pareti verticali che avvicinano le sponde fluviali. Durante la piena, il passaggio per lo stato critico nel restringimento provoca un rigurgito a monte, e quindi un agevole riempimento della cassa d’espansione. La perimetrazione di tale cassa è definita con la costruzione di un rilevato arginale di adeguata altezza. Per meglio simulare il rigurgito a monte della strozzatura, si introduce una scabrezza equivalente negli elementi della strozzatura, per riprodurre le perdite di carico nel restringimento e nel successivo risalto idraulico, malgrado l’ipotesi diffusiva utilizzata nel software di calcolo. La conoscenza delle aree allagate in due eventi di piena storici e dei due relativi idrogrammi di piena, ha consentito la determinazione del coefficiente di Manning quale misura della scabrezza in alveo e fuori alveo. Mediante l’applicazione del modello proposto è possibile validare sia il posizionamento degli argini a monte del restringimento per il contenimento della piena, sia la riduzione delle aree di valle soggette a rischio idraulico

    A pragmática universal de Habermas

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    O interesse generalizado nas idéias de Habermas confere-lhe, não apenas importância atual, mas sugere ainda que ele poderá tornar-se um ponto de referência fundamental nas ciências do homem de um futuro próximo. Sua obra já é ampla e de extrema complexidade. Neste ensaio, focalizo sua pragmática universal, cuja formulação mais recente apareceu em Communication anã the Evolution of Society (1979). O programa de estudos de Habermas divide-se em três níveis: no primeiro, ele propõe uma reformulação da análise transcendental de Kant através de sua pragmática universal. No segundo, constrói uma teoria do desenvolvimento da socialização baseada no estudo empírico da aquisição da competência comunicacional. Finalmente, substitui a explicação clássica do materialismo histórico para a evolução das formas de sociedade por uma teoria do desenvolvimento do homem em seu crescimento cognitivo, egológico e Interativo. Há, portanto, aí, duas diferentes esferas de conhecimento sofrendo reacomodações: uma epistemológica, ou metodológica, se se preferir, em que o apriorismo kantiano na análise transcendental é repensado, e uma teórica, onde a teoria da mudança social é atrelada à teoria do crescimento e da mudança do homem. Vejamos de que trata, especificamente, cada uma destas esferas

    Preimplantation biopsy predicts delayed graft function, glomerular filtration rate and long-term graft survival of transplanted kidneys

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    Background The predictive value of preimplantation biopsies for long-term graft function is often limited by conflicting results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time-zero graft biopsy histological scores on early and late graft function, graft survival and patient survival, at different time points. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 284 preimplantation biopsies at a single center, in a cohort of recipients with grafts from live and deceased donors (standard and nonstandard), and their impact in posttransplant renal function after a mean follow-up of 7 years (range 1–16). Implantation biopsy score (IBS), a combination score derived from 4 histopathological aspects, was determined from each sample. The correlation with incidence of delayed graft function (DGF), creatinine clearance (1st, 3rd and 5th posttransplant year) and graft and patient survival at 1 and 5 years were evaluated. Results Preimplantation biopsies provided somewhat of a prognostic index of early function and outcome of the transplanted kidney in the short and long term. In the immediate posttransplantation period, the degree of arteriolosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis correlated better with the presence of DGF. IBS values between 4 and 6 were predictive of worst renal function at 1st and 3rd years posttransplant and 5-year graft survival. The most important histological finding, in effectively transplanted grafts, was the grade of interstitial fibrosis. Patient survival was not influenced by IBS. Conclusions Higher preimplantation biopsy scores predicted an increased risk of early graft losses, especially primary nonfunction. Graft survival (at 1st and 5th years after transplant) but not patient survival was predicted by IBS

    Writing software or writing scientific articles?

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    An analysis of publications related to high energy physics computing in refereed journals is presented. The distribution of papers associated to various fields of computing relevant to high energy physics is critically analyzed. The relative publication rate of software papers is evaluated in comparison to other closely related physics disciplines, such as nuclear physics, radiation protection and medical physics, and to hardware publications. The results hint to the fact that, in spite of the significant effort invested in high energy physics computing and its fundamental role in the experiments, this research area is underrepresented in scientific literature; nevertheless the analysis of citations highlights the significant impact of software publications in experimental research
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