151 research outputs found


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    Composite material identification as micropolar continua via an optimization approach

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    A strategy based on material homogenization and heuristic optimization for the structural identification of composite materials is proposed. The objective is the identification of the constitutive properties of a micropolar continuum model employed to describe the mechanical behaviour of a composite material made of rigid blocks and thin elastic interfaces. The micropolar theory (Cosserat) has been proved to be capable of properly accounting for the particles arrangements as well as their size and orientation. The constitutive parameters of the composite materials, characterized by different textures and dimensions of the rigid blocks, are identified through a homogenization procedure. Thus, the identification is repeated exploiting the static or modal response of the composite materials and using the Differential Evolution algorithm. The benchmark structures assumed as target are represented by discrete models implemented in ABAQUS where the blocks and the elastic interfaces are modelled by rigid bodies and elastic interfaces, respectively. The obtained results show that proposed strategies provide accurate results paving the way to the experimental validation and in field applications

    Fast statistical homogenization procedure (FSHP) for particle random composites using virtual element method

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    Mechanical behaviour of particle composite materials is growing of interest to engineering applications. A computational homogenization procedure in conjunction with a statistical approach have been successfully adopted for the definition of the representative volume element (RVE) size, that in random media is an unknown of the problem, and of the related equivalent elastic moduli. Drawback of such a statistical approach to homogenization is the high computational cost, which prevents the possibility to perform series of parametric analyses. In this work, we propose a so-called fast statistical homogenization procedure (FSHP) developed within an integrated framework that automates all the steps to perform. Furthermore within the FSHP, we adopt the numerical framework of the virtual element method for numerical simulations to reduce the computational burden. The computational strategies and the discretization adopted allow us to efficiently solve the series (hundreds) of simulations and to rapidly converge to the RVE size detection

    Optimal sensors placement in dynamic damage detection of beams using a statistical approach

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    Structural monitoring plays a central role in civil engineering; in particular, optimal sensor positioning is essential for correct monitoring both in terms of usable data and for optimizing the cost of the setup sensors. In this context, we focus our attention on the identification of the dynamic response of beam-like structures with uncertain damages. In particular, the non-localized damage is described using a Gaussian distributed random damage parameter. Furthermore, a procedure for selecting an optimal number of sensor placements has been presented based on the comparison among the probability of damage occurrence and the probability to detect the damage, where the former can be evaluated from the known distribution of the random parameter, whereas the latter is evaluated exploiting the closed-form asymptotic solution provided by a perturbation approach. The presented case study shows the capability and reliability of the proposed procedure for detecting the minimum number of sensors such that the monitoring accuracy (estimated by an error function measuring the differences among the two probabilities) is not greater than a control small value

    Performance of a school hosted within a historical complex affected by the 2016 seismic sequence

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    Immediately after the August 24th, 2016, earthquake in Central Italy, universities have been asked to inspect schools and assess their usability, under the coordination of ReLUIS (Rete Laboratori Universitari Ingegneria Sismica = Earthquake Engineering University Laboratories Network). Later on, about one hundred schools deemed as unfit to use have been evaluated in order to establish if it was possible to repair them before September 2017 or if it was more appropriate to build a new school. Among investigated buildings there are not only those in the epicentral area, but also some located even 30-45 km from the epicentres of the main events. One of those is the music high school located in Teramo, Abruzzi region, housed within the former monastery of San Giovanni a Scorzone established in 1384. The seismic vulnerability of the building was investigated in 2014 according to the Italian Building Standard. Based on the documentation produced therein, observations made after the August event, and a new inspection carried out in December 2016, the building has been assessed according to the procedure proposed after the Emilia 2012 Earthquakes. Despite ground shaking not being very severe, due to high vulnerability, the performance was that of a damage level 2 (damage between significant and severe), with important distress to non-structural elements. Such performances call into question the suitability of housing critical functions in historical buildings that, however, can suffer an accelerated decay if left unused and, thus, unmaintained

    Micromodels for the in-plane failure analysis of masonry walls with friction: Limit analysis and dem-fem/dem approaches

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    Despite its complexity, the accurate structural modelling of masonry still represents an active field of research, due to several practical applications in civil engineering, with special reference to the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage. In this work a comparison of different models and techniques for the assessment of the mechanical behaviour of two-dimensional block masonry walls subjected to the static action of in-plane loads is presented. Panels are characterized by different height-to-width ratio as well as various masonry textures. Brick-block masonry, perceived as a jointed assembly of prismatic particles in dry contact, is modelled as a discrete system of rigid blocks interacting through contact surfaces unable to carry tension and resistant to sliding by friction, modelled as zero thickness elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb interfaces. Different approaches and numerical models are considered: Limit Analysis (LA), Discrete Element Model (DEM) and Finite Ele-ments/Discrete Element Model (FEM/DEM). Limit Analysis is able to provide fast and reliable results in term of collapse multiplier and relative kinematism. Here a standard Limit Analysis is adopted via an own made procedure based on Linear Mathematical Programming, taking into account friction at interfaces

    Torsional characteristics of carbon nanotubes: Micropolar elasticity models and molecular dynamics simulation

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    Efficient application of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in nano-devices and nano-materials requires comprehensive understanding of their mechanical properties. As observations suggest size dependent behaviour, non-classical theories preserving the memory of body’s internal structure via additional material parameters offer great potential when a continuum modelling is to be preferred. In the present study, micropolar theory of elasticity is adopted due to its peculiar character allowing for incorporation of scale effects through additional kinematic descriptors and work-conjugated stress measures. An optimisation approach is presented to provide unified material parameters for two specific class of single-walled carbon nanotubes (e.g., armchair and zigzag) by minimizing the difference between the apparent shear modulus obtained from molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and micropolar beam model considering both solid and tubular cross-sections. The results clearly reveal that micropolar theory is more suitable compared to internally constraint couple stress theory, due to the essentiality of having skew-symmetric stress and strain measures, as well as to the classical local theory (Cauchy of Grade 1), which cannot accounts for scale effects. To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that unified material parameters of CNTs are derived through a combined MD-micropolar continuum theory

    FIMEC Test to evaluate thewater uptake of coated and uncoated CFRP composites

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    This study focuses on the application of the FIMEC (flat-top cylinder indenter for mechanical characterization) indentation test to evaluate the effect of water uptake on the mechanical properties of high-performance materials, in particular CFRP (carbon fibre reinforced polymer) composites. Coated and uncoated samples were analyzed. Silicon-based and siloxane coatings were formulated and applied to CFRP to reduce the moisture absorption of the material. The FIMEC test was adopted to study the reduction of the stiffness of CFRP plates for different ageing in water. The evolution of mechanical properties is reported as a function of the water uptake. IR analyses and weight variation measures were used as supporting data. Experimental results show that the FIMEC test is suitable to assess the stiffness reduction due to the aging in water and to identify coatings able to minimize the water uptake

    Statistical Assessment of In-Plane Masonry Panels Using Limit Analysis with Sliding Mechanism

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    Historical masonry structures have a great interest in civil engineering because they constitute a large part of the world's building heritage. In this paper, the effects that different geometrical (panel ratio, block ratio, and bond type) and mechanical (friction ratio) parameters have on the in-plane structural response of brick masonry panels are investigated. A discrete modeling approach, based on a limit analysis and capable of reproducing sliding mechanisms, formulation by one of the authors has been adopted, enhanced, and implemented. Results, in terms of collapse multipliers and collapse mechanisms, are presented and analyzed following a systematic statistical approach. Statistically significant effects have been found for each factor considered. Furthermore, the statistical model adopted included nonlinear terms that allowed the identification of whether the effect of one parameter on the response depends on the level of any other parameters. Thus, it was observed that two-way factor interactions played an important role in the in-plane response of masonry panels. The panel ratio-friction ratio two-way factor interaction was the one with a more significant effect
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