13 research outputs found

    Translesion synthesis : cellular and organismal functions

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    To cope with DNA damages induced by endogenous and exogenous agents, cells employ both DNA repair and DNA damage tolerance (DDT) mechanisms. Translesion synthesis (TLS) is an important DDT mechanism in mammalian cells. Mammalian TLS is performed by at least five key proteins. These TLS DNA polymerases play roles in bypassing unrepaired DNA adducts during and after S-phase, thereby allowing completion of genome duplication. However, since TLS is a mutagenic process, its mechanism must be tightly controlled. Thus far, the in vivo role of each TLS polymerase in response to DNA damages in mammalian cells and organisms has largely remained unclear. Furthermore, the relative contribution of each TLS polymerase is also poorly understood. In this thesis, I have used cell lines with single or combined deficiencies in TLS polymerases to explore the absolute and relative in vivo contributions of these TLS-polymerases in resp onse to DNA damages induced by food-derived genotoxins and UV light. Furthermore, I have studied the genomic and cellular consequences of unreplicated DNA lesions, resulting from defects in TLS. Using TLS-defective mice, I have addressed the importance of TLS in preventing organismal premature aging.The Royal Thai GovernmentUBL - phd migration 201

    Temporally distinct translesion synthesis pathways for ultraviolet light-induced photoproducts in the mammalian genome

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    Replicative polymerases (Pols) arrest at damaged DNA nucleotides, which induces ubiquitination of the DNA sliding clamp PCNA (PCNA-Ub) and DNA damage signaling. PCNA-Ub is associated with the recruitment or activation of translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases of the Y family that can bypass the lesions, thereby rescuing replication and preventing replication fork collapse and consequent formation of double-strand DNA breaks. Here, we have used gene-targeted mouse embryonic fibroblasts to perform a comprehensive study of the in vivo roles of PCNA-Ub and of the Y family TLS Pols η, ι, κ, Rev1 and the B family TLS Polζ in TLS and in the suppression of DNA damage signaling and genome instability after exposure to UV light. Our data indicate that TLS Pols ι and κ and the N-terminal BRCT domain of Rev1, that previously was implicated in the regulation of TLS, play minor roles in TLS of DNA photoproducts. PCNA-Ub is critical for an early TLS pathway that replicates both strongly helix-distorting (6-4) pyrimidine-pyrimidone ((6-4)PP) and mildly distorting cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photoproducts. The role of Polη is mainly restricted to early TLS of CPD photoproducts, whereas Rev1 and, in particular, Polζ are essential for the bypass of (6-4)PP photoproducts, both early and late after exposure. Thus, structurally distinct photoproducts at the mammalian genome are bypassed by different TLS Pols in temporally different, PCNA-Ub-dependent and independent fashions.Toxicogenetic

    Different sets of translesion synthesis DNA polymerases protect from genome instability induced by distinct food-derived genotoxins

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    DNA lesions, induced by genotoxic compounds block the processive replication fork but can be bypassed by specialized translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA Polymerases (Pols). TLS safeguards the completion of replication, albeit at the expense of nucleotide substitution mutations. We studied the in vivo role of individual TLS Pols in cellular responses to benzo[a]pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), a product of lipid peroxidation. To this aim, we used mouse embryonic fibroblasts with targeted disruptions in the TLS-associated Pols η, ι, κ and Rev1, as well as in Rev3, the catalytic subunit of TLS Polζ. After exposure, cellular survival, replication fork progression, DNA damage responses (DDR), and the induction of micronuclei was investigated. The results demonstrate that Rev1, Rev3 and, to a lesser extent, Polη are involved in TLS, DDR and the prevention of DNA breaks, in response to both agents. Conversely, Polκ and the N-terminal BRCT domain of Rev1 are specifically involved in TLS of BPDE-induced DNA damage. We furthermore describe a novel role of Polι in TLS of 4-HNE-induced DNA damage in vivo. We hypothesize that different sets of TLS polymerases act on structurally different genotoxic DNA lesions in vivo, thereby suppressing genomic instability associated with cancer. Our experimental approach may provide a significant contribution in delineating the molecular bases of the genotoxicity in vivo of different classes of DNA damaging agents.Toxicogenetic

    FANCD2 and REV1 cooperate in the protection of nascent DNA strands in response to replication stress

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    REV1 is a eukaryotic member of the Y-family of DNA polymerases involved in translesion DNA synthesis and genome mutagenesis. Recently, REV1 is also found to function in homologous recombination. However, it remains unclear how REV1 is recruited to the sites where homologous recombination is processed. Here, we report that loss of mammalian REV1 results in a specific defect in replication-associated gene conversion. We found that REV1 is targeted to laser-induced DNA damage stripes in a manner dependent on its ubiquitin-binding motifs, on RAD18, and on monoubiquitinated FANCD2 (FANCD2-mUb) that associates with REV1. Expression of a FANCD2-Ub chimeric protein in RAD18-depleted cells enhances REV1 assembly at laser-damaged sites, suggesting that FANCD2-mUb functions downstream of RAD18 to recruit REV1 to DNA breaks. Consistent with this suggestion we found that REV1 and FANCD2 are epistatic with respect to sensitivity to the double-strand break-inducer camptothecin. REV1 enrichment at DNA damage stripes also partially depends on BRCA1 and BRCA2, components of the FANCD2/BRCA supercomplex. Intriguingly, analogous to FANCD2-mUb and BRCA1/BRCA2, REV1 plays an unexpected role in protecting nascent replication tracts from degradation by stabilizing RAD51 filaments. Collectively these data suggest that REV1 plays multiple roles at stalled replication forks in response to replication stress