1,962 research outputs found

    Frustration Effects in Antiferromagnetic FCC Heisenberg Films

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    We study the effects of frustration in an antiferromagnetic film of FCC lattice with Heisenberg spin model including an Ising-like anisotropy. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been used to study thermodynamic properties of the film. We show that the presence of the surface reduces the ground state (GS) degeneracy found in the bulk. The GS is shown to depend on the surface in-plane interaction JsJ_s with a critical value at which ordering of type I coexists with ordering of type II. Near this value a reentrant phase is found. Various physical quantities such as layer magnetizations and layer susceptibilities are shown and discussed. The nature of the phase transition is also studied by histogram technique. We have also used the Green's function (GF) method for the quantum counterpart model. The results at low-TT show interesting effects of quantum fluctuations. Results obtained by the GF method at high TT are compared to those of MC simulations. A good agreement is observed.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    Effects of Frustrated Surface in Heisenberg Thin Films

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    We study by extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and analytical Green function (GF) method effects of frustrated surfaces on the properties of thin films made of stacked triangular layers of atoms bearing Heisenberg spins with an Ising-like interaction anisotropy. We suppose that the in-plane surface interaction JsJ_s can be antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic while all other interactions are ferromagnetic. We show that the ground-state spin configuration is non linear when JsJ_s is lower than a critical value JscJ_s^c. The film surfaces are then frustrated. In the frustrated case, there are two phase transitions related to disorderings of surface and interior layers. There is a good agreement between MC and GF results. In addition, we show from MC histogram calculation that the value of the ratio of critical exponents γ/ν\gamma/\nu of the observed transitions is deviated from the values of two and three Ising universality classes. The origin of this deviation is discussed with general physical arguments.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure

    Effect of Dipolar Interaction in Molecular Crystals

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    We investigate in this paper the ground state and the nature of the transition from an orientational ordered phase at low temperature to the disordered state at high temperature in a molecular crystal. Our model is a Potts model which takes into account the exchange interaction JJ between nearest-neighbor molecules and a dipolar interaction between molecular axes in three dimensions. The dipolar interaction is characterized by two parameters: its amplitude DD and the cutoff distance rcr_c. If the molecular axis at a lattice site has three orientations, say the xx, yy or zz axes, then when D=0, the system is equivalent to the 3-state Potts model: the transition to the disordered phase is known to be of first order. When D≠0D\neq 0, the ground-state configuration is shown to be composed of two independent interpenetrating layered subsystems which form a sandwich whose periodicity depends on DD and rcr_c. We show by extensive Monte Carlo simulation with a histogram method that the phase transition remains of first order at relatively large values of rcr_c.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Re-orientation Transition in Molecular Thin Films: Potts Model with Dipolar Interaction

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    We study the low-temperature behavior and the phase transition of a thin film by Monte Carlo simulation. The thin film has a simple cubic lattice structure where each site is occupied by a Potts parameter which indicates the molecular orientation of the site. We take only three molecular orientations in this paper which correspond to the 3-state Potts model. The Hamiltonian of the system includes: (i) the exchange interaction JijJ_{ij} between nearest-neighbor sites ii and jj (ii) the long-range dipolar interaction of amplitude DD truncated at a cutoff distance rcr_c (iii) a single-ion perpendicular anisotropy of amplitude AA. We allow Jij=JsJ_{ij} =J_s between surface spins, and Jij=JJ_{ij}=J otherwise. We show that the ground state depends on the the ratio D/AD/A and rcr_c. For a single layer, for a given AA, there is a critical value DcD_c below (above) which the ground-state (GS) configuration of molecular axes is perpendicular (parallel) to the film surface. When the temperature TT is increased, a re-orientation transition occurs near DcD_c: the low-TT in-plane ordering undergoes a transition to the perpendicular ordering at a finite TT, below the transition to the paramagnetic phase. The same phenomenon is observed in the case of a film with a thickness. We show that the surface phase transition can occur below or above the bulk transition depending on the ratio Js/JJ_s/J. Surface and bulk order parameters as well as other physical quantities are shown and discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Monte Carlo studies of the Ising square lattice with competing interactions

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    We use improved Monte-Carlo algorithms to study the antiferromagnetic 2D-Ising model with competing interactions J1J_1 on nearest neighbour and J2J_2 on next-nearest neighbour bonds. The finite-temperature phase diagram is divided by a critical point at J2=J1/2J_2 = J_1/2 where the groundstate is highly degenerate. To analyse the phase boundaries we look at the specific heat and the energy distribution for various ratios of J2/J1J_2/J_1. We find a first order transition for small J2>J1/2J_2 > J_1/2 and the transition temperature suppressed to TC=0T_C=0 at the critical point.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the proceedings of the conference on Highly Frustrated Magnets 2008 in Braunschwei

    Flat Energy-Histogram Simulation of the Phase Transition in an Ising Fully Frustrated Lattice

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    We show in this paper the results on the phase transition of the so-called fully frustrated simple cubic lattice with the Ising spin model. We use here the Monte Carlo method with the flat energy-histogram Wang-Landau technique which is very powerful to detect weak first-order phase transition. We show that the phase transition is clearly of first order, providing a definite answer to a question raised 25 years ago.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    EPIC 220204960: A Quadruple Star System Containing Two Strongly Interacting Eclipsing Binaries

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    We present a strongly interacting quadruple system associated with the K2 target EPIC 220204960. The K2 target itself is a Kp = 12.7 magnitude star at Teff ~ 6100 K which we designate as "B-N" (blue northerly image). The host of the quadruple system, however, is a Kp = 17 magnitude star with a composite M-star spectrum, which we designate as "R-S" (red southerly image). With a 3.2" separation and similar radial velocities and photometric distances, 'B-N' is likely physically associated with 'R-S', making this a quintuple system, but that is incidental to our main claim of a strongly interacting quadruple system in 'R-S'. The two binaries in 'R-S' have orbital periods of 13.27 d and 14.41 d, respectively, and each has an inclination angle of >89 degrees. From our analysis of radial velocity measurements, and of the photometric lightcurve, we conclude that all four stars are very similar with masses close to 0.4 Msun. Both of the binaries exhibit significant ETVs where those of the primary and secondary eclipses 'diverge' by 0.05 days over the course of the 80-day observations. Via a systematic set of numerical simulations of quadruple systems consisting of two interacting binaries, we conclude that the outer orbital period is very likely to be between 300 and 500 days. If sufficient time is devoted to RV studies of this faint target, the outer orbit should be measurable within a year.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Innovative modeling and visualization platform for sustainable cities - Mutopia

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    Now more than half the world’s population lives in towns and cities and this proportion will rise to nearly two thirds by 2030. Many cities worldwide are facing acute challenges, and therefore it is essential that all future developments are carried out on a sustainable footing. Through a web-based platform, MUtopia visualises and demonstrates in a quantifiable manner what impact a planned site development would have by representing best practice in all aspects of sustainable urban living on a relatively large scale. Sites may be new suburbs or rebuilt sections of the city large enough to require systematic planning. The project focuses on the development of an integrated modelling, analysis and visualization tool that helps the government and developers to make informed decisions to achieve such sustainable urban development and implementation. MUtopia integrates the streams of energy, waste, water and transport, based on land use, as well as social and environmental factors so that various planning scenarios or dependencies between factors can be tested. It is an integrated BIM and GIS tool. MUtopia would be an international first in an area of growing interest and need

    Noninvasive Markers of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis B

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    A serum biomarker (FibroTest; Biopredictive, Paris, France; FibroSure; LabCorp, Burlington, USA) and liver stiffness measurement (LSM) by Fibroscan (Echosens, Paris, France) have been extensively validated in chronic hepatitis C. This review updates the clinical validation of serum biomarkers and LSM in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). One meta-analysis combined all published studies and another used a database combining FibroTest individual data. Sensitivity analysis assessed the impact of several factors, including authors’ independence, length of biopsy, ethnicity, hepatitis B early antigen status, viral load, and alanine aminotransferase value. Only two biomarkers had several validations: FibroTest (8 studies, 1,842 patients), and Fibroscan (5 studies, 618 patients). For the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis, the standardized area under the receiver operating curve was 0.84 (0.79–0.86) for FibroTest and 0.89 (0.83–0.96) for LSM, without significant difference. No significant factors of variability were identified for FibroTest’s performance. In conclusion, FibroTest and LSM were the most validated biomarkers of fibrosis in CHB. However, the reliability of Fibroscan must be better assessed
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