9,513 research outputs found

    Particle ejection during mergers of dark matter halos

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    Dark matter halos are built from accretion and merging. During merging some of the dark matter particles may be ejected with velocities higher than the escape velocity. We use both N-body simulations and single-particle smooth-field simulations to demonstrate that rapid changes to the mean field potential are responsible for such ejection, and in particular that dynamical friction plays no significant role in it. Studying a range of minor mergers, we find that typically between 5-15% of the particles from the smaller of the two merging structures are ejected. We also find that the ejected particles originate essentially from the small halo, and more specifically are particles in the small halo which pass later through the region in which the merging occurs.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    The labor market regimes of Denmark and Norway – one Nordic model?

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    The literature on the Danish and Norwegian labor market systems emphasizes the commonalities of the two systems. We challenge this perception by investigating how employers in multinational companies in Denmark and Norway communicate with employees on staffing changes. We argue that the development of ‘flexicurity’ in Denmark grants Danish employers considerably greater latitude in engaging in staffing changes than its Nordic counterpart, Norway. Institutional theory leads us to suppose that large firms located in the Danish setting will be less likely to engage in employer–employee communication on staffing plans than their Norwegian counterparts. In addition, we argue that in the Danish context indigenous firms will have a better insight into the normative and cognitive aspects to flexicurity than foreign-owned firms, meaning that they are more likely to engage in institutional entrepreneurialism than their foreign owned counterparts. We supplement institutional theory with an actor perspective in order to take into account the role of labor unions. Our analysis is based on a survey of 203 firms in Norway and Denmark which are either indigenous multinational companies or the subsidiaries of foreign multinational companies. The differences we observe cause us to conclude that the notion of a common Nordic model is problematic

    A distributed-object infrastructure for corporate websites

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    A corporate website is the virtual representation of a cor-poration or organization on the Internet. Corporate web-sites face numerous problems due to their large size and complexity, and the nonscalability of the underlying Web infrastructure. Current solutions to these problems gener-ally rely on traditional scaling techniques such as caching and replication. These are usually too restrictive, however; taking a one-size-fits-all approach and applying the same solution to every document. We propose Globe as a founda-tion upon which to build scalable corporate websites, and introduce GlobeDoc, a website model based on Globe dis-tributed shared objects. This paper describes GlobeDoc, highlighting the design and technical details of the infras-tructure. 1

    Locating objects in wide-area systems

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    The Architectural Design of Globe: A Wide-Area Distributed System

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    . Developing large-scale wide-area applications requires an infrastructure that is presently lacking entirely. Currently, applications have to be built on top of raw communication services, such as TCP connections. All additional services, including those for naming, replication, migration, persistence, fault tolerance, and security, have to be implemented for each application anew. Not only is this a waste of effort, it also makes interoperability between different applications difficult or even impossible. We present a novel, object-based framework for developing wide-area distributed applications. The framework is based on the concept of a distributed shared object, which has the characteristic feature that its state can be physically distributed across multiple machines at the same time. All implementation aspects, including communication protocols, replication strategies, and distribution and migration of state, are part of an object and are hidden behind its interface. The curren..

    Additional application of the NASCAP code. Volume 1: NASCAP extension

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    The NASCAP computer program comprehensively analyzes problems of spacecraft charging. Using a fully three dimensional approach, it can accurately predict spacecraft potentials under a variety of conditions. Several changes were made to NASCAP, and a new code, NASCAP/LEO, was developed. In addition, detailed studies of several spacecraft-environmental interactions and of the SCATHA spacecraft were performed. The NASCAP/LEO program handles situations of relatively short Debye length encountered by large space structures or by any satellite in low earth orbit (LEO)

    Additional application of the NASCAP code. Volume 2: SEPS, ion thruster neutralization and electrostatic antenna model

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    The interactions of spacecraft systems with the surrounding plasma environment were studied analytically for three cases of current interest: calculating the impact of spacecraft generated plasmas on the main power system of a baseline solar electric propulsion stage (SEPS), modeling the physics of the neutralization of an ion thruster beam by a plasma bridge, and examining the physical and electrical effects of orbital ambient plasmas on the operation of an electrostatically controlled membrane mirror. In order to perform these studies, the NASA charging analyzer program (NASCAP) was used as well as several other computer models and analytical estimates. The main result of the SEPS study was to show how charge exchange ion expansion can create a conducting channel between the thrusters and the solar arrays. A fluid-like model was able to predict plasma potentials and temperatures measured near the main beam of an ion thruster and in the vicinity of a hollow cathode neutralizer. Power losses due to plasma currents were shown to be substantial for several proposed electrostatic antenna designs
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