1,095 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of boundary-layer transition

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    The transition to turbulence in boundary layers was investigated by direct numerical solution of the nonlinear, three-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the half-infinite domain over a flat plate. Periodicity was imposed in the streamwise and spanwise directions. A body force was applied to approximate the effect of a nonparallel mean flow. The numerical method was spectra, based on Fourier series and Jacobi polynomials, and used divergence-free basis functions. Extremely rapid convergence was obtained when solving the linear Orr-Sommerfeld equation. The early nonlinear and three-dimensional stages of transition, in a boundary layer disturbed by a vibrating ribbon, were successfully simulated. Excellent qualitative agreement was observed with either experiments or weakly nonlinear theories. In particular, the breakdown pattern was staggered or nonstaggered depending on the disturbance amplitude

    Numerical simulation of separated flows

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    A new numerical method, based on the Vortex Method, for the simulation of two-dimensional separated flows, was developed and tested on a wide range of gases. The fluid is incompressible and the Reynolds number is high. A rigorous analytical basis for the representation of the Navier-Stokes equation in terms of the vorticity is used. An equation for the control of circulation around each body is included. An inviscid outer flow (computed by the Vortex Method) was coupled with a viscous boundary layer flow (computed by an Eulerian method). This version of the Vortex Method treats bodies of arbitrary shape, and accurately computes the pressure and shear stress at the solid boundary. These two quantities reflect the structure of the boundary layer. Several versions of the method are presented and applied to various problems, most of which have massive separation. Comparison of its results with other results, generally experimental, demonstrates the reliability and the general accuracy of the new method, with little dependence on empirical parameters. Many of the complex features of the flow past a circular cylinder, over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, are correctly reproduced

    Numerical simulation of vortex breakdown by the vortex-filament method

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    The vortex filament method was applied to the simulation of vortex breakdown. The principal vortex region was represented by multiple filaments, and an axial velocity component was induced by a spiral winding of the filaments. First, an accuracy check was performed for a cylindrical swirling flow with simple analytical expressions for the axial and theta velocities. The result suggests that the flow field is simulated to any accuracy by increasing the number of filaments. Second, an axisymmetric type vortex breakdown was simulated, with experimental data serving as upstream conditions. The calculated axial and theta velocity contours show the breakdown of the vortex, including a rapid change in the vortex core, followed axially by a recovery zone and then a second breakdown. When three dimensional initial data are used the second breakdown appears to be of the spiral type in correspondence with experimental observations. The present method is easily used to simulate other types of vortex breakdown or other vortex flows with axial velocity

    Adaptive Embedded LES of the NASA Hump

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    A scheme for adaptive embedded LES is proposed which automatically determines boundaries for LES regions in a hybrid LES-RANS computation, with the goal of minimizing the LES part of the computation for maximum accuracy with minimum cost. The model-invariant hybrid formulation enables this scheme through greater flexibility in the placement of RANS-LES transitions. An adaptive embedded large-eddy simulation is carried out for the NASA hump test case and adaptive meshing is added to show how additional adaptive features may be controlled by the adaptive hybrid scheme

    Self similarity of two point correlations in wall bounded turbulent flows

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    The structure of turbulence at a height y from a wall is affected by the local mean shear at y, by the direct effect of the wall on the eddies, and by the action of other eddies close to or far from the wall. Some researchers believe that a single one of these mechanisms is dominant, while others believe that these effects have to be considered together. It is important to understand the relative importance of these effects in order to develop closure models, for example for the dissipation or for the Reynolds stress equation, and to understand the eddy structure of cross correlation functions and other measures. The specific objective was to examine the two point correlation, R sub vv, of the normal velocity component v near the wall in a turbulent channel flow and in a turbulent boundary layer. The preliminary results show that even in the inhomogeneous turbulent boundary layer, the two-point correlation function may have self similar forms. The results also show that the effects of shear and of blocking are equally important in the form of correlation functions for spacing normal to the wall. But for spanwise spacing, it was found that the eddy structure is quire different in these near flows. So any theory for turbulent structure must take both these effects into account

    A review of quasi-coherent structures in a numerically simulated turbulent boundary layer

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    Preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the structural aspects of a numerically simulated number turbulent boundary layer are presented. A direct Navier-Stokes simulation of a flat-plate, zero pressure gradient boundary layer at Re0 = 670 was used. Most of the known nonrandom, coherent features of turbulent boundary layers are confirmed in the simulation, and several new aspects of their spatial character are reported. The spatial relationships between many of the various structures are described, forming the basis for a more complete kinematical picture of boundary layer physics than has been previously known. In particular, the importance of vortex structures of various forms to the generation of Reynolds shear stress is investigated

    A numerical study of bifurcations in a barotropic shear flow

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    In the last few years, more and more evidence has emerged suggesting that transition to turbulence may be viewed as a succession of bifurcations to deterministic chaos. Most experimental and numerical observations have been restricted to Rayleigh-Benard convection and Taylor-Couette flow between concentric cylinders. An attempt is made to accurately describe the bifurcation sequence leading to chaos in a 2-D temporal free shear layer on the beta-plane. The beta-plane is a locally Cartesian reduction of the equations describing the dynamicss of a shallow layer of fluid on a rotating spherical planet. It is a valid model for large scale flows of interest in meteorology and oceanography

    Understanding transition and turbulence through direct simulations

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    Direct simulations consist in solving the full Navier-Stokes equations, without any turbulence model, and describing all the detailed features of the flow. Usually the flows are three-dimensional and time-dependent and contain both coarse and fine structures, which makes the numerical task very challenging in terms of both the algorithm and the computational effort. Most of the work until now has involved spectral methods, which are highly accurate but not very flexible in terms of geometry or complex equations. For that reason, future work will also rely on high-order finite-difference or other methods. Direct simulations complement experimental work, and both contribute to the theory and the empirical knowledge of turbulence. Once such a simulation has been shown to be accurate, the flow field is completely known in three dimensions and time, including the pressure, the vorticity and any other quantity. On the other hand, most simulations to date solved the incompressible equations in rather simple geometries, and direct simulations will always be limited to moderate Reynolds numbers. Extensive simulations have been conducted in homogeneous turbulence, channel flows, boundary layers, and mixing layers. Much effort is devoted to addressing flows with compressibility and chemical reactions, and to new geometries such as a backward-facing step

    Airloads on bluff bodies, with application to the rotor-induced downloads on tilt-rotor aircraft

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    The aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils with several flap configurations were studied theoretically and experimentally in environments that simulate a wing immersed in the downwash of a hovering rotor. Special techniques were developed for correcting and validating the wind tunnel data for large blockage effects, and the test results were used to evaluate two modern blockage effects, and the test results were used to evaluate two modern computational aerodynamics codes. The combined computed and measured results show that improved flap and leading-edge configurations can be designed which will achieve large reductions in the downloads of tilt-rotor aircraft, and thereby improve their hover efficiency

    Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Analysis of Zero Efflux Flow Control over a Hump Model

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    The unsteady flow over a hump model with zero efflux oscillatory flow control is modeled computationally using the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Three different turbulence models produce similar results, and do a reasonably good job predicting the general character of the unsteady surface pressure coefficients during the forced cycle. However, the turbulent shear stresses are underpredicted in magnitude inside the separation bubble, and the computed results predict too large a (mean) separation bubble compared with experiment. These missed predictions are consistent with earlier steady-state results using no-flow-control and steady suction, from a 2004 CFD validation workshop for synthetic jets
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