86 research outputs found
Low Temperature Studies of Charge Dynamics of Nitrogen-Vacancy Defect in Diamond
In this paper, we study the photoinduced switching of the nitrogen-vacancy
(NV) center between two different charge states - negative (NV-) and neutral
(NV0) at liquid helium temperature. The conversion of NV- to NV0 on a single
defect is experimentally proven and its rate scales quadratically with power
under resonant excitation. In addition, we found that resonant excitation of
the neutral NV changes the charge state, recovering its negative configuration.
This type of conversion significantly improves spectral stability of NV- defect
and allows high fidelity initialization of the spin qubit. A possible mechanism
for ionization and recovery of the NV- defect is discussed. This study provides
better understanding of the charge dynamics of the NV center, which is relevant
for quantum information processing based on NV defect in diamond.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Photo induced ionization dynamics of the nitrogen vacancy defect in diamond investigated by single shot charge state detection
The nitrogen-vacancy centre (NV) has drawn much attention for over a decade,
yet detailed knowledge of the photophysics needs to be established. Under
typical conditions, the NV can have two stable charge states, negative (NV-) or
neutral (NV0), with photo induced interconversion of these two states. Here, we
present detailed studies of the ionization dynamics of single NV centres in
bulk diamond at room temperature during illumination in dependence of the
excitation wavelength and power. We apply a recent method which allows us to
directly measure the charge state of a single NV centre, and observe its
temporal evolution. Results of this work are the steady state NV- population,
which was found to be always < 75% for 450 to 610 nm excitation wavelength, the
relative absorption cross-section of NV- for 540 to 610 nm, and the energy of
the NV- ground state of 2.6 eV below the conduction band. These results will
help to further understand the photo-physics of the NV centre.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
Integrated Diamond Optics for Single Photon Detection
Optical detection of single defect centers in the solid state is a key
element of novel quantum technologies. This includes the generation of single
photons and quantum information processing. Unfortunately the brightness of
such atomic emitters is limited. Therefore we experimentally demonstrate a
novel and simple approach that uses off-the-shelf optical elements. The key
component is a solid immersion lens made of diamond, the host material for
single color centers. We improve the excitation and detection of single
emitters by one order of magnitude, as predicted by theory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
Coherence of single spins coupled to a nuclear spin bath of varying density
The dynamics of single electron and nuclear spins in a diamond lattice with
different 13C nuclear spin concentration is investigated. It is shown that
coherent control of up to three individual nuclei in a dense nuclear spin
cluster is feasible. The free induction decays of nuclear spin Bell states and
single nuclear coherences among 13C nuclear spins are compared and analyzed.
Reduction of a free induction decay time T2* and a coherence time T2 upon
increase of nuclear spin concentration has been found. For diamond material
with depleted concentration of nuclear spin, T2* as long as 30 microseconds and
T2 of up to 1.8 ms for the electron spin has been observed. The 13C
concentration dependence of T2* is explained by Fermi contact and dipolar
interactions with nuclei in the lattice. It has been found that T2 decreases
approximately as 1/n, where n is 13C concentration, as expected for an electron
spin interacting with a nuclear spin bath.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 movie (avi), 1 supplementary material (pdf
Engineering chromium related single photon emitters in single crystal diamond
Color centers in diamond as single photon emitters, are leading candidates
for future quantum devices due to their room temperature operation and
photostability. The recently discovered chromium related centers are
particularly attractive since they possess narrow bandwidth emission and a very
short lifetime. In this paper we investigate the fabrication methodologies to
engineer these centers in monolithic diamond. We show that the emitters can be
successfully fabricated by ion implantation of chromium in conjunction with
oxygen or sulfur. Furthermore, our results indicate that the background
nitrogen concentration is an important parameter, which governs the probability
of success to generate these centers.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Low temperature studies of the excited-state structure of Nitrogen-Vacancy color centers in diamond
We report a study of the 3E excited-state structure of single
nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond, combining resonant excitation at
cryogenic temperatures and optically detected magnetic resonance. A theoretical
model of the excited-state structure is developed and shows excellent agreement
with experimental observations. Besides, we show that the two orbital branches
associated with the 3E excited-state are averaged when operating at room
temperature. This study leads to an improved physical understanding of the NV
defect electronic structure, which is invaluable for the development of
diamond-based quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Ultrabright single-photon emission from germanium-vacancy zero-phonon lines: deterministic emitter-waveguide interfacing at plasmonic hot spots
Striving for nanometer-sized solid-state single-photon sources, we investigate atom-like quantum emitters based on single germanium-vacancy (GeV) centers isolated in crystalline nanodiamonds (NDs). Cryogenic characterization indicated symmetry-protected and bright (>106 counts/s with off-resonance excitation) zero-phonon optical transitions with up to 6-fold enhancement in energy splitting of their ground states as compared to that found for GeV centers in bulk diamonds (i.e. up to 870 GHz in highly strained NDs vs. 150 GHz in bulk). Utilizing lithographic alignment techniques, we demonstrate an integrated nanophotonic platform for deterministic interfacing plasmonic waveguides with isolated GeV centers in NDs, which enables 10-fold enhancement of single-photon decay rates along with the emission direction control by judiciously designing and positioning a Bragg reflector. This approach allows one to realize the unidirectional emission from single-photon dipolar sources, thereby opening new perspectives for the realization of quantum optical integrated circuits
Ultra-bright and efficient single photon generation based on N-V centres in nanodiamonds on a solid immersion lens
Single photons are fundamental elements for quantum information technologies
such as quantum cryptography, quantum information storage and optical quantum
computing. Colour centres in diamond have proven to be stable single photon
sources and thus essential components for reliable and integrated quantum
information technology. A key requirement for such applications is a large
photon flux and a high efficiency. Paying tribute to various attempts to
maximise the single photon flux we show that collection efficiencies of photons
from colour centres can be increased with a rather simple experimental setup.
To do so we spin-coated nanodiamonds containing single nitrogen-vacancy colour
centres on the flat surface of a ZrO2 solid immersion lens. We found stable
single photon count rates of up to 853 kcts/s at saturation under continuous
wave excitation while having excess to more than 100 defect centres with count
rates from 400 kcts/s to 500 kcts/s. For a blinking defect centre we found
count rates up to 2.4 Mcts/s for time intervals of several ten seconds. It
seems to be a general feature that very high rates are accompanied by a
blinking behaviour. The overall collection efficiency of our setup of up to
4.2% is the highest yet reported for N-V defect centres in diamond. Under
pulsed excitation of a stable emitter of 10 MHz, 2.2% of all pulses caused a
click on the detector adding to 221 kcts/s thus opening the way towards diamond
based on-demand single photon sources for quantum applications
Coherence properties of a single dipole emitter in diamond
On-demand, high repetition rate sources of indistinguishable, polarised
single photons are the key component for future photonic quantum technologies.
Colour centres in diamond offer a promising solution, and the narrow line-width
of the recently identified nickel-based NE8 centre makes it particularly
appealing for realising the transform-limited sources necessary for quantum
interference. Here we report the characterisation of dipole orientation and
coherence properties of a single NE8 colour centre in a diamond nanocrystal at
room-temperature. We observe a single photon coherence time of 0.21 ps and an
emission lifetime of 1.5 ns. Combined with an emission wavelength that is
ideally suited for applications in existing quantum optical systems, these
results show that the NE8 is a far more promising source than the more commonly
studied nitrogen-vacancy centre and point the way to the realisation of a
practical diamond colour centre-based single photon source.Comment: 10 pages, 4 colour figure
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