532 research outputs found

    The symmetry of the spin Hamiltonian in herbertsmithite, a spin-1/2 kagom\'{e} lattice

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    We present magnetization measurements on oriented powder of ZnCu3_{3}(OH)6_{6}Cl2_{2} along and perpendicular to the orienting field. We find a dramatic difference in the magnetization between the two directions. It is biggest at low measurement fields HH or high temperatures. We show that the difference at high temperatures must emerge from Ising-like exchange anisotropy. This allows us to explain muon spin rotation data at T0T\to 0 in terms of an exotic ferromagnetic ground state.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Ni3TeO6 - a collinear antiferromagnet with ferromagnetic honeycomb planes

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    We report a comprehensive study of magnetic properties of Ni3TeO6. The system crystallizes in a noncentrosymmetric rhombohedral lattice, space group R3. There are three differently coordinated Ni atoms in the unit cell. Two of them form an almost planar honeycomb lattice, while the third one is placed between the layers. Magnetization and specific heat measurements revealed a single magnetic ordering at TN = 52 K. Below TN the susceptibility with the magnetic field parallel to the c-axis drops towards zero while the perpendicular susceptibility remains constant, a characteristic of antiferromagnetic materials. Neutron diffraction confirmed that the system is antiferromagnet below TN with ferromagnetic ab-planes stacked antiferromagnetically along the c-axis. All Ni moments are in the S = 1 spin state and point along the c-axis.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Condensed Matte

    End-stage renal failure due to analgesic nephropathy, its changing pattern and cardiovascular mortality

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    The changing pattern of prevalence and age distribution of analgesic nephropathy as a cause of end-stage renal failure (ESRF) in patients on RRT was analysed using the EDTA-ERA Registry's files. Comparing 1990 to 1981, the percentage of patients with analgesic nephropathy decreased in many European countries and the Registry's average came down from 3 to 2%. The highest prevalence was noted for Switzerland, which showed a decrease from 28 in 1981 to 12% in 1990. During the same interval the age distribution shifted to the right with an increase in median age from 57 to 63 at start of RRT for analgesic nephropathy. In Switzerland the age-specific acceptance rate to RRT for patients with analgesic nephropathy decreased to less than 1/3 in the age cohorts below 55 but increased in those aged 65 or older. This increase in the elderly cohorts appeared to be related to the growing acceptance rate to RRT of elderly patients in general rather than to an increasing incidence of ESRF due to analgesic nephropathy. Mortality in general and death rates due to cardiovascular causes were found not to differ in RRT patients with analgesic nephropathy from that of other standard primary renal diseases (excluding diabetic nephropathy and systemic diseases). Some 20 years after withdrawal of phenacetin from the analgesic market, analgesic nephropathy all but disappeared as a cause of ESRF in Sweden and Denmark, and the same may be expected to occur in countries like Switzerland, Belgium, and others in the not too far distant futur

    The impact of broadband in schools

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    The report reviews evidence for the impact of broadband in English schools, exploring; Variations in provision in level of broadband connectivity; Links between the level of broadband activity and nationally accessible performance data; Aspects of broadband connectivity and the school environment that contribute to better outcomes for pupils and teachers; Academic and motivational benefits associated with educational uses of this technology

    Scalable parallel generation of partitioned, unstructured meshes

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    In this paper we are concerned with the parallel generation of unstructured meshes for use in the finite element solution of computational dynamics problems on parallel distributed memory computers

    Experimental investigation of the origin of the cross-over temperature in the cuprates

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    We investigate the cross-over temperature T* as a function of doping in (Ca_{x}La_{1-x})(Ba_{1.75-x}La_{0.25+x})Cu_3O_{y}, where the maximum Tc (Tc^max) varies continuously by 30% between families (x) with minimal structural changes. T* is determined by DC-susceptibility measurements. We find that T* scales with the maximum Neel temperature TN^max of each family. This result strongly supports a magnetic origin of T*, and indicates that three dimensional interactions play a role in its magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-gap behaviour in the 2-leg spin-ladder BiCu2PO6

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    We present magnetic suscceptibility and heat capacity data on a new S=1/2 two-leg spin ladder compound BiCu2PO6. From our susceptibility analysis, we find that the leg coupling J1/k_B is ~ 80 K and the ratio of the rung to leg coupling J2/J1 ~ 0.9. We present the magnetic contribution to the heat capacity of a two-leg ladder. The spin-gap Delta/k_B =3 4 K obtained from the heat capacity agrees very well with that obtained from the magnetic susceptibility. Significant inter-ladder coupling is suggested from the susceptibility analysis. The hopping integrals determined using Nth order muffin tin orbital (NMTO) based downfolding method lead to ratios of various exchange couplings in agreement with our experimental data. Based on our band structure analysis, we find the inter-ladder coupling in the bc-plane J2 to be about 0.75J1 placing the compound presumably close to the quantum critical limit.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    31P NMR study of Na2CuP2O7: a S=1/2 two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system

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    The magnetic properties of Na2CuP2O7 were investigated by means of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements. We report the 31P NMR shift, the spin-lattice 1/T1, and spin-spin 1/T2 relaxation-rate data as a function of temperature T. The temperature dependence of the NMR shift K(T) is well described by the S=1/2 square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (HAF) model with an intraplanar exchange of J/k_B \simeq 18\pm2 K and a hyperfine coupling A = (3533\pm185) Oe/mu_B. The 31P NMR spectrum was found to broaden abruptly below T \sim 10 K signifying some kind of transition. However, no anomaly was noticed in the bulk susceptibility data down to 1.8 K. The heat capacity appears to have a weak maximum around 10 K. With decrease in temperatures, the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 decreases monotonically and appears to agree well with the high temperature series expansion expression for a S = 1/2 2D square lattice.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Ma

    Magnetic and thermal properties of the S = 1/2 zig-zag spin-chain compound In2VO5

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    Static magnetic susceptibility \chi, ac susceptibility \chi_{ac} and specific heat C versus temperature T measurements on polycrystalline samples of In2VO5 and \chi and C versus T measurements on the isostructural, nonmagnetic compound In2TiO5 are reported. A Curie-Wiess fit to the \chi(T) data above 175 K for In2VO5 indicates ferromagnetic exchange between V^{4+} (S = 1/2) moments. Below 150 K the \chi(T) data deviate from the Curie-Weiss behavior but there is no signature of any long range magnetic order down to 1.8 K. There is a cusp at 2.8 K in the zero field cooled (ZFC) \chi(T) data measured in a magnetic field of 100 Oe and the ZFC and field cooled (FC) data show a bifurcation below this temperature. The frequency dependence of the \chi_{ac}(T) data indicate that below 3 K the system is in a spin-glass state. The difference \Delta C between the heat capacity of In2VO5 and In2TiO5 shows a broad anomaly peaked at 130 K. The entropy upto 300 K is more than what is expected for S = 1/2 moments. The anomaly in \Delta C and the extra entropy suggests that there may be a structural change below 130 K in In2VO5.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Tetragonal Sr2M3As2O2 (M3 = Mn3, Mn2Cu and MnZn2) Compounds Containing Alternating CuO2-Type and FeAs-Type Layers

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    Polycrystalline samples of Sr2Mn2CuAs2O2, Sr2Mn3As2O2, and Sr2Zn2MnAs2O2 were synthesized. Their temperature- and applied magnetic field-dependent structural, transport, thermal, and magnetic properties were characterized by means of x-ray and neutron diffraction, electrical resistivity rho, heat capacity, magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements. These compounds have a body-centered-tetragonal crystal structure (space group I4/mmm) that consists of MO2 (M = Zn and/or Mn) oxide layers similar to the CuO2 layers in high superconducting transition temperature Tc cuprate superconductors, and intermetallic MAs (M = Cu and/or Mn) layers similar to the FeAs layers in high-Tc pnictides. These two types of layers alternate along the crystallographic c-axis and are separated by Sr atoms. The site occupancies of Mn, Cu and Zn were studied using Rietveld refinements of x-ray and neutron powder diffraction data. The temperature dependences of rho suggest metallic character for Sr2Mn2CuAs2O2 and semiconducting character for Sr2Mn3As2O2 and Sr2Zn2MnAs2O2. Sr2Mn2CuAs2O2 is inferred to be a ferrimagnet with a Curie temperature TC = 95(1) K. Remarkably, we find that the magnetic ground state structure changes from a G-type antiferromagnetic structure in Sr2Mn3As2O2 to an A-type ferrimagnetic structure in Sr2Mn2CuAs2O2 in which the Mn ions in each layer are ferromagnetically aligned, but are antiferromagnetically aligned between layers.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables; submitted to Phys. Rev.