358 research outputs found

    Development and feasibility of the misuse, abuse, and diversion drug event reporting system (MADDERS®)

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134867/1/ajad12459.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134867/2/ajad12459_am.pd

    The Challenge of Wide-Field Transit Surveys: The Case of GSC 01944-02289

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    Wide-field searches for transiting extra-solar giant planets face the difficult challenge of separating true transit events from the numerous false positives caused by isolated or blended eclipsing binary systems. We describe here the investigation of GSC 01944-02289, a very promising candidate for a transiting brown dwarf detected by the Transatlantic Exoplanet Survey (TrES) network. The photometry and radial velocity observations suggested that the candidate was an object of substellar mass in orbit around an F star. However, careful analysis of the spectral line shapes revealed a pattern of variations consistent with the presence of another star whose motion produced the asymmetries observed in the spectral lines of the brightest star. Detailed simulations of blend models composed of an eclipsing binary plus a third star diluting the eclipses were compared with the observed light curve and used to derive the properties of the three components. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations are fully consistent with a blend model of a hierarchical triple system composed of an eclipsing binary with G0V and M3V components in orbit around a slightly evolved F5 dwarf. We believe that this investigation will be helpful to other groups pursuing wide-field transit searches as this type of false detection could be more common than true transiting planets, and difficult to identify.Comment: To appear in ApJ, v. 621, 2005 March 1

    Stochastically Realized Observables for Excitonic Molecular Aggregates

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    We show that a stochastic approach enables calculations of the optical properties of large 2-dimensional and nanotubular excitonic molecular aggregates. Previous studies of such systems relied on numerically diagonalizing the dense and disordered Frenkel Hamiltonian, which scales approximately as O(N3)\mathcal{O}(N^3) for NN dye molecules. Our approach scales much more efficiently as O(Nlog(N))\mathcal{O}(N\log(N)), enabling quick study of systems with a million of coupled molecules on the micron size scale. We calculate several important experimental observable including the optical absorption spectrum and density of states, and develop a stochastic formalism for the participation ratio. Quantitative agreement with traditional matrix diagonalization methods is demonstrated for both small- and intermediate-size systems. The stochastic methodology enables the study of the effects of spatial-correlation in site energies on the optical signatures of large 2D aggregates. Our results demonstrate that stochastic methods present a path forward for screening structural parameters and validating experiments and theoretical predictions in large excitonic aggregates.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, as submitted to JP

    Rossiter-McLaughlin Observations of 55 Cnc e

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    We present Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of the transiting super-Earth 55 Cnc e collected during six transit events between January 2012 and November 2013 with HARPS and HARPS-N. We detect no radial-velocity signal above 35 cm/s (3-sigma) and confine the stellar v sin i to 0.2 +/- 0.5 km/s. The star appears to be a very slow rotator, producing a very low amplitude Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. Given such a low amplitude, the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of 55 Cnc e is undetected in our data, and any spin-orbit angle of the system remains possible. We also performed Doppler tomography and reach a similar conclusion. Our results offer a glimpse of the capacity of future instrumentation to study low amplitude Rossiter-McLaughlin effects produced by super-Earths.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    TrES-1: The Transiting Planet of a Bright K0V Star

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    We report the detection of a transiting Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a relatively bright (V=11.79) K0V star. We detected the transit light-curve signature in the course of the TrES multi-site transiting planet survey, and confirmed the planetary nature of the companion via multicolor photometry and precise radial velocity measurements. We designate the planet TrES-1; its inferred mass is 0.75 +/- 0.07 Jupiter masses, its radius is 1.08 (+0.18/-0.04) Jupiter radii, and its orbital period is 3.030065 +/- 0.000008 days. This planet has an orbital period similar to that of HD 209458b, but about twice as long as those of the OGLE transiting planets. Its mass is indistinguishable from that of HD 209458b, but its radius is significantly smaller and fits the theoretical models without the need for an additional source of heat deep in the atmosphere, as has been invoked by some investigators for HD 209458b.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. To be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Ascii data in http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/research/stare/data/TrES1.as

    TrES-2: The First Transiting Planet in the Kepler Field

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    We announce the discovery of the second transiting hot Jupiter discovered by the Trans-atlantic Exoplanet Survey. The planet, which we dub TrES-2, orbits the nearby star GSC 03549-02811 every 2.47063 days. From high-resolution spectra, we determine that the star has T_eff = 5960 +/- 100 K and log(g) = 4.4 +/- 0.2, implying a spectral type of G0V and a mass of 1.08 +0.11/-0.05 M_sun. High-precision radial-velocity measurements confirm a sinusoidal variation with the period and phase predicted by the photometry, and rule out the presence of line-bisector variations that would indicate that the spectroscopic orbit is spurious. We estimate a planetary mass of 1.28 +0.09/-0.04 M_Jup. We model B, r, R, and I photometric timeseries of the 1.4%-deep transits and find a planetary radius of 1.24 +0.09/-0.06 R_Jup. This planet lies within the field of view of the NASA Kepler mission, ensuring that hundreds of upcoming transits will be monitored with exquisite precision and permitting a host of unprecedented investigations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL. 15 pages, 2 figure

    Peptide-oligonucleotide conjugates as nanoscale building blocks for assembly of an artificial three-helix protein mimic

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    Peptide-based structures can be designed to yield artificial proteins with specific folding patterns and functions. Template-based assembly of peptide units is one design option, but the use of two orthogonal self-assembly principles, oligonucleotide triple helix and a coiled coil protein domain formation have never been realized for de novo protein design. Here, we show the applicability of peptide–oligonucleotide conjugates for self-assembly of higher-ordered protein-like structures. The resulting nano-assemblies were characterized by ultraviolet-melting, gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy. These studies revealed the formation of the desired triple helix and coiled coil domains at low concentrations, while a dimer of trimers was dominating at high concentration. CD spectroscopy showed an extraordinarily high degree of α-helicity for the peptide moieties in the assemblies. The results validate the use of orthogonal self-assembly principles as a paradigm for de novo protein design


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    This article evaluated the efficiency of complex application of low-energy laser radiation in the infrared spectrum by scanning technique using apparatus "MEDIC - 2 K" in the rehabilitation for patients with neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis vertebralis. 33 patients with neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis vertebralis of the lumbar spine were treated: the main group 18 of persons, the control group of 15 persons. In the main group, the patients received 15 laser treatments lasting 20 minutes with four irradiation fields according to acupuncture points (V26, VB30, V40, VB34). All patients were involved in therapeutic exercises according to the standardized program and continued to follow it on their own home. The results were evaluated at the end of treatment and after 3 months. The pain syndromebefore the treatment in both groups was approximately equal: in the main group it was 64.5 + 3.09%, in the control group it was – 63.67+2.60 (p> 0.05). After 3 months, the pain continued to decrease and amounted to 21.67 + 1.14% in the main group and 30.67 + 1.75% in the control group (p <0.05). The most effective program in terms of mobilization of the lumbar spine in patients with neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is the complex program of rehabilitation, including drug therapy, physical therapy and laser therapy sessions.В статье оценивалась эффективность комплексного применения низкоэнергетического лазерного излучения в инфракрасном спектре по сканирующей методике на аппарате“МЕДИК – 2 К”в реабилитации больных с неврологическими проявлениями остеохондроза позвоночника. Было проведено лечение 33 пациентов с неврологическими проявлениями остеохондроза поясничного отдела позвоночника: основная группа – 18 человек, контрольная – 15 человек. В основной группе больные получали 15 процедур лазеротерапии длительностью 20 минут с облучением четырех полей  согласно точкам акупунктуры (V26, VB30, V40, VB34).Все больные занимались личебной гимнастикой по стандартной программе и продолжали ее выполнять самостоятельно в домашних условиях.  Результаты оценивали в конце лечения и через 3 месяца. Болевой синдром до лечения в обеих группах был примерно одинаковый: в основной – (64,5 %+3,09), в контрольной – (63,67%+ 2,60) (p>0,05). В конце курса лечения болевой синдром снизился более значимо в основной группе по сровнению с контрольной: (41,1%+3,01) и (51,67%+3,33) соответственно (p<0,05). Через 3 месяца боли продолжали уменьшаться и составили (21,67%+1,14) в основной и (30,67%+1,75) в контрольной группе (p<0,05). Наиболее эффективной в плане восстановления подвижности в поясничном отделе позвоночника у больных с неврологическими проявлениями остеохондроза поясничного отдела позвоночника является комплексная программа реабилитации, включающая медикаментозную терапию, занятия ЛФК и лазеротерапию.У статті оцінювалася ефективність комплексного використання низькоенергетичного лазерного випромінювання в інфрачервоному спектрі за скануючою методикою на апараті “МЕДИК–2 К” у реабілітації хворих із неврологічними проявами остеохондрозу хребта. Було проведено лікування 33 пацієнтів з неврологічними проявами остеохондрозу поперекового відділу хребта: основна група – 18, контрольна – 15 осіб. В основній групі хворі отримували 15 процедур лазеротерапії тривалістю 20 хв з опроміненням чотирьох полів  згідно з точками акупунктури (V26, Vb30, V40, Vb34). Всі хворі займалися лікувальною гімнастикою за стандартною програмою і продовжували її виконувати самостійно в домашніх умовах.  Результати оцінювали в кінці лікування і через 3 місяці.  Больовий синдром до лікування в обох групах був приблизно однаковий: в основній – (64,5+3,09%), в контрольній – (63,67+ 2,60) (p>0,05). В кінці курсу лікування больовий синдром знизився значнов основній групі,порівняно з контрольною: (41,1%+3,01) і (51,67%+3,33) відповідно (p<0,05). Через 3 місяці біль продовжував зменшуватися і склав (21,67%+1,14) в основній і (30,67%+1,75) в контрольній групах (p<0,05). Найбільш ефективним в плані відновлення рухомості в поперековому відділі хребта у хворих із неврологічними проявами остеохондрозу поперекового відділу хребта є комплексна програма реабілітації, що включає медикаментозну терапію, заняття ЛФК і лазеротерапію

    Mass and radius determinations for five transiting M-dwarf stars

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    We have derived masses and radii for both components in five short-period single-lined eclipsing binary stars discovered by the TrES wide-angle photometric survey for transiting planets. All these systems consist of a visible F-star primary and an unseen M-star secondary (M_A > 0.8 M_sun, M_B < 0.45 M_sun). The spectroscopic orbital solution combined with a high precision transit light curve for each system gives sufficient information to calculate the density of the primary star and the surface gravity of the secondary. The masses of the primary stars were obtained using stellar evolution models. The solutions were compared with results obtained by calculating the radius of the primary stars under the assumption of rotational synchronization with the orbital period and alignment between their spin axis and the axis of the orbit. Four systems show an acceptable match between the two sets of results, but one system shows a clear mismatch between the two solutions, which may indicate the absence of synchronization or a misalignment between the rotational and orbital axis. When compared to low-mass stellar evolution models, the derived masses and radii of the unseen M dwarfs are inconsistent (three only marginally) with the predicted values, with all of the radii being larger than expected for their masses. These results confirm the discrepancy shown in previous work between the predicted and observed radii on low-mass binary stars. This work also shows that reliance on the assumption of synchronization to derive the mass and radius of stars in eclipsing single--lined F+M binaries is a useful tool, but may not always be warranted and should be carefully tested against stellar evolution models.Comment: 36 pages: 20 pages of text, 13 tables, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Inferring the dark matter splashback radius from cluster gas and observable profiles in the FLAMINGO simulations.

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    The splashback radius, coinciding with the minimum in the dark matter radial density gradient, is thought to be a universal definition of the edge of a dark matter halo. Observational methods to detect it have traced the dark matter using weak gravitational lensing or galaxy number counts. Recent attempts have also claimed the detection of a similar feature in Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) observations of the hot intracluster gas. Here, we use the FLAMINGO simulations to investigate whether an extremum gradient in a similar position to the splashback radius is predicted to occur in the cluster gas profiles. We find that the minimum in the gradient of the stacked 3D gas density and pressure profiles, and the maximum in the gradient of the entropy profile, broadly align with the splashback feature though there are significant differences. While the dark matter splashback radius varies with specific mass accretion rate, in agreement with previous work, the radial position of the deepest minimum in the log-slope of the gas density is more sensitive to halo mass. In addition, we show that a similar minimum is also present in projected 2D pseudo-observable profiles: emission measure (X-ray); Compton-yy (SZ) and surface mass density (weak lensing). We find that the latter traces the dark matter results reasonably well albeit the minimum occurs at a slightly smaller radius. While results for the gas profiles are largely insensitive to accretion rate and various observable proxies for dynamical state, they do depend on the strength of the feedback processes