350 research outputs found
Hubungan Antara Model Komunikasi Dua Arah Antara Atasan Dan Bawahan Dengan Motivasi Kerja Pada Bintara Di Polresta YOGYAKARTA
Police members should have high work motivation. Every level of police member from Bintara until Perwira should have high responsibility. This research has a purpose to examine the relation between two-ways communication model between ordinate and subordinates with
their work motivation in Polresta Yogyakarta. Subjects of this research were 70 Bintara at Polresta Yogyakarta which choosed by random sampling method. The data was collected by Work Motivation Scale and Two-Ways Communication Model of Ordinate and Sib-ordinates
Scale then it has been analyzed by Product Moment. The results shown that t score = 0.578 (p < 0.01), so it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between two-ways communication model of ordinate and sub-ordinates with work motivation of Bintara at PolrestaYogyakarta. The two-ways communication model between ordinate and subordinates has effective support until 32.7% (R = 0.327) and 67.3% were affected by other factors.
Keywords: work motivation, two-ways communication model between ordinate and subordinates, Bintara Police
Pekerja Rumah Tangga (PRT) Dan Penerimaan Terhadap Makna Spiritual Dalam Tayangan Religi Di Televisi
Religious soap opera is a tv shows that display story and culture which related to Islam within its story line. Different representations within religoius soap opera could lead to various interpretations. The text displayed posses dynamic values, particularly about how a text receive a value after being consumed by its audience. This research aims to describe audience acceptance level of spiritual meaning in religion tv shows. TV programs that had been observed were Layar kemilau (MNC TV) and sinema Pintu Taubat (Indosiar). This research uses descriptive qualitative method with in depth interview using 3 informants. Stuart Hall acceptance analysis was was used to identify two from three different affeptance models; dominant and negotiating. This research identify dominant and negotiating audience as informant to answer the research question. Informant background, peer group influence, the need of enterainment and audience gender were founded as significant inlfluencer of domestic workers\u27 decision to watch religion soap opera in TV. This research shows that different interpretation obtained the audience can be reciprocal or contradict with the content of religious soap opera in T
Perbedaan Strategi Kesantuan Dalam Percakapan Untuk Pembelajar Bahasajepang Tingkat Shokyuu Dan Tingkat Chuukyuu
The purpose of this paper is to know the politeness strategy dan expressions which are exist in expressions contain of politeness strategy in Japanese conversation class for basic level and intermediate level. The data sources are the conversation part of book titled Minna No Nihongo Shokyuu 2 dan Minna No Nihongo Chuukyuu 1. Based on the analysis result, there are 110 datas found in basic level, and 68 datas are found in intermediate level. As a result, positive politeness strategy (sub strategy 2) is the most found politeness strategy in basic level, while negative politeness strategy (sub strategy 1) is the most found politeness strategy in intermediate level. The type of expressions that are found in expressions contain of positive politeness strategy (sub strategy 2), such as ο½ndesukaοΌ~γγ§γγοΌ, ~desuka (ο½γ§γγ), while the type of expressions that are found in expressions contain of negative politeness strategy (sub strategy 1), such as Chotto~te mo ii desuka (γ‘γγ£γ¨ο½γ¦γγγγ§γγ), Chotto~te itadakenaideshouka (γ‘γγ£γ¨ο½γ¦γγγ γγͺγγ§γγγγ)
Novel Bio-Logging Tool for Studying Fine-Scale Behaviors of Marine Turtles in Response to Sound
Increases in the spatial scale and intensity of activities that produce marine anthropogenic sound highlight the importance of understanding the impacts and effects of sound on threatened species such as marine turtles. Marine turtles detect and behaviorally respond to low-frequency sounds, however few studies have directly examined their behavioral responses to specific types or intensities of anthropogenic or natural sounds. Recent advances in the development of bio-logging tools, which combine acoustic and fine-scale movement measurements, have allowed for evaluations of animal responses to sound. Here, we describe these tools and present a case study demonstrating the potential application of a newly developed technology (ROTAG, Loggerhead Instruments, Inc.) to examine behavioral responses of freely swimming marine turtles to sound. The ROTAG incorporates a three-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to record the turtle\u27s pitch, roll, and heading; a pressure sensor to record turtle depth; a hydrophone to record the turtle\u27s received underwater acoustic sound field; a temperature gauge; and two VHF radio telemetry transmitters and antennas for tag and turtle tracking. Tags can be programmed to automatically release via a timed corrodible link several hours or days after deployment. We describe an example of the data collected with these tags and present a case study of a successful ROTAG deployment on a juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the ParanaguΓ‘ Estuary Complex, Brazil. The tag was deployed for 221 min, during which several vessels passed closely (\u3c2 km) by the turtle. The concurrent movement and acoustic data collected by the ROTAG were examined during these times to determine if the turtle responded to these anthropogenic sound sources. While fine-scale behavioral responses were not apparent (second-by-second), the turtle did appear to perform dives during which it remained still on or near the sea floor during several of the vessel passes. This case study provides proof of concept that ROTAGs can successfully be applied to free-ranging marine turtles to examine their behavioral response to sound. Finally, we discuss the broad applications that these tools have to study the fine-scale behaviors of marine turtles and highlight their use to aid in marine turtle conservation and management
The purpose of training is a activities of community servants where we have a reason why this Al-Qorrobiyah Foundation School is our target because this school, which is the largest foundation in Sendang Dajah Village, is still a problem with technological developments, for example the learning curriculum there is still using the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) 2014, while in University which has implemented the Education Curriculum 2019 (KP). The procedure for this training students will be explained about Ms.Office. After the material is explained, students will be accompanied one by one to work on sample problems, in order to measure students' abilities in the deepening of Microsoft . From the development of the student's comprehension, a data analysis will be drawn which will then be described in descriptive analysis. The results of training showed that many of the students had little understanding of the learning material so far due to their rarity in carrying out parkatek activities. The enthusiasm of students is also very high as long as students receive this material and learning activities together
This paper aims to find out the local potential in Tebuwung Village. The author, together with the entrepreneurship division, numbered thirteen people conducted three times surveys and observations in Tebuwung Village in the context of implementing a community service program. The results of the survey can be used as data and materials to mapping problems and find useful solutions for Tebuwung Village. The method used in this writing is descriptive qualitative. While the method of implementing activities is the provision of material and practice with the subject. The results obtained from this activity were that the subjects had never carried out a simulation or practice using corn hair base material. The subjects have also never marketed corn hair into a product that has a high selling value. It is expected that in the subsequent service activities, a sustainable agenda can be implemented using the same products with a wider marketing scope
Implementasi CHSE Pada Kawasan Wisata di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan: Implementation of CHSE in Tourist Areas in Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency
Penerapan protokol kesehatan pada kawasan wisata sangat diperlukan karena pada tahun 2020 dunia diguncang oleh penyebaran pandemi wabah virus COVID-19. Kecamatan Bolaang Uki menjadi salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan yang ikut dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan CHSE (Cleanliness, Healty, Safety, Environment Sustainability) pada kawasan wisata. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting obyek wisata terhadap pedoman pelaksanaan CHSE pada kawasan wisata di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki pada masa pandemi dan mengetahui kesesuaian implementasi CHSE terhadap pedoman pelaksanaan CHSE pada kawasan wisata di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki pada masa pandemi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan dari data yang diperoleh melalui observasi langsung, kuesioner dan wawancara dan menggunakan teknik analisis skoring. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dan analisis dapat diketahui bahwa kesesuaian implementasi CHSE di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki adalah mendekati tidak sesuai untuk penerapan protokol kesehatan pada pada keempat obyek wisata yaitu ekowisata Mangrove Panango, wisata Pantai Sondana, wisata Pantai Tersakiti dan ekowisata Mangrove Dudepo.
Kata kunci: Kawasan Wisata; COVID-19; CHSE.
The implementation of health protocols in tourist areas is very necessary because in 2020 the world was shaken by the spread of the COVID-19 virus outbreak pandemic. Bolaang Uki Subdistrict is one of the sub-districts in South Bolaang Mongondow Regency that participates in the implementation of CHSE (Cleanliness, Healty, Safety, Environment Sustainability) health protocols in tourist areas. The purpose of this study is to identify the existing conditions of tourist objects against the guidelines for the implementation of CHSE in tourist areas in Bolaang Uki District during the pandemic and find out the suitability of CHSE implementation to the guidelines for implementing CHSE in tourist areas in Bolaang Uki District during the pandemic. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method with from data obtained through direct observation, questionnaires and interviews and using scoring analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study and analysis, it can be seen that the suitability of CHSE implementation in Bolaang Uki District is close to being inappropriate for the implementation of health protocols in the four tourist attractions, namely Panango Mangrove ecotourism, Sondana Beach tourism, Tersakiti Beach tourism and Dudepo Mangrove ecotourism.
Keyword: Tourist Area; COVID-19; CHSE
Papyrus Photo Studio Bandung adalah studio foto yang ingin menawarkan produk dan pelayanan yang lebih baik daripada pesaingnya, namun belum menjadi preferensi utama foto studio masyarakat Bandung. Di tahun 2013, Papyrus Photo mengadakan Papyrus Light Fest dan berharap menaikkan nilai *brand* *equity*. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penilaian audiens terhadap *event* Papyrus Light Fest 2013 dan terhadap *brand equity* Papyrus Photo Bandung, dan mengetahui besarnya efektivitas *event* Papyrus Light Fest 2013 terhadap *brand* *equity* Papyrus Photo Bandung.
Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei dan dengan alat ukur kuesioner. Menggunakan variabel independen (X) dan variabel dependen (Y). Memakai skala pengukuran ordinal dengan teknik Likert. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah audiens Papyrus Light Fest 2013 dan berdomisili di Bandung. Penelitian ini menentukan jumlah sampel minimum dengan rumus Bernoulli sebanyak 100 responden. Menggunakan teknik sampling *Convenience* Sampling. Penelitian ini juga memakai teknik analisis data analisis jalur (Path Analysis).
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penilaian audiens terhadap *event* Papyus Light Fest 2013 secara keseluruhan adalah efektif dengan persentase terbesar pada sub variabel *innovation* yang berarti Papyrus Photo melakukan inovasi yang mendapat tanggapan positif sebesar rata-rata 76%. Penilaian audiens terhadap dampaknya kepada *brand* *equity* Papyrus Photo Bandung adalah tidak efektif dengan penilaian sebesar 61,656%. Penilaian tidak efektif terhadap pada sub variabel *brand* *awareness*, *brand* *association* dan *brand* *loyalty*. Selain itu, tingkat pengaruh efektivitas *event* Papyrus Light Fest 2013 terhadap *brand* *equity* Papyrus Photo Bandung adalah terdapat dua sub variabel yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan yaitu sub variabel *involvement* dan *innovation*.
Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah *event* *marketing* Papyrus Light Fest 2013 adalah *event* yang efektif untuk dilanjutkan untuk meningkatkan *brand* *equity* namun dengan beberapa saran yaitu dengan melakukan perubahan konten *event* seperti mengundang bintang tamu yang lebih tenar serta meningkatkan promosi *event* dan juga memberi tambahan nilai keunikan pada hasil produksi agar *brand* *equity* Papyrus Photo ikut meningkat.
Keyword: **Efektivitas**, **Event** **Marketing**, **Brand** **Equity*
Pengaruh Luas Penutupan Kiambang (Salvinia Molesta) Terhadap Penurunan COD, Amonia, Nitrit, Dan Nitrat Pada Limbah Cair Domestik (Grey Water) Dengan Sistem Kontinyu
Limbah cairdomestik mengandung berbagai kandungan organik dan anorganik. Limbah yang langsung dibuang ke lingkungan akan menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan yang akan membahayakan makhluk hidup.Untuk itu perlu adanya pengolahan terhadap limbah domestik.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian fitoremediasi menggunakan tumbuhan kiambang (Salvinia molesta.) sebagai salah satu alternatif pengolahan awal untuk pengolahan limbah domestik.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan sistem kontinyu dengan variasiluasan penutupan tumbuhan (0%, 25%, 50%, dan 100%) dan waktu tinggal limbah (3, 6, 9, dan 12 hari). Karakteristik awal limbah domestik pada penelitian ini yaitu COD247 mg/l, amonia 1,154mg/NH3-N/l, nitrit 10,56mg/NO2-N/l dannitrat 73,37mg/NO3-N/l. Efisiensi penyisihan COD terjadi pada reaktor ke-5 (luas area penutupan kiambang 100%) tumbuhan yaitu sebesar 79% hingga konsentrasi menjadi 27,7 mg/l. Sedangkan efisiensi penyisihan amonia terjadi pada reaktor ke-4(luas area penutupan kiambang 75%)sebesar 97% pada hari ke-9 dengan konsentrasi akhir 0,02 mg/l. Efisiensi penyisihan nitrit terjadi pada reaktor ke-1(luas area penutupan kiambang 0%)sebesar 17% pada hari ke-9 dengan konsentrasi akhir 5,96 mg/NO2-N/l.Efisiensi penyisihan nitrat terjadi pada reaktor ke-1(luas area penutupan kiambang 0%)sebesar 34% pada hari ke-12 dengan konsentrasi akhir 12,6mg/NO3-N/l.Limbah cairdomestik mengandung berbagai kandungan organik dan anorganik. Limbah yang langsung dibuang ke lingkungan akan menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan yang akan membahayakan makhluk hidup.Untuk itu perlu adanya pengolahan terhadap limbah domestik.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian fitoremediasi menggunakan tumbuhan kiambang (Salvinia molesta.) sebagai salah satu alternatif pengolahan awal untuk pengolahan limbah domestik.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan sistem kontinyu dengan variasiluasan penutupan tumbuhan (0%, 25%, 50%, dan 100%) dan waktu tinggal limbah (3, 6, 9, dan 12 hari). Karakteristik awal limbah domestik pada penelitian ini yaitu COD247 mg/l, amonia 1,154mg/NH3-N/l, nitrit 10,56mg/NO2-N/l dannitrat 73,37mg/NO3-N/l. Efisiensi penyisihan COD terjadi pada reaktor ke-5 (luas area penutupan kiambang 100%) tumbuhan yaitu sebesar 79% hingga konsentrasi menjadi 27,7 mg/l. Sedangkan efisiensi penyisihan amonia terjadi pada reaktor ke-4(luas area penutupan kiambang 75%)sebesar 97% pada hari ke-9 dengan konsentrasi akhir 0,02 mg/l. Efisiensi penyisihan nitrit terjadi pada reaktor ke-1(luas area penutupan kiambang 0%)sebesar 17% pada hari ke-9 dengan konsentrasi akhir 5,96 mg/NO2-N/l.Efisiensi penyisihan nitrat terjadi pada reaktor ke-1(luas area penutupan kiambang 0%)sebesar 34% pada hari ke-12 dengan konsentrasi akhir 12,6mg/NO3-N/l
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