1,227 research outputs found

    Solid-State Excitation Laser for Laser-Ultrasonics

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    The inspection speed of laser-ultrasonics compared with conventional ultrasonic testing is limited by the pulse repetition rate of the excitation laser. The maximum pulse repetition rate reported up to now for CO2-lasers, which are presently used for nearly all systems, is in the range of 400 Hz. In this paper a new approach based on a diode-pumped solid-state laser is discussed, which is currently being developed. This new excitation laser is designed for a repetition rate of 1 kHz and will operate at a mid-IR wavelength of 3.3 m. The higher repeti-tion rate enables a higher inspection speed, whereas the mid-IR wavelength anticipates a better coupling efficiency. The total power for pumping the laser crystals is transported via flexible optical fibres to the compact laser head, thus allowing operation on a robot arm. The laser head consists of a master oscillator feeding several lines of power amplifiers and in-cludes nonlinear optical wavelength conversion by an optical parametric process. It is char-acterized by a modular construction which provides optimal conditions for operation at high average power as well as for easy maintenance. These features will enable building reliable, long-lived, rugged, smart laser ultrasonic systems in futur

    Globalisation, environmental change and health

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    Osteosynthese distaler Radiusfrakturen mit der AO/ASIF Titan-Pi-Platte

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    Zusammenfassung: Die AO/ASIF Titan-Pi-Platte wurde entwickelt, um eine optimale Versorgung distaler, intraartikulärer und instabiler Radiusfrakturen zu gewährleisten. Dies soll durch eine optimale Anpassung an die Anatomie sowie durch Winkelstabilität und flachem Design erfolgen. Ziel der vorliegenden retrospektiven Fallkontrollstudie war es, die objektiven und subjektiven Resultate anhand einer konsekutiven Reihe von 61Patienten mindestens 12Monate (12-29Monate) postoperativ mittels Befragung, klinischer Untersuchung und konventioneller radiologischer Bildgebung zu erheben. Nach Klassifikation der AO handelte es sich um 3A2-, 23A3-, 1B1-, 12C1- und 22C2-Frakturen. Die Resultate zeigen insgesamt ein gutes bis sehr gutes Resultat bezüglich des subjektiven Befindens. Die Messungen des Bewegungsumfangs ergaben durchschnittlich über 80% im Vergleich zur Gegenseite. Die klinische Prüfung der Extensorensehnen ergab keine Rupturen und 18% Irritationen. Das Kollektiv mit Osteosynthesematerialentfernung zeigte einen signifikant größeren Bewegungsumfang der Extension und Ulnarabduktion, eine höhere Kraft sowie nur 3,8% Sehnenirritationen. Mit der Pi-Platte lassen sich gute subjektive und objektive Resultate erreichen. Aufgrund der signifikant besseren Beweglichkeit und höheren Kraft sowie der geringeren Rate an Sehnenirritationen nach Entfernung der Platte sollte die Indikation zur Osteosynthesematerialentfernung großzügig gestellt werde

    Komplexe proximale Humerusfraktur beim alten Menschen: Winkelstabile Plattenosteosynthese vs. Hemiarthroplastik

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist ein direkter Vergleich der Schulterhemiarthroplastik (SHA) mit der winkelstabilen Plattenosteosynthese (WSPOS) beim alten Patienten mit komplexer proximaler Humerusfraktur. Patienten und Methoden: Zwischen 2003 und 2005 wurden alle Patienten (n=52, Alter ≥70Jahre) mit 3- und 4-Segment-Frakturen des proximalen Humerus, welche mit einer WSPOS (PHILOS®) versorgt wurden, prospektiv erfasst und nach einem Jahr mittels Constant-Score (CS), Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS) und radiologisch nachkontrolliert. Verglichen wurde die WSPOS mit einem historischen Kollektiv mit identischen Einschlusskriterien, welches zwischen 1995 und 1997 an der gleichen Institution mittels SHA versorgt wurde (n=59). Ergebnisse: Beide Patientenkollektive zeigten keine Unterschiede bezüglich Alter, Geschlechterverteilung und Frakturtypen. Der CS war signifikant besser für die WSPOS (median 71 vs. 41). Bezüglich Schmerzen zeigte sich im OSS kein Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen. In der WSPOS-Gruppe mussten signifikant mehr Revisionseingriffe durchgeführt werden (25% vs. 2%). Schlussfolgerung: Die WSPOS liefert beim alten Patienten, bei komplexen proximalen Humerusfrakturen deutlich bessere funktionelle Resultate, ist jedoch mit mehr Rezidiveingriffen behaftet. Die Selbständigkeit der Patienten kann bei beiden Operationsmethoden bei guter Schmerzfreiheit meist erhalten werde

    Asynchronous formation of Hesperian and Amazonian-aged deltas on Mars and implications for climate

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    Most fluvial and lacustrine landforms on Mars are thought to be old and have formed more than ~3.8 Gyr ago, in the Noachian period. After a major climatic transition, surface liquid water became less abundant and finally disappeared almost completely. Recent work has shown that observational evidence for Hesperian and Amazonian aqueous processes is more common than previously recognized, but their nature is poorly understood. Moreover, it is not clear how the paleoclimate of Mars can be constrained by this activity. Here we report our investigation of a population of deltas around the ancient impact basin Chryse Planitia. To test whether the results are globally applicable, we also studied selected deltas with similar morphologies in the eastern hemisphere and found that the results are consistent. We compared the morphology of deltas, feeder channels, and receiving lakes, dated deltas by crater counting and searched for alteration minerals in hyperspectral images. The valleys and associated late-stage deltas were formed by short-lived aqueous processes, as suggested by their morphology and the general lack of associated aqueous alteration minerals. The likely source of water was neither widespread precipitation nor a regionally connected groundwater aquifer, but water mobilized locally from the cryosphere. Delta formation in our study areas occurred from the Early Hesperian to the Late Amazonian and did not require sustained periods of global climatic conditions favoring widespread precipitation. Liquid surface water has been locally present on Mars even after the Noachian, although only episodically, for transient intervals, and widely separated in space

    Home-based Reach-to-Grasp training for people after stroke is feasible: A pilot randomised controlled trial

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    © The Author(s) 2016. Objective: To determine feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of home-based Reach-to-Grasp training after stroke. Design: single-blind parallel group RCT. Participants: Residual arm deficit less than 12 months post-stroke. Interventions: Reach-to-Grasp training in 14 one-hour therapist's visits over 6 weeks, plus one hour self-practice per day (total 56 hours). Control: Usual care. Main Measures: Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), pre-randomisation, 7, 12, 24 weeks post-randomisation. Results: Forty-seven participants (Reach-to-Grasp=24, usual care=23) were randomised over 17 months. Reach-to-Grasp participants received a median (IQR) 14 (13,14) visits, and performed 157 (96,211) repetitions per visit; plus 30 minutes (22,45) self-practice per day. Usual care participants received 10.5 (5,14) therapist visits, comprising 38.6 (30,45) minutes of arm therapy with 16 (6,24) repetitions of functional tasks per visit. Median ARAT scores in the reach-to-grasp group were 8.5 (3.0,24.0) at baseline and 14.5 (3.5,26.0) at 24 weeks compared to median of 4 at both time points (IQR: baseline (3.0,14.0), 24 weeks (3.0,30.0)) in the usual-care group. Median WMFT tasks completed at baseline and 24 weeks were 6 (3.0,11.5) and 8.5 (4.5,13.5) respectively in the reach-to-grasp group and 4 (3.0,10.0), 6 (3.0,14.0) in the usual care group. Incidence of arm pain was similar between groups. The study was stopped before 11 patients reached the 24 weeks assessment. Conclusions: An RCT of home-based Reach-to-Grasp training after stroke is feasible and safe. With ARAT being our preferred measure it is estimated that 240 participants will be needed for a future two armed trial
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