142 research outputs found

    The use of thyme and orange essential oils blend to improve quality traits of marinated chicken meat

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    Abstract Poultry meat contains large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which lead to oxidative deterioration. Plant essential oils (EO) and natural compounds, with antioxidant properties, may be used to alleviate this problem. Two replications were conducted to evaluate the effects of a mixture (1:1) of thyme and orange oils (EO) on the quality characteristics and the oxidative stability of chicken meat (breast and wing). For each replication, 24 fresh breast fillets and 24 wings were procured from a local grocery store. The EO were added to marinade solution to achieve a final concentration of 0.55% sodium chloride, 0.28% polyphosphate, and 0.05% wt/vol of EO blend. Breasts and wings were split in 2 different groups with homogenous pH and lightness and vacuum tumbled in 2 treatments, a 0.5% EO and a control (CON, no EO). Each group was tested for pH, Commission Internationale d'Eclairage color (lightness, L*; redness, a*; yellowness, b*), moisture content, marinade uptake, purge loss, cook yield, and shear force. Susceptibility to lipid oxidation was determined on fresh and frozen meat by TBA reactive substance analysis (induced oxidation from 0 to 150 min at 37°C). The EO breasts had lower purge loss compared with CON meat. Breast did not show any color, pH, marinade uptake, cooking yield, shear force, or moisture differences due to treatment, although cooked EO breast was slightly less red than CON. The EO wings presented higher a* and b* values after marination and lower purge loss and shear force than CON. No differences were detected on wings for color, pH, marinade uptake, cooking yield, or moisture between EO and CON wings. Both fresh and frozen EO breasts and EO wings were less susceptible to the lipid oxidation during all induced oxidation times compared with CON breasts and wings. In conclusion, EO had a positive effect on broiler breast and wing lipid oxidation without negatively affecting meat quality traits

    Preslaughter Mortality in Broiler Chickens, Turkeys, and Spent Hens Under Commercial Slaughtering

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    Abstract The incidence of dead on arrival (DOA) birds was surveyed over 33 broiler, 11 turkey, and 19 spent hen abattoirs representing the majority (around 70%) of the Italian poultry slaughter plants. Data were recorded monthly during a 4-yr period (August 2001 to July 2005), considering a total of 1,266 million chicken broilers, 118 million turkeys, and 54 million spent hens, which represent 67.7, 84.0, and 28.4% of the national production, respectively. The overall average incidence of DOA was found to be 0.35, 0.38, and 1.22% in broilers, turkeys, and spent hens, respectively. The season significantly (P ≤ 0.01) influenced the mortality of all considered poultry categories, with higher incidence being observed during the summer (0.47, 0.52, and 1.62% for broilers, turkeys, and spent layers, respectively). The incidence of DOA broilers was found to be lower in small slaughter plants compared with medium and large slaughter plants (0.28 vs. 0.38 and 0.35%, P ≤ 0.01). The data obtained in this study might be used for establishing limit values of DOA as a welfare indicator during the preslaughter time of birds, including catching, loading, transportation, and lairage

    Relationship between pectoralis major muscle histology and quality traits of chicken meat

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    A trial was conducted to evaluate the influence of myodegeneration of pectoralis major muscle on quality traits and chemical composition of breast meat of heavy size male broilers. For this purpose, a total of 72 pectoralis major muscles were randomly collected from broilers farmed under homogeneous conditions and graded into three categories (mild, n= 22; moderate, n=33; and severe, n=17) based on the presence of abnormal fibers (giant fibers, fibers with hyaline degeneration and damaged and/or necrotic fibers) evaluated by histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Color, pH, drip and loss, Allo-Kramer shear values and chemical composition (moisture, proteins, total lipids, ashes and collagen) were determined on non-marinated breast meat, as well as purge loss and cook loss, total yield and Allo-Kramer shear values were measured on vacuum tumbled samples. Samples showing moderate myodegeneration had the highest mean cross-sectional area of the fibers, while samples with severe myodegeneration had myofibers of different diameter and without the characteristic polygonal shape, multifocal degeneration and necrosis, as well as infiltration of CD3-immunoreactive cells. Cooking losses of non-marinated meat were lower in mild group in respect to moderate and severe groups (21.4 vs. 24.7 and 24.7%; P<0.001). Breast muscles with severe damages, in comparison with mild degenerated samples, showed higher moisture (75.4 vs. 74.4%; P<0.05) and lower protein percentages (21.1 vs. 22.6%; P<0.001). The lipid percentage of severe degenerated samples was higher than that from moderate group (2.94 vs. 2.36; P<0.05), while collagen content was not modified by histological lesion levels. Marinated meat from mild group had higher uptake and total marinade yield after cooking. In conclusion, almost all breast fillets of heavy broiler chickens produced under intensive farming systems had histological lesions which reflected on chemical composition of meat and impaired water holding/binding capacities of the meat

    Evolution of proteolytic indicators during storage of broiler wooden breast meat

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    In the past few yr, an emerging muscle abnormality termed wooden breast (WB) was found to affect broilers' Pectoralis major muscles. Although different studies have been performed in order to evaluate the effect of WB on meat quality, there is no evidence concerning its impact on the proteolytic processes taking place during meat aging. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the effect of a 7-day storage of broiler breast fillets on free calcium concentration, calpain activity, and proteolysis. Both the superficial and the deep layers of the Pectoralis major muscles were considered. Although similar electrophoretic profiles were observed by comparing the corresponding sampling positions, an evident lack of a high-molecular weight protein band, ascribed to nebulin, was found in the superficial layer of the WB fillets at 10 h postmortem. Compared to normal fillets (NB), both the superficial and the deep layer of WB exhibited a significantly higher amount of free calcium at 168 h postmortem (96 and 88 vs. 20 and 53 mu M; PPeer reviewe

    The use of sodium bicarbonate for marination of broiler breast meat

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    This study aimed at evaluating marination performances and effect on meat quality traits of sodium bicarbonate, used alone or in combination with sodium chloride, when compared with sodium trypolyphosphate by using advanced analytical tools including low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). A total of 140 samples (cylindrical shape of 1×4 cm size) were obtained from a batch of 24h post mortem broiler breast meat (Ross 708, females, 47 day-old). Six of the groups were used for subsequent marination treatments, while the last group was kept as non-marinated control (C). Samples were subjected to vacuum tumbling in a special equipped laboratory rotary evaporator with a 12% (w/w) water:meat ratio using 6 marinade solutions: 7.7% (w/w) NaCl (S); 2.3% Na4O7P2 (w/w) (P); 2.3% (w/w) NaHCO3 (B); 7.7% (w/w) NaCl and 2.3% Na4O7P2 (w/w) (SP); 7.7% (w/w) NaCl and 2.3% (w/w) NaHCO3 (SB); 7.7% (w/w) NaCl, 2.3% Na4O7P2 (w/w) and 2.3% (w/w) NaHCO3 (SPB). Samples marinated with bicarbonate alone or in combination (B, SB and SPB) significantly increased (P<0.05) meat pH by approximately 0.7 units compared to the control, whilst phosphate alone or in combination with salt increased (P<0.05) the pH by 0.2 units. Combination containing all ingredients (SPB) produced the highest marinade performances, however sodium bicarbonate with salt (SB) was able to guarantee a better marinade uptake and water retention ability in respect to phosphates (SP). According to LR-NMR, the combined use of bicarbonate and/or phosphate with sodium chloride determined a remarkable increase of proportion of entrapped water into myofibrillar spaces, while extra-myofibrillar water fraction was not modified. Moreover water gain following marination does not correspond to an increase of freezable water amount as detected by DSC. In conclusion, bicarbonate is a very promising marinating agent and it can be exploited to develop processed poultry products with no added phosphates in order to match the request to avoid the nutritional drawbacks recently indicated with the use of phosphates

    Gaping of pectoralis minor muscles: magnitude and characterization of an emerging quality issue in broilers

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    Recently, a certain number of broiler abattoirs located in different Countries around the World have signaled an emerging quality issue termed "gaping" because of the separation of the fiber bundles affecting the external portion of the bipinnate pectoralis minor muscle. Thus, after defining the criteria to classify the muscles as Normal (NORM), Moderate (MOD), or Severe (SEV) cases, the incidence of gaping under commercial conditions was assessed on a total of 8,600 P. minor obtained from broiler chickens belonging to 43 flocks during a 6-mo period. Then, a total of 180 P. minor were selected based on previously defined criteria to evaluate the main quality traits (pH, color, water-holding/-binding capacity and tenderness), proximate composition, water mobility, and thermal properties as well as metabolic profile through 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. The average incidence of gaping defect was found to be 16.8% (8.8 and 8.0% MOD and SEV cases, respectively). As for the main quality traits, a reduction in ultimate pH was observed as the severity of the gaping defect increased, with SEV muscles displaying significantly lower values in comparison with NORM (5.96 vs. 6.02; P < 0.01), while MOD showed intermediate values (5.99). Concurrently, if compared with their NORM counterpart, MOD and SEV exhibited higher lightness (53.6 and 54.2 vs. 51.8; P < 0.01) coupled with higher (P < 0.05) cooking losses and longer (P < 0.05) transversal relaxation time of extra-myofibrillar water fraction. Overall, no significant differences were found concerning proximate composition and thermal properties. With regard to the metabolic profile, a significantly lower (P < 0.001) glutamine concentration was found in MOD and SEV muscles that, concurrently, revealed significant (P < 0.05) variations in the metabolites involved in energy-generating pathways. Overall, these findings evidenced that the gaping defect affecting broilers' P. minor muscles have strong similarities with the pale-soft-exudative condition previously described in poultry and likely results from the biochemical processes taking place during the post-mortem conversion of muscle to meat

    Comparison of 2 commercial turkey hybrids: productivity, occurrence of breast myopathies, and meat quality properties

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    This study was undertaken to compare productive performance, occurrence of breast myopathies, chemical composition, and technological properties of the meat in 2 dominant commercial turkey hybrids. A total of 972 1-day-old male turkey poults (equally divided in hybrid A and B) were randomly distributed in 18 floor pens. Overall, productive performance resulted similar between the genotypes, although they showed different growth profile (turkeys from group B grew up faster up to 84 d). Regarding the occurrence of myopathies, the percentage of breasts affected by white striping was markedly higher in both genotypes (46 vs. 60% of severe lesions, respectively for A and B; P < 0.05), while the occurrence of spaghetti meat-like condition was negligible. The histological features of the different categories of meat abnormalities resulted similar to those previously described for chicken hybrids. The technological traits such as ultimate pH, lightness, redness, marinade uptake, cooking losses, and shear force were not significantly affected by the genotype. However, turkeys from group B exhibited lower yellowness (b*, 0.50 vs. 1.04; P < 0.05) and higher drip losses (1.34 vs. 1.26%; P < 0.05). The shelf-life test on thigh meat showed no significant changes in meat color over the storage time in both hybrids, whereas thigh meat from group A showed absolute lower values of lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) (P < 0.05). Lipid oxidation of thigh meat significantly increased during storage, although no significant difference was found between the hybrids. Proximate composition and intramuscular collagen properties resulted similar between genetic lines with the exception of total fat content (1.55 vs. 1.21%, respectively for A and B; P < 0.05). The genotype had a moderate effect on fatty acid families of breast meat as only monounsaturated fatty acid content was significantly affected (31.7 vs. 29.8%, respectively for A and B). In conclusion, the overall productive traits of commercial turkeys, including the occurrence of muscle myopathies, as well as quality attributes of fresh and refrigerated meat were only slightly affected by the genotype

    Effect of different inclusion levels of defatted Hermetia illucens larvae meal on fillet quality of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    In recent years, insect meal has attracted increasing interest as an innovative protein source to replace fish meal in feed formulation due to its valuable nutritional profile. This research aimed to compare the effects of different dietary inclusion levels (5, 10, and 15%) of Hermetia illucens (HI) larvae meal on Sparus aurata (initial weight: 98.6 ± 0.6 g) sensorial, technological, and nutritional fillets quality. Fish were fed experimental diets over 113 days. Results showed that the inclusion of defatted HI larvae meal did not induce off-flavours in gilthead sea bream fillets. No significant differences were found in appearance, mouthfeels, and texture, while a difference emerged in the trait ‘cooked chicken breast’ for odour and flavour characteristics. Moreover, fillets’ quality traits and proximate composition analyses performed did not show significant differences between the treatments. The fillets’ fatty acid content showed that higher inclusion of HI meal leads to higher saturated fatty acids content, while no significant difference in polyunsaturated fatty acids was observed among treatments. Results have a positive implication as dietary HI did not negatively affect the fatty acids composition or quality of sea bream fillets

    Effects of a diet based on foods from symbiotic agriculture on the gut microbiota of subjects at risk for metabolic syndrome

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    none18noDiet is a major driver of gut microbiota variation and plays a role in metabolic disorders, including metabolic syndrome (MS). Mycorrhized foods from symbiotic agriculture (SA) exhibit improved nutritional properties, but potential benefits have never been investigated in humans. We conducted a pilot interventional study on 60 adults with ≥ 1 risk factors for MS, of whom 33 consumed SA‐derived fresh foods and 27 received probiotics over 30 days, with a 15‐day follow‐up. Stool, urine and blood were collected over time to explore changes in gut microbiota, metabolome, and biochemical, inflammatory and immunologic parameters; previous dietary habits were investigated through a validated food‐frequency questionnaire. The baseline microbiota showed alterations typical of metabolic disorders, mainly an increase in Coriobacteriaceae and a decrease in health-associated taxa, which were partly reversed after the SA‐based diet. Improvements were observed in metabolome, MS presence (two out of six subjects no longer had MS) or components. Changes were more pronounced with less healthy baseline diets. Probiotics had a marginal, not entirely fa-vorable, effect, although one out of three subjects no longer suffered from MS. These findings sug-gest that improved dietary patterns can modulate the host microbiota and metabolome, counteract-ing the risk of developing MS.openTurroni S.; Petracci E.; Edefonti V.; Giudetti A.M.; D'amico F.; Paganelli L.; Giovannetti G.; Del Coco L.; Fanizzi F.P.; Rampelli S.; Guerra D.; Rengucci C.; Bulgarelli J.; Tazzari M.; Pellegrini N.; Ferraroni M.; Nanni O.; Serra P.Turroni, S.; Petracci, E.; Edefonti, V.; Giudetti, A. M.; D'Amico, F.; Paganelli, L.; Giovannetti, G.; Del Coco, L.; Fanizzi, F. P.; Rampelli, S.; Guerra, D.; Rengucci, C.; Bulgarelli, J.; Tazzari, M.; Pellegrini, N.; Ferraroni, M.; Nanni, O.; Serra, P

    Effects of a diet based on foods from symbiotic agriculture on the gut microbiota of subjects at risk for metabolic syndrome

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    Diet is a major driver of gut microbiota variation and plays a role in metabolic disorders, including metabolic syndrome (MS). Mycorrhized foods from symbiotic agriculture (SA) exhibit improved nutritional properties, but potential benefits have never been investigated in humans. We conducted a pilot interventional study on 60 adults with 65 1 risk factors for MS, of whom 33 consumed SA\u2010derived fresh foods and 27 received probiotics over 30 days, with a 15\u2010day follow\u2010up. Stool, urine and blood were collected over time to explore changes in gut microbiota, metabolome, and biochemical, inflammatory and immunologic parameters; previous dietary habits were investigated through a validated food\u2010frequency questionnaire. The baseline microbiota showed alterations typical of metabolic disorders, mainly an increase in Coriobacteriaceae and a decrease in health-associated taxa, which were partly reversed after the SA\u2010based diet. Improvements were observed in metabolome, MS presence (two out of six subjects no longer had MS) or components. Changes were more pronounced with less healthy baseline diets. Probiotics had a marginal, not entirely fa-vorable, effect, although one out of three subjects no longer suffered from MS. These findings sug-gest that improved dietary patterns can modulate the host microbiota and metabolome, counteract-ing the risk of developing MS