20 research outputs found

    Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Perkebunan Teh Wonosari Terhadap Masyarakat Desa Toyomarto Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang Tahun 1996-2012

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    Artikel ini membahas mengenai Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Perkebunan Teh Wonosari Terhadap Masyarakat Desa Toyomarto Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji perkembangan Pekebunan Teh Wonosari sebelum tahun 1996 sampai 2012 dan mengkaji beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi dan melatar belakangi perkebunan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi, historiogafi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Perubahan sosial,. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Perkebunan Teh Wonosari dalam perkembangannya mengalami beberapa kemajuan, diantaranya adalah perkembangan pembangunan perkebunan baik berupa renovasi maupun perbaikan mesin-mesin, perkembangan kapasitas peralatan dalam proses produksi teh juga telah menunjukkan adanya suatu peran dari para pekerja dan pemilik Perusahaan dalam meningkatkan aktifitas produksi, pemasaran secara baik dan terkontrol, penambahan dan penurunan jumlah pekerja. Perkebunan Teh Wonosari dalam perkembangannya dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain faktor geografis, demografis, dan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Keberadaan Perkebunan Teh Wonosari membawa pengaruh positif bagi masyarakat dengan adanya lapangan pekerjaan dan beberapa fasilitas perkebunan masyrakat dapat menggunakan dan memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi dalam kehidupannya sehingga kesejahteraannya meningkat


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    ABSTRACT  This thesis discuss the success of Enthus Susmono who is firstly a narrator to be a regent in Tegal regency (From Artist to Bureaucrat; The Biography of Enthus Susmono 1984-2014). This research is to describe how and what factors that become the background and encourage him to take a part in political field. the method used in this research is historical method that is heuristic, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The approach used in this research is biography approach by using theory of psychology. The results of this research shows that the art in the blood of Enthus Susmono was derived from his father and his grandfather. He began to replace his father to be a narrator in 1984. His ability of art was strengthened when he was in Junior High School by learning karawitan, and it is continued in Senior High School by learning drawing and theatre. The ability of creating story was got from the famous narrators, like Ki Anom Suroto, Ki Manteb Soedarsono, Ki Nartosabdo and kyai. Based on this background, Enthus Susmono is called as an insane narrator and he is popular with his wayang santri, because he is capable of creating story with the social fact. It makes him take a part in political field by becoming the success team, then it makes him jailed. Being arrested can strengten his political interest, so that in 2014 he was appointed as a regent by Kebangkitan Bangsa Party (PKB) and was coupled with Umi Azizah, the chairperson of Muslimat Nahdatul Ulama of Tegal regency with their jargon “tolak politik uang”. The conclusion of this research shows that an artist has a potential and capable of being a leader.    Keywords : Enthus Susmono, Insane Artist, Tolak Politik Uang, Regent.  &nbsp

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together Terhadap Hasil Belajar Geometri Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Spasial Siswa Kelas V SD

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi model pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together (NHT) terhadap hasil belajar geometri ditinjau dari kemampuan spasial siswa kelas V SD di Gugus Ngurah Rai Kecamatan Denpasar Barat. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANAKOVA dengan bantuan SPSS 17.0 for windows. Sebanyak 82 siswa kelas V dipilih sebagai sampel dengan teknik random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data hasil belajar dan kemampuan spasial siswa dengan tes pilihan ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: pertama, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar geometri antara siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran NHT dan siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional ( Fhitung = 9,119 > Ftabel = 4,00). Kedua, setelah dikendalikan oleh kovariabel kemampuan spasial, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar geometri siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran NHT dan siswa yang mengikuti model pembelajaran konvensional (Fhitung = 12,182 > Ftabel = 4,00). Ketiga, terdapat kontribusi kovariabel kemampuan spasial yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar geometri siswa (rhitung = 0,551 > rtabel =0,215). Kata-kata kunci: NHT, hasil belajar, kemampuan spasial, matematika The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of implementation of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) learning model on geometry Learning result viewed from spatial ability of fifth grade students in cluster Ngurah Rai sub-district Denpasar Barat. Data were analyzed using ANAKOVA with the help of SPSS 17.0 for windows. About 82 fifth grade students were selected as sample by using random sampling technique. Data collected were data of learning result and students's spatial learning using multiple choice. The result shows that first, there's a significant difference in geometry result between students who followed NHT learning model and students who followed conventional learning model ( Fhitung = 9,119 > Ftabel = 4,00). Second, after controlled by spatial ability covariable, there's a significant difference between geometry result in students who followed NHT learning model and students who followed conventional learning model (Fhitung = 12,182 > Ftabel = 4,00). Third, there's a significant contribution of spatial ability covariable to student's geometry result (rhitung = 0,551 > rtabel =0,215)

    Evaluating Quality of Work Life as Base of Working Condition Improvement Based on Participatory Ergonomic: Case Study on Workers in Small Industry of Gamelan XYZ at Bali, Indonesia

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    Small Industry of XYZ Gamelan in Bali Province is a heritage industry. Currently, the existence of small industry of Gamelan has become serious cause of attention for the local government; this makes the gamelan industry one of the interesting tourist objects in Bali. The demand of quality of life improvement of worker is a will of allworkers, but nevertheless, some cultures, local tradition, and the value of community life are becoming constraint to changing the local character. The objective of this research is to evaluate four domain qualities of life as base of initial information of working condition improvement based on user need (participatory ergonomic). The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling design, that is, choosing sample based on immediacy of subject to population. A questionnaire was given to subjects based on inclusion criteria randomly. Data collection was done by parameter of quality of life questionnaire developed by WHO, that is, WHOQOL100, which contains 26 questions in total. It was a self-report questionnaire, wheresubjects are requested to respond as conditions in 4 latest weeks. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Result showed that the quality of life of workers in small industry on XYZ Gamelan at Bali Province on physical health domain has a score of 54, meaning good;psychological score of 44, meaning less social; relationship domain had a score of 75, meaning good; and environment domain 44, meaning less good. Since physical health and environmental domain had lowest scores, thus improvement that considering human as the main indicator is a must. Improvement could be conducted by redesigning work facility, work load adjustment, and worker performance, and evaluating worker and company productivity. Keywords: quality of life, participatory ergonomic, physic, psychologic, social relationship, environmen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar fenol dan flavonoid total dari ekstrak akar kersen serta aktivitas antioksidannya. Hasil ekstraksi 1 kg akar kersen menghasilkan ekstrak etanol (30,56 g), kloroform (6,52 g), etilasetat (6,1 g), n-butanol (3,21 g) dan air (4,65 g). Penapisan fitokimia menunjukkan ekstrak yang positif flavonoid adalah ekstrak air, kloroform, etanol dan etil asetatsedangkankelimaekstrak tersebut positif mengandung polifenol.  Ekstrak etanol, n-butanol, kloroform, etil asetat, dan air memiliki kandungan total fenol berturut-turut yaitu 12,62%, 3,81%, 6,12%, 8,75%, dan 11,93%. Kandungan flavonoid pada ekstrak etanol, kloroform, etil asetat, dan air berturut-turut yaitu 0,22%, 0,05%, 0,12%, dan 0,03%. Aktivitas antioksidan pada ekstrak etanol diukur dengan metode DPPH dan dinyatakan dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 36,44 pp

    Dari Seniman ke Birokrat: Biografi Enthus Susmono 1984-2014 From Artist To Bureaucrat The Biography Of Enthus Susmono 1984-2014

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     This thesis discuss the success of Enthus Susmono who is firstly a narrator to be a regent in Tegal regency (From Artist to Bureaucrat; The Biography of Enthus Susmono 1984-2014). This research is to describe how and what factors that become the background and encourage him to take a part in political field. the method used in this research is historical method that is heuristic, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The approach used in this research is biography approach by using theory of psychology. The results of this research shows that the art in the blood of Enthus Susmono was derived from his father and his grandfather. He began to replace his father to be a narrator in 1984. His ability of art was strengthened when he was in Junior High School by learning karawitan, and it is continued in Senior High School by learning drawing and theatre. The ability of creating story was got from the famous narrators, like Ki Anom Suroto, Ki Manteb Soedarsono, Ki Nartosabdo and kyai. Based on this background, Enthus Susmono is called as an insane narrator and he is popular with his wayang santri, because he is capable of creating story with the social fact. It makes him take a part in political field by becoming the success team, then it makes him jailed. Being arrested can strengten his political interest, so that in 2014 he was appointed as a regent by Kebangkitan Bangsa Party (PKB) and was coupled with Umi Azizah, the chairperson of Muslimat Nahdatul Ulama of Tegal regency with their jargon “tolak politik uang”. The conclusion of this research shows that an artist has a potential and capable of being a leader.  &nbsp


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    Cinnamon plant (Cinnamomum burmanii Blume) is a tall plant that contains secondary metabolites and is widely consumed by the community for generations which is used as a medicinal ingredient. The part of the cinnamon plant that is widely used by the community is the bark. Cinnamon bark extraction was carried out by maceration method in 96% ethanol followed by evaporation until a thick extract was formed. Furthermore, characterization was carried out and applied to hyperglycemic wistar rats by observing the decrease in blood sugar levels. The results showed that the moisture content was 9.62% and the yield was 14.74% and the phytochemical test showed that the cinnamon bark extract was positive for polyphenols and flavonoids. Cinnamon bark extract was able to reduce blood sugar levels of hyperglycemic wistar rats to reach normal which was observed from the third day after being injected with alloxan until the seventeenth day

    Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Flavonoids in Gyrinops Versteegii Tea Leaves

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    Gyrinops versteegii leaves are high in flavonoids, which have a variety of biological and pharmacological properties. The focus of this research was to determine the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of flavonoids in Gyrinops versteegii leaf water extracts. In this study, extraction was by maceration and partitioning, separation and purification was by chromatography, identification of compounds was carried out using UV-Vis and FTIR spectrophotometers, and antioxidant activity was measured with the DPPH method and antibacterial activity with the diffusion disc method. Flavonoids were thereby isolated. The ethyl acetate extract had the highest total flavonoid content, with 186.976 mg QE/100 g. With inhibition zone diameters of 19 and 13 mm, ethyl acetate extract was the strongest extract in inhibiting the growth of S. aureus and E. coli in the antibacterial activity test. Flavonoids were identified as flavonols after isolation, phytochemical screening, and UV-Visible and FTIR spectroscopic identification. The isolated flavonols had potent antioxidant activity (IC50 = 60.27 ppm) as well as potent antibacterial activity (inhibition zone diameters of 33.82 mm for S. aureus and 23.22 mm for E. coli). The findings therefore showed that tea made from Gyrinops versteegi leaves contains the flavonoid flavonol, which has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Keywords: Gyrinops versteegii, Flavonol, DPPH, antibacterial and antioxidan

    Evaluating Quality of Work Life as Base of Working Condition Improvement Based on Participatory Ergonomic: Case Study on Workers in Small Industry of Gamelan XYZ at Bali, Indonesia

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    Small Industry of XYZ Gamelan in Bali Province is a heritage industry. Currently, the existence of small industry of Gamelan has become serious cause of attention for the local government; this makes the gamelan industry one of the interesting tourist objects in Bali. The demand of quality of life improvement of worker is a will of allworkers, but nevertheless, some cultures, local tradition, and the value of community life are becoming constraint to changing the local character. The objective of this research is to evaluate four domain qualities of life as base of initial information of working condition improvement based on user need (participatory ergonomic). The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling design, that is, choosing sample based on immediacy of subject to population. A questionnaire was given to subjects based on inclusion criteria randomly. Data collection was done by parameter of quality of life questionnaire developed by WHO, that is, WHOQOL100, which contains 26 questions in total. It was a self-report questionnaire, wheresubjects are requested to respond as conditions in 4 latest weeks. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Result showed that the quality of life of workers in small industry on XYZ Gamelan at Bali Province on physical health domain has a score of 54, meaning good;psychological score of 44, meaning less social; relationship domain had a score of 75, meaning good; and environment domain 44, meaning less good. Since physical health and environmental domain had lowest scores, thus improvement that considering human as the main indicator is a must. Improvement could be conducted by redesigning work facility, work load adjustment, and worker performance, and evaluating worker and company productivity. Keywords: quality of life, participatory ergonomic, physic, psychologic, social relationship, environmen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons rumput gajah terhadap pupuk urea, pupuk kotoran ayam, dan pupuk kotoran sapi sebagai sumber nitrogen. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu P0 (tanpa pupuk), P1 (pupuk urea), P2 (pupuk kotoran ayam) dan P3 (pupuk kotoran sapi) dan setiap perlakuan diulang empat kali. Variabel yang diamati terdiri dari tinggi rumput, jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, warna daun, luas daun, berat kering (daun, batang, akar, total rumput), T/R (Top Root) ratio, LSR (Leaf Steam Ratio), LWR (Leaf Weight Ratio), LAR (Leaf Area Ratio), SLA (Spesifik Leaf Area), kadar protein kasar dan serat kasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan dengan pemberian pupuk urea memberikan hasil yang tertinggi secara nyata (P0,05) di antara semua perlakuan. Disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan pupuk urea memberikan respons yang terbaik pada pertumbuhan, produksi, karakteristik produksi dan kualitas hijauan rumput gajah yang dihasilkan