307 research outputs found

    Backstepping PDE Design: A Convex Optimization Approach

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    Abstract\u2014Backstepping design for boundary linear PDE is formulated as a convex optimization problem. Some classes of parabolic PDEs and a first-order hyperbolic PDE are studied, with particular attention to non-strict feedback structures. Based on the compactness of the Volterra and Fredholm-type operators involved, their Kernels are approximated via polynomial functions. The resulting Kernel-PDEs are optimized using Sumof- Squares (SOS) decomposition and solved via semidefinite programming, with sufficient precision to guarantee the stability of the system in the L2-norm. This formulation allows optimizing extra degrees of freedom where the Kernel-PDEs are included as constraints. Uniqueness and invertibility of the Fredholm-type transformation are proved for polynomial Kernels in the space of continuous functions. The effectiveness and limitations of the approach proposed are illustrated by numerical solutions of some Kernel-PDEs

    The effects of Sepiolite-SPLF on heavy pigs fed liquid diets

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    The effects of the addition of Sepiolite for Pig Liquid Feeding (SPLF) at 1% on growing performance and carcass quality of heavy pigs fed practical diets were evaluated by using 330 Duroc x (Landrace x Large White) pigs, half castrated males and half females, from 63.5 to 170 kg body weight

    Fast-convergent Fault Detection and Isolation in an Uncertain Scenario

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    Abstract\u2014In this paper, a fast-convergent fault detection and isolation architecture is proposed for linear MIMO continuoustime systems. By exploiting a system decomposition technique and making use of kernel-based deadbeat estimators, the state variables can be estimated in a non-asymptotic way. Estimation residuals are then defined to detect the occurrence of a fault and identify the occurring fault function after fault detection. In the noisy scenario, thresholds are defined for the residual to distinguish the effect of the noise from that of the fault. Numerical examples are included to characterize the effectiveness of the proposed FDI architectur

    A Deadbeat Observer for Two and Three-dimensional LTI Systems by a Time/Output-Dependent State Mapping

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    The problem of deadbeat state reconstruction for non-autonomous linear systems has been solved since several decades, but all the architectures formulated since now require either high-gain output injection, which amplifies measurement noises (e.g., in the case of sliding-mode observers), either state augmentation, which yields a non-minimal realization of the deadbeat observer (e.g., in the case of integral methods and delay-based methods). In this context, the present paper presents, for the first time, a finite-time observer for continuous-time linear systems enjoying minimal linear-time-varying dynamics, that is, the observer has the same order of the observed system. The key idea behind the proposed method is the introduction of an almost-always invertible time/output-dependent state mapping which allows to recast the dynamics of the system in a new observer canonical form whose initial conditions are known

    Deadbeat Source Localization from Range-only Measurements: a Robust Kernel-based Approach

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    Abstract\u2014This paper presents a novel framework for the problem of target localization based on the range information collected by a single mobile agent. The proposed methodology exploits the algebra of Volterra integral operators to annihilate the influence of initial conditions on the transient phase, thus achieving a deadbeat performance. The robustness properties against additive measurement perturbations are analyzed and the bias caused by the time-discretization is characterized as well. Extensive simulation results and comparisons are provided showing the effectiveness of the proposed technique in coping with both stationary and drifting targets

    Deadbeat Source Localization from Range-only Measurements: a Robust Kernel-based Approach

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    This paper presents a novel framework for the problem of target localization based on the range information collected by a single mobile agent. The proposed methodology exploits the algebra of Volterra integral operators to annihilate the influence of initial conditions on the transient phase, thus achieving a deadbeat performance. The robustness properties against additive measurement perturbations are analyzed, and the bias caused by the time discretization is characterized as well. Extensive simulation results and comparisons are provided showing the effectiveness of the proposed technique in coping with both stationary and drifting targets

    The effects of pressed sugar beet pulp silage (PBPS) and dairy whey on heavy pig production

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    The effects of pressed beet pulp silage (PBPS) replacing barley for 10% and 20% (DM basis) were studied on heavy pigs (60 Hypor pigs from 28 kg) fed dairy whey-diluted diets

    Distributed Attack Monitoring Scheme for Islanded DC Microgrids

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    Dopant profiling on ultra shallow junctions in Si with ADF-STEM

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    The utmost scaling of the electronic devices nowadays attained, requires both ultra shallow junctions and high levels of dopant concentration and activation. In these conditions, the presence of surfaces or interfaces assumes a very important role in the determination of the dopant distribution during post-implantation annealing. In this work, we show how the Z-contrast annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) technique, pionereed by Pennycook and coworkers [1], can be optimised to give reliable dopant profiles at a subnanometer scale thus satisfying some of the new needs of the ultra shallow implants characterization