166 research outputs found

    High frequency of ribosomal protein gene deletions in Italian Diamond-Blackfan anemia patients detected by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay

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    Diamond-Blackfan anemia is an autosomal dominant disease due to mutations in nine ribosomal protein encoding genes. Because most mutations are loss of function and detected by direct sequencing of coding exons, we reasoned that part of the approximately 50% mutation negative patients may have carried a copy number variant of ribosomal protein genes. As a proof of concept, we designed a multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay targeted to screen the six genes that are most frequently mutated in Diamond-Blackfan anemia patients: RPS17, RPS19, RPS26, RPL5, RPL11, and RPL35A. Using this assay we showed that deletions represent approximately 20% of all mutations. The combination of sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis of these six genes allows the genetic characterization of approximately 65% of patients, showing that Diamond-Blackfan anemia is indisputably a ribosomopathy

    Lokale politische Kultur

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    Sofern die schwache Datenbasis überhaupt Verallgemeinerungen zuläßt, entspricht die lokale Politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik weitgehend den Anforderungen an eine demokratische Staatsbürgerkultur: Die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung vertraut der Exekutive, und sie hält sich selbst für fähig, das Handeln der lokalen politischen Führung zu beeinflussen. Den politischen Parteien bringt sie mehr positive als negative Gefühle entgegen. Mit zunehmender Gemeindegröße schwächt sich das Vertrauen zur Exekutive graduell ab, die Einschätzung der politischen Parteien wird positiver und das Kompetenzbewußtsein der Bürgerinnen und Bürger steigt. Die Balance verschiebt sich also von einer traditionellen Untertanenorientierung zu einer partizipativen, konfliktorientierten Politischen Kultur

    Spinocerebellar Ataxia Tethering PCR: A Rapid Genetic Test for the Diagnosis of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Types 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 by PCR and Capillary Electrophoresis

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    Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) type 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7, associated with a (CAG)n repeat expansion in coding sequences, are the most prevalent autosomal dominant ataxias worldwide (approximately 60% of the cases). In addition, the phenotype of SCA2 expansions has been now extended to Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Their diagnosis is presently based on a PCR to identify small expanded alleles, followed by a second-level test whenever the suspect of false normal homozygous, or a CAT interruption in SCA1 needs to be verified. Next-generation sequencing still does not allow efficient detection of these repeats. Here, we show the efficacy of a novel, rapid, and cost-effective method to identify and size pathogenic expansions in SCA1-3, 6, and 7 and recognize large alleles or interruptions without a second-level test. Twenty-five healthy controls and 33 expansion carriers were analyzed: alleles migrated consistently in different PCRs/capillary runs, and homozygous subjects were always distinguishable from heterozygous carriers of both common and large (>100 repeats) pathogenic CAG expansions. Repeat number could be calculated counting the number of peaks, except for the largest SCA2 and SCA7 alleles. Interruptions in SCA1 were always visible. Overall, our method allows a simpler, cost-effective, and sensibly faster SCA diagnostic protocol compared to the standard technique and to the still unadapted next-generation sequencing

    Voting for Direct Democracy: Evidence from a Unique Popular Initiative in Bavaria

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    We analyze a constitutional change in the German State of Bavaria where citizens, not politicians, granted themselves more say in politics at the local level through a constitutional initiative at the state level. This institutional setting allows us to focus on revealed preferences for direct democracy and to identify factors which explain this preference. Empirical results suggests support for direct democracy is rather related to dissatisfaction with representative democracy in general than with an elected governing party

    The importance of Real-Life research in Respiratory Medicine: Manifesto of the Respiratory Effectiveness Group:Endorsed by the International Primary Care Respiratory Group and the World Allergy Organization

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    status: publishe

    Party rules, party resources, and the politics of parliamentary democracies: how parties organize in the 21st Century

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    This article introduces the first findings of the Political Party Database (PPDB) project, a major survey of party organizations in parliamentary and semi-presidential democracies. The project’s first round of data covers 122 parties in 19 countries. In this paper we describe the scope of the database, then investigate what it tells us about contemporary party organization in these countries, focussing on parties’ resources, structures and internal decision-making. We examine organizational patterns by country and party family, and where possible we make temporal comparisons with older datasets. Our analyses suggest a remarkable coexistence of uniformity and diversity. In terms of the major organizational resources on which parties can draw, such as members, staff and finance, the new evidence largely confirms the continuation of trends identified in previous research: i.e., declining membership, but enhanced financial resources and more paid staff. We also find remarkable uniformity regarding the core architecture of party organizations. At the same time, however, we find substantial variation between countries and party families in terms of their internal processes, with particular regard to how internally democratic they are, and in the forms that this democratization takes

    Do Parties Matter? Estimating the Effect of Political Power in Multi-Party Systems

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    This paper estimates the effect of political power on tax policies in municipal councils under a proportional election system. The main challenge in estimating the causal effect of parties on policy is to isolate the effect of power from underlying voter preferences and the selection effect of parties. We use an instrumental variable approach where close elections provide the exogenous variation in our variable of interest: voting power. Using data from German municipalities in the state of Bavaria, our estimation results suggest that power does matter. Somewhat surprisingly, the center-left party SPD is found to lower all three locally controlled taxes, whereas The Greens increase both property taxes considerably. These results remain robust across a range of specifications. What is more, the effect of the SPD is confirmed by a simple regression discontinuity estimation of mayors in these local governments

    Civilising Globalism: Transnational Norm-Building Networks - A Research Programme

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