253 research outputs found

    Summer Transport Estimates of the Kamchatka Current Derived As a Variational Inverse of Hydrophysical and Surface Drifter Data

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    The quasistationary summer Bering Sea circulation is reconstructed as a variational inverse of the hydrographic and atmospheric climatologies, transport estimates through the Bering Strait, and surface drifter data. Our results indicate the splitting of the Kamchatka Current in the vicinity of the Shirshov Ridge. This branching is in agreement with independent ARGO drifter observations. It was also found, that transport of the Kamchatka Current gradually increases downstream from 14 Sv in the Olyutorsky Gulf to 24 Sv in the Kamchatka Strait, which is twice higher than previous estimates

    Summer Transport Estimates of the Kamchatka Current Derived As a Variational Inverse of Hydrophysical and Surface Drifter Data

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    The quasistationary summer Bering Sea circulation is reconstructed as a variational inverse of the hydrographic and atmospheric climatologies, transport estimates through the Bering Strait, and surface drifter data. Our results indicate the splitting of the Kamchatka Current in the vicinity of the Shirshov Ridge. This branching is in agreement with independent ARGO drifter observations. It was also found, that transport of the Kamchatka Current gradually increases downstream from 14 Sv in the Olyutorsky Gulf to 24 Sv in the Kamchatka Strait, which is twice higher than previous estimates

    Toward a Reliable Wave Hindcast/Forecast in the Bering Sea

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    1. To validate the quality of available wind products through application of the WAM model Cycle 4.5 and satellite observations. 2. To analyze effects of high resolution atmospheric model downscaling and data assimilation. 3. To analyze summer surface wave condition in the Bering Sea during the years, 2007-2011. 4. To explore the possibility of developing a new algorithm for a dynamically constrained minimizing function without employing the adjoint of the dynamical system

    Spinal trigeminal neurons demonstrate an increase in responses to dural electrical stimulation in the orofacial formalin test

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    Primary headaches are often associated with pain in the maxillofacial region commonly classified under the term “orofacial pain” (OFP). In turn, long-lasting OFP can trigger and perpetuate headache as an independent entity, which is able to persist after the resolution of the main disorder. A close association between OFP and headache complicates their cause and effect definition and leads to misdiagnosis. The precise mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are poorly understood, partly because of the deficiency of research-related findings. We combined the animal models of OFP and headache—the orofacial formalin test and the model of trigeminovascular nociception—to investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying their comorbidity. In anesthetized rats, the ongoing activity of single convergent neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus was recorded in parallel to their responses to the electrical stimulation of the dura mater before and after the injection of formalin into their cutaneous receptive fields. Subcutaneous formalin resulted not only in the biphasic increase in the ongoing activity, but also in an enhancement of neuronal responses to dural electrical stimulation, which had similar time profile. These results demonstrated that under tonic pain in the orofacial region a nociceptive signaling from the dura mater to convergent trigeminal neurons is significantly enhanced apparently because of the development of central sensitization; this may contribute to the comorbidity of OFP and headache


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    Introduction. Deep wound surgical infection that occurs after installing mesh implants, with ventral hernia, is a serious problem that does not have a definite approach to its solution.Materials and methods. The work clinically demonstrated effectiveness of originally developed method to surgically remove the infected mesh implants after hernioplasty. The developed method of surgical intervention when deleting infected mesh implants is to excise the post operational scar together with adipose tissue within healthy tissues, to detach and  subsequently separate the previously installed implant from the abdominal wall by the destruction of connective-tissue adhesions using ultrasound. The surgery technique provides for the devastating effect of ultrasonic waves on the connective tissue through a liquid antiseptic - 0.2% solution of water chlorhexidine of bi-gluconate.Results. The findings show that the use of a new original method facilitates the effective removal of the mesh implant using ultrasonic cavitation from adhesions with tissues of the organism in the field of surgery without excision, traumatizing and bleeding, and also promotes wound sterilization.Conclusion. Thus, the developed method allows eliminating infected implants using ultrasound, minimizing trauma of the underlying soft tissues, which means that it preserves the possibility to keep hernial defect sutured with first row of sutures, which helps to prevent relapse of herniation. Введение. Глубокая раневая хирургическая инфекция, возникающая после установки сетчатых имплантатов при вентральных грыжах, является серьезной проблемой, не имеющей однозначного подхода к ее решению.Материалы и методы. На клиническом примере продемонстрирована эффективность оригинально разработанного метода оперативного удаления инфицированных сетчатых имплантатов после герниопластики. Разработанная методика оперативного вмешательства при удалении инфицированных сетчатых имплантатов заключается в иссечении послеоперационного рубца вместе с жировой клетчаткой в пределах здоровых тканей, выделение с последующим отделением от брюшной стенки ранее установленного имплантата путем разрушения соединительнотканных сращений с использованием ультразвука. Методика операции предусматривает разрушительное воздействие ультразвуковых волн на соединительную ткань через жидкий антисептический препарат - 0,2% раствор водного хлоргексидина биглюконата. Результаты. Продемонстрировано, что применение нового оригинального метода способствует эффективному удалению сетчатого имплантата при помощи ультразвуковой кавитации из сращений с тканями организма в области оперативного вмешательства без их иссечения, травмирования и кровотечения, а также способствует стерилизации раны.Заключение. Таким образом, разработанный метод позволяет проводить удаление инфицированных имплантатов ультразвуком, минимизируя травму нижележащих мягких тканей, следовательно, дает возможность сохранить ушитым грыжевой дефект первым рядом швов, что способствует профилактике рецидивов грыжеобразования.

    On Propagation of Excitation Waves in Moving Media: The FitzHugh-Nagumo Model

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    BACKGROUND: Existence of flows and convection is an essential and integral feature of many excitable media with wave propagation modes, such as blood coagulation or bioreactors. METHODS/RESULTS: Here, propagation of two-dimensional waves is studied in parabolic channel flow of excitable medium of the FitzHugh-Nagumo type. Even if the stream velocity is hundreds of times higher that the wave velocity in motionless medium (), steady propagation of an excitation wave is eventually established. At high stream velocities, the wave does not span the channel from wall to wall, forming isolated excited regions, which we called "restrictons". They are especially easy to observe when the model parameters are close to critical ones, at which waves disappear in still medium. In the subcritical region of parameters, a sufficiently fast stream can result in the survival of excitation moving, as a rule, in the form of "restrictons". For downstream excitation waves, the axial portion of the channel is the most important one in determining their behavior. For upstream waves, the most important region of the channel is the near-wall boundary layers. The roles of transversal diffusion, and of approximate similarity with respect to stream velocity are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: These findings clarify mechanisms of wave propagation and survival in flow

    On the interplay between Babai and Černý’s conjectures

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    Motivated by the Babai conjecture and the Černý conjecture, we study the reset thresholds of automata with the transition monoid equal to the full monoid of transformations of the state set. For automata with n states in this class, we prove that the reset thresholds are upperbounded by 2n2 -6n + 5 and can attain the value (Formula presented). In addition, we study diameters of the pair digraphs of permutation automata and construct n-state permutation automata with diameter (formula presented). © Springer International Publishing AG 2017

    Клинические случаи успешного эндоскопического стентирования бронхов

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    Introduction. A comprehensive approach to restore the patency of the trachea and bronchi in stenoses of various origin consists in their endoscopic stenting, which can be both temporary and maximum continuous.Materials and methods. The study presents two clinical cases of successful endoscopic stenting of the lower lobar bronchi of the lungs with relief of respiratory failure. In the first case, the left inferior lobar bronchus was compressed from the outside by a hematoma from a ruptured false aortic aneurysm. Thus, the aneurysm was stented first, and the compressed bronchus — second. In the second case, the right inferior lobar bronchus was stented due to lung metastases. In both cases, bronchial stenosis was accompanied by pulmonary atelectasis.Results and discussion. In both cases, stenting was effective in restoring the patency of stenosed bronchi and expanding the lungs, which enabled respiratory failure to be stopped. In the first case, 3 months after the stenting, its outward migration was revealed, but no recurrence of bronchial narrowing was observed during further dynamic observation. In the second case, the follow-up of the patient for 6 months after stenting showed adequate functioning of the stent.Conclusion. The presented clinical cases demonstrate high efficacy and reliability of endoscopic stenting in bronchial stenoses of various origin to cope with the respiratory failure and thereby improve the quality of life.Введение. Современным способом восстановления проходимости трахеи и бронхов при стенозах различной этиологии является их эндоскопическое стентирование, которое может быть как временным, так и максимально возможно продолжительным.Материалы и методы. Представлены два клинических случая успешного эндоскопического стентирования нижнедолевых бронхов легких с купированием дыхательной недостаточности. В первом случае причиной сдавления извне левого нижнедолевого бронха явилась гематома в результате разрыва ложной аневризмы аорты, в связи с чем первым этапом была стентирована аневризма, а вторым — сдавленный бронх. Во втором случае был стентирован правый нижнедолевой бронх по причине метастатического поражения легкого. В обоих случаях стенозирование бронхов сопровождалось ателектазом легких.Результаты и обсуждение. В обоих случаях стентирование было эффективным с восстановлением проходимости стенозированных бронхов и расправлением легких, что позволило купировать дыхательную недостаточность. В первом случае через 3 месяца после установки стента выявлена миграция его наружу, однако при дальнейшем динамическом наблюдении рецидива сужения бронха не отмечалось. Во втором случае наблюдение за пациентом в течение 6 месяцев после стентирования показало адекватное его функционирование.Заключение. Представленные клинические случаи показывают высокую эффективность и надежность эндоскопического стентирования стенозов бронхов различной этиологии, что позволяет справиться с дыхательной недостаточностью и тем самым улучшить качество жизни

    Management of MDR-TB in HIV co-infected patients in Eastern Europe: Results from the TB:HIV study

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    Objectives Mortality among HIV patients with tuberculosis (TB) remains high in Eastern Europe (EE), but details of TB and HIV management remain scarce. Methods In this prospective study, we describe the TB treatment regimens of patients with multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Results A total of 105 HIV-positive patients had MDR-TB (including 33 with extensive drug resistance) and 130 pan-susceptible TB. Adequate initial TB treatment was provided for 8% of patients with MDR-TB compared with 80% of those with pan-susceptible TB. By twelve months, an estimated 57.3% (95%CI 41.5\u201374.1) of MDR-TB patients had started adequate treatment. While 67% received ART, HIV-RNA suppression was demonstrated in only 23%. Conclusions Our results show that internationally recommended MDR-TB treatment regimens were infrequently used and that ART use and viral suppression was well below the target of 90%, reflecting the challenging patient population and the environment in which health care is provided. Urgent improvement of management of patients with TB/HIV in EE, in particular for those with MDR-TB, is needed and includes widespread access to rapid TB diagnostics, better access to and use of second-line TB drugs, timely ART initiation with viral load monitoring, and integration of TB/HIV care