169 research outputs found

    Gallbladder cancer during pregnancy treated with surgery and adjuvant gemcitabine: A case report and review of the literature.

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    Gallbladder cancer (GBC) represents the most common biliary tract cancer. Prognosis remains poor with 5-year overall survival rates less than 5% in advanced stages. GBCs are diagnosed more frequently in women, supposedly due to endocrine factors. A 35-year-old woman, diagnosed with a non-metastatic GBC in the 22nd week of gestation, underwent a complete surgical resection 5 weeks later. Adjuvant gemcitabine was administered without complications, temporarily discontinued in the 32nd week to allow childbirth. The patient was disease-free for more than 3 years with ongoing remission at the last visit in July 2022. During the follow-up period, the child had no developmental, cognitive, or other health issues. Malignant tumors occur in about 0.1% of pregnant women, many are treated with chemotherapy. In oncology, the need to deliver optimal treatment in these patients represents a major concern. Both surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy of locally advanced GBC can be performed safely, with certain considerations, in the second trimester of pregnancy

    Antidiabetic Medication Utilisation before and during Pregnancy in Switzerland between 2012 and 2019: An Administrative Claim Database from the MAMA Cohort.

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    BACKGROUND The incidence of diabetes mellitus (both pregestational and gestational) is increasing worldwide, and hyperglycemia during pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Evidence on the safety and efficacy of metformin during pregnancy has accumulated resulting in an increase in its prescription in many reports. AIMS We aimed to determine the prevalence of antidiabetic drug use (insulins and blood glucose-lowering drugs) before and during pregnancy in Switzerland and the changes therein during pregnancy and over time. METHODS We conducted a descriptive study using Swiss health insurance claims (2012-2019). We established the MAMA cohort by identifying deliveries and estimating the last menstrual period. We identified claims for any antidiabetic medication (ADM), insulins, blood glucose-lowering drugs, and individual substances within each class. We defined three groups of pattern use based on timing of dispensation: (1) dispensation of at least one ADM in the prepregnancy period and in or after trimester 2 (T2) (pregestational diabetes); (2) dispensation for the first time in or after T2 (GDM); and (3) dispensation in the prepregnancy period and no dispensation in or after T2 (discontinuers). Within the pregestational diabetes group, we further defined continuers (dispensation for the same group of ADM) and switchers (different ADM group dispensed in the prepregnancy period and in or after T2). RESULTS MAMA included 104,098 deliveries with a mean maternal age at delivery of 31.7. Antidiabetic dispensations among pregnancies with pregestational and gestational diabetes increased over time. Insulin was the most dispensed medication for both diseases. Between 2017 and 2019, less than 10% of pregnancies treated for pregestational diabetes continued metformin rather than switching to insulin. Metformin was offered to less than 2% of pregnancies to treat gestational diabetes (2017-2019). CONCLUSION Despite its position in the guidelines and the attractive alternative that metformin represents to patients who may encounter barriers with insulin therapy, there was reluctance to prescribe it

    Social integration and substance use: assessing the effects of an early intervention programme for youth.

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    Appropriate social integration has been shown to be a protective factor against substance use among adolescents and associated negative consequences. Promoting social integration through early intervention with adolescents using substances is thus necessary and is the aim of the Identification, Assessment and Follow-up of Adolescents with Substance Use (in French, Dépistage - évaluation - parrainage d'adolescents consommateurs de substances (DEPART) programme. The present study aimed to describe this programme and its participants from 2009 to 2013 as well as to assess its effects on social integration. Data from 398 adolescents using substances who attended the DEPART programme were analysed. The results showed that almost 80% of the adolescents admitted to the DEPART programme were boys, with a large proportion using cannabis. Globally, social integration did not increase from admission to discharge from the programme, but a shift was observed for school and professional integration. Additionally, after the intervention, we observed that social integration was more important in younger patients. This study showed that adolescents with problematic substance use mostly consumed soft drugs and that those who were integrated into the DEPART programme at a younger age were more likely to be socially integrated at the end of the programme

    Crystal structure of the Ego1-Ego2-Ego3 complex and its role in promoting Rag GTPase-dependent TORC1 signaling

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    The target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) integrates various hormonal and nutrient signals to regulate cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Amino acid-dependent activation of TORC1 is mediated via the yeast EGO complex (EGOC) consisting of Gtr1, Gtr2, Ego1, and Ego3. Here, we identify the previously uncharacterized Ycr075w-a/Ego2 protein as an additional EGOC component that is required for the integrity and localization of the heterodimeric Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPases, equivalent to mammalian Rag GTPases. We also report the crystal structure of the Ego1-Ego2-Ego3 ternary complex (EGO-TC) at 2.4 Å resolution, in which Ego2 and Ego3 form a heterodimer flanked along one side by Ego1. Structural data also reveal the structural conservation of protein components between the yeast EGO-TC and the human Ragulator, which acts as a GEF for Rag GTPases. Interestingly, however, artificial tethering of Gtr1-Gtr2 to the vacuolar membrane is sufficient to activate TORC1 in response to amino acids even in the absence of the EGO-TC. Our structural and functional data therefore support a model in which the EGO-TC acts as a scaffold for Rag GTPases in TORC1 signaling

    Reproductive Safety of Trazodone After Maternal Exposure in Early Pregnancy: A Comparative ENTIS Cohort Study.

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    Trazodone is indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder, but more frequently prescribed off-label at lower doses for insomnia in women of childbearing age. The aim of this study was to assess the risks linked to trazodone exposure during pregnancy for which limited safety data are available. This multicenter, observational prospective cohort study compared pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to trazodone in early pregnancy against those in a reference group of women exposed to a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) between 1996 and 2021. The sample included 221 trazodone and 869 SSRI-exposed pregnancies. Exposure to trazodone in the first trimester was not associated with a significant difference in the risk of major congenital anomalies (trazodone [1/169, 0.6%]; SSRI [19/730, 2.6%]; adjusted odds ratio, 0.2; 95% confidence interval, 0.03-1.77). The cumulative incidences of live birth were 61% and 73% in the trazodone and reference group, respectively (25% vs 18% for pregnancy loss and 14% vs 10% for pregnancy termination). Trazodone exposure was not associated with a significantly increased risk of pregnancy termination and pregnancy loss. The rate of small for gestational age infants did not differ between the groups. This study did not reveal a significant difference in the risk of major congenital anomalies after first trimester exposure to trazodone, compared with SSRI exposure. Although this study is the largest so far, these results call for confirmation through further studies

    Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Analysis Using PAcIFIC for the Identification of Plasma Diagnostic Biomarkers for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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    BACKGROUND: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is characterized by increased aortic vessel wall diameter (>1.5 times normal) and loss of parallelism. This disease is responsible for 1-4% mortality occurring on rupture in males older than 65 years. Due to its asymptomatic nature, proteomic techniques were used to search for diagnostic biomarkers that might allow surgical intervention under nonlife threatening conditions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Pooled human plasma samples of 17 AAA and 17 control patients were depleted of the most abundant proteins and compared using a data-independent shotgun proteomic strategy, Precursor Acquisition Independent From Ion Count (PAcIFIC), combined with spectral counting and isobaric tandem mass tags. Both quantitative methods collectively identified 80 proteins as statistically differentially abundant between AAA and control patients. Among differentially abundant proteins, a subgroup of 19 was selected according to Gene Ontology classification and implication in AAA for verification by Western blot (WB) in the same 34 individual plasma samples that comprised the pools. From the 19 proteins, 12 were detected by WB. Five of them were verified to be differentially up-regulated in individual plasma of AAA patients: adiponectin, extracellular superoxide dismutase, protein AMBP, kallistatin and carboxypeptidase B2. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Plasma depletion of high abundance proteins combined with quantitative PAcIFIC analysis offered an efficient and sensitive tool for the screening of new potential biomarkers of AAA. However, WB analysis to verify the 19 PAcIFIC identified proteins of interest proved inconclusive save for five proteins. We discuss these five in terms of their potential relevance as biological markers for use in AAA screening of population at risk

    Improving Data Collection in Pregnancy Safety Studies: Towards Standardisation of Data Elements in Pregnancy Reports from Public and Private Partners, A Contribution from the ConcePTION Project.

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE The ConcePTION project aims to improve the way medication use during pregnancy is studied. This includes exploring the possibility of developing a distributed data processing and analysis infrastructure using a common data model that could form a foundational platform for future surveillance and research. A prerequisite would be that data from various data access providers (DAPs) can be harmonised according to an agreed set of standard rules concerning the structure and content of the data. To do so, a reference framework of core data elements (CDEs) recommended for primary data studies on drug safety during pregnancy was previously developed. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of several public and private DAPs using different primary data sources focusing on multiple sclerosis, as a pilot, to map their respective data variables and definitions with the CDE recommendations framework. METHODS Four pregnancy registries (Gilenya, Novartis; Aubagio, Sanofi; the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists [OTIS]; Aubagio, Sanofi; the Dutch Pregnancy Drug Register, Lareb), two enhanced pharmacovigilance programmes (Gilenya PRIM, Novartis; MAPLE-MS, Merck Healthcare KGaA) and four Teratology Information Services (UK TIS, Jerusalem TIS, Zerifin TIS, Swiss TIS) participated in the study. The ConcePTION primary data source CDE includes 51 items covering administrative functions, the description of pregnancy, maternal medical history, maternal illnesses arising in pregnancy, delivery details, and pregnancy and infant outcomes. For each variable in the CDE, the DAPs identified whether their variables were: identical to the one mentioned in the CDE; derived; similar but with a divergent definition; or not available. RESULTS The majority of the DAP data variables were either directly taken (85%, n = 305/357, range 73-94% between DAPs) or derived by combining different variables (12%, n = 42/357, range 0-24% between DAPs) to conform to the CDE variables and definitions. For very few of the DAP variables, alignment with the CDE items was not possible, either because of divergent definitions (1%, n = 3/357, range 0-2% between DAPs) or because the variables were not available (2%, n = 7/357, range 0-4% between DAPs). CONCLUSIONS Data access providers participating in this study presented a very high proportion of variables matching the CDE items, indicating that alignment of definitions and harmonisation of data analysis by different stakeholders to accelerate and strengthen pregnancy pharmacovigilance safety data analyses could be feasible

    Current challenges in software solutions for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics

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    This work was in part supported by the PRIME-XS project, grant agreement number 262067, funded by the European Union seventh Framework Programme; The Netherlands Proteomics Centre, embedded in The Netherlands Genomics Initiative; The Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre; and the Centre for Biomedical Genetics (to S.C., B.B. and A.J.R.H); by NIH grants NCRR RR001614 and RR019934 (to the UCSF Mass Spectrometry Facility, director: A.L. Burlingame, P.B.); and by grants from the MRC, CR-UK, BBSRC and Barts and the London Charity (to P.C.