470 research outputs found

    Exploring relationships between the distribution of giant red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827) and environmental factors in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Mediterranean giant red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea (Risso, 1827) is one of the dominant species in deep-sea megafaunal assemblages, plays a key role in deep-sea communities and it is considered one of the most important targets of deep-water trawl fishing. Although a large number of studies have analysed the spatial distribution of epibenthic crustaceans in bathyal habitats with respect to environmental, geomorphological and hydrological factors, as well as fishing pressure, the manner in which these variables synergistically affect the spatio-temporal changes of giant red shrimp is unclear. To analyse the possible effects of abiotic predictors on the spatio-temporal distribution of giant red shrimp, Generalized Additived Models (GAMs) and Regression Trees were produced. Biological data were collected during the MEDITS trawl surveys carried out in the Sea of Sardinia (2009-2014), during which environmental data were obtained with a multiparametric probe. A longitudinal (west-east) trend was found, with higher abundances at depths of 400-600 m, corresponding to salinity values of 38.1-38.5 psu and temperatures of 13.6-13.8°C. Our results confirm the existence of a tight linkage between the distribution of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the preferential habitat characteristics of the giant red shrimp. We suggest that a deeper knowledge of the relationships between abiotic (hydrological) factors in the water column and the distribution of Mediterranean resources, such as the giant red shrimp, can provide valuable support for their better management, at the local scale (Sardinia) and across the whole Mediterranean Sea. al use only

    Functional outcomes and clinical strength assessment after infraspinatus-sparing surgical approach to scapular fracture: Does it really make a difference?

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    Background: Surgical treatment of scapular fractures with posterior approach is frequently associated with postoperative infraspinatus hypotrophy and weakness. The aim of this retrospective study is to compare infraspinatus strength and functional outcomes in patients treated with the classic Judet versus modified Judet approach for scapular fracture. Patients and methods: 20 cases with scapular neck and body fracture treated with posterior approach for lateral border plate fixation were reviewed. In 11 of 20 cases, we used the modified Judet approach (MJ group), and in 9 cases we used the classic Judet approach (CJ group). All fractures were classified according to the AO classification system. At follow-up examinations, patients had X-ray assessment with acromiohumeral distance (AHD) measurement, clinical evaluation, active range of motion (ROM) examination, Constant Shoulder Score, and Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Score. Infraspinatus strength assessment was measured using a dynamometer during infraspinatus strength test (IST) and infraspinatus scapular retraction test (ISRT). Results: Demographic data did not significantly differ between the CJ group and MJ group, except for mean follow-up, which was 4.15\ua0years in the CJ group and 2.33 in the MJ group (p\ua0<\ua00.001). All X-ray examinations showed fracture healing. AHD was significantly decreased in the CJ group (p\ua0=\ua00.006). We did not find significant differences in active ROM between the MJ and CJ groups in the injured arm (p\ua0<\ua00.05). The Constant Score was 75.83 (\ub114.03) in the CJ group and 82.75 (\ub110.72) in the MJ group (p\ua0=\ua00.31); DASH Score was 10.16 in the CJ group and 6.25 in the MJ group (p\ua0=\ua00.49). IST showed mean strength of 8.38\ua0kg (\ub11.75) in the MJ group and 4.61\ua0kg (\ub11.98) in the CJ group (p\ua0=\ua00.002), ISRT test was 8.7 (\ub11.64) in the MJ group and 4.95 (\ub12.1) in the CJ group (p\ua0=\ua00.002). Infraspinatus hypotrophy was detected during inspection in six patients (five in the CJ group and one in the MJ group); it was related to infraspinatus strength weakness in IST and ISRT (p\ua0<\ua00.001). Conclusions: Infraspinatus-sparing surgical approach for scapular fracture avoids infraspinatus hypotrophy and external-rotation strength weakness. We suggest use of the modified Judet approach for scapular fracture and to restrict the classic Judet approach to only when the surgeon believes that the fracture is not easily reducible with a narrower exposure. Level of evidence: Level\ua0IV

    Vasectomia – Que realidade?

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    A vasectomia é um método contraceptivo reconhecidamente seguro e eficaz. Nos EUA por exemplo, é utilizado em cerca de 11 % dos casais, realizando-se aproximadamente em meio milhão de homens por ano e constitui-se em si mesmo, como o procedimento cirúrgico mais frequente, no âmbito da Urologia. Os objectivos consistiram em determinar o grau de conhecimento dos homens sobre a vasectomia, bem como de outros métodos de contracepção e correlacionar os resultados com as características sócio-económicas e culturais da população dos Concelhos da Amadora e Sintra, assim como, avaliar a eficácia das acções de divulgação da informação difundida, seja pelos Centros de Saúde, seja pela própria Consulta de Urologia do Hospital Fernando Fonseca. O quantitativo de intervenções cirúrgicas (vasectomias) realizadas pelo Serviço de Urologia do Hospital Fernando Fonseca é suficientemente inferior ao efectuado em outros países, apoiando assim os resultados obtidos na presente amostra. Dos 52 casos analisados, verificou-se que 10 confirmaram ter conhecimento da vasectomia, mas apenas em 1 caso foi a mesma realizada. A maioria dos inquiridos (53,8 %) utilizam como método de contracepção o preservativo e a pílula feminina. Não obstante a amostra do presente inquérito poder não ser suficientemente expressiva, admite-se que a mesma possa ter significado, no reconhecimento da insuficiência da divulgação actualmente existente sobre este método de contracepção tão seguro e eficaz. Em relação ao nível sócio-económico e cultural verifica-se poder haver uma correlação de proporcionalidade quase directa, com o nível de conhecimento da vasectomia e consequente motivação para a sua realização


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    The presence of spawning and nursery grounds of Aristeids in the central western Mediterranean Sea were investigated using fishery-independent data (trawl surveys, 1994–2012). Spatial distributions were generated for mature animals and recruits, for both spring/summer and autumn data, using an inverse distance weighted deterministic interpolation. The persistence index was used to identify stable spawning and nursery grounds in the Sardinian slope region for Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus. Areas of aggregation for recruits and mature females appear connected with important physical habitat features. The analysis also suggests a seasonal bathymetric distribution for nursery areas. The recruits of A. foliacea are located in the upper part of the continental slope (377-450 m) in spring-summer and reach greater depths (468-628 m) in autumn. For A. antennatus, for which nursery areas only emerge in autumn, there is presumably an opposite ontogenic migration, from deep sea to upper slope, during the summer (575-681 m). Results indicate also a partial overlap between the nursery and spawning grounds of both species. In this particular areas, local environmental conditions such as upwelling events or the presence of canyons and seamounts seem to play an important role in their distribution. This study generated also relevant information on the spatial and temporal distribution of seasonal or persistent aggregations of spawners and recruits, providing scientific elements to suggest the feasibility of protecting these important resources

    Urinary gas chromatography mass spectrometry metabolomics in asphyxiated newborns undergoing hypothermia: from the birth to the first month of life.

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    BACKGROUND: Perinatal asphyxia is a severe clinical condition affecting around four million newborns worldwide. It consists of an impaired gas exchange leading to three biochemical components: hypoxemia, hypercapnia and metabolic acidosis. METHODS: The aim of this longitudinal experimental study was to identify the urine metabolome of newborns with perinatal asphyxia and to follow changes in urine metabolic profile over time. Twelve babies with perinatal asphyxia were included in this study; three babies died on the eighth day of life. Total-body cooling for 72 hours was carried out in all the newborns. Urine samples were collected in each baby at birth, after 48 hours during hypothermia, after the end of the therapeutic treatment (72 hours), after 1 week of life, and finally after 1 month of life. Urine metabolome at birth was considered the reference against which to compare metabolic profiles in subsequent samples. Quantitative metabolic profiling in urine samples was measured by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The statistical approach was conducted by using the multivariate analysis by means of principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). Pathway analysis was also performed. RESULTS: The most important metabolites depicting each time collection point were identified and compared each other. At birth before starting therapeutic hypothermia (TH), urine metabolic profiles of the three babies died after 7 days of life were closely comparable each other and significantly different from those in survivors. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, a plethora of data have been extracted by comparing the urine metabolome at birth with those observed at each time point collection. The modifications over time in metabolites composition and concentration, mainly originated from the depletion of cellular energy and homeostasis, seems to constitute a fingerprint of perinatal asphyxia

    Design, synthesis, and antiviral activities of new benzotriazole-based derivatives

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    Several human diseases are caused by enteroviruses and are currently clinically untreatable, pushing the research to identify new antivirals. A notable number of benzo[d][1,2,3]triazol-1(2)-yl derivatives were designed, synthesized, and in vitro evaluated for cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against a wide spectrum of RNA positive- and negative-sense viruses. Five of them (11b, 18e, 41a, 43a, 99b) emerged for their selective antiviral activity against Coxsackievirus B5, a human enteroviruses member among the Picornaviridae family. The EC50 values ranged between 6 and 18.5 μM. Among all derivatives, compounds 18e and 43a were interestingly active against CVB5 and were selected to better define the safety profile on cell monolayers by transepithelial resistance test (TEER). Results indicated compound 18e as the hit compound to investigate the potential mechanism of action by apoptosis assay, virucidal activity test, and the time of addition assay. CVB5 is known to be cytotoxic by inducing apoptosis in infected cells; in this study, compound 18e was proved to protect cells from viral infection. Notably, cells were mostly protected when pre-treated with derivative 18e, which had, however, no virucidal activity. From the performed biological assays, compound 18e turned out to be non-cytotoxic as well as cell protective against CVB5 infection, with a mechanism of action ascribable to an interaction on the early phase of infection, by hijacking the viral attachment process

    Does the longevity of one or both parents influence the health status of their offspring?

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    According to the findings of some recent studies, the centenarians' offspring appear to represent a promising model for research on longevity and healthy aging. This study compares the health status and the functional status of three groups of subjects: 1. individuals with two long-lived parents (one of whom centenarian), 2. individuals with only one long-lived (centenarian) parent, and 3. individuals with no long-lived parents. The goal is to verify whether the centenarians' offspring display any advantage over the offspring of both non-long-lived parents and to evaluate whether the longevity of the non-centenarian parent provides a further advantage. A total of 374 subjects (mean age approximately 70 years) was examined. A threshold for longevity was established for non-centenarian parents through demographic data available for Italy (males surviving to at least 81 years of age and females to 87 years). The participants were assessed for their health and functional status by means of a standardized questionnaire and tests of physical performance. Data were analyzed using multivariate regression models adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors for age-related pathologies. The results of the study show that centenarians' offspring have a better functional status, a reduced risk for several age-related pathologies and reduced drug consumption than the offspring of non-long-lived parents. In addition, the health status of centenarians' offspring does not appear to be influenced by the longevity of the second parent. It therefore seems possible to conclude that at ages around 70 years the genetic contribution to health status deriving from having one centenarian parent is not substantially improved if the other parent is also long-lived

    Gut microbiota markers associated with obesity and overweight in Italian adults

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    In the present study, we characterized the distinctive signatures of the gut microbiota (GM) from overweight/obese patients (OB), and normal-weight controls (NW), both of Sardinian origin. Fecal bacterial composition of 46 OB patients (BMI = 36.6 ± 6.0; F/M = 40/6) was analyzed and compared to that of 46 NW subjects (BMI = 21.6 ± 2.1; F/M = 41/5), matched for sex, age and smoking status, by using 16S rRNA gene sequencing on MiSeq Illumina platform. The gut microbial community of OB patients exhibited a significant decrease in the relative abundance of several Bacteroidetes taxa (i.e. Flavobacteriaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, Sphingobacteriaceae, Flavobacterium, Rikenella spp., Pedobacter spp., Parabacteroides spp., Bacteroides spp.) when compared to NW; instead, several Firmicutes taxa were significantly increased in the same subjects (Lachnospiraceae, Gemellaceae, Paenibacillaceae, Streptococcaceae, Thermicanaceae, Gemella, Mitsuokella, Streptococcus, Acidaminococcus spp., Eubacterium spp., Ruminococcus spp., Megamonas spp., Streptococcus, Thermicanus, Megasphaera spp. and Veillonella spp.). Correlation analysis indicated that body fatness and waist circumference negatively correlated with Bacteroidetes taxa, while Firmicutes taxa positively correlated with body fat and negatively with muscle mass and/or physical activity level. Furthermore, the relative abundance of several bacterial taxa belonging to Enterobacteriaceae family, known to exhibit endotoxic activity, was increased in the OB group compared to NW. The results extend our knowledge on the GM profiles in Italian OB, identifying novel taxa linking obesity and intestine

    Impact of a Moderately Hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet on the Gut Microbiota Composition of Italian Obese Patients

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    Although it is known that the gut microbiota (GM) can be modulated by diet, the efficacy of specific dietary interventions in determining its composition and diversity in obese patients remains to be ascertained. The present work aims to evaluate the impact of a moderately hypocaloric Mediterranean diet on the GM of obese and overweight patients (OB). The GM of 23 OB patients (F/M = 20/3) was compared before (T0) and after 3 months (T3) of nutritional intervention (NI). Fecal samples were analyzed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. At baseline, GM characterization confirmed typical obesity-associated dysbiosis. After 3 months of NI, patients presented a statistically significant reduction in body weight and fat mass, along with changes in the relative abundance of many microbial patterns. In fact, an increase in the abundance of several Bacteroidetes taxa (i.e., Sphingobacteriaceae, Sphingobacterium, Bacteroides spp., Prevotella stercorea) and a depletion of many Firmicutes taxa (i.e., Lachnospiraceae members, Ruminococcaceae and Ruminococcus, Veillonellaceae, Catenibacterium, Megamonas) were observed. In addition, the phylum Proteobacteria showed an increased abundance, while the genus Sutterella, within the same phylum, decreased after the intervention. Metabolic pathways, predicted by bioinformatic analyses, showed a decrease in membrane transport and cell motility after NI. The present study extends our knowledge of the GM profiles in OB, highlighting the potential benefit of moderate caloric restriction in counteracting the gut dysbiosis
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