213 research outputs found

    Educación ambiental: itinerario en la naturaleza y su relación con conectividad, preocupaciones ambientales y conducta

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    Las excursiones e itinerarios a través de entornos naturales son frecuentes en la educación ambiental, pero existe poca evidencia empírica de investigaciones que aporten resultados que permitan comprender mejor los efectos de las experiencias de contacto directo con ambientes naturales, y menos aún acerca de su relación con la conectividad con la naturaleza, las preocupaciones ambientales y el comportamiento proambiental. Se llevan a cabo dos estudios, en el primero participan 286 estudiantes de psicología, quienes completan un cuestionario que mide conectividad, preocupación ambiental, conducta y variables sociodemográficas y socioculturales. En el segundo estudio, 40 alumnos participan en una excursión por un ambiente natural, completando medidas pre y post de conectividad. Los resultados indican que la preocupación ambiental está relacionada con variables sociodemográficas y socioculturales como el género, la ideología política y la religiosidad; no así la conectividad con la naturaleza, que solo aumenta tras el contacto con un ambiente natural. Se discuten los alcances de los resultados del estudio para la educación ambiental

    Attitude of the teaching of the Catholic University Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo to acceptance of E-commerce and shopping tool 2013-2014

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    La investigación describe la actitud del profesorado de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT) ante la aceptac ión del e- commer ce como herramienta de compra bajo tres componentes: Cognitivo, afectivo y conativo que definen la actitud de las personas al valorar la utilidad y facilidad del uso de la compra online. Se utilizó herramientas de investigación cualitativa como el Focus Group y las entrevistas a un grupo selecto de profesores que concuerdan con el perfil de segmentación basada en el consumo vía canales electrónicos, recopilándose información relevante. Se muestra cierto conocimiento y gran aceptación por este medio de compra en los profesores, quienes describieron los beneficios que brinda este sistema de compra. A pesar de esta actitud favorable, son conscientes de que en la legislación peruana existen vacíos legales que no garantizan la protección de las transacciones electrónicas.Abstract : The research describes the attitude of the teaching of the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT) before the acceptance of e-commerce as a tool for purchase under three components: cognitive, affective and conative that define the attitude of people to assess the utility and ease of use of the online purchase. Qualitative research tools such as focus groups and interviews with a select group of teachers who fit the profile of consumption-based segmentation via electronic channels used, relevant information currently collected. Certain knowledge and wide acceptance shown by this means purchasing teachers who described the benefits offered by this system purchase. Despite this favorable attitude, they are aware that under Peruvian law there are loopholes that do not guarantee the protection of electronic transactions

    The fate of murine double minute X (MdmX) is dictated by distinct signaling pathways through murine double minute 2 (Mdm2)

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    Mouse double minute 2 (Mdm2) and MdmX dimerize in response to low levels of genotoxic stress to function in a ubiquitinating complex, which signals for destabilization of p53. Under growth conditions, Mdm2 functions as a neddylating ligase, but the importance and extent of MdmX involvement in this process are largely unknown. Here we show that when Mdm2 functions as a neddylating enzyme, MdmX is stabilized. Furthermore, we demonstrate that under growth conditions, MdmX enhances the neddylation activity of Mdm2 on p53 and is a substrate for neddylation itself. Importantly, MdmX knockdown in MCF-7 breast cancer cells resulted in diminished neddylated p53, suggesting that MdmX is important for Mdm2-mediated neddylation. Supporting this finding, the lack of MdmX in transient assays or in p53/MdmX-/- MEFs results in decreased or altered neddylation of p53 respectively; therefore, MdmX is a critical component of the Mdm2-mediated neddylating complex. c-Src is the upstream activator of this Mdm2-MdmX neddylating pathway and loss of Src signaling leads to the destabilization of MdmX that is dependent on the RING (Really Interesting New Gene) domain of MdmX. Treatment with a small molecule inhibitor of neddylation, MLN4924, results in the activation of Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM). ATM phosphorylates Mdm2, converting Mdm2 to a ubiquitinating enzyme which leads to the destabilization of MdmX. These data show how distinct signaling pathways engage neddylating or ubiquitinating activities and impact the Mdm2-MdmX axis

    Nefritis intersticial

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    Revisitando as escuelas normales no chile: uma recuperação da história da formação de professores

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    A drastic economic, political, and cultural transformation experienced in Chile in the mid-1970s. In the field of teacher training for primary schools, since the late 1960s, a change was proposed, transferring this work from the Normal Schools to university training. The military coup of September 11, 1973, accelerated this process. The research about normal schools continued, in a general way, from a historiographic perspective and through the collection of stories. In that search, we found that the concepts of democracy, participation, citizenship, activism, and social justice were present in the formation of normal schools. This article proposes a work of reunion with the history of teacher training carried out in the Normal Schools to, through its review, analyze the new challenges that challenge teaching in Chile today.A mediados de los 70 en Chile se vivió una drástica transformación económica,  política y cultural. En el campo de la formación de docentes para escuelas primarias, desde fines de los 60 se proponía un cambio traspasando esa labor desde las Escuelas Normales a la formación universitaria. Un proceso que se aceleró con el golpe militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973. Desde aquel tiempo que la investigación sobre las escuelas normales ha continuado, de manera general, desde una perspectiva historiográfica y a través de la recopilación de relatos. Ahora, luego de una serie de transformaciones en la formación docente en nuestro país, proponemos avanzar hacia el rescate de las formas, contenidos y valores que se reforzaban en aquellos años. En esa búsqueda, encontramos que los conceptos de democracia, participación, ciudadanía, activismo y justicia social estaban presentes en la formación normalista. Este artículo propone un trabajo de reencuentro con la historia de la formación docente realizada en las Escuelas Normales para, a través de su revisión, analizar los nuevos desafíos que interpelan a la docencia en el Chile de hoy.Chile em meados da década de 1970 viveu uma drástica transformação econômica, política e cultural. No campo da formação de professores para escola básica, desde o final da década de 1960 foi proposta uma mudança, transferindo a formação de professores das Escolas Normais para a universitária. Esse processo que se acelerou com o golpe militar de 11 de setembro de 1973. Desde então, a pesquisa em escolas normais continuou, de maneira geral, a partir de uma perspectiva historiográfica e através da coleta de histórias. Agora, após uma série de transformações na formação de professores em nosso país, propomos avançar no resgate das formas, conteúdos e valores que foram reforçados naqueles anos. Nessa busca, constatamos que os conceitos de democracia, participação, cidadania, ativismo e justiça social estavam presentes na formação normalista. Este artigo propõe um trabalho de reencontro com a história da formação de professores realizada nas Escolas Normais para, através de sua revisão, analisar os novos desafios para o ensino hoje no Chile

    Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Py-Im Polyamides

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    Microwave synthesis was utilized to rapidly build Py-Im polyamides in high yields and purity using Boc-protection chemistry on Kaiser oxime resin. A representative polyamide targeting the 5′-WGWWCW-3′ (W = A or T) subset of the consensus Androgen and Glucocorticoid Response Elements was synthesized in 56% yield after 20 linear steps and HPLC purification. It was confirmed by Mosher amide derivatization of the polyamide that a chiral α-amino acid does not racemize after several additional coupling steps

    Lnk Deficiency Leads to TPO-Mediated Osteoclastogenesis and Increased Bone Mass Phenotype

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    The Lnk adapter protein negatively regulates the signaling of thrombopoietin (TPO), the main megakaryocyte (MK) growth factor. Lnk-deficient (-/-) mice have increased TPO signaling and increased MK number. Interestingly, several mouse models exist in which increased MK number leads to a high bone mass phenotype. Here we report the bone phenotype of these mice. MicroCT and static histomorphometric analyses at 20 weeks showed the distal femur of Lnk-/- mice to have significantly higher bone volume fraction and trabecular number compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Notably, despite a significant increase in the number of osteoclasts (OC), and decreased bone formation rate in Lnk-/- mice compared to WT mice, Lnk-/- mice demonstrated a 2.5-fold greater BV/TV suggesting impaired OC function in vivo. Additionally, Lnk-/- mouse femurs exhibited non-significant increases in mid-shaft cross-sectional area, yet increased periosteal BFR compared to WT femurs was observed. Lnk-/- femurs also had non-significant increases in polar moment of inertia and decreased cortical bone area and thickness, resulting in reduced bone stiffness, modulus, and strength compared to WT femurs. Of note, Lnk is expressed by OC lineage cells and when Lnk-/- OC progenitors are cultured in the presence of TPO, significantly more OC are observed than in WT cultures. Lnk is also expressed in osteoblast (OB) cells and in vitro reduced alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in Lnk-/- cultures. These data suggest that both direct effects on OB and OC as well as indirect effects of MK in regulating OB contributes to the observed high bone mass. J. Cell. Biochem. 118: 2231-2240, 2017

    Surgical multicenter collaborative studies: ¿What happen in Latin America?

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    Antecedentes: GlobalSurg es un grupo internacional de investigadores que tiene como propósito la conducción y la diseminación de robustos estudios colaborativos, internacionales y multicéntricos. Objetivo: Exponer las estrategias necesarias y las barreras encontradas en la conducción de estudios multicéntricos masivos en cirugía. Método: Durante el segundo semestre del año 2020 se llevó a cabo el estudio Surg-Week Prospective International Cohort Study, hasta la fecha el estudio internacional más grande en el campo de la cirugía, con 141,582 pacientes incluidos. Un total de 4975 miniequipos, de uno a cinco integrantes, recopilaron datos de 116 países de todos los continentes. Resultados: La creación de un sitio web oficial del estudio, reportes con información relevante vía e-mail o grupos vía WhatsApp, conformación de un comité de diseminación del protocolo, dictado de webinars sobre publicaciones recientes del equipo, designación de líderes nacionales e internacionales, y la divulgación por medio de sociedades, fueron las estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de la investigación. Sin embargo, las barreras detectadas para llevar a cabo el estudio multicéntrico fueron variadas. Conclusiones: Los trabajos colaborativos permiten establecer redes entre diferentes profesionales con el fin de mejorar la calidad de la gestión, las políticas sanitarias y la atención a los pacientes en tiempos de constante cambio.Background: GlobalSurg is an international group of researchers whose purpose is to conduct and disseminate robust collaborative, international and multicenter studies. Objective: To expose the necessary strategies and the barriers crossed in conducting massive multicenter studies in surgery. Method: During the second semester of 2020, the study Surg-Week Prospective International Cohort Study was carried out. Surg-Week has been the largest international study in the field of surgery to date, with 141,582 patients included. A total of 4975 mini-teams, of between 1 and 5 members, collected data from 116 countries on all continents. Results: The creation of an official website for the study, reports with relevant information via email or groups via WhatsApp, formation of a Dissemination Committee of the protocol, delivery of webinars on recent team publications, appointment of leaders at the national and international level, and outreach through partnerships, were the strategies used for the development of the research. However, the barriers turned out to involve different aspects. Conclusions: Collaborative work allows establishing networks between different professionals with the goal of improving the quality of management, health policies and care of our patients in a timely manner of constant change