4,028 research outputs found

    Bodily dichotomies: performing repression and freedom in brazilian feminist hip hop

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    This paper highlights the growing feminist hip hop movement in Brazil. While women have always been present in hip hop culture, this article analyzes two contemporary “texts” that illustrate the ways that current artists are using break-dance to combat gender oppression. The July, 2009 Hip Hop Mulher Forum held in São Paulo, Brazil and the 2006 Tata Amaral film Antônia provide examples of how contemporary female artists struggle to reconcile the ways that they have been socialized to perform their gender with the freedom that hip hop culture facilitates. This paper presents the “mis-performance” of gender and the possibilities for disciplined artists to improvise within a highly disciplined cultural context and artistic culture.Este artigo destaca o crescente movimento feminista hip hop no Brasil. Embora as mulheres sempre tenham estado presentes na cultura hip hop, este artigo analisa dois “textos” contemporâneos que ilustram as formas como os artistas atuais estão usando o break-dance para combater a opressão de gênero. O Fórum Hip Hop Mulher de julho de 2009, realizado em São Paulo, Brasil, e o filme Antônia, de Tata Amaral, de 2006, fornecem exemplos de como as artistas femininas contemporâneas lutam para conciliar as formas como foram socializadas para representar seu gênero com a liberdade que a cultura hip hop facilita . Este artigo apresenta a “má performance” de gênero e as possibilidades para artistas disciplinados improvisarem dentro de um contexto cultural altamente disciplinado e uma cultura artística

    Social anxiety in learning: Stages of change in a sample of UK undergraduates

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    © 2014 UCU. Social anxiety in learning is prevalent amongst traditional-age students and has a marked effect on their engagement with higher education. It receives little attention from academic or support services and there is a presumption that students will manage their anxieties. Yet it is unclear what psychosocial resources they might bring to this task and how these may develop through the undergraduate years. This study sought to identify possible change processes in student social anxiety by analysing qualitative responses obtained from Level 2 undergraduate students (n=39) in relation to their experience of learning situations such as lectures, seminars and group presentations. Thematic analysis suggested a four-stage developmental progression for students in terms of their experience and orientation to coping with social anxiety. Implications for staff development and student support are outlined

    Plenary Panel Discussion: Challenges and opportunities for the future of control

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    This panel reflects the scope and diversity of the unprecedented challenges and opportunities for the systems and controls community that has been created by several research themes from the basic sciences to advanced technologies. Connecting physical processes at multiple time and space scales in quantum, statistical, fluid, and solid mechanics, remains not only a central scientific challenge but also one with increasing technological implications. This is particular so in highly organized and nonequilibrium systems as in biology and nanotechnology, where interconnection, feedback, and dynamics are playing an increasingly central role


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana keberadaan pengaturan Hukum yang mengatur tentang tentara anak dalam persepsi Hukum Humaniter lnternasional dan bagaimana implementasi pengaturan tentara anak dilihat dari Hukum Internasional. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Problematika pelanggaran HAM bagi tentara anak, apabila dikaitkan dengan Hukum Intrenasional, terkait dengan hak-hak yang tercantum dalam pasal-pasal Konvensi Hak Anak serta Hukum Internasional lain yang relevan, seperti Konvensi pekerja anak ILO 182, yang merupakan Hukum Pekerja Internasional tentang larangan merekrut wajib mi liter anak sebagai tenaga militer dalam konflik bersenjata karena merupakan bentuk terburuk dari pekerjaan anak, serta Statuta Roma yang merupakan Hukum Kejahatan Internasional. Statuta ini mengkategorikan perekrutan dan penggunaan anak-anak sebagai kejahatan perang {war crime). 2. Represi yang kuat memaksa anak-anak dalam wilayah konflik untuk bergabung dalam kelompok bersenjata yang dapat menyebabkan dan meningkatkan intensitas tentara anak, yang terdiri dari beberapa variable antara lain: kemiskinan, kesenjangan ekonomi, maldevelopment, toleransi yang lemah dan diskriminasi, self-determination penurunan kualitas lingkungan, budaya kekerasan, konflik etnis, fundamentalisme agama, dictator otoriter, militerisasi masyarakat, dan sebagainya. Meskipun sejumlah anak dipaksa menjadi tentara, sejumlah anak secara sukarela bergabung dalam tentara regular maupun kelompok bersenjata, terutama anak-anak yang berasal dari keluarga miskin. Penyebaran senjata ringan otomatis yang meningkatkan partisipasi anak-anak dalam pertempuran. Tentara yang berusia lebih muda lebih mematuhi perintah dan takut pada atasan sehingga memudahkan control dan mobilisasi oleh kelompok bersenjata. Kata kunci: Tentara anak, perang, hukum humanite

    New frontiers of family - Naomi Moller and Victoria Clarke explore embryo donation and voluntary childlessness, ahead of their Society seminar series

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    March sees the first of four seminars on ‘New Frontiers of Family’, a British Psychological Society sponsored series that aims to examine the psychological implications of emerging forms of family in the UK – those beyond genetic relatedness, and those beyond the nuclear family. As two of the series organisers, we here explore two topics: conception through embryo donation and voluntary childlessness, both of which are highly topical in the context of declining birth rates and increases in the use of assisted reproduction in Britain. We provide an overview of the research, as well as the limitations of the current evidence base

    केरल के गरान क्षेत्रों के क्रस्टेशियन प्राणीप्लवक माइक्रोफाउना की जैवविविधता

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