380 research outputs found

    An Evolving Entropy Floor in the Intracluster Gas?

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    Non-gravitational processes, such as feedback from galaxies and their active nuclei, are believed to have injected excess entropy into the intracluster gas, and therefore to have modified the density profiles in galaxy clusters during their formation. Here we study a simple model for this so-called preheating scenario, and ask (i) whether it can simultaneously explain both global X-ray scaling relations and number counts of galaxy clusters, and (ii) whether the amount of entropy required evolves with redshift. We adopt a baseline entropy profile that fits recent hydrodynamic simulations, modify the hydrostatic equilibrium condition for the gas by including approx. 20% non-thermal pressure support, and add an entropy floor K_0 that is allowed to vary with redshift. We find that the observed luminosity-temperature (L-T) relations of low-redshift (z=0.05) HIFLUGCS clusters and high-redshift (z=0.8) WARPS clusters are best simultaneously reproduced with an evolving entropy floor of K_0(z)=341(1+z)^{-0.83}h^{-1/3} keV cm^2. If we restrict our analysis to the subset of bright (kT > 3 keV) clusters, we find that the evolving entropy floor can mimic a self-similar evolution in the L-T scaling relation. This degeneracy with self-similar evolution is, however, broken when (0.5 < kT < 3 keV) clusters are also included. The approx. 60% entropy increase we find from z=0.8 to z=0.05 is roughly consistent with that expected if the heating is provided by the evolving global quasar population. Using the cosmological parameters from the WMAP 3-year data with sigma_8=0.76, our best-fit model underpredicts the number counts of the X-ray galaxy clusters compared to those derived from the 158 deg^2 ROSAT PSPC survey. Treating sigma_8 as a free parameter, we find a best-fit value of sigma_8=0.80+/- 0.02.Comment: 14 emulateapj pages with 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    A Titanium Nitride Absorber for Controlling Optical Crosstalk in Horn-Coupled Aluminum LEKID Arrays for Millimeter Wavelengths

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    We discuss the design and measured performance of a titanium nitride (TiN) mesh absorber we are developing for controlling optical crosstalk in horn-coupled lumped-element kinetic inductance detector arrays for millimeter-wavelengths. This absorber was added to the fused silica anti-reflection coating attached to previously-characterized, 20-element prototype arrays of LEKIDs fabricated from thin-film aluminum on silicon substrates. To test the TiN crosstalk absorber, we compared the measured response and noise properties of LEKID arrays with and without the TiN mesh. For this test, the LEKIDs were illuminated with an adjustable, incoherent electronic millimeter-wave source. Our measurements show that the optical crosstalk in the LEKID array with the TiN absorber is reduced by 66\% on average, so the approach is effective and a viable candidate for future kilo-pixel arrays.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations between Bolocam Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Chandra X-ray Measurements

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    We present scaling relations between the integrated Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) signal, YSZY_{\rm SZ}, its X-ray analogue, YXMgasTXY_{\rm X}\equiv M_{\rm gas}T_{\rm X}, and total mass, MtotM_{\rm tot}, for the 45 galaxy clusters in the Bolocam X-ray-SZ (BOXSZ) sample. All parameters are integrated within r2500r_{2500}. Y2500Y_{2500} values are measured using SZE data collected with Bolocam, operating at 140 GHz at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO). The temperature, TXT_{\rm X}, and mass, Mgas,2500M_{\rm gas,2500}, of the intracluster medium are determined using X-ray data collected with Chandra, and MtotM_{\rm tot} is derived from MgasM_{\rm gas} assuming a constant gas mass fraction. Our analysis accounts for several potential sources of bias, including: selection effects, contamination from radio point sources, and the loss of SZE signal due to noise filtering and beam-smoothing effects. We measure the Y2500Y_{2500}--YXY_{\rm X} scaling to have a power-law index of 0.84±0.070.84\pm0.07, and a fractional intrinsic scatter in Y2500Y_{2500} of (21±7)%(21\pm7)\% at fixed YXY_{\rm X}, both of which are consistent with previous analyses. We also measure the scaling between Y2500Y_{2500} and M2500M_{2500}, finding a power-law index of 1.06±0.121.06\pm0.12 and a fractional intrinsic scatter in Y2500Y_{2500} at fixed mass of (25±9)%(25\pm9)\%. While recent SZE scaling relations using X-ray mass proxies have found power-law indices consistent with the self-similar prediction of 5/3, our measurement stands apart by differing from the self-similar prediction by approximately 5σ\sigma. Given the good agreement between the measured Y2500Y_{2500}--YXY_{\rm X} scalings, much of this discrepancy appears to be caused by differences in the calibration of the X-ray mass proxies adopted for each particular analysis.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figures, accepted by ApJ 04/11/2015. This version is appreciably different from the original submission: it includes an entirely new appendix, extended discussion, and much of the material has been reorganize

    Horn-Coupled, Commercially-Fabricated Aluminum Lumped-Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Millimeter Wavelengths

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    We discuss the design, fabrication, and testing of prototype horn-coupled, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) designed for cosmic microwave background (CMB) studies. The LEKIDs are made from a thin aluminum film deposited on a silicon wafer and patterned using standard photolithographic techniques at STAR Cryoelectronics, a commercial device foundry. We fabricated twenty-element arrays, optimized for a spectral band centered on 150 GHz, to test the sensitivity and yield of the devices as well as the multiplexing scheme. We characterized the detectors in two configurations. First, the detectors were tested in a dark environment with the horn apertures covered, and second, the horn apertures were pointed towards a beam-filling cryogenic blackbody load. These tests show that the multiplexing scheme is robust and scalable, the yield across multiple LEKID arrays is 91%, and the noise-equivalent temperatures (NET) for a 4 K optical load are in the range 26\thinspace\pm6 \thinspace \mu \mbox{K} \sqrt{\mbox{s}}

    Pancreatic remnant fate

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    There is eternal discussion on the best surgical method of pancreatoduodenectomy and reconstruction method. Several different methods of pancreatic stump anastomosis exist. The most popular argument taken into account in the discussion is the frequency of early postoperative complications. Relatively fewer papers analyse the late functional outcome of pancreatic surgery and the method of anastomosis employed. Authors presented short series of 12 patients after pancreatic surgery with analysis of pancreatic remnant morphology and function. Pancreatic remnant volume, pancreatic duct distension and stool elastase-1 test were analysed. There was no correlation of pancreatic exo- or endocrine insufficiency with the volume of pancreatic remnant or the kind of surgery or anastomosis performed

    Sub-nanosecond, time-resolved, broadband infrared spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation

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    A facility for sub-nanosecond time-resolved (pump-probe) infrared spectroscopy has been developed at the National Synchrotron Light Source of Brookhaven National Laboratory. A mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser produces 2 ps duration, tunable near-IR pump pulses synchronized to probe pulses from a synchrotron storage ring. The facility is unique on account of the broadband infrared from the synchrotron, which allows the entire spectral range from 2 cm-1 (0.25 meV) to 20,000 cm-1 (2.5 eV) to be probed. A temporal resolution of 200 ps, limited by the infrared synchrotron-pulse duration, is achieved. A maximum time delay of 170 ns is available without gating the infrared detector. To illustrate the performance of the facility, a measurement of electron-hole recombination dynamics for an HgCdTe semiconductor film in the far- and mid infrared range is presented.Comment: 11 pages with 9 figures include

    VLA Radio Observations of the HST Frontier Fields Cluster Abell 2744: The Discovery of New Radio Relics

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    Cluster mergers leave distinct signatures in the ICM in the form of shocks and diffuse cluster radio sources that provide evidence for the acceleration of relativistic particles. However, the physics of particle acceleration in the ICM is still not fully understood. Here we present new 1-4 GHz Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) and archival Chandra observations of the HST Frontier Fields Cluster Abell 2744. In our new VLA images, we detect the previously known 2.1\sim2.1 Mpc radio halo and 1.5\sim1.5 Mpc radio relic. We carry out a radio spectral analysis from which we determine the relic's injection spectral index to be αinj=1.12±0.19\alpha_{\rm{inj}} = -1.12 \pm 0.19. This corresponds to a shock Mach number of M\mathcal{M} = 2.050.19+0.31^{+0.31}_{-0.19} under the assumption of diffusive shock acceleration. We also find evidence for spectral steepening in the post-shock region. We do not find evidence for a significant correlation between the radio halo's spectral index and ICM temperature. In addition, we observe three new polarized diffuse sources and determine two of these to be newly discovered giant radio relics. These two relics are located in the southeastern and northwestern outskirts of the cluster. The corresponding integrated spectral indices measure 1.81±0.26-1.81 \pm 0.26 and 0.63±0.21-0.63 \pm 0.21 for the SE and NW relics, respectively. From an X-ray surface brightness profile we also detect a possible density jump of R=1.390.22+0.34R=1.39^{+0.34}_{-0.22} co-located with the newly discovered SE relic. This density jump would correspond to a shock front Mach number of M=1.260.15+0.25\mathcal{M}=1.26^{+0.25}_{-0.15}.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio Sources from a 31 GHz Sky Survey with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array

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    We present the first sample of 31-GHz selected sources to flux levels of 1 mJy. From late 2005 to mid 2007, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array (SZA) observed 7.7 square degrees of the sky at 31 GHz to a median rms of 0.18 mJy/beam. We identify 209 sources at greater than 5 sigma significance in the 31 GHz maps, ranging in flux from 0.7 mJy to ~200 mJy. Archival NVSS data at 1.4 GHz and observations at 5 GHz with the Very Large Array are used to characterize the sources. We determine the maximum-likelihood integrated source count to be N(>S) = (27.2 +- 2.5) deg^-2 x (S_mJy)^(-1.18 +- 0.12) over the flux range 0.7 - 15 mJy. This result is significantly higher than predictions based on 1.4-GHz selected samples, a discrepancy which can be explained by a small shift in the spectral index distribution for faint 1.4-GHz sources. From comparison with previous measurements of sources within the central arcminute of massive clusters, we derive an overdensity of 6.8 +- 4.4, relative to field sources.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    LoCuSS: A Comparison of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Gravitational Lensing Measurements of Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the first measurement of the relationship between the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect signal and the mass of galaxy clusters that uses gravitational lensing to measure cluster mass, based on 14 X-ray luminous clusters at z~0.2 from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey. We measure the integrated Compton y-parameter, Y, and total projected mass of the clusters (M_GL) within a projected clustercentric radius of 350 kpc, corresponding to mean overdensities of 4000-8000 relative to the critical density. We find self-similar scaling between M_GL and Y, with a scatter in mass at fixed Y of 32%. This scatter exceeds that predicted from numerical cluster simulations, however, it is smaller than comparable measurements of the scatter in mass at fixed T_X. We also find no evidence of segregation in Y between disturbed and undisturbed clusters, as had been seen with T_X on the same physical scales. We compare our scaling relation to the Bonamente et al. relation based on mass measurements that assume hydrostatic equilibrium, finding no evidence for a hydrostatic mass bias in cluster cores (M_GL = 0.98+/-0.13 M_HSE), consistent with both predictions from numerical simulations and lensing/X-ray-based measurements of mass-observable scaling relations at larger radii. Overall our results suggest that the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect may be less sensitive than X-ray observations to the details of cluster physics in cluster cores.Comment: Minor changes to match published version: 2009 ApJL 701:114-11