3,332 research outputs found

    Taller práctico de soluciones de escaneado láser para modelado BIM

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    La coordinadora cuenta con la autorización de cada asistente para la difusión de las imágenes de la jornada, facilitada al inscribirse al taller.El Taller práctico de soluciones de escaneado láser para modelado BIM se encuadró en el marco de las conferencias científicas organizadas por la Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga, en noviembre de 2017, sobre nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la arquitectura. Éstas fueron promovidas por el Proyecto de Innovación Educativa PIE 17-140 “Estrategias para la integración del BIM en el Grado de Arquitectura” y por la dirección del Título Propio de la UMA de “I Experto Universitario en BIM con Autodesk Revit Architecture”. Sus ponentes fueron Patricia Miranda Miranda, Ingeniera de FARO Spain, y María Jesús García Granja, PDI de la UMA, investigadora del PIE 17-140 y codirectora del TP, que también actuó como coordinadora de la jornada. Enlace al vídeo del taller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EHBGtI8y4E Enlace a la difusión del taller: https://www.arquitectura.uma.es/taller-practico-de-soluciones-de-escaneado-laser-para-modelado-bim

    Porosity enhancement by the utilization of screening patterns in electro-perforated paper webs

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    In this work, a technique to enhance the porosity of electro-perforated paper webs using screening matrices is described. The proposed approach relies on the confining effect that acts on a train of sparks when forced to pass through a small hole pierced through a ceramic substrate located in-between two needle-like electrodes. It is shown how the maximum porosity level achievable by the electro-perforation process depends on the drag distance parameter. Since the proposed method is aimed at reducing the latter, an eventual enhancement of the number of perforations per unit area can be obtained. The method has been experimentally tested. It is worth mentioning the suitability of the matrix-aided paper perforation process for its use in industrial environments.Publicad

    Catálogo provisional de hongos hipogeos de Asturias y posibles fitobiontes asociados

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    Censo provisional de hongos con ciclo vital hipogeo hallados en la Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias y relación de posibles fitobiontes a ellos asociados. Se describen recolecciones de algunos infrecuentes táxones hallados en la zona: Arcangeliella stephensii, Elaphomyces aculeatus, E. cyanosporus. E. decipiens, E. leucosporus, E. mutabilis, E. papillatus, E. persoo nii y E. septatus, Genabea fragi lis, Genea vagans, G/01l1US flavisporum. Gymnomyces xanthosporus, Hysterangium calcareum, H. pompholyx, Stephensia bombycina , S. crocea, Tuber excavatum f. ntonticellianum, T foetidum, T fulgens , T mesentericum y T regianum. Un total de 85 táxones han sido censados para el área de estudio.This is a provisional ccnsus of hypogeous fungi from the Autonomous Community of the "Principado de Asturias", and it reports their possible hosts. Collections of sorne infrequent taxa found in the area are included, i.e, Arcange/iella ste phensii, Elaphomy ces aculeatus, E. cyanosporus, E. decipiens, E. leucosporus , E. muta bilis, E. papillatus. E. persoonii and E. septatus, Genabea fragilis, Genea vagans, G/O/llUS flavisporum, Gymnomyces xanthosporus , Hysterangium calcareum, H. pompholyx, Stephensia bombycina, S. crocea, Tuber excavatum f. monticellianum, T foetidum, T fulgens, mesentericum and T regianum. . A total of 85 taxa are recorded

    Bottom-Up: a New Algorithm to Generate Random Linear Extensions of a Poset

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    In this paper we present a new method for deriving a random linear extension of a poset. This new strategy combines Probability with Combinatorics and obtains a procedure where each minimal element of a sequence of subposets is selected via a probability distribution. The method consists in obtaining a weight vector on the elements of P, so that an element is selected with a probability proportional to its weight. From some properties on the graph of adjacent linear extensions, it is shown that the probability distribution can be obtained by solving a linear system. The number of equations involved in this system relies on the number of what we have called positioned antichains, that allows a reduced number of equations. Finally, we give some examples of the applicability of the algorithm. This procedure cannot be applied to every poset, but it is exact when it can be used. Moreover, the method is quick and easy to implement. Besides, it allows a simple way to derive the number of linear extensions of a given poset

    Pseudosubluxación C2-C3: un hallazgo radiológico frecuente en la infancia

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    Objetivo: Mostrar un hallazgo radiológico fisiológico de la columna cervical infantil que tiende a ser malinterpretado como patológico: la pseudosubluxación C2-C3. Se presenta un caso de una niña de 14 meses de edad remitida a nuestro centro bajo sospecha de subluxación C2-C3. Se aporta una metodología para el diagnóstico diferencial entre pseudosubluxación C2-C3 y subluxación C2-C3 verdadera. Una anamnesis detallada así como una exploración clínica y radiográfica minuciosas, permiten establecer el diagnóstico en la mayoría de los casos. La normal movilidad en flexión de C2 sobre C3 en la columna cervical infantil puede ser tan pronunciada que llegue a confundirse con una lesión. La interpretación adecuada de las radiografías simples de la columna cervical en los niños requiere el conocimiento de las peculiaridades de este segmento en la edad pediátrica.Objective: To report on a physiological radiographic finding of the cervical spine in childhood that trends to be misjudged as pathologic: C2-C3 pseudosubluxation. We presented a girl, aged 14 months, who was remitted to our Center for clinical suspect of C2-C3 subluxation. A diagnostic methodology is offered to distinguish between C2-C3 pseudosubluxation and a true C2-C3 subluxation. A detailed anamnesis as well as a meticulous radiological and clinical exploration, allow to establish the right diagnosis in most cases, without any other complementary probe. The normal mobility of C2 on C3 in flexion could be so pronounced as to be mistaken for a pathological finding. The suitable radiographic interpretation of the cervical spine in children requires the knowledge of the peculiarities of this segment in the pediatric age

    Catálogo provisional de hongos hipogeos de Asturias y posibles fitobiontes asociados

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    Censo provisional de hongos con ciclo vital hipogeo hallados en la Comunidad Autónoma del principado de Asturias y relación de posibles fitobiontes a ellos asociados. Se describen recolecciones de algunos infrecuentes táxones hallados en la zona: Arcangeliella stephensii, Elaphomyces aculeatus, E. cyanosporus. E. decipiens, E. leucosporus, E. mutabilis, E. papillatus, E. persoo nii y E. septatus, Genabea fragilis, Genea vagans, Glomus flavisporum. Gymnomyces xanthosporus, Hysterangium calcareum, H. pompholyx, Stephensia bombycina, S. crocea, Tuber excavatum f. ntonticellianum, T foetidum, T fulgens, T mesentericum y T regianum. Un total de 85 táxones han sido censados para el área de estudio.This is a provisional census of hypogeous fungi from the Autonomous Community of the "Principado de Asturias", and it reports their possible hosts. Collections of sorne infrequent taxa found in the area are included, i.e, Arcangeliella stephensii, Elaphomyces aculeatus, E. anosporus, E. decipiens, E. leucosporus, E. muta bilis, E. papillatus. E. persoonii and E. septatus, Genabea fragilis, Genea vagans, Glomus flavisporum, Gymnomyces xanthosporus, Hysterangium calcareum, H. pompholyx, Stephensia bombycina, S. crocea, Tuber excavatum f. monticellianum, T foetidum, T fulgens, mesentericum and T regianum. A total of 85 taxa are recorded

    The physical structure of the point-symmetric and quadrupolar planetary nebula NGC 6309

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    We analyse the point-symmetric planetary nebula NGC 6309 in terms of its three-dimensional structure and of internal variations of the physical conditions to deduce the physical processes involved in its formation. We used VLA-D 3.6-cm continuum, ground-based, and HST-archive imaging as well as long slit high- and low-dispersion spectroscopy. The low-dispersion spectra indicate a high excitation nebula, with low to medium variations of its internal physical conditions. In the optical images, the point-symmetric knots show a lack of [NII] emission as compared with similar features previously known in other PNe. A rich internal structure of the central region is seen in the HST images, resembling a deformed torus. Long slit high-dispersion spectra reveal a complex kinematics in the central region. The spectral line profiles from the external regions of NGC 6309 indicate expanding lobes (~40 km/s) as those generally found in bipolar nebulae. Finally, we have found evidence for the presence of a faint halo, possibly related to the envelope of the AGB-star progenitor. Our data indicate that NGC 6309 is a quadrupolar nebula with two pairs of bipolar lobes whose axes are oriented PA=40 and PA=76. Equatorial and polar velocities for these two pairs of lobes are 29 and 86 km/s for the bipolar system at PA=40 and 25 and 75 km/s for the bipolar system at PA=76. There is also a central torus that is expanding at 25 km/s. Kinematical age for all these structures is around 3700 to 4000 yr. We conclude that NGC 6309 was formed by a set of well-collimated bipolar outflows (jets), which were ejected in the initial stages of its formation as a planetary nebula. These jets carved the bipolar lobes in the previous AGB wind and their remnants are now observed as the point-symmetric knots tracing the edges of the lobes.Comment: To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 11 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Topology and excited state multiplicity as controlling factors in the carbazole-photosensitized CPD formation and repair

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    Photosensitized thyminethymine (ThyThy) formation and repair can be mediated by carbazole (Cbz). The former occurs from the Cbz triplet excited state via energy transfer, while the latter takes place from the singlet excited state via electron transfer. Here, fundamental insight is provided into the role of the topology and excited state multiplicity, as factors governing the balance between both processes. This has been achieved upon designing and synthesizing different isomers of trifunctional systems containing one Cbz and two Thy units covalently linked to the rigid skeleton of the natural deoxycholic acid. The results shown here prove that the Cbz photosensitized dimerization is not counterbalanced by repair when the latter, instead of operating through-space, has to proceed through-bond. © 2022 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society

    Aplicación de hielo incluyendo conservantes naturales para la mejora de la calidad de especies marinas refrigeradas

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    6 páginas, 4 figurasComo resultado de la creciente demanda de productos marinos frescos de alta calidad, la tecnología de alimentos ha desarrollado una gran diversidad de estrategias novedosas de refrigeración que han contribuido al desarrollo continuado y a la innovación en el sector. En este trabajo se describe la actividad llevada a cabo en los últimos años en nuestro grupo de trabajo. En él, se desarrolló una estrategia nueva consistente en emplear como medio de refrigeración hielo preparado a partir de disoluciones acuosas incluyendo componentes conservantes naturales de distinta procedencia (extractos vegetales, ácidos orgánicos de pequeño tamaño y extractos de macroalgas)Los experimentos fueron financiados por la Secretaría Xeral de I+D de la Xunta de Galicia (Galicia, España) (Proyecto 10 TAL 018E), el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC; Proyecto PIE 201370E001) y el Programa de Cooperación Hispano-Chileno “Universidad de Chile-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (Proyecto 2004 CL 0038).Peer reviewe