90 research outputs found

    Performance Variability Analysis of Photonic Circuits with Many Correlated Parameters

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    We propose a method to analyze the performance variability caused by fabrication uncertainty in photonic circuits with a large number of correlated parameters. By combining a sparse polynomial chaos expansion model with dimensionality reduction in the form of Karhunen-Loève transform and principal component analysis, we demonstrate the stochastic analysis of the transfer function of cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers with up to 38 correlated uncertain parameters

    Pengaruh Debt to Equity Ratio (Der), Return on Assets (Roa), Return on Equity (Roe), Dan Dividend Payout Ratio (Dpr) Terhadap Price to Book Value (Pbv) Pada Perusahaan Lq45 Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2013

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    Price to Book Value (PBV) or the price per book value ratio is the relationship between the stock market price and book value per share. This ratio indicates the company\u27s ability to create value relative to the amount of capital invested. The higher PBV companies create value for shareholders. This ratio is also used as an indicator in determining the value of shares as consideration for investors in determining investment decisions. This study aimed to examine the effect of the variable Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) to the Price to Book Value.The population in this study is LQ45 categories listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2013 period as many as 78 companies with sampling using purposive sampling and samples that meet the criteria are as many as 13 companies. The data in this study using panel data regression analysis (fixed effect) is applied with software Eviews 7.1. and hypothesis testing using t-statistic to test the partial coefficient of regression and f-statistic to examine the effect simultaneously with a significance level of 5%.The results showed that the variables PBV DER significantly influence the value of 0.01. ROA variables significantly influence the PBV with a significance value of 0.00. ROE significantly influence the PBV with a significance value of 0.04. But the House did not influence significantly the variables with a significance value of 0.95. Predictive ability of the four variables to the PBV is at 99% as indicated by the R-Squared of 99% while the remaining 1% is influenced by other factors not included in the model study

    Sistem Antrian Pada Pelayanan Customer Service PT. Bank X

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    Customer Service is one form of service facility at PT. Bank X which is directly related with the public as customers. It contains kind of transactions that often caused a queue. To increase public interest in the activities of banking transactions, the facility provider tries to gives satisfaction to the customers who come, so they do not have to wait too long but without make disadvantages to the existing service system. Queueing analysis have been done in order to determine how the service system of Customer Service. Based on the analysis of research data on June, 27th 2016 to July, 1st 2016, a queueing model on Customer Service PT. Bank X is (Poisson/Weibull/3):(FCFS/∞/∞) with the customer arrival rate does not exceed the service rate. In that queueing model, the number of arrivals is Poisson distribution, service time is Weibull distribution and there are three service counters. Queueing discipline that applied is customers will be served were the first comes to the bank, with the system capacity and the calling population of customers is infinite. To provide information as a reference or consideration to the PT. Bank X, then a simulation with the software called Arena has been done to determine the performance of the service system with the addition or subtraction of the number of Customer Service

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Rumah Pada Perumahan Graha Candi Golf Semarang

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of product quality, price, and location of the purchase decisions on Housing Graha Candi Golf Semarang. Type of research used in this study is explanatory, the study highlights the effect between the study variables and test hypotheses exist. The sampling method using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The method of analysis used in this study using simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression with SPSS for windows. The results and discussion can be explained by t test product quality has a positive influence on purchase decisions, ie when the product quality is getting better, the higher the level of purchase decision. Price has a positive influence on purchase decisions, ie when more affordable and competitive price, the higher the level of purchase decision.Location has a positive influence on purchase decisions, ie when the strategic location, the higher the level of purchase decision. While the F test showed that the quality of the product, price and location simultaneously positive influence on purchase decisions, ie the better the quality of the product, price and location of the eyes of consumers, the higher the level of purchase decision. From this analysis also can be seen that the variable is a variable location of the dominant influence on the purchase decision, it can dibuktikkan of regression results in the coefficient beta (β) the most, the location with complete facilities and flood free. The conclusion of this research is that the quality of the product, price, and location of the home purchase decision on Housing Graha Candi Golf included in either category, which was considered by most respondents, the higher the purchase decision

    Pengaruh Model Starter Eksperimen terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Koloid

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    The aims of this research was to determine difference in activity and learning outcomes of students who are taught using a model of Starter Experiment with the students taught using the conventional methods and determine the influence of Starter Experiment model of the learning outcomes of students of class XI SMA Kemala Bhayangkari in the material colloid. The from of research was a quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The samples was determine on samping technique that selected class XI MIA 2 as an experiment class and Class XI MIA 1 as the control classes. Research instrument are a test of learning outcomes, observation sheet of student activity, and interview. The results of data analysis showed that there was difference in activity and learning outcomes between students who were taught using Starter experiment model with students who were taught using conventional methods. The use of Starter Experiment model to the material of colloid influence of 22.24% (ES = 0.59) toward the improving student learning outcomes


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    Jumlah penggalian struktur berukuran besar semakin meningkat, untuk proyek penambangan, bendungan, jalan, dan proyek lainnya. Kerusakan massa batuan sekitar akibat penggalian harus dikuantifikasi dan dipertimbangkan dalam analisis kestabilan struktur. Penelaahan dilakukan terhadap sejumlah referensi primer yang membahas mengenai atau berkaitan dengan kuantifikasi kerusakan massa batuan. Hasil telaahan berupa rangkuman definisi dan faktor penyebab, parameter, serta metode kuantifikasi kerusakan massa batuan. Kerusakan mengacu pada penurunan kualitas akibat pertambahan kekar atau berkurangnya kekuatan massa batuan. Kerusakan ini terjadi dalam daerah pengaruh tertentu dan mengubah sifat mekanik massa batuan. Tingkat kerusakan dinyatakan sebagai perbandingan penurunan paramater kualitas massa batuan setelah penggalian dengan kondisi awal. Kuantifikasi telah dilakukan terhadap lereng dan terowongan tambang maupun proyek lain menggunakan berbagai metode: solusi matematis, monitoring, pengujian di laboratorium, studi numerik, dan atau metode gabungan. Akurasi kuantifikasi tingkat kerusakan massa batuan di sekitar penggalian sangat bergantung pada ketepatan dalam menentukan perubahan propertis kualitas massa batuan aktual. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode pemantauan yang mampu mencakup area massa batuan terganggu sehingga kondisi kerusakan dapat teridentifikasi dengan tepat

    Memahami Pengalaman Komunikasi Instruksional Guru dalam Mengembangkan Minat dan Bakat Siswa Tunagrahita

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    Siswa tunagrahita merupakan siswa dengan keterbatasan intelegensi. Keterbatasanintelegensi menyebabkan lemahnya kemampuan komunikasi siswa tunagrahita.Siswa tungarhita kerap dianggap “tidak berguna” dan memliki masa depan yangkelam. Namun, dengan pendidikan dan penanganan dari sekolah dan guru yangsesuai dengan kemampuan dapat melatih ketrampilan siswa tunagrahita sehinggamenjadi pribadi yang mandiri di tengah masyarakat. Keterbatasan komunikasiyang dimiliki siswa tunagrahita menjadi salah satu kendala guru dalam USAhanyauntuk memberikan pengajaran kepada siswa tunagrahita.Penelitian yang bertujuan menjelaskan pengalaman komunikasiinstruksional guru dengan siswa tunagrahita ini menggunakan pendekatankualitatif yang merujuk pada paradigma interpretif dan tradisi fenomenologi.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Coordinated Management OfMeaning dariW. Barnett Pearce dan Vernon Cronen (1980), konsep mengenaikomunikasi instruksional, dan Teori Belajar Aperpesi menurut Johan F. Herbartdari abad 20. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah mengacu pada metodefenomenologi dari Von Eckartsberg, dan subjek penelitian adalah guru kelasketrampilan SLB Negeri Semarang yang mengampu siswa tunagrahita.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam memberikanpembelajaran kepada siswa tunagrahita, guru berusaha menjalin “ikatan” agardapat memahami karakter dan latar belakang siswa. Hal ini berguna untukmenentukan pola pembelajaran yang sesuai bagi masing-masing siswa. “Ikatan”tersebut dihasilkan melalui interaksi dan sharing yang dilakukan sehari-hari olehguru di sekolah kepada siswa tunagrahita. Melalui interaksi dan sharing, gurumendapat pemahaman tentang latar belakang dan karakteristik masing-masingsiswa. Pemahaman karakter siswa berpengaruh pada pola pembelajaran yangdigunakan guru untuk mengembangakan potensi siswa. Pola pembelajaran yangdigunakan oleh guru dengan memberikan demontrasi dan mengikuti imajinasisiswa. Hal ini juga untuk melatih kemampuan komunikasinya. Guru dituntut lebihaktif dalam berinteraksi dengan siswa di kelas. Hal ini bertujuan agar siswamerasa nyaman dan semangat belajar di kelas. Kendala yang dihadapi guru dalammengembangkan minat dan bakat siswa tunagrahita adalah keadaan siswa tersebutyang memiliki disabilitas intelektual serta orang tua siswa yang kurang memberidukungan. Guru aktif berdiskusi dengan keluarga dan orang tua siswa berkaitankelas ketrampilan yang sesuai dengan minat dan bakat siswa tunagrahita

    Waktu Optimum Fermentasi Limbah Pulp Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Menggunakan Kulit Bakau (Sonneratia SP.) Dalam Produksi Bioetanol

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    Bioethanol is ethanol that produce by glucose fermentation (sugar) that continuo by distillation process. The one matter that can be use as basic materials of bioethanol that is liquid waste of pulp cocoa that coming from waste cocoa plantage the one composer component of pulp liquid is sugar as 8-13 %. With the sugar component, so the pulp liquid as economical it can be use as the basic material the making of bioethanol by fermentation process. This research aim to produce bioethanol from the liquid waste of cocoa pulp. (Theobroma cocoa L) by using mangrove skin (sonneratia sp.). As the pure inhibitor formation of acetic acid by the fermentation further become ethanol. The mangrove skin play role to accelerate the fermentation process to produce ethanol. It also can hamper (inhibitor) the fermentation process continuing became acetic acid. The data analysis in this research use complete random plane with the time variable fermentation and repetition is done as may as 3 time. The result of the research show that the optimum time of fermentation it is in the 12 day, by 7,5 gram mangrove skin powder, pH 5 and the fermentation temperature 25-30 0C (ROOM TEMPERATURE) it gets level of alcohol 7,69 %