229 research outputs found

    Liquid metals as a divertor plasma facing material explored using the Pilot-PSI and Magnum-PSI linear devices

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    Abstract For DEMO and beyond liquid metal plasma facing components are considered due to their resilience to erosion through flowed replacement, potential for cooling beyond conduction and inherent immunity to many of the issues of neutron loading compared to solid materials. The development curve of liquid metals is behind that of e.g. tungsten however and tokamak-based research is currently somewhat limited in scope. Therefore investigation in linear plasma devices can provide faster progress under controlled and well-diagnosed conditions in assessing many of the issues surrounding the use of liquid metals. The linear plasma devices Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI are capable of producing DEMO relevant plasma fluxes which well replicate expected divertor conditions, and the exploration of physics issues for tin (Sn) and lithium (Li) such as vapour-shielding, erosion under high particle flux loading and overall power handing are reviewed here. A deeper understanding of erosion and deposition through this work indicates that stannane formation may play an important role in enhancing Sn erosion, while on the other hand the strong hydrogen isotope affinity reduces the evaporation rate and sputtering yields for Li. In combination with the strong re-deposition rates which have been observed under this type of high density plasma this implies an increase in the operational temperature range, implying a power handling range of 20-25 MW m -2 for Sn and up to 12.5 MW m -2 for Li could be achieved. Vapour shielding may be expected to act as a self-protection mechanism in reducing the heat load to the substrate for off-normal events in the case of Sn, but may potentially be a continual mode of operation for Li.</p

    Sphingomyelin is synthesized at the plasma membrane of oligodendrocytes and by purified myelin membranes: a study with fluorescent- and radio-labelled ceramide analogues

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    AbstractIn most cell types sphingomyelin is synthesized predominantly in the cis-medial compartments of the Golgi stacks whereas the contribution of the plasma membrane is much lower. The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of both compartments to the synthesis of sphingomyelin in myelinating cells. Therefore, oligodendrocytes from rat spinal cord were incubated in culture with fluorescently- or radiolabelled ceramides, and the effects of a block in the vesicular flow (monensin, brefeldin A, low temperature) on surface synthesis of sphingomyelin were evaluated. The results indicate that ≈50% of the sphingomyelin synthase is present at the plasma and myelin membranes of oligodendrocytes


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    Verba merupakan suatu komponen yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam kalimat, karena verba digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan (Handlungen), keadaan (Zustände) dan peristiwa (Vorgänge). Dalam bahasa Indonesia verba dapat dikombinasikan dengan imbuhan atau prefiks. Hal yang sama berlaku dalam bahasa Jerman. Akan tetapi berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, prefiks yang menyertai verba bahasa Jerman dapat mengubah makna dari verba dasarnya, seperti contoh verba kommen yang berarti ‘berasal’, ditambahkan prefiks ent- di awal verba, menjadi entkommen, maka maknanya berubah menjadi ‘melarikan diri’. Hal tersebut sangat penting untuk dipelajari dan dipahami oleh pembelajar. Berdasarkan hal tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai verba berprefiks dengan verba dasar kommen. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1) prefiks pada verba kommen, 2) jenis prefiks yang menyertai verba kommen berprefiks, dan 3) arti dari prefiks yang menyertai verba kommen berprefiks. Objek penelitian ini ialah verba kommen berprefiks yang terdapat dalam buku Tintenherz karya Cornelia Punke dan Majalah Brigitte terbitan 18 januari 2017. Adapun referensi yang digunakan untuk arti dari verba kommen berprefiks ialah Langenscheidt Groβwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Data yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah 47 kalimat dengan verba kommen berprefiks. Dari 47 kalimat tersebut ditemukan 12 macam verba kommen berprefiks, yaitu ankommen (3x), entkommen (4x), entgegenkommen (1x), heraufkommen (1x), herkommen (12x), mitkommen (7x), nachkommen (1x), vorbeikommen (3x), vorkommen (4x), wiederkommen (2x), zukommen (1x), dan zurückkommen (9x). Prefiks yang menyertai verba kommen terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu prefiks terikat dan tidak terikat, ada 9 macam prefiks yang masuk ke dalam jenis prefiks tidak terikat, dan 3 macam jenis prefiks terikat. Dari keseluruhan jumlah prefiks tersebut 2 macam prefiks memiliki arti lebih dari satu, yaitu prefiks her- dan vor-, sedangkan 10 prefiks lainnya yaitu prefiks an-, entgegen-, ent-, herauf-, mit-, nach-, vorbei-, wieder-, zu-, dan zurück- memiliki 1 arti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan agar pembelajar dapat memperdalam prefiks melalui buku-buku gramatik dan membaca teks berbahasa Jerman berupa roman anak maupun artikel majalah. Adapun peneliti lain yang akan meneliti tentang prefiks disarankan untuk menggunakan referensi dan sumber data yang lebih banyak dan beragam. ABSTRAKT Verb ist ein Komponent, das eine wichtige Rolle in einem Satz spielt, da man ein Verb verwendet, um Handlungen, Zustände und Vorgänge zu bezeichnen. Im Indonesischen sind Verben mit Sufixen, Präfixen und so weiter kombinerbar. Das Phänomen gilt auch im Deutschen. Aber im Gegenteil zu Indonesisch kann das deutsche Präfix die Bedeutung von den Stammverben ändern, beispielweise, das Verb kommen heißt `berasal´ auf Indonesisch, aber wenn man zu dem Verb das Präfix ent- setzt, dann bedeutet das Verb ´melarikan diri´ auf Indonesisch. Solches linguistisches Phänomen ist sehr wichtig zu lernen und zu verstehen. In Bezug darauf interessiert sich die Verfasserin dafür, eine Untersuchung über die Analyse der Verben mit Präfixen am Beispiel vom Verb “kommen” im Deutschen durchzuführen. Diese Untersuchung hat den Zweck, folgende Punkte herauszufinden: 1) Präfixen vom Verb kommen; 2) die Arten von Präfixen vom Verb kommen; 3) die Bedeutung der Präfixe vom Verb kommen. Objekt dieser Untersuchung sind die Verben kommen mit Präfixen, die sich im Roman „Tintenherz“ von Cornelia Punke und in der Magazine „Brigitte“ befinden, die am 18. Januar 2017 erschienen. Als Quelle für die Bedeutungen der Verben kommen verwendet man das Langenscheidt Groβwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind 47 Sätze mit Verb kommen mit Präfixen. In diesen 47 Sätzen wurden 12 Arten vom Verb kommen mit Präfixen gefunden. Sie sind nämlich, ankommen (3x), entkommen (4x), entgegenkommen (1x), heraufkommen (1x), herkommen (12x), mitkommen (7x), nachkommen (1x), vorbeikommen (3x), vorkommen (4x), wiederkommen (2x), zukommen (1x), und zurückkommen (9x). Die Präfixen bestehen aus zwei Arten, nämlich untrennbare und trennbare Präfixen. Es gibt 9 Präfixsorten, die zu den trennbaren Präfixen gehören und 3 Präfixsorten zu den untrennbaren Präfixen. Aus den Datenquellen werden 2 Präfixsorten gefunden, die zwei Bedeutungen haben. Sie sind Präfix her- und vor. Allerdings haben die 10 anderen Präfixe, namlich an-, entgegen-, ent-, herauf-, mit-, nach-, vorbei-, wieder-, zu-, und zurück-, nur eine Bedeutung. Basierend auf den Untersuchungsergebnissen sollten die Deutschlernenden mithilfe der grammatischen Bücher die Beherrschung von Präfixen vertiefen und Texte im Deutschen lesen, beispielsweise Kinderromane und Artikel in Magazinen. Darüber hinaus sollten andere weitere Untersucher in demselben Untersuchungsraum zahlreichere und vielfältige Referenzen und Datenquellen benutzen

    A Fragmentation study of di-acidic mycosporine-like amino acids in electrospray and nanospray mass spectrometry

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    Two mycosporine (MAAs), containing an extra acid function, were analyzed by nanospray and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. In contrast to the previous studies it is demonstrated that no significant characteristic methyl radical loss occurred in positive mode. The fragmentation pathway in negative mode was also proposed in this work, along with theoretical calculations to characterize the site of protonation.No presente estudo, duas micosporinas (MAAs) contendo um segundo ácido carboxílico foram submetidas à fragmentação em eletrospray e nanospray em diferentes equipamentos. Em contraste com resultados anteriores, a eliminação de radical metila no modo positivo de análise foi um processo minoritário de fragmentação. Neste trabalho apresentamos também a via de fragmentação destas substâncias em modo negativo e cálculos teóricos para caracterizar os sítios de protonação.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression amongst internally displaced persons in northern Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: The 20 year war in northern Uganda between the Lord's Resistance Army and the Ugandan government has resulted in the displacement of up to 2 million people within Uganda. The purpose of the study was to measure rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression amongst these internally displaced persons (IDPs), and investigate associated demographic and trauma exposure risk factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional multi-staged, random cluster survey with 1210 adult IDPs was conducted in November 2006 in Gulu and Amuru districts of northern Uganda. Levels of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD were measured using the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (original version), and levels of depression were measured using the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the association of demographic and trauma exposure variables on the outcomes of PTSD and depression. RESULTS: Over half (54%) of the respondents met symptom criteria for PTSD, and over two thirds (67%) of respondents met symptom criteria for depression. Over half (58%) of respondents had experienced 8 or more of the 16 trauma events covered in the questionnaire. Factors strongly linked with PTSD and depression included gender, marital status, distance of displacement, experiencing ill health without medical care, experiencing rape or sexual abuse, experiencing lack of food or water, and experiencing higher rates of trauma exposure. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence of exposure to traumatic events and deprivation of essential goods and services suffered by IDPs, and the resultant effect this has upon their mental health. Protection and social and psychological assistance are urgently required to help IDPs in northern Uganda re-build their lives

    Post-conflict mental health needs: a cross-sectional survey of trauma, depression and associated factors in Juba, Southern Sudan

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    BACKGROUND: The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 marked the end of the civil conflict in Sudan lasting over 20 years. The conflict was characterised by widespread violence and large-scale forced migration. Mental health is recognised as a key public health issue for conflict-affected populations. Studies revealed high levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst populations from Southern Sudan during the conflict. However, no studies have been conducted on mental health in post-war Southern Sudan. The objective of this study was to measure PTSD and depression in the population in the town of Juba in Southern Sudan; and to investigate the association ofdemographic, displacement, and past and recent trauma exposure variables, on the outcomes of PTSD and depression. METHODS: A cross-sectional, random cluster survey with a sample of 1242 adults (aged over 18 years) was conducted in November 2007 in the town of Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan. Levels of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD were measured using the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (original version), and levels of depression measured using the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyse the association ofdemographic, displacement and trauma exposure variables on the outcomes of PTSD and depression. Multivariate logistic regression was also conducted to investigate which demographic and displacement variables were associated with exposure to traumatic events. RESULTS: Over one third (36%) of respondents met symptom criteria for PTSD and half (50%) of respondents met symptom criteria for depression. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed strong associations of gender, marital status, forced displacement, and trauma exposure with outcomes of PTSD and depression. Men, IDPs, and refugees and persons displaced more than once were all significantly more likely to have experienced eight or more traumatic events. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence of high levels of mental distress in the population of Juba Town, and associated risk-factors. Comprehensive social and psychological assistance is urgently required in Juba