94 research outputs found

    Phenylboronic Acids Probing Molecular Recognition against Class A and Class C beta-Lactamases

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    Worldwide dissemination of pathogens resistant to almost all available antibiotics represent a real problem preventing efficient treatment of infectious diseases. Among antimicrobial used in therapy, \u392-lactam antibiotics represent 40% thus playing a crucial role in the management of infections treatment. We report a small series of phenylboronic acids derivatives (BAs) active against class A carbapenemases KPC-2 and GES-5, and class C cephalosporinases AmpC. The inhibitory profile of our BAs against class A and C was investigated by means of molecular docking, enzyme kinetics and X-ray crystallography. We were interested in the mechanism of recognition among class A and class C to direct the design of broad serine \u392-Lactamases (SBLs) inhibitors. Molecular modeling calculations vs GES-5 and crystallographic studies vs AmpC reasoned, respectively, the ortho derivative 2 and the meta derivative 3 binding affinity. The ability of our BAs to protect \u392-lactams from BLs hydrolysis was determined in biological assays conducted against clinical strains: Fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) tests confirmed their ability to be synergic with \u392-lactams thus restoring susceptibility to meropenem. Considering the obtained results and the lack of cytotoxicity, our derivatives represent validated probe for the design of SBLs inhibitors

    A novel phytocannabinoid isolated from Cannabis sativa L. with an in vivo cannabimimetic activity higher than \u3949-tetrahydrocannabinol: \u3949-Tetrahydrocannabiphorol

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    (-)-Trans-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) is the main compound responsible for the intoxicant activity of Cannabis sativa L. The length of the side alkyl chain influences the biological activity of this cannabinoid. In particular, synthetic analogues of Delta(9)-THC with a longer side chain have shown cannabimimetic properties far higher than Delta(9)-THC itself. In the attempt to define the phytocannabinoids profile that characterizes a medicinal cannabis variety, a new phytocannabinoid with the same structure of Delta(9)-THC but with a seven-term alkyl side chain was identified. The natural compound was isolated and fully characterized and its stereochemical configuration was assigned by match with the same compound obtained by a stereoselective synthesis. This new phytocannabinoid has been called (-)-trans-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabiphorol (Delta(9)-THCP). Along with Delta(9)-THCP, the corresponding cannabidiol (CBD) homolog with seven-term side alkyl chain (CBDP) was also isolated and unambiguously identified by match with its synthetic counterpart. The binding activity of Delta(9)-THCP against human CB1 receptor in vitro (K-i = 1.2 nM) resulted similar to that of CP55940 (K-i = 0.9 nM), a potent full CB1 agonist. In the cannabinoid tetrad pharmacological test, Delta(9)-THCP induced hypomotility, analgesia, catalepsy and decreased rectal temperature indicating a THC-like cannabimimetic activity. The presence of this new phytocannabinoid could account for the pharmacological properties of some cannabis varieties difficult to explain by the presence of the sole Delta(9)-THC

    BS148 Reduces the Aggressiveness of Metastatic Melanoma via Sigma-2 Receptor Targeting

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    : The management of advanced-stage melanoma is clinically challenging, mainly because of its resistance to the currently available therapies. Therefore, it is important to develop alternative therapeutic strategies. The sigma-2 receptor (S2R) is overexpressed in proliferating tumor cells and represents a promising vulnerability to target. Indeed, we have recently identified a potent S2R modulator (BS148) that is effective in melanoma. To elucidate its mechanism of action, we designed and synthesized a BS148 fluorescent probe that enters SK-MEL-2 melanoma cells as assessed using confocal microscopy analysis. We show that S2R knockdown significantly reduces the anti-proliferative effect induced by BS148 administration, indicating the engagement of S2R in BS148-mediated cytotoxicity. Interestingly, BS148 treatment showed similar molecular effects to S2R RNA interference-mediated knockdown. We demonstrate that BS148 administration activates the endoplasmic reticulum stress response through the upregulation of protein kinase R-like ER kinase (PERK), activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) genes, and C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP). Furthermore, we show that BS148 treatment downregulates genes related to the cholesterol pathway and activates the MAPK signaling pathway. Finally, we translate our results into patient-derived xenograft (PDX) cells, proving that BS148 treatment reduces melanoma cell viability and migration. These results demonstrate that BS148 is able to inhibit metastatic melanoma cell proliferation and migration through its interaction with the S2R and confirm its role as a promising target to treat cancer

    Exploiting the 2-Amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole Scaffold To Inhibit <i>Trypanosoma brucei </i>Pteridine Reductase in Support of Early-Stage Drug Discovery

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    Pteridine reductase-1 (PTR1) is a promising drug target for the treatment of trypanosomiasis. We investigated the potential of a previously identified class of thiadiazole inhibitors of Leishmania major PTR1 for activity against Trypanosoma brucei (Tb). We solved crystal structures of several TbPTR1-inhibitor complexes to guide the structure-based design of new thiadiazole derivatives. Subsequent synthesis and enzyme- and cell-based assays confirm new, mid-micromolar inhibitors of TbPTR1 with low toxicity. In particular, compound 4m, a biphenyl-thiadiazole-2,5-diamine with IC50 = 16 μM, was able to potentiate the antitrypanosomal activity of the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor methotrexate (MTX) with a 4.1-fold decrease of the EC50 value. In addition, the antiparasitic activity of the combination of 4m and MTX was reversed by addition of folic acid. By adopting an efficient hit discovery platform, we demonstrate, using the 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole scaffold, how a promising tool for the development of anti-T. brucei agents can be obtained

    Accelerating Drug Discovery Efforts for Trypanosomatidic Infections Using an Integrated Transnational Academic Drug Discovery Platform

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    According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people are at risk of or are affected by neglected tropical diseases. Examples of such diseases include trypanosomiasis, which causes sleeping sickness; leishmaniasis; and Chagas disease, all of which are prevalent in Africa, South America, and India. Our aim within the New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections project was to use (1) synthetic and natural product libraries, (2) screening, and (3) a preclinical absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion\u2013toxicity (ADME-Tox) profiling platform to identify compounds that can enter the trypanosomatidic drug discovery value chain. The synthetic compound libraries originated from multiple scaffolds with known antiparasitic activity and natural products from the Hypha Discovery MycoDiverse natural products library. Our focus was first to employ target-based screening to identify inhibitors of the protozoan Trypanosoma brucei pteridine reductase 1 (TbPTR1) and second to use a Trypanosoma brucei phenotypic assay that made use of the T. brucei brucei parasite to identify compounds that inhibited cell growth and caused death. Some of the compounds underwent structure-activity relationship expansion and, when appropriate, were evaluated in a preclinical ADME-Tox assay panel. This preclinical platform has led to the identification of lead-like compounds as well as validated hits in the trypanosomatidic drug discovery value chain

    Is cannabidiol a scheduled controlled substance? Origin makes the difference

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    Cannabidiol (CBD) is the main cannabinoid naturally occurring in hemp. It has recently attracted the attention of the scientific community because of its numerous pharmacological activities. However, its legal status changes depending on whether it is chemically synthesized or extracted from the plant: extracted CBD is a scheduled controlled substance, whereas synthetic CBD is not under control. In Europe, extracted CBD is excluded from the cosmetic ingredients of the CosIng database. Given the confusion surrounding these different forms of CBD, there is an urgent need for clarity to shed light from both a regulatory and a chemical point of view. The impurity profiles of synthetic and natural CBD are different and could currently represent the only means to distinguish the origin of this substance

    Optimization of N-alkylation in the Synthesis of Methotrexate and Pteridine-based Derivatives Under Microwave-Irradiation

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    Methotrexate (MTX) and its pteridine-based derivatives represent an attractive chemotype for the development of bioactive molecules. However, the synthesis of pteridines suffers from several drawbacks. Here we describe a new efficient and improved microwave-assisted lab-scale process for the preparation of MTX and congeners. Starting from the commercially available 2,4-diamino-6-(hydroxymethyl)pteridine (Pt-OH), MTX was obtained with an overall 94% yield through a three steps procedure. The crucial yield-limiting and time-consuming step of S N 2 substitution between halogenated pteridine and nucleophilic aromatic amine was taken. The innovative process, conducted under microwave irradiation, improved yield and purity, and in particular reduced the reaction time from days to 20 minutes. The optimized protocol was successfully applied to the synthesis of diverse pteridine-based derivatives and to the preparation in gram-scale of antiparasitic MTX derivatives for in vivo studies. This new optimized synthetic procedure therefore represents a worthy alternative to the current protocols for the preparation of pteridine-based derivatives

    Valore della consulenza finanziaria e robo advice nella percezione degli investitori. Evidenze da un'analisi qualitativa

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    La consulenza automatizzata (robo advice) viene spesso indicata come un fenomeno potenzialmente in grado di colmare il cosiddetto advice gap, ossia in grado di raggiungere l'ampia fascia di investitori ‘underserved' o che non riescono ad accedere al servizio perché hanno un patrimonio basso ovvero perché il prezzo di offerta è superiore alla loro disponibilità a pagare. Il modello di servizio proposto da un robo advice, prevedendo tipicamente soglie patrimoniali di accesso e costi più contenuti rispetto alla consulenza ‘tradizionale', potrebbe risultare attrattivo per gli investitori a patto che essi siano disposti a investire tramite una piattaforma digitale. Il presente lavoro si propone di fornire un contributo al dibattito attraverso un'analisi qualitativa delle percezioni degli investitori in merito al valore della consulenza e, in particolare, del robo advice al fine di individuare i fattori che possono alimentare l'accettazione della tecnologia e la propensione a usare il canale digitale. L'analisi si fonda sulle evidenze di due focus groups, che si differenziano per l'intensità e la regolarità delle relazioni con il consulente finanziario, e quattro interviste individuali in profondità, che hanno coinvolto utenti di uno dei principali robo advisors attivi sul mercato italiano. Con riferimento ai partecipanti ai focus groups, i fattori di stimolo della domanda potenziale di robo advice sono riconducibili a tre livelli di percezione riferibili rispettivamente alla sfera attitudinale, emotiva e razionale. Con riferimento al livello attitudinale, la maggior parte dei partecipanti ai focus groups esprime curiosità e apertura a valutare l'innovazione. A livello emozionale, tuttavia, l'attrattività del servizio digitale viene indebolita da diversi fattori: la mancanza di un riferimento umano stabile nel tempo (che attualmente è rappresentato dal proprio consulente o dai funzionari della banca di cui si è clienti); la paura di dover decidere in autonomia; la preoccupazione di perdere il controllo del processo legata anche all'insicurezza dettata dalla bassa cultura finanziaria; i timori connessi alla sicurezza informatica e al trattamento dei dati sensibili. A rafforzare l'interesse nella novità interviene, invece, la valutazione razionale delle caratteristiche del servizio. Soprattutto i soggetti più sofisticati o delusi dalle esperienze precedenti attribuiscono al robo advice svariati vantaggi legati a: oggettività del consiglio, in contrapposizione alla discrezionalità della raccomandazione proposta da un consulente umano; continuità nel monitoraggio automatizzato del portafoglio; «democraticità», a fronte delle più favorevoli condizioni di accesso in termini di soglie patrimoniali minime e costi; comodità della user experience, declinata anche rispetto alla possibilità di gestire il processo decisionale senza dover mediare con le pressioni talvolta percepite nella relazione con il consulente. Con riferimento ai clienti del robo advisor, i fattori più apprezzati sono il carattere innovativo della consulenza automatizzata, soprattutto nel caso di insoddisfazione delle esperienze di investimento pregresse, l'oggettività dell'algoritmo e l'accessibilità delle piattaforme online. Nel complesso, quindi, le opinioni espresse dai partecipanti all'indagine sembrano convergere su alcuni fattori chiave che già alimentano ovvero possono alimentare la domanda di robo advice. Un altro elemento che accomuna tutti gli intervistati (sia i partecipanti ai focus groups sia gli investitori delle interviste in profondità) è la preferenza per il modello ibrido di consulenza automatizzata, che coniuga il canale digitale con l'assistenza di un consulente umano. La possibilità di continuare a interagire con un professionista ‘fisico' in caso di necessità rassicura chi non è utente di robo advice e permette a chi lo è già di sperimentare la novità, senza necessariamente abbandonare (almeno in una prima fase) l'istituto bancario/il consulente di riferimento. L'indagine ha fornito ulteriori evidenze di interesse anche per possibili implicazioni in termini di consumer protection, in generale, e di educazione finanziaria, in particolare. Per quanto riguarda il processo decisionale, si conferma il ruolo chiave di euristiche come la fiducia nel sistema finanziario, la propensione alla contabilità mentale e l'attitudine al disposition effect (ossia la tendenza a mantenere troppo a lungo in portafoglio titoli in perdita e a vendere precocemente quelli che stanno guadagnando). Gli intervistati comprendono l'importanza del risparmio e della gestione oculata del denaro, ma mostrano tuttavia una scarsa propensione a pianificare in modo strutturato. Soprattutto i soggetti meno sofisticati, inoltre, si caratterizzano per una scarsa conoscenza del servizio di consulenza e, in particolare, dei relativi costi e dell'importanza dello scambio informativo consulente-cliente ai fini della valutazione di adeguatezza. In questo contesto, si conferma il ruolo educativo del consulente, riconosciuto dagli investitori come un importante punto di riferimento in tutte le fasi del processo di investimento

    Valore della consulenza finanziaria e robo advice nella percezione degli investitori. Evidenze da un'analisi qualitativa

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    La consulenza automatizzata (robo advice) viene spesso indicata come un fenomeno potenzialmente in grado di colmare il cosiddetto advice gap, ossia in grado di raggiungere l’ampia fascia di investitori ‘underserved’ o che non riescono ad accedere al servizio perché hanno un patrimonio basso ovvero perché il prezzo di offerta è superiore alla loro disponibilità a pagare. Il modello di servizio proposto da un robo advice, prevedendo tipicamente soglie patrimoniali di accesso e costi più contenuti rispetto alla consulenza ‘tradizionale’, potrebbe risultare attrattivo per gli investitori a patto che essi siano disposti a investire tramite una piattaforma digitale. Il presente lavoro si propone di fornire un contributo al dibattito attraverso un’analisi qualitativa delle percezioni degli investitori in merito al valore della consulenza e, in particolare, del robo advice al fine di individuare i fattori che possono alimentare l’accettazione della tecnologia e la propensione a usare il canale digitale. L’analisi si fonda sulle evidenze di due focus groups, che si differenziano per l’intensità e la regolarità delle relazioni con il consulente finanziario, e quattro interviste individuali in profondità, che hanno coinvolto utenti di uno dei principali robo advisors attivi sul mercato italiano

    Financial advisor-investor relationship. CONSOB Mirroring survey on sustainability and investments

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    The integration of the ESG factors (Environment, Social, Governance) in the financial advice process is among the most important goals of the Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth launched by the European Commission in 2018. The incorporation of sustainability rests on the assumption, supported by evidence and empirical research, that the financial advisor can play a key role in informing and promoting investors' interest in sustainable and responsible investments. It is therefore useful to investigate whether the financial advisor-investor relationship may lead to a higher consideration of the ESG factors in the individuals’ investment process by leveraging on the communication between the parties involved. The present Report pursues this objective by comparing investors' opinions on responsible investment products with advisors’ perceptions of their clients’ preferences. Building on the answers to a double interview (so-called mirroring survey), the Report detects some areas for improvement also thanks to a matching indicator, i.e. a measure of the alignment between investors’ statements and professionals’ perceptions
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