1,244 research outputs found

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    Testing links between childhood positive peer relations and externalizing outcomes through a randomized controlled intervention study

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    In this study, the authors used a randomized controlled trial to explore the link between having positive peer relations and externalizing outcomes in 758 children followed from kindergarten to the end of 2nd grade. Children were randomly assigned to the Good Behavior Game (GBG), a universal classroombased preventive intervention, or a control condition. Children’s acceptance by peers, their number of mutual friends, and their proximity to others were assessed annually through peer ratings. Externalizing behavior was annually rated by teachers. Reductions in children’s externalizing behavior and improvements in positive peer relations were found among GBG children, as compared with control-group children. Reductions in externalizing behavior appeared to be partly mediated by the improvements in peer acceptance. This mediating role of peer acceptance was found for boys only. The results suggest that positive peer relations are not just markers, but they are environmental mediators of boys’ externalizing behavior development. Implications for research and prevention are discussed

    A Moment-Based Polarimetric Radar Forward Operator for Rain Microphysics

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    There is growing interest in combining microphysical models and polarimetric radar observations to improve our understanding of storms and precipitation. Mapping model-predicted variables into the radar observational space necessitates a forward operator, which requires assumptions that introduce uncertainties into model-observation comparisons. These include uncertainties arising from the microphysics scheme a priori assumptions of a fixed drop size distribution (DSD) functional form, whereas natural DSDs display far greater variability. To address this concern, this study presents a moment-based polarimetric radar forward operator with no fundamental restrictions on the DSD form by linking radar observables to integrated DSD moments. The forward operator is built upon a dataset of > 200 million realistic DSDs from one-dimensional bin microphysical rain shaft simulations, and surface disdrometer measurements from around the world. This allows for a robust statistical assessment of forward operator uncertainty and quantification of the relationship between polarimetric radar observables and DSD moments. Comparison of "truth" and forward-simulated vertical profiles of the polarimetric radar variables are shown for bin simulations using a variety of moment combinations. Higher-order moments (especially those optimized for use with the polarimetric radar variables: the 6th and 9th) perform better than the lower-order moments (0th and 3rd) typically predicted by many bulk microphysics schemes

    Understanding mechanisms of change in the development of antisocial behavior: The impact of a universal intervention

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    The association between the development of antisocial behavior, affiliation with deviant friends, and peer rejection was tested with a preventive intervention; 664 boys and girls were randomly assigned to a universal classroom-based intervention targeting disruptive behavior or a control condition. Peer nominations of antisocial behavior, friends' antisocial behavior, and peer rejection were assessed annually for 4 years. A high, a moderate, and a stable low antisocial behavior trajectory were identified. Large reductions in antisocial behavior were found among intervention children who followed the high trajectory. These reductions coincided with affiliations with nondeviant peers and with decreases in peer rejection. The affiliation between deviant and nondeviant peers was initiated by nondeviant children. The results support a causal role of deviant friends and peer rejection in the development of antisocial behavior. The implications for our understanding of the mechanisms leading to reductions in antisocial behavior are discussed

    Competing global and local completions in visual occlusion.

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    Staat van infectieziekten in Nederland, 2013

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    In dit rapport wordt gelinked naar een bijlage: appendix150205001.De uitbraak van mazelen in 2013 was de meest in het oog springende infectieziekte van dat jaar. Dit blijkt uit de Staat van Infectieziekten in Nederland 2013, die inzicht geeft in ontwikkelingen van infectieziekten bij de Nederlandse bevolking. Daarnaast worden de ontwikkelingen in het buitenland beschreven die voor Nederland relevant zijn. Met deze jaarlijkse uitgave informeert het RIVM beleidsmakers van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS). Elk jaar komt in de Staat van Infectieziekten een thema aan bod; dit jaar is dat de hoeveelheid jaren in goede gezondheid die verloren gaan (ziektelast) door infectieziekten. Sommige infectieziekten, zoals maag-darminfecties, komen erg vaak voor maar veroorzaken over het algemeen geen ernstige klachten. Andere daarentegen, bijvoorbeeld tetanus, komen slechts zelden voor maar veroorzaken relatief veel sterfgevallen. Een gezondheidsmaat die deze aspecten van ziekten combineert is de Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY). Voor 32 infectieziekten is de ziektelast in Nederland tussen 2007 en 2011 geschat. De gemiddelde jaarlijkse ziektelast voor de totale Nederlandse bevolking was het hoogst voor ernstige pneumokokkenziekte (9444 DALY's per jaar) en griep (8670 DALY's per jaar), die respectievelijk 16 en 15 procent van de totale ziektelast van alle 32 infectieziekten vertegenwoordigen. Na polio en difterie (0 gevallen in de onderzochte periode), werd de laagste ziektelast geschat voor rodehond op 0,14 DALY's per jaar. De ziektelast voor deze ziekten is zo laag dankzij het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma. De ziektelast per individu varieerde van 0,2 DALY's per honderd infecties voor giardiasis (diarree die wordt veroorzaakt door een parasiet), tot 5081 en 3581 DALY's per honderd infecties voor respectievelijk hondsdolheid en een variant van de ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Voor alle ziektelaststudies geldt dat de resultaten afhankelijk zijn van de modelparameters en aannames, en van de beschikbaarheid van accurate gegevens over de mate waarin de ziekten voorkomen. Toch kunnen deze schattingen informatief zijn voor beleidsmakers binnen de gezondheidszorg om prioriteiten te kunnen aanbrengen in preventieve en andere maatregelen.The measles outbreak in 2013 was the most striking infectious disease of that year. This is demonstrated in the State of Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands 2013, which provides insight into infectious disease trends in the Dutch population. Developments in other countries that are relevant for the Netherlands are also described. This annual RIVM publication informs policy-makers from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). Every year the State of Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands publishes reports on a particular theme. This year's topic concerns the estimation of disease burden: how many years of health life are lost due to infectious diseases? Some infectious diseases, such as gastrointestinal infections, occur frequently in the population, but do not generally give rise to serious complaints. In contrast, other diseases, for example tetanus, occur rarely but may lead to a high risk of death. A summary measure of population health that combines the morbidity and premature mortality attributable to a disease in a single quantity is the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY). For 32 infectious diseases, we estimated the disease burden in the Netherlands between 2007 and2011. The highest average annual burden for the total Netherlands population was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs per year) and influenza (8670 DALYs per year), which represent 16 and 15 percent, respectively, of the total burden of all 32 diseases considered. After poliomyelitis and diphtheria (no cases in the period investigated), the lowest burden was estimated for rubella, at 0.14 DALYs per year. The extremely low burden for these diseases is due to the National Immunization Programme. The disease burden per individual varied from 0.2 DALYs per 100 infections for giardiasis (diarrhea that is caused by a parasite), to 5081 and 3581 DALYs per 100 infections for rabies and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, respectively. As with all burden of disease studies, results depend on disease model parameters and assumptions and on the availability of accurate data on the incidence of infection. Nevertheless, estimates of disease burden can be informative for public health policy-makers regarding the prioritization of preventive and other measures.Ministerie van VW
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